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Congrats on your pulls, everyone~ Did a lot of traveling today so I couldn't post until now~

Was going in for Leif and an Alm merge or two~

Given that I am a proud member of the Duma Faithful and that Alm generally hates me every time he appears, it took about 120 Orbs before someone came home~



+Atk/-Spd Mila~ Can't really complain about that~

I kept going and tossed in a handful of Orbs and


FINALLY, I've been waiting to get him for so long and he didn't make it too hard for me~ He's +HP, -Spd! Nothing to be mad about there~

I thought to spend a last 50 but it only took 20 for Alm to show up~ As always, he has to come after everyone else but that's probably the least amount of Orbs I've ever had to spend to get a single copy of him~ So he's +2 now~ Funnily, everything I pulled was -Spd~

I would have liked to get an Annette but I needed to secure Leif first and Alm decided to show up instead of her so I'll take what I can get~ I may try again for Annette but I can't complain at all, finally got Leif and it didn't cost a kidney~

9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

70 Orbs... No Mila, but it's fine since I don't really need her. I already have Eir and Peony, and Bride Fjorm for Light Seasons. But I got...

LQWoSfO.png kfzipyG.png

My first Leif! Now I have a Pair Up Hero to all seasons! I may pick that Festival Xander from Divine Codes for him.

And my 2nd Eliwood. I still don't know what to do with him. I could merge him, or fodder him. Still thinking...

Congrats Dio!

I use one Eliwood for AR and one for AB~ An Eliwood for all occasions~

8 hours ago, mcsilas said:


Ok. Mythic banner is here. I was saving for L!Leif, been failing to get him. Mila is an added bonus, I like her and she makes colourless excellent in this banner. Would also like a Forrest at some point and a +Atk/+Spd Brady maybe. 

Had 190 orbs on my main which is a record, and about 136 orbs on second account.

Went with second account first. Had just enough for new hero spark but I've been saving for so long and I needed a win after a tough week. Free summon was a Klein, and then the second colourless? +Spd/-HP Mila. Wow that was fast! Unfortunate combo but hey I wanted her, and kind of fitting she is in the account with Brave/Legendary Celica. Can also finish my Earth theme team I had in mind. Really great result, considering this account had less orbs.

Thought I'd try my main account next. Unfortunately, it took so much longer to even fish out a focus unit- there were too many single colourless circles and I passed the 10%. Ended up with a dupe +Atk/-Def L!Alm in the end. Already had a +Spd +1, but now I'm getting indecisive about the boon. No more colourless but there was another green with a high rate, my current Annette is +Spd/-Atk so I dared to try and... I managed to get a merge! +Atk/-Spd Annette! Opposite IVs funnily enough...I think her superboon makes this a bit better? Tried blue to fix L!lucina's -Atk but was just Mathilda.

I had about 70 orbs left and I really wanted a non-dupe so my impatience got the better of me. Before I knew it, I had 17 orbs left and with one last try, I got two colourless. First one was +Def/-Spd L!Leif!!!! FINALLY. Ironically the other colourless was Nanna, which is fitting. Kind of sucks it took pretty much my whole stash but I haven't done some quests yet or Astram's GHB. At least I got my first Forrest, although he was +Def/-Res. Got a few Bradys in a row but no Spd/Atk.... still an overall win.

Then I went back to try for Leif on my second account again. It took 92 orbs..... but I got L!Leif as well! +Spd/-Atk L!Leif though lol, but hey the Leonster family is fully complete now. Had 44 orbs left but this account had a better position than my main orbs wise. And got some Sothes which I was running low on. Funny how both Mila and Leif got a boon on their dump stats heh.

Overall a success in the end. Kind of sucks to not have that cushion for the new heroes so I reaaaaallly wish it's not someone I want. At least I don't need to save for Mythics anytime soon (maybe Bramimond but not a high priority). And hey now I can use Leif to farm CCs and get more orbs in return for the investment. I wonder if I can get to at least 100 within a week...

Wow, congrats on all those 5*s! Happy you got everything you wanted!~

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Oof. I spent about two hundred or so on Orbs again, but no Mila. Got UOT!Lief [+Atk, -HP] which is fantastic. Got 3 SK!Alms, and one of them is a +Spd. Also got my first MOO!Hector, which is nice for Galeforce strategies.

As a fellow cheese lower, let me assure you that you'll appreciate +ATK Leif much more than you would have appreciated Mila. 


45 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

FINALLY, I've been waiting to get him for so long and he didn't make it too hard for me~ He's +HP, -Spd! Nothing to be mad about there~

Yay, congrats Landy!


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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

As a fellow cheese lower, let me assure you that you'll appreciate +ATK Leif much more than you would have appreciated Mila. 


Hm, that is true. I already have BH!Ike on Light Season with double Peonys, so I do not really need another Light Mythic. But it would still be nice to have options though.

With MOO!Hector also being there, I guess the game is telling me to go back to work on my infantry Galeforce projects, which I have been delaying for the past several months getting side tracked by other units.

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4,054 total pulled units


Corrin (+Atk/-Spd): I might build a second one, since I think I can find uses for him.  Current one is +Spd.
Robin (+Def/-Spd): That could've gone better.
Oscar (+Spd/-Res): I prefer +Atk on you.
Kagero (+Atk/-Spd): Hello there I have some extra feathers, interested?
Gunter (+Spd/-Atk): Eeep.

Eliwood (+Def/-Spd): You are not Wendy.
Abel (+HP/-Atk): The other way around!
Tailtiu (+Atk/-Def): Dammit, this one's good.
Brady (+Spd/-HP): He really likes this.
Beruka (+Def/-Res): +Atk or bust.

Peri (+Res/-Def): NO.
Silas (+Atk/-Def): And another good fodder that's also Good.
Mila (+Spd/-Atk): This. . .has to got to be some kind of joke.  She went full pacifist.  Well. . .I said I'd use her, and I will.  Will probably swap out Nurturing Breath for Water Breath (Def), to make her even more obnoxiously bulky.  The +2 to all stats is tempting, though.
Priscilla (+Spd/-HP): Not bad, I guess.
Nino (+Res/-Def): FODDER!

That was a surprisingly competent pull session.


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Ladies and Gents, we got him.


Pent has come home, on a delicious -Atk nature. I couldn’t be happier about him. He’ll be put to work immediately and go to lvl 40, embark on a quest to complete his heroic ordeal, stand in the back whilst others clear Rival domains, gain Hero Merit and then, if the update does not increase Hero Merit cap, he’ll be foddered of to Brunnya.

Brunnya will be complete after the update. Except maybe a merge or two depending on wether or not I want to get two or three Marisa for my IP fodder.

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Time for another circle from Mila's banner. 21 orbs and a 9.5% pity rate on hand.

  1. 4* Forrest: New unit! +Atk/-Def is pretty good, so you'll be getting some feathers soon.
  2. 3* Kaze: Eh.
  3. 4* Cordelia: Eh.
  4. 3* Shanna: Desperation fodder.
  5. 3* Cherche: Ugh.

Make that a 10% pity rate...

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So, I hope the goddess doesn't leave me too many Reds and Blues.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Where's that Green?)

4* Legault (It's something. Not Kronya though. +Spd/-Def), 4* Virion (The Bizarro of archers. +Res/-HP, especially with that statline.), 4* Norne (Another one for the merge! +Def/-Res)


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16 hours ago, XRay said:

With MOO!Hector also being there, I guess the game is telling me to go back to work on my infantry Galeforce projects, which I have been delaying for the past several months getting side tracked by other units.

Hmm, why Hector? Edelgard is also great for Galeforce. 

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49 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Hmm, why Hector? Edelgard is also great for Galeforce. 

He gives Pulse Tactics, which could be useful for a mixed Galeforce team. I am working on infantry Galeforcers right now, but after that, I am going to work on cavalry and flier Galeforcers next. For cavalry, I plan to finish building Peri and work on Eliwood and maybe also do BB!Marth. For fliers, I already got Cordelia, Caeda, and TSOIA!Palla, but I still need to finish Minerva and TSOIA!Minerva by giving them Galeforce, and work on Clair and Elincia, and maybe also build BB!Sigrun.

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Crazy luck on Legendary banner. Had around 40 orbs. First session gave me no Colorless, but pulled 2 Greens and a Red and got another Legendary Hector which I'm saving for DC fodder.

Second session had one Colorless which gave me Mila! And +Atk/-Def too! Bane isn't ideal, but easily workable. Went for whole circle but got nothing else, but for only 28 orbs spent this was just what I wanted. Now I can start saving again.

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Had a free L!Hector yesterday, but no further luck in ~100 orbs so far.

3 hours ago, XRay said:

He gives Pulse Tactics, which could be useful for a mixed Galeforce team. I am working on infantry Galeforcers right now, but after that, I am going to work on cavalry and flier Galeforcers next. For cavalry, I plan to finish building Peri and work on Eliwood and maybe also do BB!Marth. For fliers, I already got Cordelia, Caeda, and TSOIA!Palla, but I still need to finish Minerva and TSOIA!Minerva by giving them Galeforce, and work on Clair and Elincia, and maybe also build BB!Sigrun.

Yeah, Hectors C-skill is cool, but Edelgard attacks trice per turn without a dancer, which is really cool. Together with Lilith you could go the "kill 4, tank the rest" strat. No need for WoM or a dancer. 

Who do you have for Infantry? Velouria? Time's pulse on her is great. 


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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Who do you have for Infantry? Velouria? Time's pulse on her is great. 


I have two Velourias so far, but they are unbuilt. One is [+Atk, -HP] and the other is [+Res, -HP]. I am waiting for two +Spd copies to pity break me so I can get them to +1+3 or +4+0, although if any of the +Spd copies have -HP, I would just leave them unmerged. I plan to have them Ally Support with double Altinas for Astra, although I am not sure when I plan to get a second Altina.

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Took me a lot of orbs but finally got Byleth of the the three houses banner actually went on a fairly rough no 5 star drought.  Still want Base Edelgard though. Got a minus attack Bridal Micaiah a while back makes me sad that she is minus attack. Also got a Leanne off that banner who is new for me. Mila is only unit I am really intrested on the legendary banner so skipping that.

Edited by vikingsfan92
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A weekly revival where I've only gotten one of the units.

It's still a bit snooze.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Python (I've seen worse. +HP/-Atk)

Meanwhile, Mila's Turnwheel doesn't work for summoning sadly.

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Way more like it. I wish I'd gotten this many greens in the fallen banner.)

3* Norne (Nice. +Res/-HP, Norne +3.), 4* Echidna (Is Heroes.... giving me what I want? Weird, but I ain't complaining so that's good. +HP/-Def), 4* Echidna (AAAAAAA That's 2 more for my project! +Def/-Spd), 3* Cherche (If I wanted to make a +10 this wouldn't be a problem. +Spd/-Atk)

9%, but hey two Echidnas is always welcome.

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I got Dorcas! Relatively few orbs too, it only took like 5 green orb-less sessions in a row lol. He is -HP/+Res, but he will be benched forever anyway. All I need is Eldigan in 3 weeks to complete my book 1 5* exclusive catalog 🙂 

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17 hours ago, XRay said:

I have two Velourias so far, but they are unbuilt. One is [+Atk, -HP] and the other is [+Res, -HP]. I am waiting for two +Spd copies to pity break me so I can get them to +1+3 or +4+0, although if any of the +Spd copies have -HP, I would just leave them unmerged. I plan to have them Ally Support with double Altinas for Astra, although I am not sure when I plan to get a second Altina.

I have +ATK on her, because she can can't attack with WTA. Fury + ATK/SPD Bond seal was enough for most doubles so far. Not needing Heavy or flashing blade helps. 

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11 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Spend 5 orbs and I got a Mila. She has the worst possible nature (for me at least) +Hp -Atk. The same nature as Bramimond. August's colourless is going to be a must. 

I raise you +Spd/-Atk for worst.  Because that's what mine is.

EDIT: Small update.  4,055 total pulled units.

Rath (+Atk/-HP): Only non-colorless orb on the revival banner, and I'll take him.  He's a strict upgrade to my other one (+Atk/-Spd).  I'm also partial to +Atk on him, since Sue exists.

Edited by eclipse
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Whoa, free summoned a Forsyth. That said, I already did have one from randomly before, so.

EDIT: And as I just finished typing that I pulled Legendary Lucina. Wow.

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Weekly Revival 12 first. I've already got everyone on the banner, so I'll try to fix Lute's Res flaw.

  1. 4* Mae: Meh.

Now the Bond Skills banner. Owain?

  1. 4* Olivia: Nope.

That's a shame. With 27 orbs, time for another circle from Mila's banner.

  1. 4* Jakob: Feathers.
  2. 4* Gaius: Ugh.
  3. 4* Athena: Moonbow fodder.
  4. 4* Roy: More feathers.
  5. 4* Est: FFS.

Well, that was a worthless circle. Up to a 10.5% pity rate now.

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56 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Weekly Revival 12 first. I've already got everyone on the banner, so I'll try to fix Lute's Res flaw.

  1. 4* Mae: Meh.

Now the Bond Skills banner. Owain?

  1. 4* Olivia: Nope.

That's a shame. With 27 orbs, time for another circle from Mila's banner.

  1. 4* Jakob: Feathers.
  2. 4* Gaius: Ugh.
  3. 4* Athena: Moonbow fodder.
  4. 4* Roy: More feathers.
  5. 4* Est: FFS.

Well, that was a worthless circle. Up to a 10.5% pity rate now.

Ouch, I think I'm just as bad on Mila's banner too.


The new banner gave me Freddy, which is no good I wanted the last Grimmy merge damn it.


Ah well, I guess we have our wins and our losses 😕

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Yep, 10.5% for me before my first 5-star, and now I'm two pulls away from 10.5% again, with one unit in between. It's been a cruel banner if I disregard the unit I did pull was perfect. Over 250 orbs for two 5-stars would be bad even for a regular banner.

My hope is that I won't have to dip into my rainy-day orb stash (i.e. unclaimed story mode and chain challenge orbs) in order to break the rate, though I'm not optimistic.

On the other hand, maybe this, combined with the fact I've gotten my most wanted Legendary, means I can pivot to primarily summoning from New Heroes banners in the future.

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