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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

The best cavalry team I can think of is Olwen, Leo, Cecilia, and Reinhardt/Dancer/Singer. The previous three should run Blade builds while Reinhardt can run his normal Dire Thunder build. You can switch out Reinhardt or any one of them for a Dancer/Singer for more flexibility.

Huh, no Xander or Camus? I guess -blade tomes are disgustingly strong. Thanks for the feedback!

13 minutes ago, XRay said:

The best flier team is SF!Camilla, NS!Corrin, Palla, and Cordelia/Cherche/Dancer/Singer. The previous two can run Blade builds, Palla/Cordelia/Cherche can run Brave builds, Palla can also run Ruby Sword builds, and you can switch out a flier for a Dancer/Singer for more flexibility.

What about if we don't have any seasonal units? What are the best alternatives to them?

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you are going for a Raven build on Leo, I would add Triangle Adept and replace Glacies with Moonbow. Against ranged units, Moonbow activates during every Enemy Phase fight.

The best cavalry team I can think of is Olwen, Leo, Cecilia, and Reinhardt/Dancer/Singer. The previous three should run Blade builds while Reinhardt can run his normal Dire Thunder build. You can switch out Reinhardt or any one of them for a Dancer/Singer for more flexibility.

The best flier team is SF!Camilla, NS!Corrin, Palla, and Cordelia/Cherche/Dancer/Singer. The previous two can run Blade builds, Palla/Cordelia/Cherche can run Brave builds, Palla can also run Ruby Sword builds, and you can switch out a flier for a Dancer/Singer for more flexibility.

He currently has Triangle Adept but holy crap I'm honestly surprised I didn't think of using Moonbow, I guess I'm sort of biased against it since I like to see other specials get used more. And honestly, I think I may go with Iceberg instead and probably with the Close Counter after all. With the 3 charge special he even gets good matchups against a decent number of reds, and assuming he gets doubled every time (he has 19 speed and gets doubled by neutral Hector so I think this is a pretty safe assumption), the 3 charge special is better on him than Moonbow. I also plan on using him with either getting buffed by Fortify Cavalry or Rally Def/Fortify Res Seal.

Thanks for the reply and helping to remind me of some other options!

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13 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Huh, no Xander or Camus? I guess -blade tomes are disgustingly strong. Thanks for the feedback!

What about if we don't have any seasonal units? What are the best alternatives to them?

Yeah, if you have the best nature of the Blade ponies, there is no reason to run Xander or Camus unless you really like those two.

I would not really recommend running a melee flier team since they are a bit on the weak side with normal movement range and no ranged options. You can run Cordelia, Cherche, and Palla for the three core flyers, and the fourth member can be Hinoka, Minerva, or a Dancer/Singer.


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23 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yeah, if you have the best nature of the Blade ponies, there is no reason to run Xander or Camus unless you really like those two.

I would not really recommend running a melee flier team since they are a bit on the weak side with normal movement range and no ranged options. You can run Cordelia, Cherche, and Palla for the three core flyers, and the fourth member can be Hinoka, Minerva, or a Dancer/Singer.

It's all about the resources. I'm pretty unlucky (and also F2P), so I always want to know easier to obtain and/or free alternatives to the godly people that still works.

Like Xander and Camus, since I don't have Olwen or Leo or anything. Thanks though!

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Is there a "best way" to fit a Dancer/Singer into a team without sacrificing the healer spot or compromising the position of another unit? Like, Ninian can take the spot of Nowi as a TA3 Red killer for example, or perhaps Olivia can serve as a semi-wall against greens? Or is it best to just run a Brave of each color +battery unit?

I never realized how deadly Brave users + Dance was until I had to carry my Arena team through 7 battles in a row just to carry a 4* base Hana, and then I realized "Frederick and Peri aren't even complete yet. They aren't even in their final forms."

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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:


1. Yes.

2. It's great for raising your arena score since it gives the most points out of the other proc skills available, due to its SP cost. Really, anyone can use it.

3. If you're not running Goad Armor I suppose. Hone is also fine since it's not exactly difficult to keep your teammates together in an Armor team.

4. No, don't do that. Ogma is tied with Hana for best Brave Sword user, easily, especially with LaD.

5. Brave weapon fliers like Cordelia make great use of Goad. You want Hone and Fortify if you're running a -Blade mage flier though.

6. If you're keeping Zanbato, he can use Bonfire just fine. I'd prefer Draconic Aura if you can buff his Atk since he's very close to matching Bonfire's extra damage.

7. Depends on who it is. Sanaki and Lilina can use it just fine but Sophia is the best out of the three because of her higher base Def for tanking arrows. Katarina, for example, doesn't want it as much.

8. Sophia can use G Tomebreaker just fine, but Quick Riposte is a good option too. I'd prefer the latter if I ran her, mostly to save G Tome for something else.

9. Oboro is an enemy phase unit, not a player phase one. She relies on defensive tiles to take near-zero damage so she shouldn't be near the HP threshold for Brash if you're using her correctly. Quick Riposte gives her an easier time firing off her proc skill with Killer / QR / QP.

10. Not Rally Speed, just Rally assists in general. Her tome gives +6 Atk to infantry and breath users, and she can run Hone Spd as her C and Fortify Res as her seal for a better buff set than Ephraim or Eirika for anything besides mages. Even Drive Atk 2 is a good C to keep if you're running a budget build.

11. Bonfire or even Ignis is still better for Hector damage-wise. Vantage Bonfire is a common build to see on arena defense if he isn't using Wings of Mercy.

12. Xander can use either passive, but I tend to use him defensively so I run Quick Riposte instead.

6. Sadly Gray's also -Att, bit of a shame.

8. So I assume keep GTomebreaker for Green Mages I might get then? Out of luck so far.

9. Yeah, makes sense. Bit of a shame that.

11. I do have Vantage on him already, it's a matter of deciding if +26 every 5th Vs. +18 every 4th. Even still, I'd like to find someone who'd better use Dragon Fang.

12. Yeah, Cav Emblem isn't something I run too defensively myself, even without Rein Thunder. Xander using it to 1-shot Nino without being hit could be good.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Max for melee units is now +6/4.

Yeah, I tested that too. Turns out, Lucina already peaked at +3/+4, and Hana peaks at +4/+4, they actually don't get any more wins from buffing their offenses even more. (Lucina can pick up one or two from a +4 defense buff, but either way the gains are minimal.)

Edit: +6/+4 over +4/+4 obviously gives some 'merge safety,' of course, letting you get kills even on people with higher merge levels. +6/+4 should easily negate the 4 points of extra hp people get, since they're using brave weapons.

Edited by DehNutCase
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For Eldigan who is +Spd and has Fury 3, would Quick Riposte 2 still be a good choice for him or something else?  He reaches 37 Speed with Hone Cavalry, so he isn't exactly slow.

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16 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Rezzy Quick Riposte still has synergy with his Prf to proc specials like Bonfire on the counter if you use him as an enemy phase unit, or Ignis with Quick Pulse. Otherwise, you can run Swordbreaker instead.

Cool, I have possible Swordbreaker fodder.  QR is nice, but I hate it always being maxed out at QR2.

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I came in a little late to the FEH stream a week or two ago, what is the point of the bound hero battle? Grand Hero battle gives you the hero, and the special maps tend to give orbs. Is it like the special maps and gives orbs, or is it something compeletely different? Or was it even said what the rewards will be?

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2 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

I came in a little late to the FEH stream, what is the point of the bound hero battle? Grand Hero battle gives you the hero, and the special maps tend to give orbs. Is it like the special maps and gives orbs, or is it something compeletely different? Or was it even said?

I think it just gives Orbs, if memory serves.

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8 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

I came in a little late to the FEH stream a week or two ago, what is the point of the bound hero battle? Grand Hero battle gives you the hero, and the special maps tend to give orbs. Is it like the special maps and gives orbs, or is it something compeletely different? Or was it even said what the rewards will be?

Gives a few orbs, has the infernal difficulty, I think it gets a related banner to go with it.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

Orbs are cool but the BHB should have given *1 versions of the characters you beat.

That would have been truly unique.

Or it would be nice to get some new regular Hero Battles.

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Or it would be nice to get some new regular Hero Battles.

Probably won't happen. There will always be new players and they will always benefit from the Olivias, Gunters, Hanas, etc.

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8 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Probably won't happen. There will always be new players and they will always benefit from the Olivias, Gunters, Hanas, etc.

There is super no reason to keep all 12 the same for the life of the game. And while Life & Death 2 & Hone Cavalry are nice, the devs probably did not select them for that purpose. Especially since Hana was there before SI.

Hana was probably chosen for the sake of giving players an infantry sword (with armor slayer). There's dozens of swords to put in her place. Sophia can be swapped out for any given mage, red or otherwise. Wrys AND Lissa is kind of healer overkill and also totally interchangable with any other healer. Dip into that crazy huge 4* pool that will soon be more common than 3 stars.

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24 minutes ago, r_n said:

There is super no reason to keep all 12 the same for the life of the game. And while Life & Death 2 & Hone Cavalry are nice, the devs probably did not select them for that purpose. Especially since Hana was there before SI.

Hana was probably chosen for the sake of giving players an infantry sword (with armor slayer). There's dozens of swords to put in her place. Sophia can be swapped out for any given mage, red or otherwise. Wrys AND Lissa is kind of healer overkill and also totally interchangable with any other healer. Dip into that crazy huge 4* pool that will soon be more common than 3 stars.

But now SI is a factor. And currently newer players have access to Renewal, Hone Cavalry, Quick Riposte, Life and Death, A Dancer,  the only green mage Cav, the best set for healers and an extremely useful lance unit.

You have some stinkers like Stahl, Virion and (arguably) Sophia but the general pool is useful. All swapping out the units does is give the longstanding players more free units while potentially gimping the newer players depending on what the new pool of units are working with. You can assume we won't see any *5 exclusives in the pool and some of the more premium *4-*5 units like Erika or Chrom wouldn't show up either.

That leaves units like Setsuna, Gordin, Bartre, Fir. You have some better units (for fodder at least) like Matthew, Rebecca and the like but there's no way of knowing who would be picked, plus a lot of units like that don't necessarily want neutral natures. New players may not care about that and benefit more from the units themselves and the original 12 for the most part do quite a good job already.

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

But now SI is a factor. And currently newer players have access to Renewal, Hone Cavalry, Quick Riposte, Life and Death, A Dancer,  the only green mage Cav, the best set for healers and an extremely useful lance unit.

You have some stinkers like Stahl, Virion and (arguably) Sophia but the general pool is useful. All swapping out the units does is give the longstanding players more free units while potentially gimping the newer players depending on what the new pool of units are working with. You can assume we won't see any *5 exclusives in the pool and some of the more premium *4-*5 units like Erika or Chrom wouldn't show up either.

That leaves units like Setsuna, Gordin, Bartre, Fir. You have some better units (for fodder at least) like Matthew, Rebecca and the like but there's no way of knowing who would be pick, plus a lot of units like that don't necessarily want neutral natures. New players may not care about that and benefit more from the units themselves and the original 12 for the most part do quite a good job already.

They could add a new batch of units while keeping the old ones and have them run concurrently.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

They could add a new batch of units while keeping the old ones and have them run concurrently.

I don't see anything wrong with running 2 Hero battles a day from 2 separate pools. That's a pretty nice idea.

@r_n It would depend on their choices like I said before, but you named a fine pool of units assuming they went the *3-*4 route.

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

But now SI is a factor. And currently newer players have access to Renewal, Hone Cavalry, Quick Riposte, Life and Death, A Dancer,  the only green mage Cav, the best set for healers and an extremely useful lance unit.

You have some stinkers like Stahl, Virion and (arguably) Sophia but the general pool is useful. All swapping out the units does is give the longstanding players more free units while potentially gimping the newer players depending on what the new pool of units are working with. You can assume we won't see any *5 exclusives in the pool and some of the more premium *4-*5 units like Erika or Chrom wouldn't show up either.

That leaves units like Setsuna, Gordin, Bartre, Fir. You have some better units (for fodder at least) like Matthew, Rebecca and the like but there's no way of knowing who would be pick, plus a lot of units like that don't necessarily want neutral natures. New players may not care about that and benefit more from the units themselves and the original 12 for the most part do quite a good job already.

So long as the units themselves are serviceable in some fashion it should not matter who they put into the rotation.

If they really care, then there's no need to worry about who they'd swap out and for whom, because they'd take that into consideration. Why not swap in someone like Lukas, a solid spear man with letting you an easy access to Fortress Defense, for instance. Nothing says they HAVE to stick to 3 stars for this.

But even if they do, how about Henry (Ignis, red tome breaker), Clarine(horse healer), Jagen(trash), Laslow (axe breaker!!!!!), Shanna (Desperation, Iceberg), Lon'qu (Vantage!), Odin (e v e ry t h i n g), Palla, Selena, Niles (Iceberg, again), Serra....

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9 minutes ago, r_n said:

So long as the units themselves are serviceable in some fashion it should not matter who they put into the rotation.

If they really care, then there's no need to worry about who they'd swap out and for whom, because they'd take that into consideration. Why not swap in someone like Lukas, a solid spear man with letting you an easy access to Fortress Defense, for instance. Nothing says they HAVE to stick to 3 stars for this.

But even if they do, how about Henry (Ignis, red tome breaker), Clarine(horse healer), Jagen(trash), Laslow (axe breaker!!!!!), Shanna (Desperation, Iceberg), Lon'qu (Vantage!), Odin (e v e ry t h i n g), Palla, Selena, Niles (Iceberg, again), Serra....

Jeigan has Fortify Cavalry, so hardly trash.

@Ice Dragon I see you ninja my point.

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