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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

You either die a F2P Hero, or you live long enough to become that which you hate.

Psh, I'll back flip off a plane over the Pacific Ocean before I spend a dime on this game. I'll eat a bowl of Worms before I spend a dime on this game. I'll drink red bull mixed with milk, mixed wirh sprite, mixed with vodka, mixed with barbecue sauce before I spend a dime on this game.




Feels like the voting gauntlet again heh

But to be serious, it's not that I hate whales (cause I like Killer whales), but I just have this thing in my head about always making good decisions.

Anywho, I'm not gonna bore the thread with good money saving tips heh heh

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Psh, I'll back flip off a plane over the Pacific Ocean before I spend a dime on this game. I'll eat a bowl of Worms before I spend a dime on this game. I'll drink red bull mixed with milk, mixed wirh sprite, mixed with vodka, mixed with barbecue sauce before I spend a dime on this game.



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Feels like the voting gauntlet again heh

But to be serious, it's not that I hate whales (cause I like Killer whales), but I just have this thing in my head about always making good decisions.

Anywho, I'm not gonna bore the thread with good money saving tips heh heh

TBH, heroes feels good enough to at least pay the price of a single FE game for it. (I'm waiting for them to do a 'Buy orbs, get unit' event first, but I'll probably drop $40 on it around Christmas if that doesn't happen.)

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1 minute ago, DehNutCase said:

TBH, heroes feels good enough to at least pay the price of a single FE game for it. (I'm waiting for them to do a 'Buy orbs, get unit' event first, but I'll probably drop $40 on it around Christmas if that doesn't happen.)

If it says "Free"

I'm playing it for free 

Why cant you give me that $40? :(



If I'm going to pay x money to buy some little heroes in a silly little game, I may as well burn my money. Too many better things to spend my money on than a game that's already free.

The difference between me buying orbs in a game like this and me buying a hard copy video game:

1. I can sell a hard copy (you can sell heroes accounts too, but not everyone buys them anyway)

2. The value of a hard copy video game may go up in value in much later years (notice the much).

3. Hard copy games can be "Taken off the shelves" but you'd still have it, but other free gacha games (and apps in general) that are taken off the app store can never be downloaded unless you kept it and never deleted it (and I'm not too sure how app transfer works when you get a new phone, but if you fo get a new phone you'd have to keep the old one just to play the game because you can't redownload the game on your new phone). This also means you can't sell your account, because it's impossible for others to download a game that isn't available anymore


This kind of triggered me, so I apologize if I sound like I'm lecturing you or trying to convince you to save your money, when you can truly do whatever the heck you want!


Anyways, just a few more hours until the new focus!

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@Arcanite I mean, I can also just emulate all FE games without paying.

Besides, working for minimum wage almost always beats out doing in game stuff in terms of reward v. effort ratio for high per capita income countries like US. Like, the Subaki KO level 35+ people quest, 5 orbs is what, half an hour of doing a minimum job at most? Versus how long it'd take to actually get Subaki those kills.

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26 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

TBH, heroes feels good enough to at least pay the price of a single FE game for it. (I'm waiting for them to do a 'Buy orbs, get unit' event first, but I'll probably drop $40 on it around Christmas if that doesn't happen.)

This reminds me that as I play FE Heroes daily, I'm neglecting to finish Awakening and a ton of other games like Bravely Second. Oh, and that 40 bucks could go to one path of Fates to satisfy my need for a FE fix. I'm getting addicted! :P

Here's hoping I'll get Faye so I can have another archer. I'll be back raging about it knowing my luck.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

This reminds me that as I play FE Heroes daily, I'm neglecting to finish Awakening and a ton of other games like Bravely Second. Oh, and that 40 bucks could go to one path of Fates to satisfy my need for a FE fix. I'm getting addicted! :P

Here's hoping I'll get Faye so I can have another archer. I'll be back raging about it knowing my luck.

What are the chances that we were both neglecting the same games! Bravely Second, Awakening, and Revelations are ones I've put on hold. I should really get working to finish Awakening though....But I just started Sacred Stones and its actually good

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3 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

@Arcanite I mean, I can also just emulate all FE games without paying.

Besides, working for minimum wage almost always beats out doing in game stuff in terms of reward v. effort ratio for high per capita income countries like US. Like, the Subaki KO level 35+ people quest, 5 orbs is what, half an hour of doing a minimum job at most? Versus how long it'd take to actually get Subaki those kills.

The amount of money I've spent on this game is still less than I earn in a day.

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Kind of offtopic, but I wanted to mention it anyways because of some of the conversations above.


So, just want to throw this out there for anyone reading.  I would not recommend following the philosophy of "I can make $x money in y hours so I'm going to spend it".  It's a drastic oversimplification that can lead to problems.  First off, only z% of your income will be available to you (tax, house payments, car payments, spouse, insurance, etc.).  And that percentage is drastically lower than 50% - it's VERY significant.  Secondly, most people don't get the chance to decide to work an extra hour or two.  You have a fixed salary/schedule and therefore a fixed income.

 Rather, I suggest looking at your total income per unit of time (week, month, year, etc.) and seeing if you can manage taking money out of this or that week's/month's expenses.  (Don't go to McDonalds for third dinner and spend the money on the game, for example).  Or figure out some other system that works for you.

 Not insulting/prying into anyone's lifestyle - spending money on this game is absolutely fine if you can afford it and have your lifestyle in order (If cormag gets released, I'll be going full-whale).  I just don't think people should make decisions from this ideology. 

Also, congrats on bunnies everyone.  I'm happy to see some of you got it last minute!

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Got 20 orbs, and went into the new banner hoping for Alm.

I got Leo. Well, not complaining!

(Also got repeat Gordin, Arthur, Oboro, and Donnel)

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Spent a crapload of orbs for Alm

did I get him? 

Yep! My luck pulls through once again! From what I've seen, he appears to be my trademark +Spd -Res


Also got a 4* Raudrblade fodder for my troubles.

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Wanted Lukas

160 orbs later ended up with:

  • Effie
  • Seliph
  • Olwen
  • Clair

I hate to complain about 4 new 5*s but these are some of the 5*s I want the least.  Effie is ok, but Seliph and Olwen I have no interest in.  I have Olwen on my cavalry account so I don't want her on this account.  And seliph...I want to get rid of him just so I never have to look at his character art again.  Somewhat happy with Clair since I unintentionally appear to be having a flier team started.  But her skills are BAD.  Maybe her stats are ok though - idk.  Right now she seems like a 3*

:( - oh well, wish me luck with any orbs they give us.

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After using about 40 orbs I got Clair. She's the one I wanted the least, but I'm still completely satisfied!

Edit: Aaaand I got another one. 

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10 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Spent a crapload of orbs for Alm

did I get him? 

Yep! My luck pulls through once again! From what I've seen, he appears to be my trademark +Spd -Res


Also got a 4* Raudrblade fodder for my troubles.

I'd say I'm a wee bit jealous that you got Alm, but I guess I can't complain when I got Leo (whom I also wanted to get eventually).

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

I'd say I'm a wee bit jealous that you got Alm, but I guess I can't complain when I got Leo (whom I also wanted to get eventually).

My orb supply did drop from 80 to 17 just trying to pull him though. I'm gonna have to start saving again if I want a chance to pull Celica.

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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

My orb supply did drop from 80 to 17 just trying to pull him though. I'm gonna have to start saving again if I want a chance to pull Celica.

Ouch, yeah, that's quite a bit. Well, I haven't done the SoV paralogues yet so maybe I can get enough orbs to try again later.

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After doing the Paralogue and getting the orbs, I tried to do a full summon.

Got a 3* Azama (Pain fodder for Elise), 3* Draug (don't know what will I do with him), 4* Raigh (-Atk/+Spd, maybe save him for later), 4* Lilina (+Atk/-Spd, might not be a good bane, but still glad I got her) and 3* Est (may be going home, I already have like 5).

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19 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Spent a crapload of orbs for Alm

did I get him? 

Yep! My luck pulls through once again! From what I've seen, he appears to be my trademark +Spd -Res


Also got a 4* Raudrblade fodder for my troubles.


I spent 43 orbs on this banner, and I got:

5* Eirika (-Atk/+HP)

4* Lilina (+HP/-Res)

3* Lon'qu

3* Eliwood

3* Serra

3* Draug

3* A!Tiki

3* Fir

I did get a 5* out of this, but I already have an Eirika so I just merged them. Luck can be cruel. Previously I was lamenting about how I was on a streak without any 5*s, so RNG gave me one... except it was a dupe, and not Alm (who I really wanted from this banner).

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Thank you new quests, I now have 133 pulled characters~!



And now, the part that everyone cares about - boons and banes!

- 5* Ephraim (+HP/-Def): IT COULD BE WORSE!  Definitely a Swordbreaker candidate, since he can't take quite as many of them.
- 4* Clarine (+Spd/-Atk): She'll be running full support, complete with Fear.
- 4* Hawkeye (+Spd/-HP): I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with him.  +Spd means that the Robins and Nowi no longer double, so yay?  I'll think of something.
- 3* Shanna (+Def/-HP): Someone's gonna appreciate Desperation.
- 3* Fir (+Atk/-Res): Close!  But I already have +Atk/-Def, so she's going to be fodder for Speed +3.

Ephraim makes me happy (5* the ninth), and the others weren't bad, either.  I think I can make everyone useful, though I'm going to have think long and hard about Hawkeye.  That's the weirdest boon, and his bane isn't the end of the world, either.  Brave Axe + LoD, maybe?


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The 22nd summon and the third time I've summoned an archer and the second who isn't Virion. And she shows up as -Atk, +Def.



And Jaffar shows up as -Atk, +Spd. Guess I'll train them to get their default skills and merge them with eventual duplicates of them. Still, really? Third archer and with -Atk? What did I do to deserve this?

This banner has 1 summon left as per my 2 summons per banner rule outside of special circumstances.

I have 144 units now. +44 need to go.

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So I used up all 67 orbs I had hoping for Alm (though I was okay getting the others too, so I didn't focus reds like I probably should have).

I won't bother listing out all the replicates and such that I got, but noteworthy pulls include:

3* Hinata (I needed that Fury)

5* Clair (no idea what her nature is yet because no one knows her base stats)

5* Takumi (+Def/-Res) (nature doesn't matter though since he's a spare that I intend to feed for Close Counter)

I'm actually really happy with this (esp getting another Takumi), so I won't complain about no Alm. I'll just try again as many times as I can before the banner ends.

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Got a bunch of good inheritance fodders out of the 21 units I pulled

Noteworthy mention is +Spd -Res Lyn and -Atk +Spd Eirika. The latter who I prefer over +HP -Res Eirika.

Also got 2 Hinata, 3 Lonqu, and 1 Odin as great fodders.

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