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So I've finally been blessed with a hinata to give away fury 3. Question is, I don't know if I should give it to Ike(+spd/-atk) or Xander. I use both units for arena and in general and checking with the damage calc, they both have a similar outcome with Xander losing 1 less than Ike with the current build I have on them.

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How viable is Leo? (Don't have his IVs)

Thinking about sacrificing him for Ike to give him QR 3. I never use Leo, but he's my only mounted mage

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I can make my first 4-5 star promotion & would love a bit of input.

these are the 5 stars I've *pulled*:

-ATK/+SPD clair

-ATK/+DEF cordelia

-ATK/+SPD Faye

-ATK/+RES Kagero

And a Caeda I'm pretty sure is -ATK also, because she's absolutely unbearable to level, doesn't damage anything.

That's all so far & looking at that list... it's a wonder I play this game at all. The Kagero is at least usable; the others really aren't.

So yeah, promotion! 

I've gotten a little luckier with four stars, if only because I have more of them. So I have +ATK/-DEF Nino i could raise up, a -HP/+DEF Nowi, and a +ATK/-RES male Corrin. 

Or, alternatively, one of the Askr trio, or Zephiel, Xander, Ursula.

Nino is the obvious choice, I think? Except that while I have a decent cast of 4 stars I don't have any of the buffer characters that seem to be key to making Nino shine. So she'd be strong but I can't exactly build a team around her.

These promotion opportunities don't come round often, obviously, so I don't want to make a bad choice. Advice?




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8 minutes ago, Personette said:

I can make my first 4-5 star promotion & would love a bit of input.

these are the 5 stars I've *pulled*:

-ATK/+SPD clair

-ATK/+DEF cordelia

-ATK/+SPD Faye

-ATK/+RES Kagero

And a Caeda I'm pretty sure is -ATK also, because she's absolutely unbearable to level, doesn't damage anything.

That's all so far & looking at that list... it's a wonder I play this game at all. The Kagero is at least usable; the others really aren't.

So yeah, promotion! 

I've gotten a little luckier with four stars, if only because I have more of them. So I have +ATK/-DEF Nino i could raise up, a -HP/+DEF Nowi, and a +ATK/-RES male Corrin. 

Or, alternatively, one of the Askr trio, or Zephiel, Xander, Ursula.

Nino is the obvious choice, I think? Except that while I have a decent cast of 4 stars I don't have any of the buffer characters that seem to be key to making Nino shine. So she'd be strong but I can't exactly build a team around her.

These promotion opportunities don't come round often, obviously, so I don't want to make a bad choice. Advice?




Talk about some bad luck with pulls...(are you by chance related to @Rezzy?).

Anyhow, promotions. If I were you I'd pick Nino as well. Nino was the first unit I promoted to 5-star as well, so I can say from experience that she performs great even without a team build around her (and yours even has a better nature). Even if you don't have someone like Erika or Ephraim, Sharena can buff her quite well with fortify defence and rally attack. Hell, any unit can support  her if they inherit rally attack and a hone/fortify skill (or hone attack and another rally). Furthermore, Cordelia should be able to take care of most red units, even with -atk, so she should be able to work decently with what you have.

On the other hand, Xander might be a good alternative, as he would add some bulk that your team seems to be currently lacking, and his personal weapon makes him a great stand alone unit as well. Promoting Xander would mean Effie and most likely some other blues can still terrorize your team though, so I'd prefer Nino.

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55 minutes ago, Big Smoke said:

How viable is Leo? (Don't have his IVs)

Thinking about sacrificing him for Ike to give him QR 3. I never use Leo, but he's my only mounted mage

Redblade tome leo (with cavalry buff) = bangers

Regular leo (with cavalry buff) = meh

Regular leo = not very special.......

Unless you're making a cavalry team, Leo isn't going to do anything that, let's say, Lilina will do better. His access to buffs is what makes him potent as a red mage with Redblade!

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14 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Redblade tome leo (with cavalry buff) = bangers

Regular leo (with cavalry buff) = meh

Regular leo = not very special.......

Unless you're making a cavalry team, Leo isn't going to do anything that, let's say, Lilina will do better. His access to buffs is what makes him potent as a red mage with Redblade!

Leo + Dancer/somebody with Draw Back lets you endlessly kite things.

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@PersonetteI was writing a wall of text about the same things Bartozio said xD

I agree with Bartozio. If you also have Olivia then you can replace Sharena's rally to either spd or res to make Nino shine even more.

Xander personally I would promote only if you plan to do horse emblem because that's where he really shines. So you probably should go for Nino.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Leo + Dancer/somebody with Draw Back lets you endlessly kite things.

Any horse with a dancer/somebody with drawback lets you endlessly kite things XD

54 minutes ago, Personette said:

So I have +ATK/-DEF Nino i could raise up


My Nino is +Atk -Def too!



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I want to consider a variation on 'Who to promote next'... my next promotion to 5* will be going to Lilina or Nino. It'll probably wait until after I've promoted Shanna, but it will be my next one. The question is, which first?

Lilina requires shy of 2000 SP to become fully decked out (525 on Fury, 525 on Bowbreaker, 450 on Hone Speed, and 450 on Draconic Aura optionally). Promoting her would give her 594 SP for levelling as well as an easier method to grind out a few hundred on top of that. After that SP, she'll probably be relatively set on the Blade team, the remaining SP more of additional points and the occasional better matchup.

Nino requires very little SP on top of her 594 promotion- a casual raising attempt could probably finish up all the skills she needs to learn. However, what she's getting is Gronnblade+. Another point of interest is that Nino is currently being run on my Arena team, though as Lilina and Linde get better, they slowly get their place on the team too.

(In addition to this, should I promote Shanna now or wait for one of the 5* ones to go by first? Shanna will be fed to Linde, who needs a lot more SP to start investing in the first tiers anyway.)

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Any horse with a dancer/somebody with drawback lets you endlessly kite things XD


Not quite; without gravity, even with a dancer/draw back, you'd be in range of all but armor units on the next enemy phase.

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8 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Leo + Dancer/somebody with Draw Back lets you endlessly kite things.

@Big Smoke Leo also happens to be the only unit capable of running the legendary Gravity & Sweep skill combo....

Off the back of his 'amazing' 25 max speed.

(He would've been so amazing if his stats made him anything except Sophia on a horse...)

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1 minute ago, Arthur97 said:

What would be a better use of feathers: giving Cherche Brave Axe + or Young Tiki Lightning Breath +?

Does Young Tiki already have a B skill to complement her Distant Counter? You generally also want to run either Vantage or Quick Riposte in tandem with DC to get the most out of the set.

At the same time, Cherche wants Death Blow 3 to complement her Brave+, though her default Atk +3 works fine too.

The key difference between Death Blow and Quick Riposte is that one has 4* fodder that can pass the complete skill chain, while the other doesn't. It's up to you whether or not you want to maximize your arena score though.

What does the rest of your team look like?

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18 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Does Young Tiki already have a B skill to complement her Distant Counter? You generally also want to run either Vantage or Quick Riposte in tandem with DC to get the most out of the set.

At the same time, Cherche wants Death Blow 3 to complement her Brave+, though her default Atk +3 works fine too.

The key difference between Death Blow and Quick Riposte is that one has 4* fodder that can pass the complete skill chain, while the other doesn't. It's up to you whether or not you want to maximize your arena score though.

What does the rest of your team look like?

Tiki does have Vantage though I would also like to work on an Adult Tiki (but I have enough feathers to do both) and I don't have access to Death Blow 3 without sacrificing Ursula (and promoting her) and she is a limited edition.

My main team doesn't actually use either of them, but it consists of Lucina +1 (Luna, Swap, Vantage, Defiant Atk, and Spur Atk), Male Robin +1 (Rally Atk, Bonfire, Defiant Spd, Seal Res 2, and Spur Def; could use TA3) Cordelia +1 (Rally Def, Galeforce, Def +2, Lancebreaker 2: I know, she is far from optimal) and Nino (Draw Back, New Moon, Res +3, Wings of Mercy 1, and Hone Atk). This is not counting the various seals.

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8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Arthur97 I personally prefer Cherche, but Nino is a great green as it is already. Finishing up Young Tiki is my suggestion.

Thanks, and she is my preference on character (I do like Nino though so don't kill me internet!), but I've found it's nice to have a balance of magic and physical damage in case you end up against someone with ridiculous def or res.

Once I get both of them their weapons, I may just upgrade (another one, I have plenty and this one is +Atk) Adult Tiki because I feel like it.

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Horse Emblem Question:

I beat the monthly quest without much trouble. It doesn't really even need a fully-fledged horsie team with buffs. Just some luck. I believe I used Cecilia, Peri, Xander, and Priscilla.

I'm slowly working on a better team for other purposes. I've got Xander probably as a permanent staple. (Still working on getting him Fury 3 and Cav Buff...) I also got my 4 star Ursula Barblade+, so she'll be my next upgrade. I know everyone sings Cecilia's praises (and I actually really like her with Gronblade), but it will be another few centuries before I get enough feathers to upgrade her. I've since gotten a 5* Cain and 5* Titania I can add to the mix. and Camus is probably coming soon...

Who should fill my final two slots for the time being? I'm leaning towards a team of Xander, Ursula, Titania, and Cain. Ursula and Titania could handle the mages while Xander and Cain could handle the melee, but Peri isn't a terrible unit. (Plus I already gave her Swordbreaker and a cav buff.) I plan on using all of these peeps eventually, but I need to narrow my focus or else I'll never get anything done. Plus I don't know much about Cain. I've heard mixed reviews... (I really like him at the moment.)

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29 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Horse Emblem Question:

I beat the monthly quest without much trouble. It doesn't really even need a fully-fledged horsie team with buffs. Just some luck. I believe I used Cecilia, Peri, Xander, and Priscilla.

I'm slowly working on a better team for other purposes. I've got Xander probably as a permanent staple. (Still working on getting him Fury 3 and Cav Buff...) I also got my 4 star Ursula Barblade+, so she'll be my next upgrade. I know everyone sings Cecilia's praises (and I actually really like her with Gronblade), but it will be another few centuries before I get enough feathers to upgrade her. I've since gotten a 5* Cain and 5* Titania I can add to the mix. and Camus is probably coming soon...

Who should fill my final two slots for the time being? I'm leaning towards a team of Xander, Ursula, Titania, and Cain. Ursula and Titania could handle the mages while Xander and Cain could handle the melee, but Peri isn't a terrible unit. (Plus I already gave her Swordbreaker and a cav buff.) I plan on using all of these peeps eventually, but I need to narrow my focus or else I'll never get anything done. Plus I don't know much about Cain. I've heard mixed reviews... (I really like him at the moment.)

Right now if I were you I'd concentrate on the long term Horse Emblem goal and just play half Horse Emblem for now. I definitely wouldn't recommend investing a lot of inheritance into units you never plan to use full-time. Cain and Peri are just not worth lot of investment for mediocre units imo.  Just run a dancer or unit with heavy inheritance to increase your score. I'd wait for Cecilia, or Reinhardt to grace your presence before running full Horse Emblem or alternatively wait for Camus to come.

Edit:  Also as a small note there's a lot of units that want Cain's Brave Sword more than him it so might be a good idea to get not too attached.

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7 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

Right now if I were you I'd concentrate on the long term Horse Emblem goal and just play half Horse Emblem for now. I definitely wouldn't recommend investing a lot of inheritance into units you never plan to use full-time. Cain and Peri are just not worth lot of investment for mediocre units imo.  Just run a dancer or unit with heavy inheritance to increase your score. I'd wait for Cecilia, or Reinhardt to grace your presence before running full Horse Emblem or alternatively wait for Camus to come.

I think I can do that. Peri was one of my first 5* units, so she's already got some decent SI on her. She may be pretty medicore compared to other units, but she gets the job done when I need her to. I kind of doubt I'll be able to run a Horse Emblem team this Arena season unless I can get Ursula and Titania up to level 40. In which case I'll probably run Ursula, Titania, Xander, and...probably Azura just to see how that works out...

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7 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

Right now if I were you I'd concentrate on the long term Horse Emblem goal and just play half Horse Emblem for now. I definitely wouldn't recommend investing a lot of inheritance into units you never plan to use full-time. Cain and Peri are just not worth lot of investment for mediocre units imo.  Just run a dancer or unit with heavy inheritance to increase your score. I'd wait for Cecilia, or Reinhardt to grace your presence before running full Horse Emblem or alternatively wait for Camus to come.

I think I can do that. Peri was one of my first 5* units, so she's already got some decent SI on her. She may be pretty medicore compared to other units, but she gets the job done when I need her to. I kind of doubt I'll be able to run a Horse Emblem team this Arena season unless I can get Ursula and Titania up to level 40. In which case I'll probably run Ursula, Titania, Xander, and...probably Azura just to see how that works out...

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2 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

Cain and Peri are just not worth lot of investment for mediocre units imo.

Pfft. Cain and Peri (and Abel) are the best contenders for the same Brave glass cannon build that Hana is known for.

Cain (38/38), Abel (39/38), and Peri (39/39) with Hone Cavalry have barely lower stats than Hana (38/40) with Hone Atk 2 and Hone Spd 3 (from Eirika or Ephraim) while having 3 movement range and a much less restricting buff source (and Abel and Peri have an arguably better weapon type).

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Pfft. Cain and Peri (and Abel) are the best contenders for the same Brave glass cannon build that Hana is known for.

Cain (38/38), Abel (39/38), and Peri (39/39) with Hone Cavalry have barely lower stats than Hana (38/40) with Hone Atk 2 and Hone Spd 3 (from Eirika or Ephraim) while having 3 movement range and a much less restricting buff source (and Abel and Peri have an arguably better weapon type).

Okay sell me what can they do well that Xander and Ursula can't that's the main reason I called them mediocre because they are redundant for the team presented, and imo Xander and Ursula are better options for their color.  

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