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26 minutes ago, Vicious Sal said:

Exact same Iv’s as mine haha!


She is the best wind legendary so it’s a good project, but I think we’ll be seeing more skills like twin blades soon. Heroes has a habit of making a ‘problem’ and later selling the solution. So I think she won’t hold up all that well over time.

She still is a 185 BST Hero with a lot of stats, so still a great hero even if they decide to release an inheritable skill that nullifies damage reduction.

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1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

Exact same Iv’s as mine haha!


She is the best wind legendary so it’s a good project, but I think we’ll be seeing more skills like twin blades soon. Heroes has a habit of making a ‘problem’ and later selling the solution. So I think she won’t hold up all that well over time.

I've been saying this too.  - there is SO MUCH DR right now, it won't surprise me if we start seeing inheritable twin blades (longer cooldown or something) or other skills that pierce through it.  but honestly. I think she's basically 2020 Fjorm. really good defensively, (and with enough spd she can actually double unlike regular Fjorm) and Fjorm (with new skills like stances etc) is actually pretty awesome, so.. she probably will have her time in the sun - but even when she falls off it's not like she's at the bottom of the well like. you know. SOME Legendary Heroes... *eyes Ryoma*


(also Eliwood is wind and is pretty darned good too lol)

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Since upcoming banner is a non sparkable banner I decied to spend more orbs in the brave banner, With 60 orbs at hand and a starting 3.25%

I got a +atk Leila and another BraveLysithea.

That Leila is the best possible non focus unit I could get, super exciting!

The third pulled BraveLysithea is neither +atk nor +speed as well, but there's something coming out soon which will fix this.

Now I'm trying to get 135 orbs together for the next (non revival) spark banner.

I will not spend one more single orb in a legendary and seasonal banners anymore aside it's a double heroes banner because I want to get guaranteed focus units.

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Double chance for a free Sigurd. First, Weekly Revival 6.

  1. 3* Ogma: Feathers.

No surprise there. Now the TT banner.

  1. 4* Eirika: Meh.

And since I'm a sore loser, one last circle on the Legendary banner with 23 orbs. I'll take anything I can get at this point.

  1. 5* Naga: Wow, three times in a row when I wanted zero. +Res/-Spd, so merge fodder. Still, she's a 5*.
  2. 5* Naga: I'm sorry, what? At this rate she'll be +10 completely by accident. +Def/-HP for the record.
  3. 4* Reinhardt: Finally something different.
  4. 4* Seliph: No.
  5. 4* Python: Moonbow fodder.

On the one hand, I got 4 5*s from this banner. On the other hand, literally all of them are merges for the one unit I didn't want from this banner. I guess I have a +6 Naga now?

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Two free pulls.

At least for TT I have Sigurd and Deirdre, but no Quan's a disappointment as any chance to get him would be nice.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Mordecai (I have bad ideas all the time. +Def/-HP)

Meanwhile, a Book 1 Weekly revival and a second shot at Sigurd and a Naga user.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Frederick (Mehderick. +Res/-Atk)

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Free pull from the TT banner was a random Gwendolyn. Free pull from the weekly revival was a Female Morgan last time I got her, in the hero fest I forgot her flowers so that's nice I guess. Also using 10 orbs I broke my rate in the brave banner and got a green 5*. Another Helbindi, I also hadn't picked his flowers so some more are appreciated also now that I gave the chicken the A slot, he will be used for IP. Wished it was an Edelgard but that's fine I guess. 

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The game is literally taunting me right now.

My endless quest to get legendary Julia, now at around 1600 total spent across her 5 reruns. Not a single copy has shown up yet.

And now my free summon from the weekly revival banner, regular Julia. Was about to throw my phone after this. I didn't though.

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I had 637 orbs.

I now have 604 orbs and this:


-Hp, +Def, so not really all that different from neutral.


Bye banner, and thanks for the amazing free unit in the form or Eldigan.

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Free pull and dip as I have no need for more dancers. Priority for Lachesis because she has good fodder and is easier to get, let's see how it goes:


Eh? Is the CYL banner still going on or something? And here I thought I skipped it. Anyways, she's very eagle to join my army and she's pretty strong as a unit although I prefer W!Sothis because ridiculous Spd never gets old so I'm gonna use her for AA or something. 

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I dumped 150 orbs. After 60 or so I got a 5* Lachesis -Atk+Res and then immediately after in the next circle I got Duo Sigurd -Spd+Res so pretty optimal! I decided to keep going even though I got my two goals... Quan called my name at the moment even though I really don’t need him and I would rather wait for a double heroes banner anyway...  I wasted the rest of my orbs and I got a -HP+Res B Eliwood. SS3 is nice, though I am pretty bummed. Shouldn’t have spent but oh well! Can’t be in regret~. Let’s start TT grinding!

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I'm here for the duo. Dancing horses might lead to nightmares, but oh well.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (When I want Red.....)

4* Niles (Miles off what I am looking for. +Atk/-Def)

2 each Blue, Green, `1 Colourless (Again?)

3* Gordin (Bordin Neutral)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Cain (At least it's better than Abel. +Atk/-Res), 4* Roy (No, boi..... +HP/-Res), 4* Raven (Just remove him from the pool please. +HP/-Atk)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Roy (Go away. +Spd/-Atk)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Henry (Pool reform absolutely should be a thing imo, because units like this just pile up now. +Spd/-HP), 5* SigurDeirdre (Well shit, I wasn't expecting it this fast to be honest. +Res/-Atk..... oooof. That's another on that list of trait fruit interested. I'd rather not expand that list.), 3* Oscar (Noscar. +Def/-Res), 4* Nowi (No way indeed. +Res/-HP), 4* Sheena (*Meehna. +Res/-Atk)

I'm out. This banner wanted to be done fast at least. At least it wasn't CYL.

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I only briefly dipped into the new banner, but I did get ballroom Lachesis (4*, and +Atk/-Def too) on about my fourth green stone. 

Oh, and I had a pity rate on the now expired pirate banner that I was able to break. Unfortunately, it did not result in Brigid:



I just used this one as a merge, as tempting as more Fort. Def/Res 3 was.


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Got Sigurd (+HP/-Def) and Lachesis (+Spd/-HP) in 110 orbs! Lachesis took until the summon right before Sigurd to show up, so things were getting pretty worrying, but she showed up at 5*, so I get to save some feathers. Also got a duplicate Kaden (neutral) along the way.

Well below the average cost for that, so it looks like my summoning plans for the rest of the month are still on track.

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My objective was to pull 2 copies of each of the new special heroes and +10 Lachesis. I managed to do it in around 700 orbs, I got Sigurd +res, Quan +atk and Ethlyn +spd! Was waiting to pull for Altena because I needed 4 more copies, but I think I will try to get her with free summons( or if I happen to snipe blue). Now I need 180.000 feathers to promote every lachesis, it's gonna be a while

Edited by Mecha Wilson
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So, was just going to free pull on the new dancing banner, but I got 4 red nodes and 1 blue node, so I decided to pull a full wheel and stop. Happened to get a +HP -Res Sigurd, so yay! Guess I'm done with this banner! =D

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