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Free pull was *3 Henry. Could have pulled more, but I have 3 Furies and 2 Death Blows already. I kinda want Triangle Adept but meh.

Doubt I'll revisit this banner. It's biggest appeal was the potential colorless pool but it's just Klein and Setsuna again with Jeorge instead of Rebecca.

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Decided to go with blue for my free pull because I'm still looking for a +ATK Mathilda! I did get a 4* Abel. He's always welcome. There was one more blue, so I decided to go for it and got a 3* Oboro. RIP. TheĀ  search continues.

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New banner includes Soleil, the one unit who I still haven't pulled at 4*. I literally got Shiro and Seigbert before her.

Let's see if that ends today.

4 Colourless, 1 Red (If I wasn't going for the legendary banner.....)

4* Roy (Well, TA3 is TA3. *sigh Neutral, definite fodder, might finally give Robin TA3.)

Back to pulling for legends.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Bartre (It's Bartre. +Atk/-Def), 4* Bartre (Bartre? Again? +HP/-Res), 3* Palla (Goad Fliers is nice)

I'll have to try again later.

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Ooh, another fodder banner. Probably going to go for a blue since I'd really like another Tailtiu.

  1. 3* Est: I can't even get angry anymore, it's just so disappointing...
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My free summon of the new banner is...



...Yeah, who need focus, seriously ? XD (+Spd -Def !)


Shouldn't speak like that, got a Nowi rate-breaker on the fell banner just after that, with a pull with only blues, while I was still trying to get another Grima...



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I have been having really crumby luck pulling who I would like lately free pull was 4* Tharja who I already have with good IVs waiting for 5*ing oh well at least she is good fodder.Ā  I think I am going to give up on pulling for a while, I may do a yolo pull for Grima on the last day, but I think I will just save my orbs for when H!Jakob comes back at the end of March/April.Ā  I would love Vector but after pulling 5 lilinas I will wait for a legendary banner.

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Free summon on the fodder banner was a 5* Soleil (+Def/-Res).
What the hell is up with my 5* luck? Anyway a unit I didn't had before (one of the missing 4* in fact), so that's pretty cool.

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Hey folks!Ā  It's been a while since I've checked in here.Ā  Long story short, I sold off my old account for a paltry $145 after I came to the conclusion that spending on that account had gotten out of control and I was in need of emergency funds to help pay my monthly bills.Ā  However, I can't seem to rip myself away from the game completely, so I've opened up a new account at the start of the year as a F2P dude.Ā  I'll share my notable catches at a later time in the appropriate threads.Ā  For now, the latest!


I've managed to grab one notable unit from both the Fallen Heroes banner and the latest Legendary Hero banner.


So far, I've swept up Fallen!Celica, the only unit I wanted from the FH banner:




and a Summer Leo


[I didn't check his stats.

I've already gotten Aether, Fury 3, Vantage 3, and Hone Attack 3Ā on Celica (had to 5* a recently procured Chrom for that Aether - fun sidenote, got another two ChromsĀ I'm holding into and one of them is +Att, -Res, totally gonna save him for 5* as a tanky Swordsman for my eventual dive into Arena Assault), and after this and the next season of Arena, I plan to replace my current B-slot of Vantage for either Escape Route or Wings of Mercy - probably the latter.Ā  I don't know if it'd be meme worthy, but I think it'd be a cool addition to her kit as a nod to the witches abilities in Shadows of valentia.Ā  Ā What do y'all think, though?Ā  Would it be worth it, sacrificing a more viable offensive/defensive skill, or would Chill Speed/Vantage/Desperation be more worthwhile?


Also, I plan on foddering off SummerĀ Leo for his Attack Ploy.Ā  What are some good units I can use for that?Ā  I can share my 5* (current and candidate) list, if need be, but I don't want to make this initial post longer than it already is

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@ZeoĀ So I caved in and pulled on the Legendary Banner, even if I had on reason to after getting my target. Ok part of a reason I really wanted Fanlivia, I want any of the Green Heroes and now that I had Summer Corrin, a better natured Shiro would be good. (Yeah, now I *want* to be pitybroken by Shiro)

Alas nothing. Although remember how I wanted another Leon for Ignis for Vector? Managed to summon a Boey instead, so he sufficed for the Ignis inheritance (and Renewal because maybe it'll be handy). Also have another 4 star Est which brings her to 4 star+7. (It's a race to see if her or Oboro becomes my first +10, although I actually like Oboro). Also finally got my second Kagero, and what do you know she's -Spd/+Def. Looking from the Kagero summons in my second account, it looks lik my 1st Kagero would always be -Atk then the second one will always be -Spd lol.

Also drew a 3 star Nino. Draw Back/Gronnblade is welcome, since I was actually surprised at running out of Ninos.

As for my second account, blue was a Jagen which is welcome since I don't get enough Fortify cav in this account. Greens were...+Def/-Res Hawkeye and +Def/-Res Boey...the exact same last pulls I did for the LA banner (except Boey wasn't a 5 star). Funny how that works. Oh and speaking of the LA banner, there were green orbs at least, but it was an Arthur (decent fodder) and 3 star Bartre (meh).

Okay now I really should be done with the banner. Back to 23 and 37 orbs respectively. Need to wait for datamines to find out the next heroes.

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@ZeoĀ So I caved in and pulled on the Legendary Banner, even if I had on reason to after getting my target. Ok part of a reason I really wanted Fanlivia, I want any of the Green Heroes and now that I had Summer Corrin, a better natured Shiro would be good. (Yeah, now I *want* to be pitybroken by Shiro)

Alas nothing. Although remember how I wanted another Leon for Ignis for Vector? Managed to summon a Boey instead, so he sufficed for the Ignis inheritance (and Renewal because maybe it'll be handy). Also have another 4 star Est which brings her to 4 star+7. (It's a race to see if her or Oboro becomes my first +10, although I actually like Oboro). Also finally got my second Kagero, and what do you know she's -Spd/+Def. Looking from the Kagero summons in my second account, it looks lik my 1st Kagero would always be -Atk then the second one will always be -Spd lol.

Also drew a 3 star Nino. Draw Back/Gronnblade is welcome, since I was actually surprised at running out of Ninos.

As for my second account, blue was a Jagen which is welcome since I don't get enough Fortify cav in this account. Greens were...+Def/-Res Hawkeye and +Def/-Res Boey...the exact same last pulls I did for the LA banner (except Boey wasn't a 5 star). Funny how that works. Oh and speaking of the LA banner, there were green orbs at least, but it was an Arthur (decent fodder) and 3 star Bartre (meh).

Okay now I really should be done with the banner. Back to 23 and 37 orbs respectively. Need to wait for datamines to find out the next heroes.

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Against my better judgement I tried pulling a bit on the 4* fodder banner. I was only planning to use orbs if they put Cordelia on it, but since I'm also merging up Camilla I tried to get some more of her.

This was some strange luck. My free pull was a 4* Camilla, which was a perfect start! And I kept going to the next session with 1 green.. 3* Nino, and the session after that with no greens I pulled a red for.. +res -hp Alm. That's the second time he's randomly shown up for me, and with a worse nature this time, so I'll probably just merge him. But can't complain about a 5* 2 stones in. A couple more green-less sessions leaving me with 3* reds made me almost stop before I blew too many orbs, but I tried once more and saw 3 greens that time, and it was.. a 5* Hawkeye, +spd -hp, 4* Camilla, and a 4* Hawkeye.

Really odd banner, but for about 40 orbs I got 2 Camilla merges and 2 oddball 5*s that I can find a use for, so I guess that was worth it. I'm thinking that Alm and Hawkeye showing up together are screaming to buff up my current Alm who's already got the refinement, for +1 merge and DB3 for him.

I'm tempted to keep trying for more Camillas, and I could really use a bunch of HInatas and some Kleins too, but it's probably better to keep saving for a real banner and hope to get them along the way.

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... Well. On the bright side, I got a 5-star unit from the legendary banner.

On the not-so-bright side, it was the one I didn't really want. Ol' fishface herself. She's also -spd. At least I now have a flying mage. :|

EDIT: Also summoned a second vanguard Ike, which was nice (even if he is -atk). But I really wanted summer Leo, who knows if he will return? Ah well ... shouldn't complain about getting 2 5-stars.

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Is this the salt thread?

Worst banner ever. Got my first 5* at 11,75% pity rate: Shiro (with -DEF). Finished said pull and got a PAOlivia (-SPD). Now today I finally got my next pity breaker at another 11%: SCorrin (-HP/+RES) and finished pull also gave me a SGaius (+HP/-ATK). So overall, four 5* in like 350 orbs. And no Ephraim. Bleh.

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Well I got up to 20 orbs and figured what the heck, lets see if I can get Ephraim.


I'll be honest, for a second there I thought I would get three of him. The first one I opened was +ATK/-SPD. The other is +SPD/-DEF. So I guess I got a base percent Hail Mary there at the end. What to do with the spare. Another point of ATK and HP orĀ  Sturdy Stance Fodder.

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A last hurrah for the legendary banner!

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue


Probably the unit I cared about the least. +HP/-Spd, so a pretty bad nature too.), 3* Laslow (Axebreaker. I guess. Turns out he's +Atk/-Res, so that's alright.), 4* Lachesis (Well she's not worth much. +Atk/-HP might be alright.), 4* Gaius (*Sad trombone. +Def/-Res)

So I will get no summer Corrin. I hope Sagemaster was right. I still want Summer Corrin and I'm peeved at my luck for her.

No hurrahs for the banner's end. I swear they'll have a 1-day release for a legendary banner at this rate.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

I'll be honest, for a second there I thought I would get three of him. The first one I opened was +ATK/-SPD. The other is +SPD/-DEF. So I guess I got a base percent Hail Mary there at the end. What to do with the spare. Another point of ATK and HP orĀ  Sturdy Stance Fodder.

Wish I'd been as lucky as you. No blue stones right until the end. 2 red, 3 colorless but heck maybe a L!Ike or PA!Olivia. @mcsilasĀ sadly no.Ā *4 Selena, Lissa, Caeda. *3 Virion and Serra with my last 20 orbs. There was never even a chance of me pulling Ephraim and it looks like that won't be happening until April.

Gonna spend whatever I scrape together in the next week on a last ditch yolo for LA!Hector or Lyn. After that it's a pull on the New Heroes banner and after that. I think I'm going to actually take a shot at saving orbs again. I miss actually having stores and I want to go back to that.

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@Zeo Yeesh that final 20 is kinda painful looking. Here is hoping the Gacha gods have been shorting you with the intent to get you both LA!Hector and LA!Lyn in one session! Yeah, who am I kidding, you'll probably get regular Hector instead.

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Last ditch attempt with quest orbs.

F!Corrin (normal ver), Gwendolyn and Catria. No more orbs and no Ephraim. God fucking damnit. I knew there was going to be a price for pushing my luck way too far on the LA banner, but why did this have to be it?

Alright, not spending a single orb until the April legendary banner then. I don't think IS can release another character in that timespan that would make me spend orbs. (Watch as they drop a FE8 seasonal banner and make me cry)

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Welp, I gave the Legendary banner one last shot. Got Gwendolyn, Effie, Lukas, and Lon'qu. Ah well. I got two Shiros,Ā a better Dorcas and Aether fodder for my GrimaĀ off that banner, so I'm still happy overall.

Free pull on the 4+5-Star banner was a +HP/-RES 4-Star Soleil. Slightly better than my neutral one I think, so she's a keeper.

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I tried a YOLO pull on the fodder banner to give my Cherche Death Blow 3, there were no colorless stones so I went with green for the chance of a free Brave Axe+, got a merge for Sheena. Nice!

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