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Successfully got all four heroes with all 40 summons without having to go for extras for Corrin. I was lucky enough to get a Corrin in the last summon. I thought I was going to get another random blue 5* since I got  Perceval (who I still confuse for Dimitri for some reason) on my first few summons. Also, I summoned Ike for my free 5*.

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Started off this banner with 1,460 orbs planning to use about 1,000 of them. I sniped reds, but planned to pick up Lyon as free unit. I was expecting it would let me spend all my orbs before having to use the free summon, but it forced the free summon immediately. I definitely hesitated when I failed to get either Ike or Julia within my first 40 summons. Stuck to the plan though and ended up with a solid haul anyways.

7 Fallen Ike

5 Fallen Julia

E! Chrom (+HP/-Atk)

Keaton (+Def/-Res)

Fallen Lyon

V! Catria (+Def/-Spd)

Laevatein (+Def/-Spd)

F! Byleth (+Spd/-Def)

Swordhardt (+Spd/-Def)

Lethe (Spd/-Res)

Adrift Camilla (+Res/-Atk)

Rhajat (+Def/-HP)

Kiria (+HP/-Def)

Did not get any great IVs on Ike or Julia. Best options are +Res Ike or Neutral Julia.

Still have 465 orbs. Will probably wait until the Mythic banner before deciding whether to invest more orbs on this one.


Edited by BigBandit
forgot unit
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8 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

That was pretty good! Too back you didn't get the one you wanted, but you got some pretty strong heroes!

That's totally fine.

I think Julia is more outstanding than Ike simply because this unit type doesn't really exist, but there's no need to complain at all.

Five (amazing) 5* for 140 orbs is a splendid outcoming.

Still Ike is the fastest unit in Heroes (besides Mareeta, I believe).

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Another Picnic ticket gives me...

  1. 3* Henry: Garbage.

And now back to the Fallen banner with 34 orbs after some Chain Challenges.

  1. 4* Marth: Meh.

Another set with 29 orbs.

  1. 3* Mae: Garbage.

Yet again no reds. 24 orbs left.

  1. 5* Fallen!Ike: There he is! Unfortunately he's got the same problem as Julia with his flaw. +Atk/-Spd rears its ugly head yet again on my sword infantry. Still, at least I have him.

One last set with 19 orbs. Hopefully I can get enough reds to pick my freebie 5*.

  1. 4* Tharja: I guess not.

With 2 units left on the counter and only 14 orbs I'll have to leave my freebie for tomorrow. I'm not willing to risk four or five reds showing up in the next circle. At least I got Ike, gimped as he may be.

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Token 2.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Chrom (I have a ton of potential Aether. +HP/-Spd), 4* Hinata (More please. +Atk/-Res), 3* Est (I spy something trash. +HP/-Res), 4* Valbar (Another merge. +HP/-Def)

3.5% so far. 

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So far this fallen banner has given me the best luck i've had my entire time playing this game.

Free summoned a +attack Shannan. Fantastic, I actually have been wanting to get him for awhile now.

Ticket 1: Kiria, sure why not? I hear she is really strong. So not complaining

Ticket 2: Fallen Julia, heck yes! Neutral IVs, cool.

Ticket 3: Trash

Ticket 4: Fallen Ike, +speed. I think I just won the game with this one.

Funny thing is, this is right after I managed to free summon legendary Edelgard last week.

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Let's end the picnic misery.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Jeorge (*sigh. +Atk/-Res)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Wendy (Bah. +Atk/-Spd)

Not one 5*. This was a waste,

Weekly revival, I mean I only got Alm so far?

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Priscilla (Why? There's plenty I've never seen before. Just, go away. +HP/-Res)

Let's check out the fallen banner,

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Res (Why no Lyon?)

3* HInata (I can accept a future full of him. +Res/-HP), 4* Wendy (I mean with that refine it could be worth making the +10 now... +Atk/-Def), 4* Nowi (Man Lightning Breath+ ain't what it used to be. +HP/-Atk)

3.75%, mainly because I've had 15 since Julia.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Soren (You're no demon king. How disappointing. +Def/-HP), 3* Bantu (Merge some day? Hmmm. +Atk/-Res), 3* Athena (Nope. Neutral), 4* Stahl (Can we drop him to 3* only? +Spd/-HP), 3* Silas (I've gotten worse. Much worse. +Atk/-Def)

4%. Out of tokens. I am at the mercy of the game and with how few greens have shown up that's a little worrying.

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I just got a male Byleth while taking another crack at more Fallen Ike copies. Well, it's Distant Counter at least! I actually wanted to give that to Valentine Conrad. Now he'll really make use of that +Res! I need to get more copies of him next time he's available though, so that Def bane is wiped away. Would make him an even better mixed tank since his Def is already a decent 34 with a refine.

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Got nothing from the tickets on my  main account, even if I did end up pulling the last circle because I wanted Flora/Lukas as characters. That said, I did end up with +Atk/-Def Alm on the second red orb!

On the opposite end of the spectrum, while I did get two 5 stars from tickets on my second account, I didn't get any Echoes character from the revival. I got a good consolation prize of my first Forrest however, with a workable +Atk/-Res at 3 star

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I finally got my first Faye! She was stubborn and came in at the last of my 80 orbs. +HP/-Spd so pretty good overall, and I at last have Bow Exp and one my book 1 unit off the list.

Next up, I need to grab BOTH Arya and Blue Olwen next week... and then Dorcas 2 weeks after that... and finally Eldigan 3 weeks after that one and I’ll have every Book 1 5*.

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6 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

I finally got my first Faye! She was stubborn and came in at the last of my 80 orbs. +HP/-Spd so pretty good overall, and I at last have Bow Exp and one my book 1 unit off the list.

Next up, I need to grab BOTH Arya and Blue Olwen next week... and then Dorcas 2 weeks after that... and finally Eldigan 3 weeks after that one and I’ll have every Book 1 5*.


ooh good luck!!

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Edelgard's legendary banner left me completely unprepared for Julia. Right now I am at 18 summons (22 more to go). The reason for for these 3 random were my boredom. Instead of using the last two tickets for cheaper sessions I used them both immediately along with 4 extra orbs I had. By the looks of it the bridal banner will most likely begin in a week or something so it will be a long time waiting for the orbs to appear. Hopefully by the end of the month saving mode for CYL4 will have already started. 

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So...Golden Week has been pretty damn Golden to me. Just on the Picnic banner, using only tickets and the free pull, I've gotten 2 Karla, a P!Lukas, Kaden, and Shiro. I forgot to use my ticket yesterday, and Ryoma's boy came home for the wait. So...he's now +4. Yay. Hope his refine is similar to Siegbert's, because Sieg's is nice.

Edited by silverserpent
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On 5/6/2020 at 11:00 AM, Tybrosion said:

Maybe at this point, I should try picking a blue or two with the remaining tickets just to see if I can blunder into picnic Lukas too.

I suppose the above quote means that I don’t even need to say what I got with my final ticket, right?



Yep, I did indeed blunder into him (+Atk/-Def) too after getting Genny (twice) and Felicia.

And so ends the luckiest run of tickets I believe I’ve ever had, and probably ever will have.

Also, I managed to get another angry Ike with pull #11 on the Fallen banner. This one wasn’t +Spd or +Atk either, but it at least let me erase the -Spd on my first.



Nothing else of note has turned up on this banner since that pull (at 18/40).

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I sunk about 150 orbs into the fallen banner to hit 40 pulls, got a +atk -spd altena, neutral olwen, and b!ephraim for some special fighter fodder. Now that I have a 5* altena I might consider building her, but I'm already working on a +10 cordy so I'm not sure. 😑 I free summoned lyon, though I was really hoping I'd also get julia. I've still got 200 orbs or so but I want to save those for the mythic banner with leif and alm in colorless.

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I used arena orbs and a few I had left along with them to give more Fallen Ike merges yet another try and I got yet another Julia. Ugh. DX That's three Julias at this point and three Ikes not counting the free one I picked which would make four. Don't do this to me now game. 😞

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