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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Swordhart can't pitybreak you at this point because he's a 4* Special pull now. Nah, on the other hand, very much can (until she too gets yeeted into the 4* Special pool sometime next year).

Regardless, any chance you need a drinking buddy? Because this game very much hates me too (at least when I'm spending orbs):

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No, I wasn't even pulling for blues at this point. I just wanted either Myrrh + Nah or baby L'Arachel but instead just got a new lance for my +10 Tana (because you better believe that this Minerva was foddered off immediately and with no hesitation).

This game can go pound sand.


Huh. 4* Special pull....and it doesn't break one's pity. Wow. I've been out of the running for way too long. 

As it turns out my pity wasn't broken after all and I got count Dheginsea, along with a five star jester Xane to go with it. 

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Yesterday's Tactic banner gave me a 4* Henry, today's Spurn banner...

  1. 4* Clarine: Not a single red or blue.

That was dumb. Now for the BHB banner.

  1. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder.

And The Land's Bounty.

  1. 4* Seteth: No.

Hmm, do I spend on the Legendary banner or not?

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Took about 40 orbs, but I did manage to get Legendary Fae in the end, which is neat in and of itself. +HP -Def is... not amazing, but then again Fae's special fully heals her if it triggers, so... maybe it's not THAT bad?
I also got Nifl. That was neat.

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First, blue on the Chill banner.

  1. 3* Tatiana: No.

As for the legendary banner, I'll take two circles and see what I get. With 149 orbs I don't have enough to splurge, but I am interested in this banner.

  1. 4* Lilina: No.
  2. 4* Orochi: +Atk/-Res is pretty good with a merge, so I'll keep you.
  3. 4* Tethys: No.
  4. 3* Chad: No.
  5. 3* Natasha: No.

Complete garbage, as I expected. 134 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  2. 3* Palla: No.
  3. 5* Ullr: Great! At least I got one new unit! +HP/-Res is mediocre, but good enough for my purposes.
  4. 3* Odin: No.
  5. 4* Leon: No.

Well, that went well enough. I was hoping for some better luck after my recent string of disasters, but I'm happy with Ullr.

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2c55b5704cb011e086c7a3c4767c89fef5c03277  487e2894fe7d7bf447b6f49f45d26c431ba73be8


I had weirdly good luck with summoning 4-star special focus units on the New Heroes banner, and all of them are characters I like. Now I finally have Leo! Unfortunately, I didn't get Wolf until my 40th summon when I pulled for him for free. I don't feel like spending any more orbs to get Malice, since I have a very strong feeling I'll want to summon at least one character from the highly likely ninja-themed Special Heroes banner that will happen in November, or summon for new characters from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn or Awakening, which I suspect will be added very soon. I'll keep an eye out for Malice in the future.

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Tried to get Triandra from the Legendary banner to improve my AR-D options. I got a +Atk -Hp Charlotte instead. I have Ninja Hana at +10 so I won't invest a lot in Charlotte, but being +Atk and not -Spd already makes her worth keeping around.

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Alright, time for a bunch of pulls. Starting with red on Weekly Revival 38.

  1. 3* Jagen: No.

Red again for the Ignis banner.

  1. 4* Mordecai: No.

I don't have anyone from Trick or Defeat, so grey for the better odds.

  1. 5* H!Sakura: Hey, nice! Not that she's much use anymore, especially when I have Guinevere+1, but a free 5* is fine any day. +HP/-Res, so that's tolerable.

Grey again for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Catria: Really?

And for the new ninja banner, I don't particularly care, so I'll just try to get Shinon for being a red bow.

  1. 4* Bantu: Not even close.

Well, I got H!Sakura, so that's good enough for now. Back to saving orbs.

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Well, I already got me a 4* M!Corrin. So, onward to sniping red! (Oh. No pun intended.) Time to bring Shinon home! (I guess I always collect every one of the Griel's Mercenaries to come out. That seems to be the case anyway.)

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Care to guess which banner is the one I don't actively loathe?

Ninjas 2021



Free pull ninja princesses, let's fucking go.

Also, Leila is +Atk/-Spd and Fiora is now the only regular FE7 pull I don't have.

Halloween 2021 (keep in mind, I already got pity broken by non-focus units at 4% prior to the following pulls)



Fun fact: that's actually me in the first screenshot and not Dimitri.

Halloween M!Grima is +Res/-Atk (and of course that's a super flaw). The fact that he wasn't +Spd is the only surprise here.

I now hate Halloween instead of simply disliking it and fuck this banner for not expiring as soon as the ninja one started. The only upside here is that I got Helbindi back as a 4* Special (though the shit luck extended to him as well, as he's +Spd/-Def) in addition to a Takumi.


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My luck on the ninja banner has been showing me...mixed results. I got Shinon and a few copies of M!Corrin like I wanted but 400 orbs in and I have yet to get Duo Corrin. Instead I have been pitybroken eight times by Charlotte, Ascended Fjorm, Pent, Brave Edelgard, Jill , Eyvel, Kiria and Mamori which of the bunch I really only care about Jill to maybe give her a merge. Geez, times like these that I wish Special Heroes banners had a spark system to them as well. Getting Duo Sothis last month also ate up a decent chunk of my orb stash. I don't know if I want to keep trying or maybe hope Duo Corrin does well when in A Hero Rises 2022 comes in a few months.

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I haven't kept as careful track of my summoning lately, so some of this I forget what banner I was pulling on or what Heroes I was hoping for; generally nothing in the last month has had anyone that I want to say I particularly loved or couldn't live without, but I haven't been saving either since my luck has been pretty good. I want to say that no banner in the last month has made me complete more than 3 circles without offering at least something; it's been a while since I've had a pity rate that was worth complaining about! 

Oct 27 (what was I pulling on?) I got in one circle a second merge for AK!Claude (+2, still neutral), a second merge for BMK!Olwen (+2, also neutral haha), and my first ever copy of Gray (!) (+Res -Atk). 

At some point recently I got another Charlotte (+Spd -Def, good fodder). 

In the Mythic banner I free-pulled UE!Nailah (+Def -Atk, good fodder tho) then got Mila (!) (+Def -Res). 

In the Ninja banner I've been pulling on all colors; in the first session I got a 4* DNA!Corrin (!) (+Atk -Def) and SN!Shinon (!) (neutral), and in the fourth session I pulled Kiria (+Def -Spd, fodder) and Sara (!) (+Atk -Res). 

With no pity rates anywhere atm, it's possible I'll try to save some for Fallen Celica's rerun and for the next New Heroes banner (I'm so excited if that leak is true!). 

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So far no Ninja F!Corrin in sight, but the banner lasts for a while so I'm in no rush. 

As for the 3H rerun banner, I got a +Def -Hp Marianne on the 3rd ticket. I don't think I'll use her a lot because I have more infantry blue mages than I know that to do with (and many are at +10 to boot), but I have no need for Blue Duel 4 either. Eh, I'll leave her on the Reserves as a trophy unit. 

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Time for some more pulls. First, green on Weekly Revival 29.

  1. 4* Roderick: No.

Blue for Seeds of Fodlan and its tickets.

  1. 3* Cecilia: No.
  2. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.
  3. 4* Hawkeye: No.
  4. 4* Reinhardt: No.
  5. 3* Oscar: No.

That was disappointing. Red for the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Lilina: No.

And lastly the Legendary Remix. I've got everyone on this banner, so I'll see if I can give Tiki a merge present to honor her new skills.

  1. 4* Ferdinand: Again?

Ugh, that sucks. Back to saving orbs.

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So uh... Weekly Revival has Mikoto on it? Alright, guess I'll take a Colorless orb. Oh there's three? Alright, I'll take the top one!
...I free summoned Mikoto.
...the third colorless orb also had Mikoto.
...it was only like 2 or 3 sessions later that I got a third Mikoto.

Not that big a deal, Mikoto isn't exactly the best of healers, but hey that's neat Flash is still a good inheritable staff weapon OH WAIT SHIT MY MIKOTO WAS +7 MERGE I JUST +10 MERGED MIKOTO. COMPLETELY out of left field, I was just summoning for the heck of it at first, but then it seemed possible and then it happened.

Wow... I literally only need one more very specific summon, and I will have +10ed the entire Adrift crew.

In only semi-related news, I give up on the Ninja Training banner. I didn't even get a Male Corrin, but I DID get 2 copies of Nagi and two 4* special summons of Zelgius and Adrift Camilla (who is who I need to summon for the +10 Adrift crew), plus at least one other 5* locked unit I don't remember anymore because I was too salty at their NOT being a ninja to care who it was. No one notable, I can tell you that.

Edited by Xenomata
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I had a pretty insane haul on the Tellius banner.

I pulled everyone on the banner once, as well as my first Roshea and Fiora, and 4-star special Takumi, Siegbert, and Lene.

Also, I somehow only pulled one Marcia despite getting basically every other female pegasus knight in the game. Well, at least she showed up.

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Only noteworthy pull so far is a +Spd Tanith (because of she comes after I've already +10'd Elincia). But this is fine. She's a little more tanky than Elincia, and I like her character. I'll still end up +10'ing her, eventually. Also, I kept thinking Ascendant Laegjarn was red...because fire...So, now I'll be pulling colorless along with red for Volke/Tanith merges.

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