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Such weird luck for me; I've spent 200-300 orbs on 3H Summer banner and still never ever saw Dorothea, Ingrid or Sylvain. Just got pity broken at 4.75% by neutral Micaiah so I guess I give up. Really wanted to give the Divine Code Summer Linde manual's Starfish to Dorothea... 

But maybe my luck is turned around in August cuz holy cow, with the free summons this morning I pulled Nagi (+Res -HP), Gerik (sadly +HP -Atk) and then Igrene (+Spd -Def)! All new faces for me. 

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So uh... I hate this game.

Do you know how many free orbs I gathered up for the stupid Mythic Banner, only to do a summon and not get even one Green orb? And then I do a throwaway summon just to prove to myself that the game hates me (that is, do a summon with only 6 orbs so if more than one of an orb color appears I have to spend $2 usd for the extra orbs), and of course I prove the game hates me, AND THEN GUESS WHO'S THRONE-SITTING SILHOUETTE APPEARS BUT HEL HERSELF IN THE GREEN ORB I PICKED. Also Arthur in the other orb.

+HP -Res, could ask for better... won't cause at least she's still usable.

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The daily BHB banner is super exciting this time...

  1. 3* Stahl: Worthless.

And now the new BHB banner. Hoping for Nagi.

  1. 5* Sword!Reinhardt: Naturally there's no greens, but this isn't too bad. At least that's what I would have said if he wasn't -Atk/+Spd. Literally the worst possible outcome. It's not like I'm ever going to use him, but that still pisses me off.

I finally get another free 5* only for it to be both a unit I hate and saddled with an atrocious asset and flaw. Still, better than feathers.

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Klein and Clarine's banner, where I do not care about the result.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Priscilla (Oh well. +Spd/-Def)

Ah the BHB banner, a chance to get Nagi or be pitybroken by any 5*.

*sigh, the situation with the Hero Fest is really bad actually, I was just lucky to be unaffected.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Python (What a guy that Python. +HP/-Def)

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I free pulled a Larum on the Klein Clarine banner!! That’s exciting!! She came in at -Atk+Spd lol but that’s fine, she is a unit I would never pull for otherwise and it’s great to finally have a dancer in my Binding Blade roster 😄  truly, the perfect kind of off focus~

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So, I went back into the legendary banner for ... I don't know why. Ended up with a legendary Edelgard. I guess that's fine. +HP -spd is much more workable on her than either Hel or Thrasir.

Also, guess summonable Edelgard finally decided to show up for me.

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Had a small rate in the mythic banner so I went for it hoping to fix Edelgard's +Spd but I ended up getting a +Spd -Res Hel. Getting her and with the supeboon was a nice thing. The -Res kind of haunts me as I wanted to use Hel in general content and now that's a big no I guess. I think I will stop here on the mythic banner, October has both Edelgard and Hel returning so I can fix their natures and give them merges then.

The free pulls in the rest of the banners gave me several Sol/Noontime fodder and I appreciate that a lot. The Hero Fest was unkind as it gave me a Delthea, a Katarina and a F. Morgan and all at -Atk. Really hope they do something to compensate the whole mess. 

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3 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Randomly pulled a Naga today...on the Bernadetta banner. Yes, I know there are other heroes there.

Wow! That's awesome! I didn't know there were others Mythic Heroes in that banner outside Sothis!


You pulled Nagi, right? Right.

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Okay last post I swear, I decided eh screw it I got orbs from the Tiki Nagi hero battle, just use the summoning tickets and leave the Hero Fest behind.

Bernadetta +Spd -Atk within 2 orbs. Literally the unit I was most YES with getting. And fortunately I already had a Bernie to get rid of that unsightly Atk flaw.

So... yeah. Hopefully it's not quite so soon that I return here with the results of a single 5* I like.

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5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Wow! That's awesome! I didn't know there were others Mythic Heroes in that banner outside Sothis!


You pulled Nagi, right? Right.

Yes. Nagi. I would have understood pulling her in the Dragon banner (makes complete sense), but was surprised to get her in the Hero Fest. Granted I am just trying to get Bernie, but...

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So in case anyone doubts my complete inability to save orbs (for pirate Tibarn in this case), here's me caving and spending what orbs I do have on the Hero Fest to get Nagi or a CYL2 or before 5*. Except, I did actually get her (and a third off-focus) in just three pulls never punished:



Ranulf: merge #2 also damn you for not being one of the snapped 5*s
Nagi: +Atk/-Def

The pull not shown here was just a 3* Barst, which is also pretty good given I never have enough Reposition fodder to go around.

Pyrrhic victory at its finest. Though if nothing else, those 15 spent orbs will come back in the form of the compensation orbs (assuming I'll still need orbs for Tibarn by the time those are distributed, of course).

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This banner's got three units I wouldn't throw out that's for sure.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Reyson (Well, could be worse. +Def/-Res), 3* M!Robin (That's disappointing. +HP/-Spd)

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Nice, got lucky and pulled another Hel.

+def -res is definitely fine, right? I think I'll keep that one. Better than being +res -spd.

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This daily banner's actually pretty good. Elincia?

  1. 5* Elincia: Awesome! +Spd/-HP for the record since my current copy is +Atk. She's +2 now, making her that little bit better.

That was a very nice surprise. A free 5* yesterday, a second one today, maybe a third one tomorrow?

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Bad News: No green stones in the pool for the Elincia x Sanaki BHB. 

Good News: Settled for the lone blue stone, got a Nephenee. My first ever.

Ugly News: She has a SPD flaw. Ugh.

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YES! Okay, so I FINALLY pulled Hel (after getting every free orb I could, including from modes I forgot existed, such as Tactics Drills and Radiant Gardens.) I was at least at 9.5%, but I hadn't checked in a little while. She's +HP -Atk but I hardly care. Someday I might pull a +Spd one, but I'm super happy with the one I have right now. X3

During my pursuit, I managed to pull a Legendary Edelgard and a Legendary Roy (there were no green nodes. Also, both of these were my first copies.) On another banner I free pulled my first Brave Roy...which was kind of surprising since he wasn't a focus unit. I guess the game decided that I needed more Roys...and Hawkeyes. So many Hawkeyes. I think I pulled someone else, too, but I don't remember. Anyway, all told, nice run for me! Now to go back to trying to get Ingrid.

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Well, it took me 200+ orbs and weeks of anguish, but I FINALLY got Summer Ingrid! (along with a Gerik and two 4 star Sylvains, but I’m not complaining). Got all the way up to 4.00% and then 4.50% before I pulled her. I swear, I had a heart attack whenever there wasn’t a blue on the summoning circle. Definitely worth it for a -HP, +Spd on my first Ingrid though. 

First time having all units on a banner. It’s a good day to be a F2P player.

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