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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

I actually just got a spare 4* Hana from the last pull I did, so yeah that's certainly an option.

Depending on how much investment you want to put into Corrin (and how many resources you have on hand), you could

  • Teach Corrin Life and Death 2 now and not bother with Life and Death 3
  • Teach Corrin Life and Death 2 now and hope a better source of Life and Death 3 comes around in the future
  • Teach Corrin Life and Death 3 now by promoting Hana
  • Teach Corrin Fury 3 now
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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Depending on how much investment you want to put into Corrin (and how many resources you have on hand), you could

  • Teach Corrin Life and Death 2 now and not bother with Life and Death 3
  • Teach Corrin Life and Death 2 now and hope a better source of Life and Death 3 comes around in the future
  • Teach Corrin Life and Death 3 now by promoting Hana
  • Teach Corrin Fury 3 now

I'm thinking that, for now, I'll just sack the Hana for LaD 2 to save feathers to promote the Odin I'll need. I already need to promote a Shanna if I want Desperation on her right now and would have to do likewise with Hinata if I want to add Fury as well. Thanks for the input!

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18 hours ago, r_n said:

I have 4 separate 4* Ests. 

Does anyone really want anything she offers? Seals are niche...defiant even more so. I can not imagine giving anyone a heavy spear, even so far as unpromoted weapons go I'd probably stick with Silver, Killer or even Brave. There's Shove I guess?

I have 65k feathers so I'm not really struggling on that front. So if no one wants her stuff I was thinking of merging them together. For kicks more than anything. I've got a netural one, +def/-atk, +atk/-HP and +atk/-res. Best one to merge together?

I love Est, but her native skills are pretty useless. There's not a lot of use for Defiant Res, which is the full chain she has unlocked at 4*. I suppose you might toss it on a healer, but that would be about it, unless you wanted to do something funky, like build Sophia with Brash Assault. Seal Spd is good on Felicia, but she should get the full chain from Virion.

So, basically, you should merge them, using one of the +Atk ones as the fore. I'd say go with the -HP one, since she has nice Res, which is good for Iceberg. With her strength, she likes using a Brave Lance.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

My dilemma:

I'm out of Desperation fodder for now. What should I give Summer Corrin to fill in her B slot until I get more fodder?

You can buy more fodder or give her a Breaker.

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Pulled a 5* Mathilda and debating who to feed her to, leaning towards either a Red or Lance (the latter mainly for the twofer). Trying to make a decision before I get attached by proxy of a free Clive and playing SoV.

Anyone got any stories of good/bad SI decisions with CA3 or the new anti-cav melee weapons?

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3 hours ago, a bear said:

Pulled a 5* Mathilda and debating who to feed her to, leaning towards either a Red or Lance (the latter mainly for the twofer). Trying to make a decision before I get attached by proxy of a free Clive and playing SoV.

Anyone got any stories of good/bad SI decisions with CA3 or the new anti-cav melee weapons?

Cancel Affinity is not too useful in my opinion since melee units are inferior to ranged units, and the only ranged units who can utilize it are archers and thieves. I do not see enough Raven users to justify equipping my BB!Cordelia with Cancel Affinity. When I do see the occasional Cecilia and Robin, Olivia and Reinhardt can take care of them easily.

Anti-cavalry melee Weapons are outclassed. There is no real reason for players to use them over Braves on Player Phase builds or Slaying/Wo Dao on Enemy Phase builds.

1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

Do passive buffs count when factoring in the extra Bonfire/Draconic Aura/etc. damage? Would a unit do extra damage with Bonfire if he had Close/Distant Defense or Spur Def in play?

Yes, Dragon Gaze/Glowing Ember/Chilling Wind lines takes the total value of the stat into consideration, including all buffs, spurs, penalties, etc.

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4 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Do passive buffs count when factoring in the extra Bonfire/Draconic Aura/etc. damage? Would a unit do extra damage with Bonfire if he had Close/Distant Defense or Spur Def in play?

Everything that isn't a multiplier is counted. That means everything that isn't effective damage modifiers, weapon triangle modifiers, and terrain modifiers.

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4 hours ago, James Bond said:

What would be the best possible build for a Ylissean Summer Gaius with +Def, -Spd?

I have the same one!  This is actually the worst possible nature.  It's like really bad, Summer Gaius's edge of Bride!Cordelia is that his speed is so damn high allowing him to be a quad bow user with Iceberg.  

I'm personally waiting for a way to change the nature of units from IS.  Don't know if it'll ever happen, but it would make me very happy.  Right now, he's probably still best with a brave bow+.  Fury 3 or L&D 3 could be taken to turn him into a lower attack version of Cordelia with slightly less survivabillity, which is probably your best bet.  Death blow can be taken if you don't want to use Fury or L&D.


I just realized my Caeda is +atk/-def which is actually a really good nature.  I never thought about using her, but with Valter and SummerCorrin and my SpringCamilla, is it worth building her?  I'm assuming L&D 3 w/ brave sword to maximize her quad potential?  Or would Fury be better if I can get ahold of Hone fliers so she keeps her resistance bulk?  I think with this nature she would be better than most Pallas and red fliers are pretty important in a flying team because of Spring Camilla and Summer Corrin being blue and green.

Edited by Lushen
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1 minute ago, Lushen said:

I have the same one!  This is actually the worst possible nature.  It's like really bad, Summer Gaius's edge of Bride!Cordelia is that his speed is so damn high allowing him to be a quad bow user with Iceberg.  

I'm personally waiting for a way to change the nature of units from IS.  Don't know if it'll ever happen, but it would make me very happy.  Right now, he's probably still best with a brave bow+.  Fury 3 or L&D 3 could be taken to turn him into a lower attack version of Cordelia with slightly less survivabillity, which is probably your best bet.  Death blow can be taken if you don't want to use Fury or L&D.

I was actually thinking how nice it would be if they allowed you to change your units nature. Yes that would be a welcome addition indeed, but I fear they would never allow that to happen, because business...And thank you.

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3 minutes ago, James Bond said:

I was actually thinking how nice it would be if they allowed you to change your units nature. Yes that would be a welcome addition indeed, but I fear they would never allow that to happen, because business...And thank you.

I dunno, I wouldn't count it out.  Most people are saying it won't happen because it is one of the reasons why people keep rolling for units they already have.  I disagree, I don't know very many people that spend money on the game to get a better nature.  Most whales will +10 units they're obsessed with and most F2P will try to go get other units.  The amount of people spending money to change natures is probably very low.

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1 minute ago, Lushen said:

I dunno, I wouldn't count it out.  Most people are saying it won't happen because it is one of the reasons why people keep rolling for units they already have.  I disagree, I don't know very many people that spend money on the game to get a better nature.  Most whales will +10 units they're obsessed with and most F2P will try to go get other units.  The amount of people spending money to change natures is probably very low.

They could probably use some kind of nature alteration through the use of orbs, which could also be completely random, who knows...

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21 minutes ago, Lushen said:

I just realized my Caeda is +atk/-def which is actually a really good nature.  I never thought about using her, but with Valter and SummerCorrin and my SpringCamilla, is it worth building her?  I'm assuming L&D 3 w/ brave sword to maximize her quad potential?  Or would Fury be better if I can get ahold of Hone fliers so she keeps her resistance bulk?  I think with this nature she would be better than most Pallas and red fliers are pretty important in a flying team because of Spring Camilla and Summer Corrin being blue and green.

Palla is better in my opinion, but Caeda can substitute for Palla until you get a Palla [+Atk].

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I'm saving up orbs for hero fest next week, and IF the rumors are true and the banner contains Ike, what would be the best way in general?

When Hero fest starts I would have about 180~ orbs. Should I only pick Reds? Shoulds I just do full summons? I'd love Ninian too but Ike is what I'm aiming for. Rather not summon colorless or Julia but with the 5% rate a 5* breaking it isn't that bad...

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4 minutes ago, Chelone said:

I'm saving up orbs for hero fest next week, and IF the rumors are true and the banner contains Ike, what would be the best way in general?

When Hero fest starts I would have about 180~ orbs. Should I only pick Reds? Shoulds I just do full summons? I'd love Ninian too but Ike is what I'm aiming for. Rather not summon colorless or Julia but with the 5% rate a 5* breaking it isn't that bad...

How badly do you want Ike? The average number of orbs needed to pull a single Ike is about 100 orbs if focusing on red. You might be able to get away with pulling two colors, but it's up to you to weigh the odds.

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4 hours ago, Lushen said:

I have the same one!  This is actually the worst possible nature.  It's like really bad, Summer Gaius's edge of Bride!Cordelia is that his speed is so damn high allowing him to be a quad bow user with Iceberg.  

I just realized my Caeda is +atk/-def which is actually a really good nature.  I never thought about using her, but with Valter and SummerCorrin and my SpringCamilla, is it worth building her?  I'm assuming L&D 3 w/ brave sword to maximize her quad potential?  Or would Fury be better if I can get ahold of Hone fliers so she keeps her resistance bulk?  I think with this nature she would be better than most Pallas and red fliers are pretty important in a flying team because of Spring Camilla and Summer Corrin being blue and green.

1. I see your -Spd Gaius and raise you -Atk. :P:
2. So we're going to assume that Caeda's being used, as opposed to being thrown on the SI pile.  I'd give her a Ruby Sword, so she has a chance in hell of scratching something.  For proc, she'd do best with Iceberg IMO.  Ideally, A slot would be Swift Sparrow, but there's better uses for that skill.  The usual Fury/Life and Death work, though she also does well with Darting Blow.  B skill should be Desperation, hands down.  C skill is fine for Flier Emblem, but she can also make use of Atk Ploy.  She makes a decent support flier, though if your goal is to outright kill everything, Palla with Darting Blow will do it better.

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

1. I see your -Spd Gaius and raise you -Atk. :P:
2. So we're going to assume that Caeda's being used, as opposed to being thrown on the SI pile.  I'd give her a Ruby Sword, so she has a chance in hell of scratching something.  For proc, she'd do best with Iceberg IMO.  Ideally, A slot would be Swift Sparrow, but there's better uses for that skill.  The usual Fury/Life and Death work, though she also does well with Darting Blow.  B skill should be Desperation, hands down.  C skill is fine for Flier Emblem, but she can also make use of Atk Ploy.  She makes a decent support flier, though if your goal is to outright kill everything, Palla with Darting Blow will do it better.

Hm, didn't think about Ruby sword.  You're right that it may be better than brave sword, especially because her only real function is being the only red unit to support sp!camilla, su!corrin, and probably valter who are much better units.  I just need a red unit and while Palla is ok, both Caeda and Palla are not ideal.

I'd rather train Caeda now over Palla because I have her as a 5* and she's the right nature.  I could find a good IV Palla but evenually a red sword unit will come out so why waste 20K feathers on a unit that will eventually feed all her skill over to a better unit.


As for the pity war, my -spd is also +def, that counts too!

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1 minute ago, Lushen said:

Hm, didn't think about Ruby sword.  You're right that it may be better than brave sword, especially because her only real function is being the only red unit to support sp!camilla, su!corrin, and probably valter who are much better units.  I just need a red unit and while Palla is ok, both Caeda and Palla are not ideal.

Brave Sword has a real matchup spread if you have Hone Fliers, for what it's worth. I don't remember the specifics off the top of my head, because the last time I ran the numbers was way back in April when I went ahead and built it.

If you don't have Hone Fliers on your team somewhere though, you may be better off with Ruby. Basically the build I run is Brave/Swift Sparrow/Desperation/Iceberg for a guaranteed Iceberg on any round of combat where she doubles. With her Res, Iceberg usually hits hard enough to make up for her lower Atk.

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6 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Hm, didn't think about Ruby sword.  You're right that it may be better than brave sword, especially because her only real function is being the only red unit to support sp!camilla, su!corrin, and probably valter who are much better units.  I just need a red unit and while Palla is ok, both Caeda and Palla are not ideal.

I'd rather train Caeda now over Palla because I have her as a 5* and she's the right nature.  I could find a good IV Palla but evenually a red sword unit will come out so why waste 20K feathers on a unit that will eventually feed all her skill over to a better unit.


As for the pity war, my -spd is also +def, that counts too!

I finally pulled Caeda (albeit 4*), and I'm insane enough to run both sword pegasi.  Caeda's job will be to support from the back lines, while Palla does most of the heavy lifting.

2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Brave Sword has a real matchup spread if you have Hone Fliers, for what it's worth. I don't remember the specifics off the top of my head, because the last time I ran the numbers was way back in April when I went ahead and built it.

If you don't have Hone Fliers on your team somewhere though, you may be better off with Ruby. Basically the build I run is Brave/Swift Sparrow/Desperation/Iceberg for a guaranteed Iceberg on any round of combat where she doubles. With her Res, Iceberg usually hits hard enough to make up for her lower Atk.

Even with +Atk and Hone Fliers, that's 35 base Atk before Brave Sword MT.  That's non-Life and Death Hana levels, for comparison's sake.  It's definitely not a bad option, but I prefer Ruby Sword on Desperation, since her job will be to take out green units (since the rest of my team is competent enough to take care of all the other colors).

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55 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Even with +Atk and Hone Fliers, that's 35 base Atk before Brave Sword MT.  That's non-Life and Death Hana levels, for comparison's sake.  It's definitely not a bad option, but I prefer Ruby Sword on Desperation, since her job will be to take out green units (since the rest of my team is competent enough to take care of all the other colors).

Assuming Hone Fliers and the objective of dealing with, and only with, enemy greens, both sets are functionally identical, since they'll both take out all greens.

I ran some more "specialized" matchups (basically just factoring in nature & inheritance on the neutral, no inheritance matchups that looked more dicey); the only real edge for Ruby as far as I can tell is that +Spd/Fury Minerva with the HP +3 or Squad Ace A 1 seal will survive Brave unless Caeda has Atk +1 equipped (or is using Life and Death instead of Swift Sparrow), whereas Ruby outright KOs her regardless of seal.

In return, the Brave set doesn't have to worry about Cancel Affinity inheritance (which admittedly is an edge case). If she ever does need to fight a non-green (it's nice to have the option to do so, if nothing else), the Brave set is better at that too. I also think it plays more nicely with Iceberg; Brave + 3-charge special is a solid combo in general.

Admittedly I'm biased, since that's the set I'm running on mine, but that's my take on the comparison of the two.

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4 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Assuming Hone Fliers and the objective of dealing with, and only with, enemy greens, both sets are functionally identical, since they'll both take out all greens.

I ran some more "specialized" matchups (basically just factoring in nature & inheritance on the neutral, no inheritance matchups that looked more dicey); the only real edge for Ruby as far as I can tell is that +Spd/Fury Minerva with the HP +3 or Squad Ace A 1 seal will survive Brave unless Caeda has Atk +1 equipped (or is using Life and Death instead of Swift Sparrow), whereas Ruby outright KOs her regardless of seal.

In return, the Brave set doesn't have to worry about Cancel Affinity inheritance (which admittedly is an edge case). If she ever does need to fight a non-green (it's nice to have the option to do so, if nothing else), the Brave set is better at that too. I also think it plays more nicely with Iceberg; Brave + 3-charge special is a solid combo in general.

Admittedly I'm biased, since that's the set I'm running on mine, but that's my take on the comparison of the two.

Since you're doing a lot more research than me, and I'm LAZY. . .

How do things stack up when Caeda is attacked by a green unit, with either weapon?

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