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This revival banner has tokens.

Let's use them.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Bartre (Blahtre. +Spd/-Res)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Libra (I keep getting launch units, this is a change. +Spd/-Atk)

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Merric (Nahric. +Def/-Spd)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Sheena (I always think that this is a better unit when she shows up. I am always disappointed. +Spd/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (No Green? Oh well)

4* Lon'qu (Honestly, Vantage makes him better than half of book 1. +HP/-Atk )

Banner machine broke, I didn't get a Ced.

The refine banner's only 4 days long for some stupid reason.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Hawkeye (Like taking an arrow from Hawkeye. +Def/-Spd)

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Nephenee's back.

The dancer to be precise.

Also Rein and Ishtar I guess.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

3* Olivia (Definitely not this dancer.+Spd/-Res)

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Forgot about the New Power banner, so that first. Grey so I can hopefully complete the set.

  1. 4* Clarine: Nope.

And now for A Splendid Soiree. Grey again, since I already have Ishtar.

  1. 4* Gaius: Ugh.

No free Nephenee for me...

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Free pull in the revival banner was a 3* beruka, though I hoped for a Kana merge.

Also I made my final pull in the dancing banner and got a +Res -Spd M. Kris. Excellent fodder but even at - Spd he still a pretty good unit to run in AR especially since aside from Bylass no one in my barracks appreciates his fodder. Will keep him until I either get a DC or until we get Seiros and she is speedy. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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Already had all three units on the revival banner, but I got a +Atk/-HP Hinoka, which is an upgrade over my original +Def/-HP one.

C slot Flier Guidance could be useful on my +10 Aversa, since I use her a lot in AR Astra season and those teams tend to be filled with fliers, although if we get one or more Astra mythics soon it could change that.

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Just now, my friend did her various summons for the banners that she hadn't pulled on.

These are the notable things she pulled:
1) A Surtr on the first summon circle for Heirs of Light revival
2) Free Hector on the New Power banner
3) Free Duo Sigurd+Deirdre on their banner

A nice haul, I'd say!

Edited by Sunwoo
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Oh look a Book II revival that has no units I care about.

4 Colourless, 1 Green My CYL would have been jealous)

3* Reyson (while alright, I'd like more Echidna merges, Norne's near +10. +HP/-Atk)

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i've been lucky and pulled a +atk -def Duo Sigurdre, and i'm super happy i managed to get out of the red hell so quickly

now back to saving orbs

Edited by Yexin
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I caved and sparked Larcei on her banner, Now Eliwood will have Panic smoke and he will be done. 
Also got a second Dream F Corrin (free pulled her on this banner iirc) which sucks. So no second pulse smoke fodder. And a Shannan showed up. Which is great fodder for something sometime.

Still above 600 orbs.

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As much as I'd like Tibarn and Elincia (and Nailah), I can't justify spending orbs on these banners. And of course the banners taunt me with lots and lots of reds.

Beast banner

2R 3B: 4* Eliwood
3R 1G 1C: 3* Silvia
2B 1G 2C: 3* Odin
2R 1B 2C: 4* Palla

The other banner

4R 1C: 4* M Corrin
3B 2C: 4* Forrest
1R 2B 2C: 3* Ogma
2R 1B 2C: 3* Draug

Mild disappointment all around, with the best one being my first Forrest. At +Spd -Atk that's pretty much his worst possible nature of course.

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At least the tickets were easy to get this time. Maybe Sanaki can finally get a merge from Debut 1.

  1. 4* Tanya: Meh.
  2. 3* Sophia: Feathers.
  3. 3* Sophia: Seriously?
  4. 4* Stahl: Swap fodder.

Oh well. Now to see if I can get Tibarn from Debut 2.

  1. 4* A!Tiki: Bonfire fodder.
  2. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  3. 5* Tibarn: Boom! +Res/-Def isn't good, but it's still serviceable. At least he isn't -Atk. Maybe Caineghis now?
  4. 4* Azama: Not even close.

Another free 5* for the barracks.

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I honed in on getting these tokens, do it early and all that. I have all but Nailah though

Debut 1 kinda sucks.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Wrys (Of course. +Atk/-HP

4 Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Klein (Good.+Atk/-HP)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Seth (So very not Seth. +Def/-HP)

3 Blue, 2 Red

3* Ogma (I chose poorly. +Def/-Atk)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* L'Arachel (I've seen worse. +Res/-HP)

3 Colourless, 2 Red

4* Sakura (Suckura. +Def/-Atk)

3 Blue, 2 Colourless

4* Ferdinand (It's Reposition. +Res/-HP)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

5* Ophelia (It's that girl AR players hate.+Def/-Atk Son of a-)

Pretty much 0 Greens. Also, why am I being pursued by a 2 year old Fates banner, First Nina ruins my CYL4 and now this.

Edit: I also pulled a second Flora in July, but these two in particular are suspicious to me.

Edited by Dayni
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8 summons, 4 per banner. The one with Sanaki and Ellincia gave me a free copy of each, all the other summons were 4*.

Not bad results. I fully expected to get mad that I summoned 2 Ellincias and nothing else, but one Sanaki is a good takeaway for 8 free summons.

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I spent... hmm... 15 orbs? On top of the tickets for the Leanne banner. I got my first copy! +Atk-Def. Thankful for those tickets, I’ve been wanting Leanne for a while, and she came so cheaply too! She is as sturdy as paper with thag super bane though lol. Last time I tried for Leanne, I wound up with my first Bow Hinoka at -Atk+Def ironically, so I’m glad history didn’t repeat itself.

nothing else to report on the rest of my pulls, though I have everyone on the focus.

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