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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Def +3 is fine on Subaki. I personally threw Iote's Shield on mine though, since he's already super tanky, and now he can shrug off archers too. Bonfire is also extra great on him because it gives him a ridiculous power boost when active.

Also, Mkv is the youtuber who's been doing runs of the Lunatic GHB maps with only 3* free units. 

Alright, then I'll have to figure out which of those I wanna give Subaki, since I still have a spare Michalis for passing Iote's to someone. Definitely gonna give him Bonfire tho, that sounds really good.

And that sounds pretty tricky, so I'll have to look up Mkv and see that for myself. Tomorrow.

Thanks, mate.

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@ILikeKirbys, Subaki with -Def is fine, he just won't have as high as of a defense. Personally, I'd say that -Atk is the worst for him since out of the gem weapon users, he has the lowest base attack -- as a 5*, he has 25 attack to Sully's 26, Narcian's 29, Azura, Palla, and Stahl's 31, and Arthur and Hinata's 32. -Atk puts him at 23 attack which is the same as a neutral Henry's and 1 more than Odin's neutral attack. This comes from having a -Atk, +Spd Subaki for the first one on this file -- I never checked on my first file. He sucked. His other important stat for me would be defense since that's what drives his Quick Riposte. When you take no damage or very little damage, neutral or -HP isn't as important or even -Spd since you'd be using him to as an enemy phase unit rather than a player phase unit. Resistance is probably his least important stat.

And as MaskAmpharos suggested, giving Bonfire to Subaki is a good idea to make use of his naturally high defense.

The Effie idea was a little wonder -- I did consider a +Def one who would have 36 defense as a 5*. Her schtick is that you cannot double her so long as her HP is above a certain threshold. Giving her Quick Riposte would allow her to abuse her monstrous attack, but it would remove her niche and Hector is already the Quick Riposte knight. It would probably be better on Draug, Gwendolyn, and Sheena.

Also, here's Mkv channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_QRK7oSk2lMDw6_D410Vw. Figured you would have heard of her and her strategies with how they're mentioned in the GHB threads.

Edit: If you still have a special map Subaki, you could use him instead since he'd have his neutral defense and will be still fast with his neutral speed. The cost, of course, is time and feathers.

Edited by Kaden
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9 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

Is there any reason to merge up Hinoka rather than divvying her Hone Fliers to other fliers and merging up those? Hinoka isn't bad, really, but merging her costs more than every other unit since Hone Fliers is unique to her.

Because I have 13 of her.

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15 hours ago, OKigen said:

I don't use Nino and not great in number crunching - many gurus around here may help you with that xD. But my Linde has the same atk (49), with Eirika + a blarblade and 39 spd but very often I just wish I could trade her atk for more speed rather than the other way round. Because many enemies can stand one hit  from blade tomes even with buff, but not two. And as fragile as Linde/Nino are, failing to orko means they'll be murdered at enemy phase :(


15 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Your best bet is neutral or +Hp. I can do some calculations, but -Speed isn't worth +Atk. 

Edit: Unless you think you'll be able to one shot everything. If you can buff every stat, you probably won't need to hit twice

Sorry for the slow response. Had a long day of adulting and couldn't get to my computer. I'm not the best at number crunching myself, but I've been trying to compare speeds of enemies to Nino and whatnot. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten an Eirika on my main account, so her super buffs won't be happening (unless I get lucky :3 *hopeful*). So I've decided to go with the +HP Nino instead of the neutral one. (The first one is 4 stars and the second one is 3 stars. I might as well save myself 2,000 feathers and use them to promote Hinata to give her Fury.) The discussion was super helpful though. After using a +SPD Bunny Lucina, I've found that I really like speedy mages. Cecilia can hit pretty hard, but her speed really hurts her...

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18 hours ago, StarBit8 said:

-Spd Nowi really, REALLY hurts her actually. -Spd Kagero isn't really helping either. Olivia is just an amazing unit overall with Dance, and her IV's are very good, so I say she's easily your best candidate to promote.

Late reply, but thanks for the input!

I actually noticed I've got a +spd -def Olivia at 3* sitting in my barracks, so I figured I should train that one to 5* instead. Not that I've done the maths to know the important milestone differences between the two :P:

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I have a 4* Reinhardt who I haven't been using SP on for anything but his C-passive yet to ensure that I have plenty to get Dire Thunder and skill inheritance stuff... my question is, is Blazing Thunder good to keep on him or should I be going for something else for his proc? 300 is a lot of SP so want to be sure before I use it lol

Also, is Vantage any good on him? assuming Dire Thunder has the same enemy-phase doubling policy as other braves it doesn't seem particularly useful... 

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4 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

I have a 4* Reinhardt who I haven't been using SP on for anything but his C-passive yet to ensure that I have plenty to get Dire Thunder and skill inheritance stuff... my question is, is Blazing Thunder good to keep on him or should I be going for something else for his proc? 300 is a lot of SP so want to be sure before I use it lol

Also, is Vantage any good on him? assuming Dire Thunder has the same enemy-phase doubling policy as other braves it doesn't seem particularly useful... 

Vantage in general is a great skill, but less so on brave units like Reinhardt. In general, Reinhardt doesn't really benefit from B skills aside from Sword- or Bowbreaker that can handle common threats.

Blazing Thunder has a ridiculous proc rate, so replacing it would be wise. Bonfire seems like the best fit since it would proc every other round of combat.

His C Passive happens to be a great aura already, while A seems like the perfect fit for Death Blow, now that the arena update is coming in a matter of hours, making Fury less relevant than before.

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Just now, MrSmokestack said:

Vantage in general is a great skill, but less so on brave units like Reinhardt. In general, Reinhardt doesn't really benefit from B skills aside from Sword- or Bowbreaker that can handle common threats.

Blazing Thunder has a ridiculous proc rate, so replacing it would be wise. Bonfire seems like the best fit since it would proc every other round of combat.

His C Passive happens to be a great aura already, while A seems like the perfect fit for Death Blow, now that the arena update is coming in a matter of hours, making Fury less relevant than before.

Oh I don't really care that much about the arena nerf to fury, haha. Welp units with Death Blow 3 are pretty hard to come by so I might have to make do with Fury 2 or something, that may be the best I can manage....

Did you mean Bonfire or a different proc? Rein's defense isn't that great in general and mine is -Def to boot haha so I don't think that would work out too great for me...

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1 minute ago, BANRYU said:

Oh I don't really care that much about the arena nerf to fury, haha. Welp units with Death Blow 3 are pretty hard to come by so I might have to make do with Fury 2 or something, that may be the best I can manage....

Did you mean Bonfire or a different proc? Rein's defense isn't that great in general and mine is -Def to boot haha so I don't think that would work out too great for me...

Reinhardt has higher defense than resistance assuming a neutral spread, though since yours is -Def it's a different story. The scaling does make Bonfire do more damage than Draconic Aura or Moonbow. Luna perhaps?

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Reinhardt has higher defense than resistance assuming a neutral spread, though since yours is -Def it's a different story. The scaling does make Bonfire do more damage than Draconic Aura or Moonbow. Luna perhaps?

Ahh gotcha I didn't realize. Yeah gotta accomodate for the bane haha =w= Luna might be good, I'll keep an eye out for something with that. Thanks!

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Kinda bored and want a character to train/invest in. Any of these worth it or should I wait until I roll a better asset/flaw?

  • Effie: +Def/-HP
  • Nowi: +Atk/-Spd
  • Fae: +Spd/-Res

I'm lacking good blue/green units, especially green.

Or should I YOLO upgrade Sakura just because?

Edited by VincentASM
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Hey yo does anyone have a screenshot with a team of 4x Takumi? I know people have posted them in here somewhere but doggone if I'm gonna look through the topics that might have them ;; I tried looking on Tumblr as well but everything was 3 Takumi + something else and Google is just straight-up no help. 

EDIT @VincentASM eeeeeeh it's a tough call... I don't any of those natures are particularly great OR outright terrible and not worth using;  they all get something decent at least but lose something they want lol. Of them I'd say Effie is probably the best, but form what I know she REALLY wants to be Atk+. (I think I have the same Effie actually and I'm planning to keep her at 4* until/unless I never get a better one). I'm sure they'll still be decent at least.

If you need Green then Fae might be good to promote. -Res hurts since she's good at it naturally and it helps her counter the other blue dragons better, but she attacks melee a lot anyway so maybe it won't hurt. 

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10 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

EDIT @VincentASM eeeeeeh it's a tough call... I don't any of those natures are particularly great OR outright terrible and not worth using;  they all get something decent at least but lose something they want lol. Of them I'd say Effie is probably the best, but form what I know she REALLY wants to be Atk+. (I think I have the same Effie actually and I'm planning to keep her at 4* until/unless I never get a better one). I'm sure they'll still be decent at least.

If you need Green then Fae might be good to promote. -Res hurts since she's good at it naturally and it helps her counter the other blue dragons better, but she attacks melee a lot anyway so maybe it won't hurt. 

Thanks, I figured as much. Gosh darn when you get merely OK stats >___<

Well, I've managed to survive thus far, so i guess it's not a huge problem.

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1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

I have a 4* Reinhardt who I haven't been using SP on for anything but his C-passive yet to ensure that I have plenty to get Dire Thunder and skill inheritance stuff... my question is, is Blazing Thunder good to keep on him or should I be going for something else for his proc? 300 is a lot of SP so want to be sure before I use it lol

Also, is Vantage any good on him? assuming Dire Thunder has the same enemy-phase doubling policy as other braves it doesn't seem particularly useful... 

Oh man, I got this. 

I initially knew nothing at all about Reinhardt, having never played his game, but he is an absolute monster in Heroes and one of my best units by far. The ONLY thing holding me back from using him in Arena is BST, but he's nothing less than a mobile delete button in stuff like Training Tower, story missions, GHBs, and Gauntlets, where BST doesn't matter.

I have no idea what nature your Rein is, so I'm going to assume neutral attack for calculation purposes (though obviously +Atk is best).

A neutral 5* Reinhardt at level 40 can OHKO every single red in the game except for Caeda, Eliwood, Fir, Leo, Raigh, and Y!Tiki, and all of these live with less than 10 HP. A 5* level 40 +Atk Reinhardt will straight up OHKO every single red in the game, no questions asked. 

The set I use on Reinhardt is:

  • Weapon: Dire Thunder
  • Assist: Draw Back
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Death Blow
  • B-slot: Lancebreaker
  • C-slot: Goad Cavalry 

Back to neutral though, since I can't assume natures, Death Blow is first and foremost the best A-skill on him by a longshot (since he's way too slow to make use of anything like Life and Death and not quite bulky enough for Fury. Death Blow is just pure damage though, which is exactly what he wants). 

With Death Blow 3 and a neutral nature, he OHKOs 2/3 of all blue units, only being killed on the counter by Nowi and Ursula (assuming her normal tome), both of whom live with less than 5 HP as well as OHKOing every single archer in the game, as well as every thief not named Felicia.

I personally find Vantage lackluster on Brave units, especially if they shouldn't be getting hit in the first place, and instead prefer either a mobility skill such as Wings of Mercy (which always works great on Rein) or a breaker skill to help them secure KOs. Lancebreaker is the best offensive B-skill for him as it allows him to secure ORKOs w/ Death Blow on every lancer except Effie (lives with 2 HP), Jagen (lives with 1 HP), and Ninian (lives with 2 HP).

Obviously a +Atk nature is best on Rein since he secures every the ORKO on literally every neutral red and blue in the game with a +Atk nature, but if you have a neutral nature, this is easily fixed with a simple Hone or Rally Atk buff.

Your C-slot depends mostly on your team's needs, so there isn't much to say here. Pick an aura that best benefits the other members of your team.

I personally find Draw Back to be the best assist skill for high movement units (all cavalry) for getting your units out of harm's way, but just about any other repositioning skill works here (Reposition is probably the second best one for Rein. Swap is better for units that can then tank a hit for the unit they're swapping out, which Rein shouldn't be doing). 

And finally, specials. 

First off, Blazing Thunder has got to go. I'm not fond of 5-turn specials to begin with, but it's even worse when you consider the amount of damage he loses out on by not being able to activate a special during combat (and honestly anything that he hits with Blazing at the beginning of his turn would have died to his normal Brave attack + a Luna proc anyways). 

As for why Luna, quite simply it gives him the most damage output and secures the most kills for him. The age-old argument of Moonbow vs Luna (cd vs damage) is completely irrelevant here since he's a Brave user that activates 2 turn specials and 3 turn specials during the same round of combat (this is assuming he takes no counterattacks from opponents, which he really shouldn't be if you play him and position him properly). As such, there's absolutely no reason to use Moonbow over Luna. 

He doesn't have a high enough Str, Def, or Res stat to take advantage of Draconic Aura, Bonfire, or Iceberg, and Luna simply nets him far more OHKOs than any of those other skills (let's not even talk about Glimmer, which is arguably the worst offensive special in the game besides the 5-turn ones). 

*A +Atk Reinhardt will actually get one or two more kills with Draconic Aura, but since these calcs didn't take Fury and +res characters into consideration, Luna is more consistently better in the long run. Especially since I can't even assume you have a +Atk Reinhardt. 

tldr - Reinhardt is a terrifying monster that can wipe out every red, blue, and colorless unit in the game in a single turn with the right setup, and with Luna active, he can even delete most greens. He's gone overlooked for far too long because of his BST, but for maps that don't require a high BST rating, Reinhardt is easily one of the best mages in the entire game. 

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43 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Kinda bored and want a character to train/invest in. Any of these worth it or should I wait until I roll a better asset/flaw?

  • Effie: +Def/-HP
  • Nowi: +Atk/-Spd
  • Fae: +Spd/-Res

I'm lacking good blue/green units, especially green.

Or should I YOLO upgrade Sakura just because?

Do you have any units with better stat rolls? To be honest, none of those are optimal, and since feathers are a terribly limited resource they need to be spent wisely.

I'd say the best one out of the pack is Effie, though. If you're playing for a higher score in arena, Effie has the best stat total out of the three, as well as the best default kit. All she really needs is a unit that can pass her Pivot and she'll be ready to go.

Fae's actually isn't too bad, but green units are a little niche and her forte among other manaketes is having the highest resistance. Then again, high resistance isn't exactly the most desired of stats to have in a unit. +Spd is great though.


Now to pose a question of my own.

Is there a resource that has all the arena maps available for download? Searching hasn't turned up anything for me besides an outdated album on imgur.

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My Rein is Atk+/Def- so he's pretty good haha. Unfortunately training has been kind of a bitch with him actually since I pulled him at 4* instead of 5* so no Dire Thunder, but when I can get around to promoting him and Eliwood I should have the makings of a pretty good cav team on my hands.  

That looks like a great skill set, with the only issue for me being competition between my other units for some of that skill fodder (was saving my Fred for Fortify Def 3, Lancebreaker for m!Robin, and a Nino for possible future Gronnblade or something... and no Death Blow whatsoever unless I want to 5* Ursula lol and Eliwood wants it too)

BUT that does give me a pretty good idea of what to shoot for, thanks!

48 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Hey yo does anyone have a screenshot with a team of 4x Takumi? I know people have posted them in here somewhere but doggone if I'm gonna look through the topics that might have them ;; I tried looking on Tumblr as well but everything was 3 Takumi + something else and Google is just straight-up no help. 

I realize it's kind of a long shot lol but just gonna bump this... ;; JIC

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8 minutes ago, Fruity Insanity said:

Do Alphonse's weapon effect (Defiant Str 2) and Defiant Str 3 stack?

We know that Durandal's passive Death Blow 2 stacks with Death Blow 3, so it's possible, although they boost damage differently so I think it's hard to say. I would theorize that Alphonse would only be able to get +7 Atk with both of those active, myself, but I can't say for sure. 

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5 minutes ago, Friendly_Ram said:

What healings does live to serve interact with?

If you have animations on, any assist skill that uses battle animations.

If you have animations off, any assist skill that is locked to staves.


Basically, actual staves. Currently, that's every healing assist skill except Ardent Sacrifice and Reciprocal Aid.


EDIT: Considering staves can't inherit Ardent Sacrifice and Reciprocal Aid anyways and considering non-staff-users can't inherit Live to Serve anyways, it works on any legal combination of skills.

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1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

My Rein is Atk+/Def- so he's pretty good haha. Unfortunately training has been kind of a bitch with him actually since I pulled him at 4* instead of 5* so no Dire Thunder, but when I can get around to promoting him and Eliwood I should have the makings of a pretty good cav team on my hands.  

That looks like a great skill set, with the only issue for me being competition between my other units for some of that skill fodder (was saving my Fred for Fortify Def 3, Lancebreaker for m!Robin, and a Nino for possible future Gronnblade or something... and no Death Blow whatsoever unless I want to 5* Ursula lol and Eliwood wants it too)

BUT that does give me a pretty good idea of what to shoot for, thanks!

I realize it's kind of a long shot lol but just gonna bump this... ;; JIC

Oh that's a pretty optimal nature, congrats!

I pulled him at 5*, so I can't relate. I imagine he'll be considerably easier to train up once you promote him though!

Also, if he's going to be a cav team, the Hone Cavalry should offset you not having Death Blow (and if you don't have Death Blow, you could try other alternatives like Atk +3 perhaps?) and net you the same OHKOs you would have gotten with Death Blow. 

If you don't have a spare Lancebreaker to give him, Wings of Mercy for more mobility is a pretty decent option. 

If you don't have a spare Luna donator, Draconic Aura is actually better on a +Atk Reinhardt, netting you all the same kills plus some. Bonfire and Iceberg, while not as optimal as Luna, also still net you most of the kills Luna would have. You can go Moonbow if you have nothing else though, though the other non-Glimmer specials are more optimal.

Either way though I'd get rid of Vantage and Blazing Thunder because those really don't help him very much imo.


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Thoughts on -Atk/+Res 3* Nino and a -HP/+Atk 4* Abel.

Also, I have these level 1 units



What should I do with them?

Edit: Also, I have a -HP/+Atk Cherche. I know it's a good nature for her, but I also have another 4/5 Cherches. Should I merge them to the former Cherche or save them to pass Pivot? 

Edited by Zero1000
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