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Round 28* [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Serra || 3* Lissa (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Clarine (+HP, -SPD) || 4* Lon'Qu (+RES, -SPD) || 4* Selena (+SPD, -HP)
Round 29 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Robin (+DEF, -SPD) || 4* Barst (+SPD, -HP) || 4* Eliwood (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Nino (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Hana (+SPD, -HP)

Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)
Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)



Do not worry, ladies and gentlemen. I shall bear your burdens of bad luck! My children, place thy curses upon me so thou may pull 5* characters, whereas I shall not...

Seriously though, this is getting out of hand. I've been pulling from Blazing Shadows since Round 20 (That is nine rounds now) and there is no 5-Star character in sight. What are the odds of going this long without a 5* unit? Will I reach 12% chance (6% for Focus & Non-Focus)? What is the highest chance anyone has gone without pulling a 5* unit? Will the 5* unit I pull actually be any good? Find out, whenever the next time I get enough Orbs for pulls...
That aside, to the summons!

First batch sucks. I already have a good Serra, so I'm not going to bother to look her up. Lissa and Clarine do not have their optimal natures, while Lon'Qu has an unfavorable one. For Selena, I was looking for a +ATT, -DEF one, but instead I get +SPD, -HP, which is a combo I already have and have put effort into leveling. So, she hits the bench.

Now, for the second batch, we actually have some toys to play with. Robin can go sit with the benchwarmers, but the others...

Barst is interesting. I believe he will make for an excellent Axe user, but he will not want the Brave Axe as his weapon of choice. I'll have to look into making a build for him, but Barst is definitely salvageable with his stats.

Eliwood is a new character for me, and he happens to come with one of his better Boon & Bane combinations. "But what about his poor DEF?" Eliwood is more anti-mage (and anti-dragon) than anti-physical, and I look forward to giving him Death Blow to see him do +10 damage per swing when on the offensive.

+SPD, -RES Nino is probably the best Nino of all time. While I did have a +ATT, -DEF Nino, keep in mind she will want to double using her insane buffs from Gronnblade. Doubling everyone 38 SPD and lower (provided +SPD Nino [39] has a +SPD Buff [39 -> 43]) is far superior than doing a measly +3 damage to fast characters such as Anna, Lucina, and Lyndis. Then, should I give her Life and Death combined with Desperation, and Nino (properly buffed) becomes my delete button. That is, provided she doesn't fall over to a soft breeze.

But perhaps one of the greatest treasures of them all is a +SPD, -HP Hana. While I did have several Hanas before, this one is also an excellent candidate for the Life and Death combined with Desperation. The difference between Hana and Nino? Hana can get a Brave Sword. Then, if Hana can activate Desperation on anyone below 38 SPD, then maybe her damage output is not that much of a concern. Hana performing 4 strikes on practically everybody, before they can even retaliate, is no joke.

All that aside though, can I have an awesome Azura or Takumi? Please? I'll take a Hector too, as well as Lucina, Linde, and Julia.....

* * * * *

Past Pulls


Note: When originally posting this, I accidently put 15 down twice. The actual values are in front of each round, and will replace this format after this post. This is why I put down Round 28 instead of Round 27 up above. // Also, future formats will likely get rid of the boons and banes per character, at least for this "Past Pulls" section.

Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra
Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino
Round 7 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Henry || 3* Jegan || 3* Oboro || 3* Lissa || 4* Arthur
Round 8 [Legendary Heroes]: 3* Henry || 3* Barte || 3* Florina || 3* Niles || 3* Saizo
Round 9 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Serra || 4* Caeda || 4* Caeda || 4* Subaki || 4* Gwendolyn
Round 10 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Selena || 3* Selena || 3* Robin || 3* Henry || 4* Chrom
Round 11 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gordin || 4* Nowi || 4* Odin || 4* Beruka || 4* Clarine
Round 12 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Subaki || 3* Cherche || 4* Jegan || 4* Chrom || 5* Chrom
Round 13 [Family Bonds]: 3* Cherche || 3* Viron || 4* Jegan || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Seliph
Round 14 [Family Bonds]: 3* Subaki || 3* Barst (+ATT, - DEF) || 3* Serra || 3* Arthur || 5* Ephraim (+DEF, -RES)
Round 15A [Family Bonds]: 3* Fir (+RES, -DEF) || 3* Lon'Qu (+RES, -HP) || 3* Azama (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Niles (+SPD, -DEF) || 4* Serra (+SPD, -DEF)

[16] Round 15B [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Hana (+SPD, -ATT) || 4* Marth (+SPD, -ATT) || 4* Palla (+RES, -HP) || 4* Cherche (+ATT, -RES) || 4* Kagero (+ATT, -DEF)
[17] Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama (+DEF, -RES) || 3* Beruka (+ATT, -RES) || 3* Frederick (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Olivia (+SPD, -DEF) || 3* Odin (+ATT, -DEF)
[18] Round 17 [Princesses]: 3* Gordin (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Gunter (+ATT, -HP) || 4* Palla (+HP, -SPD) || 4* Camilla (+SPD, -HP) || 5* Erika (+SPD, -HP)
[19] Round 18 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Lissa (+DEF, -SPD) || 3* Oboro (+HP, -SPD) ||  3* Viron (+SPD, -RES) || 4* Clarine (+HP, -SPD) || 4* Hawkeye (+DEF, -SPD)
[20] Round 19 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* F!Corrin (+HP, -SPD) || 3* M!Robin (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Marth (+HP, -DEF) || 4* Azama (Balanced) || 5* Kagero (+HP, -SPD)
[21] Round 20 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Donnel (+DEF, -HP) || 3* Beruka (+DEF, -RES) || 3* Nino (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Draug (+HP, -RES) || 4* Jakob (+SPD, -DEF)
[22] Round 21 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Gaius (+HP, -ATT) || 3* Sophia (+ATT, -HP) || 4* Draug (+RES, -ATT) || 4* Gunter (+HP, -RES) || 4* Abel (+DEF, -RES)
[23] Round 22 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Wrys (+RES, -ATT) || 3* Saizo (+SPD, -DEF) || 4* Jeorge (+ATT, -SPD) || 4* Viron (Balanced) || 4* Stahl (+ATT, -RES)
[24] Round 23 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Sophia (+RES, -HP) || 3* Serra (+ATT, -SPD) || 4* Erika (Balanced) || 4* Subaki (Balanced) || 4* Jeorge (+ATT, -RES)
[25] Round 24 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Setsuna (+DEF, -SPD) || 3* Selena (+SPD, -HP) || 4* Cain (+DEF, -ATT) || 4* Chrom (Balanced) || 4* Jeorge (+HP, -SPD)
[26] Round 25 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* A!Tiki (+HP, -RES) || 3* Azama (+SPD, -DEF) || 3* Serra (+RES, -HP) || 4* Maria (+RES, -HP) || 4* Matthew (+DEF, -ATT)
[27] Round 26 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Florina (+DEF, -HP) || 3* Shanna (Balanced) || 3* Palla (+DEF, -SPD) || 3* Celicia (+ATT, -DEF) || 4* Beruka (+RES, -ATT)

Edited by Sire
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13 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Pulled again. Still no 5*. But I got a 4*Jeorge, 4*Jagen, 3*Barst, 3*Adult!Tiki, and 3*Oboro. This is my longest streak without a 5*. Currently 4.5%

Jeorge and Tiki are new so that was really nice. I don't care if he is outclassed by my Takumi

The last time I hit 5% on my 5* rate, I got Eldigan and Klein back to back. I'd say it was worth the wait haha.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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my 5 star chance went up to 4.25%

just tried a summon with under 20 orbs since I kinda doubted there would be that many blue orbs, since there hasn't been in the past

there were no blues this time so I picked red since I've been hoping to get eliwood



see I wish I could be happy about this but really I'm just disappointed that my 5 star chance went back down

i don't really plan on using him but maybe I can get a skill from him or something

or I could just send him home for the 1000 feathers if I end up needing that but I have more than 23000 now so I don't think that'll happen

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10 minutes ago, unique said:

my 5 star chance went up to 4.25%

just tried a summon with under 20 orbs since I kinda doubted there would be that many blue orbs, since there hasn't been in the past

there were no blues this time so I picked red since I've been hoping to get eliwood

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see I wish I could be happy about this but really I'm just disappointed that my 5 star chance went back down

i don't really plan on using him but maybe I can get a skill from him or something

or I could just send him home for the 1000 feathers if I end up needing that but I have more than 23000 now so I don't think that'll happen

Don't let Lumi know that otherwise she'll probably kick your ass, lol

After m!Corrin reset my 5-star percentage, mine's apparently at 3.25% or something. Not impressive, but whatever. Don't know what it was before, because I wasn't aware the percentages actually kept current.

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Okay, game, you and I are really falling out! 

I should be happy about this pull since I got three four stars, despite all being duplicates. But seriously? Another fricking EST?! My most hated character and I have pulled her just about every other pull for the last ten or so pulls. I DO NOT WANT FRICKING EST!!!!! 

And still no five star. Percentage change up to 5% - the highest I've ever had it -.-

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The game is doing this on purpose, you know, it knows you hate Est and keeps on giving you Est. Thankfully, the game has stopped sending me f!Corrins -- but instead decided to give me a 5-star male Corrin who I won't send home because he's 5-star. Oh well, I like the male Corrin better than the female Corrin anyway, so I'm not that bothered.

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4-star Tharja 

5-star Olwen. Both avg boon/bane. 

Camilla- useless with -Atk

Haven't decided to summon again because of the terror. I've only just started playing. My other 5-star is MCorrin. 

When is the next banner/update coming out? 

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37 minutes ago, Suzard said:

What's the best unit to pull that deals with red swordsmen and blue magic users. Any recommendations? 

Wrong topic.  This belongs in the "Ask a FE question" topic.

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Good evening, ladies and gentlelords. Tonight I bring you Pull #22, courtesy of the Lunatic challenges, and this one is definitely something I didn't expect:



Notice no Exclamation Point under the little empress over there? Yup, I got a second Sanaki. Now what to do with her? Merge her with her twin or raise her for a Dual Apostle army? My first one was +Spd/-Def, which is as good as it gets for Sanaki, but this second one is +Spd/-HP, which is not bad at all either.

At least Sigrun and Tanith would be happy now that they both have a little empress to hug, and Micaiah will get double sister love.


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Hello again, friends and compatriots.  Thanks to the new Lunatic Challenges, I managed to get more than enough orbs for another summoning session.  I pulled this particular batch earlier today, and I've already gotten back up to 16 orbs - it truly is a good time to be completing quests.  Anyway, the last few pulls have been a wee bit bereft of 5* units.  As a matter of fact, I had tied my longest gap between acquiring new five stars, though unlike my earlier drought, these summons have actually been decently spaced apart.  Now, with a combined 8.5% chance of attaining a shiny gold unit, will I get the luck I so crave?  Or am I just boosting my future odds a little bit higher?




Round 21 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Tiki-Adult [+HP, -Def] || 3* Lissa [+Res, - Atk]  || 5* Priscilla [+Def, - Res] || 4* Nowi [+Spd, -Res] || 3* Robin-M [+Def, -Spd]

Oooooooooh, I will happily take this.  Unfortunately, it looks like Ninian may just elude me, but I still managed to get my second most wanted unit from this banner (I might have gotten a little salty if it had been Lucius instead).  It's a good thing Priscilla was here though, as otherwise this would be a throughly underwhelming pull.

  • Another day, another addition to my Tiki clone army... At this point, I've gotten 5 of them, and it hasn't gotten any easier to pick out the best nature from the bunch.  I'm not sure if that is on-topic enough for this thread though, so I'll probably deposit that question in the other thread.
  • This Lissa, on the other hand, has quite a good nature.  In fact, this Lissa would be a significant improvement over my +Spd, -Def main Lissa... If not for the fact that Lissa is fairly useless as a healer until she acquires Rehabilitate, and I'm not sure that is worth the investment of 2K feathers at this point in time.
  • Especially not when I have a shiny new Priscilla to mess around with.  Sure, the nature isn't amazing (it's better than +Atk I guess), but cavalry mobility/Rehabilitate makes her a significantly better defensive healer than Lissa/Clarine respectively, so I can get to work on a slightly better Arena team, as well as an extra piece in the tenth stratum cavalry puzzle.
  • Again, not the blue Manakete I was looking for, but I appreciate the effort all the same, game.  Unfortunately, +Spd isn't particularly amazing on Nowi, particularly not at the cost of magical bulk.  I don't mind too much though; an additional Manakete is always better than nothing.
  • I am a little tired of Robin's though.  That makes 4 additional Robin's I've gotten in the last 3 pulls, and outside of potentially a +Spd Robin, I don't particularly need anything else they can offer.

Since my 5* rate has dropped again, that'll probably be all for Blazing Shadows.  Normally, I would go for a few pulls on the Michalis banner, but even though I'm missing Minerva/Eliwood/Selena, the two that I have a decent chance of getting don't excite me too terribly much.  Instead, I'll probably horde some orbs until we get a better idea about April's first banner.


Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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I did it forest-dwellers! I finally got Azura after 4-days of resetting. And I only had to give up the following 5*s to make it happen:
-Linde (+Atk/-HP ;_;)
-2 Camilla's
-Young Tiki
-2 Lucius'
-And 13 fucking Ninians

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You really got Ninian thirteen times trying to get Azura? I don't know whether you're lucky or unlucky. (I've never gotten either her or Ninian, and I'm not sure I want to try pulling again anyway).

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

You really got Ninian thirteen times trying to get Azura? I don't know whether you're lucky or unlucky. (I've never gotten either her or Ninian, and I'm not sure I want to try pulling again anyway).

Yeah. I got the Lucina and 1 Ninian in the same pull even, which was...something.

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58 minutes ago, The Blind Idiot God said:

I did it forest-dwellers! I finally got Azura after 4-days of resetting. And I only had to give up the following 5*s to make it happen:
-Linde (+Atk/-HP ;_;)
-2 Camilla's
-Young Tiki
-2 Lucius'
-And 13 fucking Ninians

Welcome to Heroes~!  Any and all short questions go in the "Ask a FE Heroes question" thread.

You're good at pulling 5* women, aren't you? :P:

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

Welcome to Heroes~!  Any and all short questions go in the "Ask a FE Heroes question" thread.

You're good at pulling 5* women, aren't you? :P:

Thanks. I've actually had the game since launch, just haven't been posting.

Good is very, very relative in this scenario tho ;_;

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I like Minerva. I'm happy I didn't have to sacrifice an animal to find her. Relatively speaking, didn't have to pull much either. I think I spent a little less than 30-40 Orbs. I don't remember. It's better than the time searching for Ninian.

Natures if anyone cares:


3* +HP/-Atk Bartre
3* +Res/-HP Bartre
3* +Spd/-HP Frederick
3* +HP/-Res Cecilia
4* +HP/-Res Nino
4* +Res/-HP Fae
4* neutral Fae
5* +Def/-Spd Minerva

Considering my trend with -Spd units, I think Minerva getting +Def is okay. It bulks her up, and at least Life and Death 3 will still have her double neutral Spd M!Robin's. I don't have a good team for Nino, per se, but her not getting screwed in the more important stats is definitely good. Not like she was known for taking hits anyways. Bartre's are skill fodder as far as I'm concerned. I already had a +Def/-HP Fae before. I can't hold all these Fae's, haha. Fred's garbage nature and Cecilia's okay I guess.

Time for "waiting for a banner I want units out of" again.

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Ahahahahhaha I just burned 200 orbs on a quaternary account and got... Selena.





On the plus side, I won't need to bother with that account anymore. (On the minus side, I really wanted to use it to test some skill combos, owell.)

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I can't tell if pulling Jaffar and Nowi together twice is extremely lucky or extremely unlucky. Going to go with extremely lucky for now though. I guess now I can experiment with their sets? Everything else was a repeat though, so they'll just be skill inheritance fodder.


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Holy frick, I actually got what I came for!



I'm not sure how I feel about +SPD -RES Minerva since that means with Life and Death 3 she'll have 9 Res (lol) and be killed by almost every mage to have ever lived, so maybe not the best idea to run her with that. But she's a welcome change from the -SPD characters I keep pulling.

As a bonus, the first session where I tried to pull her, which I nearly quit on when I opened it up to no greens. Not totally bad though.



(He's +ATK -DEF, for the curious.)


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