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I did not want to decide between +Atk and +Def for FE!Edelgard, so I pulled a third copy to give the +Atk a merge. +Def got -Spd as a Flaw, so she is fine being unmerged to better take advantage of -Spd if I ever decide to build her up as an Enemy Phase unit.

Also got Eir and Nagi.

2 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

As it is he's actually halfway decent -HP/+Spd

That is not halfway decent, that is his best nature. -HP is extremely valuable for getting into Desperation range more easily since it reduces both bulk. +Spd is the preferred Asset for the vast majority of Player Phase units.

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200 orbs in the legendary banner without single a 5*.



 I guess, it makes up for my luck I had in the Young Archanea banner (pulled Whitewings, Caeda and Marth in a row) and 6% seasonal banner (perfect Ishtar as third pull).

Edited by Falcom Knight
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Tickets huh? Didn't get any of the picnic units, but I did get a +HP/-Spd Zelgius for my second account, my 3rd Zelgius (already have a +Atk). Likley merge but in case I need Panic Ploy for someone I've booked him for now.

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3,966 total pulled units.  This is short, so I'm not going to bother with spoilers.

Thea (+Atk/-Res): WOOHOO~!  Will most likely end up as a merge, since I already have a +Atk copy, though.

Forrest (+HP/-Res): This is identical to the one I already have.  The one I'm trying to improve, no less.

Lukas (+Spd/-Res): Almost anyone else would be happy with this.  But alas. . .

Gordin (+Def/-Res): With that, I've pulled every single -Res combination possible.

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Got a B!Lucina on one of my tickets which was the literal best possible pitybreaker I could have gotten. Now I have one for Light and Astra if I ever want to go with her over L!Eliwood on non-Wind Seasons.

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Pretty fantastic start to the month as far as getting me to save and be more disciplined. I have a new self imposed budget of 100-120 orbs I can spend per month. With that, plus documentation in an excel file (overkill I know) it'll be much easier to stock up on orbs for Lyn/Edward.

This banner made it pretty easy with me already having Genny, Felicia and an optimal Lukas. Red and Green are pretty much the only appealing colors for fodder purposes and wouldn't you know it? No greens and only one red showed up in the circle. Laslow graced me with his presence for 0 orbs spent.

In an act of new found discipline, I've decided I'm not going to summon on this banner until I have all 15 tickets.

I've also decided that barring a last minute yolo on the Close Counter banner tomorrow, I'm not going to spend any orbs until my birthday on the 6th.

Look at me, I'm a big boy now.

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Tickets so far have given me P!Genny which is nice since she is new and I broke down and spent 15 orbs on the banner as well for P!Lukas and I actually got him!  It is always great to finally pull someone you really wanted, 15 orbs well spent.  I will use the rest of the tickets to try for P!Flora since she is the last one on the banner I don't have.  I am now truly in save mode.

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Spent some time questing, so now I've got the three remaining tickets for the Picnic banner. Hopefully there are some reds this time around.

  1. 3* M!Morgan: You're being manual-ed in the event I pull more merges for your sister.
  2. 4* Boey: Worthless.
  3. 3* M!Morgan: Okay?

At least I got some reds. Now to accumulate the rest of the daily tickets.

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I hope the circle ends here.

4 Red, 1 Colourless (Oh boy. Again.)

4* Y!Marth (I'#ll end up with a +10 at this rate. +Res/-Spd), 3* Palla (....I'm not even going to say it. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sylvia (It's more dancers. +HP/-Res), 3* Hana (Stop it. +HP/-Def)

5%, this is suffering.

Picnic has tickets as well.

3 Green, 2 Colourless

3* Setsuna (Another launch unit. +Def/-Spd)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Sophia (To the bin. +Def/-Spd)


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This game is being dumb. Last 4 pulls all free:

1. Duo Ephraim (+Def/-Res)

2. Picnic Flora (+Atk/-Spd)

3. Fae

4. Picnic Felicia (+Spd/-HP)

I am going to get wrecked when I actually need a unit later.

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Dumped other 90 orbs and got Celica to +7 and a Naga copy. 

On 4/30/2020 at 5:24 PM, Landmaster said:

Noice new Galeforcer, congrats!

Thanks! Congrats to your Lancina! 

19 hours ago, Zeo said:

Look at me, I'm a big boy now.

(deep voice) Yay! 

Good luck holding your stash together. 😉


Edited by mampfoid
Naga, not Nagi
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56 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


(deep voice) Yay! 

Good luck holding your stash together. 😉


70 orbs already. Not doing too bad so far. One colorless orb on this new banner made it easy to avoid spending any orbs. But I may yolo just a little for a last try at close counter before today is over. Who knows when the chance for it will come around again.

My new limit is 100-120 per month though so I'm trying to avoid spending anything at least  until looking at the new heroes banner trailer that'll probably drop on my birthday (the 6th).

Edited by Zeo
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Today's ticket gave me my umpteenth Celica. She and Laegjarn, I swear. They're my most common off-focus 5 star pulls these days. 😕 Why can't I pull Elincia like this? I want to merge her up...

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Oh, it was just another Brave Lyn. This is getting out of hand, I have 5 of her now. If I get any more, I may have to start merging her.

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After a successful yolo today, I stopped saving-mode and finished my Celica in 325 orbs! 


The 3 Celicas came with a neutral Nagi (my first) and a +SPD Naga (she will be +2). 

Overall I got 5 Celicas, 2 Nagas, 1 Nagi and a +ATK/RES Edelgard from this banner in ~630 orbs, which is everything I saved up before the banner started. Very happy with the results, I could have ended with 6 Nagi instead ... 

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Landmaster Haha, congrats! So you got your personal cyl banner for golden week. 

Clearly my game is very confused

2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

After a successful yolo today, I stopped saving-mode and finished my Celica in 325 orbs! 


The 3 Celicas came with a neutral Nagi (my first) and a +SPD Naga (she will be +2). 

Overall I got 5 Celicas, 2 Nagas, 1 Nagi and a +ATK/RES Edelgard from this banner in ~630 orbs, which is everything I saved up before the banner started. Very happy with the results, I could have ended with 6 Nagi instead ... 

OOOO nice, congrats in finishing her!

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Picnics always have ants.

3 Blue, 2 Red

3* Seliph (Launch units sadden me. +Atk/-Res)

Glimmer has Claude.

Also units I have.


4* Mordecai (If I wanted to +10 it'd be so easy. +HP/-Atk)

Children are saddening too.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Oscar (oh. +HP/-Atk), 5* Y!Marth (I'm certainly near +10. +Def/-Spd), 3* ELiwood (Wow. +HP/-Res), 3* Stahl (Bleh. +Spd/-HP), 4* Merric (You're too old, you suck. +Spd/-Atk)

I'm done with the banner. I might try the legendary, but I'm really just kind of done with Heroes. DOesn't help I'm tearing through 3H's other routes too.

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Tried summoning from the Legendary banner again with some of the orbs I got from the voting gauntlet, and once again I got lucky! I summoned Naga, a unit I didn't have before. Plus, for Golden Week, I somehow managed to summon Mareeta IMMEDIATELY. Naga and Mareeta, plus the two Legendary Marths a couple days ago...this tells me that I'm gonna have terrible luck next time something comes that I really wanna summon.

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