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This week's free Arena ticket gets me another Mia:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria
  45. Laevatein
  46. Brave Lysithea
  47. Lysithea
  48. Catherine
  49. Mia
  50. Mia


42 pulls from the Hall of Forms rerun banner:

  • 2 Cordelia (+1 spark)
  • 0 pity breakers

Cordelia is now +4, but I still don't have a copy with a better Asset than Atk.


40 pulls from the Dimitri remix banner:

  • 2 Dimitri
  • 1 Ingrid (+1 spark)

This brings me up to a total of 4 copies of Ingrid.


86 pulls from the Plumeria remix banner:

  • 3 Plumeria (+1 spark)
  • 1 Fir

Plumeria is now +10 once I figure out which Asset to go with. Fir would be +6 if I merge all of the copies, but I'm not sure if I want to use any for skill fodder yet.


I'll pull on the New Heroes banner after I get all of the tickets.

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This week's free Arena Ticket got me Ayra.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana
Week 47: Male Fallen Corrin
Week 48: Female Byleth
Week 49: Laegjarn
Week 50: Ayra

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Blue for Weekly Revival 2.

  1. 3* Mathilda: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 48.

  1. 3* Eliwood: No.

Grey for Ninja Training.

  1. 3* Linhardt: No.

Blue for Wyvern Ninja.

  1. 3* Jagen: No.

Since I'm sitting on 263 orbs, one full circle from each Remix banner. First Plumeria...

  1. 4* Seteth: No.
  2. 3* Mae: No.
  3. 4* Chad: No.
  4. 3* Dwyer: No.
  5. 4* Sothe: No.

And now Dimitri. 248 orbs left.

  1. 3* A!Tiki: No.
  2. 4* Fir: No.
  3. 4* Bantu: No.
  4. 3* Mordecai: No.
  5. 4* Oscar: No.

That was bad. Now to see if I can get Attuned!Nino from the tickets on her banner.

  1. 4* Wil: Huh. Well, I'm pleased you showed up early. +Spd/-Def is a nice combo as well.
  2. 5* Dedue: Not bad. +Res/-Atk is only okay, but it's a way better base than my current +Spd/-Res copy.
  3. 3* Cherche: No.
  4. 4* Python: No.
  5. 4* Gunter: No.

Well, at least I got some nice things out of this session. Wil is good to have, and Dedue can finally have a good asset. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Mikoto: Could be better. +HP/-Atk isn't great, so I think I'll keep my current +1 +Spd copy.
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Neglected to post any specifics of my pulls I'd done in my final week before leaving indefinitely once again. It was strangely fruitful as if the game was trying to entice me to stay, though to be fair it was mostly 4*SRs. Can't remember which banners these were from but:

+Atk -HP Ascended Ced
Two Phinas
+Def -Res Febail
...and I think this Ranulf was the arena freebie.

Best of all, I got my second ever Elice and she's +Spd. Much too late, obviously. I did just come back to claim my Farguses (Fargi?) though and tidied up some stuff.

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104 pulls from the Nino/Ginnungagap banner:

  • 1 Nino (+1 spark)
  • 1 Ginnungagap (+1 spark)
  • 3 pity breakers
    • Ascended Hilda
    • Ascended Elincia
    • Louise

1.9% focus rate is pretty crummy and is a bit less than 1 and a half pulls below average. 4.8% total 5-star rate is also crummy and is a bit more than 1 and a half pulls below average.

Neither Nino nor Ginnungagap have an Asset better than neutral. As usual, I continue to attract Ascended units.

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This week's Arena Ticket got me Selkie.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana
Week 47: Male Fallen Corrin
Week 48: Female Byleth
Week 49: Laegjarn
Week 50: Ayra
Week 51: Selkie

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Grey for Weekly Revival 3.

  1. 4* Jakob: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 49.

  1. 4* F!Shez: No.

Blue for the Luna banner.

  1. 3* Catria: No.

Blue for Catria and Est's BHB banner.

  1. 5* Valentian!Est: Yeah! +Def/-HP is fine for her.

Grey for the Hall of Forms banner.

  1. 4* Soleil: Only reds and blues...

Grey for the Double Special banner.

  1. 3* Linhardt: No.
  2. 3* Sakura: No.
  3. 4* Luthier: No.
  4. 4* Sothe: No.
  5. 3* Colm: No.
  6. 5* Rinkah: At least I got a 4* Special from this. +Atk/-Def is a good base, but I'll stick with my +2 +Spd copy.

That went nicely. I'm sitting on 278 orbs, so I'm going to try to snipe for Ascendant!Fir on Plumeria's Remix banner. Hopefully this doesn't turn into a disaster.

  1. 4* Draug: No.
  2. 3* Erk: No.
  3. 4* Scathach: No.

Of course it wouldn't be that easy. 265 orbs left.

  1. 3* Eirika: No.
  2. 3* Sophia: No.

256 orbs left.

  1. 4* Lucius: No.

251 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: No.
  2. 4* Palla: No.
  3. 4* Caeda: No.

238 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: No.
  2. 4* Sophia: No.

229 orbs left.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.

224 orbs left.

  1. 3* Guy: No.
  2. 3* Fee: No.

215 orbs left.

  1. 4* Setsuna: No.

210 orbs left.

  1. 4* Soleil: No.

205 orbs left.

  1. 4* Fir: Not quite...
  2. 3* Raigh: No.

196 orbs left.

  1. 4* Athena: No.

191 orbs left.

  1. 4* Silvia: No.

186 orbs left.

  1. 4* Laslow: No.
  2. 3* Henry: No.
  3. 4* Raigh: No.

173 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ascendant!Fir: Finally! +HP/-Def is adequate, so I'm satisfied. Now to see if my 8.5% pity rate gives me anything else from the circle.
  2. 4* Palla: No.
  3. 4* Ferdinand: Reposition fodder.
  4. 5* L!Lyn: Yay. She's woefully outdated, and being +Def/-Atk doesn't help, but still nice merge fodder for my +3 +Spd copy.
  5. 4* Emmeryn: No.

Down to 153 orbs, I find myself with a new Ascendant!Fir and a merge for L!Lyn. For 33 total pulls from the Remix banner that's not too bad, especially considering the two freebies I just picked up. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Gatrie: A new unit! That hasn't happened for a while. +Def/-HP (the same as Est, funnily enough) is good for him, so a nice capstone to a good pull session.
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This week's free Arena Ticket gave me Lethe.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana
Week 47: Male Fallen Corrin
Week 48: Female Byleth
Week 49: Laegjarn
Week 50: Ayra
Week 51: Selkie
Week 52: Lethe

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Last week's free Arena ticket got me another Ike. This week's got me Male Kris:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria
  45. Laevatein
  46. Brave Lysithea
  47. Lysithea
  48. Catherine
  49. Mia
  50. Mia
  51. Ike
  52. Male Kris


I haven't done any pulls from the new sparkable banners yet since I was away for Thanksgiving, but I'll probably get around to them later this week or this weekend. My barracks is back down to only 13 free slots, so I'll probably have to clean out some space first, too.

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Blue for In the Moment.

  1. 4* Clair: No.

Red for Past Meets Future.

  1. 4* Caeda: No.

Blue for the Draconic Aura banner.

  1. 3* Thea: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 4.

  1. 3* Wil: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 50.

  1. 4* Sophia: No.

Now to pull circles from Gullveig and Kvasir's banner until I get something or give up. 214 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Nowi: No.
  2. 4* Echidna: No.
  3. 4* Python: No.
  4. 4* Tanya: No.
  5. 4* Niles: No.

Not a good start. 199 orbs left.

  1. 5* L!Yuri: Nice, yet another Wind legendary. +Atk/-HP is good, so that's good.
  2. 4* Draug: No.
  3. 4* Cordelia: No.
  4. 3* Fae: No.
  5. 3* Patty: No.

Two full circles got me a +Atk/-HP copy of L!Yuri, which I think is more than adequate. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Ayra: Fine. +Res/-Def is mediocre, so merge fodder for my +4 +Spd copy.
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262 pulls on the Mythic Heroes banner:

  • 3 Gullveig
  • 7 Guinevere
  • 7 Fomortiis
  • 1 Kvasir (+1 spark)
  • 4 Yuri
  • 2 Byleth

1.5% new unit rate is garbage and is 3 and a half copies below average. 9.2% 5-star rate is just under 2 copies above average.

Well, those are some very typically awful-looking pulls for a Mythic Hero banner. I had 5 pity breakers each of the matching color before pulling my first copies of Kvasir and Gullveig, and it didn't get any better afterward. Honestly, at this point, it's really more comical than anything else.

Guinevere is now +9. Fomortiis is now +10 with 2 spare copies. Yuri is now +8.

My one copy of Kvasir is [+Spd, -HP], which is fine. None of my copies of Gullveig have a useful Asset. I'm annoyed that the next time both of them are being rerun will again be on the same banner (both rerun in February), which means that one of them is guaranteed to not share a color with the new unit (and it's most likely Gullveig since red is otherwise empty that month and colorless is over-full).


And since I have been counting, I'm currently at 178 copies of the new unit on the banner out of 624 total focus units of the matching color on Legendary/Mythic Hero banners counting since Bramimond's banner, which is only 28.5% (expected value is 33.3%). Put another way, I've gotten 2.51 copies of old units of the matching color (expected value is 2) for each 1 copy of the new unit. 


I'll pull from the Double Special Heroes banner and the Hall of Forms banner later. I still haven't cleaned out my barracks, and this banner has been absolutely tiring.

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Echoes Catria:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria
  45. Laevatein
  46. Brave Lysithea
  47. Lysithea
  48. Catherine
  49. Mia
  50. Mia
  51. Ike
  52. Male Kris
  53. Echoes Catria


41 pulls on the Hall of Forms banner:

  • 1 Black Knight (+1 spark)
  • 2 pity breakers:
    • Brave Soren
    • Ymir

Black Knight is now +7.

I foddered off my first copy of Brave Soren (the spark copy from his release banner) to duplicate Flare, so this one is functionally my first copy of him, and he has an Atk Asset, which is pretty much perfect. This copy of Ymir gets her to +10.


Still going to hold of on pulling on the Double Special Heroes and Ratatoskr banners until sometime later because I still haven't cleaned out my barracks, and Soren ate yet another barracks slot. And I still have like 2 weeks to continue procrastinating.

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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Zelgius.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana
Week 47: Male Fallen Corrin
Week 48: Female Byleth
Week 49: Laegjarn
Week 50: Ayra
Week 51: Selkie
Week 52: Lethe
Week 53: Zelgius

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Posting from mobile this time. Weeee…Red for the New Power banner.

  1. 4* Cain: No.

Blue for Weekly Revival 5.

  1. 4* Miriel: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 51.

  1. 3* Matthew: No.

And blue for Ratatoskr’s banner. I was considering spending orbs here, but the rest of the units here just don’t do it for me.

  1. 4* Orochi: No.
  2. 3* Benny: No.
  3. 5* Lute: Hey, a 4* Special. +Spd/-Res is a good base, so I think I’ll merge my current +Atk/-Res copy in.
  4. 3* Miriel: No.
  5. 3* Mae: No.

At least I got something. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Micaiah: Alright. +Atk/-Def is better than my current +1 +HP copy, so new master copy it is.
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This week's Arena Ticket gave me Petra.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana
Week 47: Male Fallen Corrin
Week 48: Female Byleth
Week 49: Laegjarn
Week 50: Ayra
Week 51: Selkie
Week 52: Lethe
Week 53: Zelgius
Week 54: Petra

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Blue for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Colm: No.

Grey for Winter Dreamland.

  1. 4* Chad: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 6.

  1. 4* Laslow: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 52.

  1. 3* Saizo: No.

Red for Holiday Lessons.

  1. 4* Orochi: Or not.

A whole bunch of nothing. Now for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Ephraim: Meh. +Atk/-HP is good, so I might as well merge in my current +1 +Def copy.
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Last week's free Arena ticket got me another Male Byleth, which is another copy of Ruptured Sky:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria
  45. Laevatein
  46. Brave Lysithea
  47. Lysithea
  48. Catherine
  49. Mia
  50. Mia
  51. Ike
  52. Male Kris
  53. Echoes Catria
  54. Male Byleth


I ended up doing my pulls on the Double Special Heroes banner despite having only 9 space left in my barracks because the banner was about to expire. I should really fix that before I do the pulls on Ratatoskr's banner.

80 pulls on the Double Special Heroes banner, sniping red (then white, then green):

  • 3 Ayra (+1 spark)
  • 3 Eliwood
  • 1 Ymir (+1 spark)
  • 1 Ivy

10.0% focus rate is really good, about 3 pulls above average.

Ayra is now +5. Eliwood is now +4. Amusingly, every copy of Eliwood I got on this banner had a Spd Asset. Ymir is now +3. Ivy is now +1.


Pulling the full session from the Harmonized Lysithea banner got me another copy of Winter Mirabilis, which gets her to +1. This one has an Atk Asset and will replace the existing neutral one as the merge base.

Nothing from any of the other currently running sparkless banners.

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This week's Arena Ticket got me Larcei.

Week 1: Horse Chrom
Week 2: Luke
Week 3: Lewyn
Week 4: Maribelle
Week 5: Velouria
Week 6: Takumi
Week 7: Nah
Week 8: Mareeta
Week 9: Brave Veronica
Week 10: Laegjarn
Week 11: Male Byleth
Week 12: Luke
Week 13: Velouria
Week 14: Phina
Week 15: Mareeta
Week 16: Brave Lysithea
Week 17: Owain
Week 18: Larum
Week 19: Jaffar
Week 20: Nina
Week 21: Phina
Week 22: Velouria
Week 23: Jaffar
Week 24: Maribelle
Week 25: Brave Lyn
Week 26: Lucina
Week 27: Jaffar
Week 28: Midori
Week 29: Claude
Week 30: Ishtar
Week 31: Elise
Week 32: Sword Reinhardt
Week 33: Silque
Week 34: Brave Claude
Week 35: Brave Camilla
Week 36: Petra
Week 37: Brave Claude
Week 38: Sara
Week 39: Bow Hinoka
Week 40: Laegjarn
Week 41: Sword Reinhardt
Week 42: Shinon
Week 43: Silque
Week 44: Mist
Week 45: Fallen Julia
Week 46: Tana
Week 47: Male Fallen Corrin
Week 48: Female Byleth
Week 49: Laegjarn
Week 50: Ayra
Week 51: Selkie
Week 52: Lethe
Week 53: Zelgius
Week 54: Petra
Week 55: Larcei

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Apparently not sparking on 3H winter was a good decision for me, considering that it gave me more orbs to pull on other banners, and I got Harmonic Ayra and Mercedes from the first DSH banner, winter Marth on his rerun, and Duo Kagero and Orochi and Butler Sigurd on the new DSH.

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This week's free Arena ticket gets me Mystery Tiki:

  1. Brave Veronica (A)
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray
  10. Sigurd (B)
  11. Ryoma
  12. Bernadetta
  13. Laegjarn
  14. Laegjarn
  15. Fallen Female Corrin
  16. Fallen Ike
  17. Say'ri
  18. Karel
  19. Female Byleth
  20. Takumi
  21. Fallen Tiki
  22. Ike
  23. Sigurd
  24. Ike
  25. Elincia
  26. Luke
  27. Elise
  28. Helpful Chrom
  29. Tome Eirika
  30. Brave Roy
  31. Leaf
  32. Faye
  33. Fallen Mareeta
  34. Celica
  35. Sigurd
  36. Tibarn (C)
  37. Nah
  38. Meister Reinhardt
  39. Nina
  40. Mahnya
  41. Keaton
  42. Laevatein
  43. Fallen Celica
  44. Echoes Catria
  45. Laevatein
  46. Brave Lysithea
  47. Lysithea
  48. Catherine
  49. Mia
  50. Mia
  51. Ike
  52. Male Kris
  53. Echoes Catria
  54. Male Byleth
  55. Tiki


So I still haven't cleaned out my barracks, and I only have 8 spaces left in it, but the Ratatoskr banner is about to expire and I'm going to be visiting family for Christmas and won't have access to my computer to log my pulls, so this is the last chance I'll actually have to pull. So I am and I'm hating every second of having to clean out the new units every 9 pulls.

83 pulls from the Ratatoskr banner:

  • 4 Lucina (+1 spark)
  • 1 Ratatoskr (+1 spark)
  • 3 pity breakers:
    • Sain
    • Brave Tiki
    • Ascended Eir

No copies of Lucina with a Spd Asset is a bit of a bummer. Same with not getting a copy of Ratatoskr that is better than neutral.

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