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I will just comment inside one big quote since it is easier than multi quoting everything. The skill inheritance options look good. If you have enough units for Arena Assault, then I would promote one of the skill inheritance options. If you still need more units for Arena Assault, then I would promote one of the units.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Olivia (+Spd -HP): As she is now she isn't worth many points in the arena. Promoting her will let me get the Silver Sword+ on her and get more points from her. Still needs Fury.

I would use Ruby Sword so she can be a more reliable green unit check, along with Moonbow and Quick Riposte.

Hana (+Spd -HP): She still needs a Brave Sword, Desperation, a C skill, and a Special, but she has made it this far just slaughtering Hectors when I need her to, and plus she is a bonus unit starting today, so there's that to.

Hana looks good.

Tiki (Adult): Still don't have many Red Magic units, and Tiki would fit into some weird all-TA3 dragon team. Still needs an A skill (Fury or TA3), Quick Riposte 3, and an Assist.

You generally want Y!Tiki in a dragon team to counter Julia and Deirdre since she has higher Resistance, although you can just insert a Brave Bow archer into the team.

Lilina (+Att -Spd): Look she'll be good I swear. Still needs a B skill (Bowbreaker apparently gives her the most wins?) and an Assist.

I am not sure with her -Spd. She will be fine as a Triangle Adept green mage counter though.

Sophia (+Att -HP): Still needs a B skill (Probably Swordbreaker or R Tomebreaker), an Assist, and probably a different Special.

I am not sure what you are building Sophia as, but she is awesome as a Raven mage.

Tharja (+Spd -Def): Needs Fury 3/Life and Death 3, Desperation, an Assist, and a Special.

Tharja looks good.


Clive: Still needs Distant Counter, a C skill, and a Special. His current load is Sapphire Lance+, Quick Riposte 3, and Swap.

I am not sure about Distant Counter. His Resistance is quite low, so I am not sure he can effectively take on red blade mages.

Cecilia (+Att -Def): Might be a better promotion option over Sophia but whatever. Still needs a B skill if Escape Route isn't used and a C skill.

I would not promote this Cecilia. If you need her as a Blade mage, she needs +Spd. If you need her as a Raven mage she needs her Defense intact.

Leon (+Att -Spd): Still needs Brave Bow+, a C skill, and an Assist. Might replace Ignis, probably won't.

Leon looks good. Does he have Death Blow as well?

Marth (+Spd -HP): To replace my current Neutral Marth, pretty much needs a complete skill overhaul.

I gave mine a medic build since I do not think I will ever use him outside of the Tempest Trials.

Chrom (+Att -Spd): Needs Brave Sword, Death Blow, a B skill, and an Assist.

Chrom looks good.

Arden: not sure what I'd need to give him.

His default set is fine in Tempest Trial, although you might want to replace Recover Ring if you want to use him in the Arena.

Titania: Needs Distant Counter, a C skill, a different Assist, and a Special.

Titania looks good.

Camus: Needs to be built from the ground up.

I would just give him Moonbow, Fury, and Quick Riposte.


3 hours ago, Rinco said:

Got a -Atk+Def H!Jakob as my free summon. What should I do with him in terms of skills?

You can try giving him a Raven build, so he can check BH!Lyn and Rienhardt in an armor team.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

I will just comment inside one big quote since it is easier than multi quoting everything. The skill inheritance options look good. If you have enough units for Arena Assault, then I would promote one of the skill inheritance options. If you still need more units for Arena Assault, then I would promote one of the units.


You can try giving him a Raven build, so he can check BH!Lyn and Rienhardt in an armor team.

You're thinking of Arvis in your post, not Arden (Or did you think of Pursuit Ring instead of Recover Ring?)


As for H!Jakob, he's an Archer, so it'll be hard to give him a Raven build xD.

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1 hour ago, Birdy said:

You're thinking of Arvis in your post, not Arden (Or did you think of Pursuit Ring instead of Recover Ring?)


As for H!Jakob, he's an Archer, so it'll be hard to give him a Raven build xD.


You are absolutely right. I saw Arvis and Henry for some reason. I should not give advice the first thing in the morning and I think I need even thicker glasses. Haha.

@Xenomata For Arden, I think all he needs is Death Blow, Luna/Draconic Aura/Bonfire (whichever gives most damage), and an Armor March partner.

@Rinco For TOD!Jakob, you can turn him into a BH!Lyn counter with Brave Bow, Fury, and Bowbreaker in an armor team, although his Attack is a bit lacking. He should also be able to kill non Raven mages pretty easily with Armor March support.

1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

i've got a -atk +def h!nowi. What do i do with her?

-Atk is not great, but at least it is not -Spd. You can give her a Blade build to patch her Attack up. Her default tome is nice, but I am not sure she needs it; it should have been on TOD!Henry in my opinion for some trolling armor team.

Edited by XRay
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3 hours ago, XRay said:

I will just comment inside one big quote since it is easier than multi quoting everything. The skill inheritance options look good. If you have enough units for Arena Assault, then I would promote one of the skill inheritance options. If you still need more units for Arena Assault, then I would promote one of the units.


You can try giving him a Raven build, so he can check BH!Lyn and Rienhardt in an armor team.

Olivia: While I would do that, I really don't have any units besides a Seth to give her the skill, and he is 4*.

Sophia: She will be a TA3 Raven mage.

Lilina: I was working with what I had at the time. Death Blow 3, Raudhrblade, and Moonbow are her current skills.

Cecilia: I can't get a better one to appear, and I'd rather be ready for when I do (I do have Distant Defense SS fully upgraded to).

Leon: Has Death Blow 3 and Swordbreaker 3.

I do have a solid number of units for Arena Assault (it's just deciding WHO to use that troubles me...), so I'll have to think about who needs what the most. Thanks for the unnecessarily large overview of everything.

...also Bonfire will definitely give the most damage.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

Can someone tell me why Healers are excluded from Atk Smoke and Spd smoke... like seriously?!?!?!?!?! Just when i wanted to turn my Dazzling Staff Azama into a debuff machine

The same reason they can't equip Seal skills, i.e. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The same reason they can't equip Seal skills, i.e. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

i know but i dont get the reason behind it. its not like it would break healers... like whats the point!!!

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On 10/30/2017 at 10:50 PM, mcsilas said:

Slap Fury on him. Maybe Fury and Renewal? Although Lancebreaker is good in denying faster Lancers- maybe Axebreaker if you don't want Renewal?

He has good HP, maybe give him Panic Ploy? (especially if going with Renewal).

Death Blow also works as an A skill if you don't like Fury. Definitely give him Bonfire though.

That's pretty similar to what I'd been leaning toward I think. I've been getting nonstop Hinatas lately too so it's very doable. Think I'll wait for that +Atk -Res one though.

Thanks for the input!

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Alrighty. I'm thinking of building Brave Bow+ Halloween Jakob, but I'm not sure how to go about it. My resources: 43k feathers, 2 Kleins (5* +DEF -SPD and 4* +ATK -HP), and any amount of lower-level skill fodder. (My H!Jakob is +HP -RES for the record.)

Initially, I was going to merge my old 5* Klein into my upgraded 4* +ATK Klein to make 5*+1 Klein; my current 5* Klein is fully built with Reposition, Luna and Hone Attack inherited, so new Klein can just step into his shoes. But now that I have Halloween Jakob my options have turned into:

A. Follow through with my original plan of making 5*+1 Klein, and upgrade a Gordin/wait for another Klein to pop up to feed to Jakob (40k feather cost);
B. Feed 5* Klein to Jakob, letting him inherit Brave Bow+, DB3 and QR3 after feeding him lower-tier skill fodder first, and promote 4* Klein to replace my original 5* Klein (20k feather cost);
C. Say screw IVs, promote my 4* Klein and feed him to Jakob for Brave Bow+, DB3 and and QR3, and go on using fully built 5* Klein (20k feather cost).

I'll confess that I'm unlikely to build Klein up beyond +1 because the man is such a fodder god, but I miiight be somewhat sentimentally attached to Klein as a character and would like to carry on with fully-built, optimal Klein in some form, lol. I do have the fodder to fully build Klein again, though I'll use up my last Barst doing that; I just like the idea of Klein+1 since with +ATK he'll hit 35 ATK, the same as my neutral Jakob, while having unconditional 2 move.

Alternatively, if anyone has any other build suggestions for Jakob, I'm all ears! I've never pulled Leon for Slaying Bow, though...

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1.What are some good maps to grind hero merit on?

2. What are some good combinations of wards and home/fortifiy for an armor/flier team?

3. What is a good build for a Halloween Henry (+atk,-res)?

4. If I can't find a certain unit to summon (Roy, Hinata) is it a good idea to 5* Selena or Jagen for SI? 


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4 hours ago, azurrys said:

Alrighty. I'm thinking of building Brave Bow+ Halloween Jakob, but I'm not sure how to go about it. My resources: 43k feathers, 2 Kleins (5* +DEF -SPD and 4* +ATK -HP), and any amount of lower-level skill fodder. (My H!Jakob is +HP -RES for the record.)

Initially, I was going to merge my old 5* Klein into my upgraded 4* +ATK Klein to make 5*+1 Klein; my current 5* Klein is fully built with Reposition, Luna and Hone Attack inherited, so new Klein can just step into his shoes. But now that I have Halloween Jakob my options have turned into:

A. Follow through with my original plan of making 5*+1 Klein, and upgrade a Gordin/wait for another Klein to pop up to feed to Jakob (40k feather cost);
B. Feed 5* Klein to Jakob, letting him inherit Brave Bow+, DB3 and QR3 after feeding him lower-tier skill fodder first, and promote 4* Klein to replace my original 5* Klein (20k feather cost);
C. Say screw IVs, promote my 4* Klein and feed him to Jakob for Brave Bow+, DB3 and and QR3, and go on using fully built 5* Klein (20k feather cost).

I'll confess that I'm unlikely to build Klein up beyond +1 because the man is such a fodder god, but I miiight be somewhat sentimentally attached to Klein as a character and would like to carry on with fully-built, optimal Klein in some form, lol. I do have the fodder to fully build Klein again, though I'll use up my last Barst doing that; I just like the idea of Klein+1 since with +ATK he'll hit 35 ATK, the same as my neutral Jakob, while having unconditional 2 move.

Alternatively, if anyone has any other build suggestions for Jakob, I'm all ears! I've never pulled Leon for Slaying Bow, though...

I use 4* Kleins only for Death Blow since Kleins are much harder to summon. I would merge your old Klein into your new Klein.

1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

1.What are some good maps to grind hero merit on?

2. What are some good combinations of wards and home/fortifiy for an armor/flier team?

3. What is a good build for a Halloween Henry (+atk,-res)?

4. If I can't find a certain unit to summon (Roy, Hinata) is it a good idea to 5* Selena or Jagen for SI? 


1. Grind Chain Challenges on normal.

2. For armor teams, I run Ward Armor on everyone. If a unit has Armor March, then that unit's partner would run either Hone or Fortify Armor. For flier teams, if you are a whale, I would run Hone and Fortify Fliers on everyone if it is a triple Blade flier team. If not, then one copy Fortify Flier should be enough with the rest running Goad Flier, and replace one of the Goad Flier with Hinoka if you have her.

3. I would build TOD!Henry as a Blade mage.

4. I would only do that if you are really desperate for Triangle Adept 3 or Fury 3 to make a unit counter certain enemies in Arena Assault. Triangle Adept 2 and Fury 2 normally would be enough for Arena Assault.

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Following up from earlier, I decided I'm going to pass on a Brave Bow+ to either my Leon (+Att -Spd) or Brave Lyn (+Res -HP). Don't know who to give it to though. All following stats assume both parties have no Stat Bonuses and are at maximum Special Charge at start of combat.

Leon has Death Blow 3 and Swordbreaker already, currently runs Ignis, and lacks an Assist and C passive. He is currently 4* (though I have a 5* Leon I can give the bow to and get SP on for merging into my better Leon), so giving him the bow won't have immediate benefits (it'll take about 2-3 weeks to get the feathers needed). Since he is infantry he won't cover as much ground as Lyn does, but he is much stronger in comparison (Lyn would only have 40 attack before Swift Sparrow 2 compared to Leons 44 attack before Death Blow 3). His One vs All totals are 137-05-40. His totals with +10 override are 110-14-58

Lyn only has her default kit and Reposition. While she doesn't have as much power, she has the movement range advantage, and as she is already 5* she will have immediate results. She can also run with other Cavalry for additional advantages (though not yet). Her One vs All totals are 122-00-60. Her totals with +10 override are 70-10-102.

Comparing their One vs All totals, Leon clearly has more wins, but he also has 5 downright losses (these are against Boey, Hector, Merric, Nowi, and Robin), and he doesn't have the overwhelming range of attack that Lyn has. I know the numbers SHOULD speak for themselves, but the movement range is what is killing me. Plus Lyn with just Mulagir has much worse One vs All totals than Brave Bow Lyn.


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5 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Following up from earlier, I decided I'm going to pass on a Brave Bow+ to either my Leon (+Att -Spd) or Brave Lyn (+Res -HP). Don't know who to give it to though. All following stats assume both parties have no Stat Bonuses and are at maximum Special Charge at start of combat.

Leon has Death Blow 3 and Swordbreaker already, currently runs Ignis, and lacks an Assist and C passive. He is currently 4* (though I have a 5* Leon I can give the bow to and get SP on for merging into my better Leon), so giving him the bow won't have immediate benefits (it'll take about 2-3 weeks to get the feathers needed). Since he is infantry he won't cover as much ground as Lyn does, but he is much stronger in comparison (Lyn would only have 40 attack before Swift Sparrow 2 compared to Leons 44 attack before Death Blow 3). His One vs All totals are 137-05-40. His totals with +10 override are 110-14-58

Lyn only has her default kit and Reposition. While she doesn't have as much power, she has the movement range advantage, and as she is already 5* she will have immediate results. She can also run with other Cavalry for additional advantages (though not yet). Her One vs All totals are 122-00-60. Her totals with +10 override are 70-10-102.

Comparing their One vs All totals, Leon clearly has more wins, but he also has 5 downright losses (these are against Boey, Hector, Merric, Nowi, and Robin), and he doesn't have the overwhelming range of attack that Lyn has. I know the numbers SHOULD speak for themselves, but the movement range is what is killing me. Plus Lyn with just Mulagir has much worse One vs All totals than Brave Bow Lyn.


I run Leon with +Atk and a Brave Bow.  Slap a good ally support on him, and things will melt, including things you didn't count on melting.  He can also tank a physical hit in a pinch.

I like Lyn's default bow, which is why she'll never touch a Brave Bow.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

I run Leon with +Atk and a Brave Bow.  Slap a good ally support on him, and things will melt, including things you didn't count on melting.  He can also tank a physical hit in a pinch.

I like Lyn's default bow, which is why she'll never touch a Brave Bow.

I like Mulagir to, but my issue with it is that she just feels so underwhelming to use compared to my only other (good and actually built up) archer, and it doesn't feel necessary when the most popular mages have trash defense anyways.

But her win count with Brave Bow+ is just so... painfully bad compared to Leon... damnit, why can't he pray to Mila a little more and get a horse...

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52 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I like Mulagir to, but my issue with it is that she just feels so underwhelming to use compared to my only other (good and actually built up) archer, and it doesn't feel necessary when the most popular mages have trash defense anyways.

But her win count with Brave Bow+ is just so... painfully bad compared to Leon... damnit, why can't he pray to Mila a little more and get a horse...

I have no issues using Brave Lyn.  Horse buffs patch up the worst of her problems, and Swift Sparrow takes care of the rest.

Rather than relying on straight win rates, try to improve on what you already have.  The only skill my Lyn inherited was Shove, and she works just fine.

20 minutes ago, Spectraman said:

How should I build a +Def -Spd Halloween Jakob and who is the best character to use Steady Breath on since my Brave Ike is -Atk +Res.

1. Depends on what type of team Jakob will be used on.
2. The Black Knight.

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21 minutes ago, Spectraman said:

How should I build a +Def -Spd Halloween Jakob and who is the best character to use Steady Breath on since my Brave Ike is -Atk +Res.

Can't say for Jakob, though you could probably do a standard Brave Bow+ set with Armor Emblem.

As for Steady Breath, Black Knight has to be the scariest. Black Luna ignores 80% of the targets Defense/Resistance on trigger, so give him Quick Riposte 2/3 and Steady Breath and he will always trigger the skill on recoil. This makes him capable of absorbing Axes and Bows and more than likely killing in return.

3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I have no issues using Brave Lyn.  Horse buffs patch up the worst of her problems, and Swift Sparrow takes care of the rest.

Rather than relying on straight win rates, try to improve on what you already have.  The only skill my Lyn inherited was Shove, and she works just fine.

...I think I'll just go with Leon then. Brave Lyn's default set is way too good from the get-go, and I'd rather have one good archer sooner than make an already good one better.

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7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Following up from earlier, I decided I'm going to pass on a Brave Bow+ to either my Leon (+Att -Spd) or Brave Lyn (+Res -HP). Don't know who to give it to though. All following stats assume both parties have no Stat Bonuses and are at maximum Special Charge at start of combat.

Leon has Death Blow 3 and Swordbreaker already, currently runs Ignis, and lacks an Assist and C passive. He is currently 4* (though I have a 5* Leon I can give the bow to and get SP on for merging into my better Leon), so giving him the bow won't have immediate benefits (it'll take about 2-3 weeks to get the feathers needed). Since he is infantry he won't cover as much ground as Lyn does, but he is much stronger in comparison (Lyn would only have 40 attack before Swift Sparrow 2 compared to Leons 44 attack before Death Blow 3). His One vs All totals are 137-05-40. His totals with +10 override are 110-14-58

Lyn only has her default kit and Reposition. While she doesn't have as much power, she has the movement range advantage, and as she is already 5* she will have immediate results. She can also run with other Cavalry for additional advantages (though not yet). Her One vs All totals are 122-00-60. Her totals with +10 override are 70-10-102.

Comparing their One vs All totals, Leon clearly has more wins, but he also has 5 downright losses (these are against Boey, Hector, Merric, Nowi, and Robin), and he doesn't have the overwhelming range of attack that Lyn has. I know the numbers SHOULD speak for themselves, but the movement range is what is killing me. Plus Lyn with just Mulagir has much worse One vs All totals than Brave Bow Lyn.


BH!Lyn needs a Hone Cavalry mage partner and +Atk to reach her potential with Brave Bow. Together with Reinhardt, the only thing stopping them are Gronnraven mages.

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Is it worth it to promote a Spd/Res Cordelia to make her quad things? She definitely needs L&D and Desperation for that, as well as a Goad or three.

Or should I wait for a +Atk Cordelia instead?

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Is it worth it to promote a Spd/Res Cordelia to make her quad things? She definitely needs L&D and Desperation for that, as well as a Goad or three.

Or should I wait for a +Atk Cordelia instead?

I have a similar +Spd/-Def Cordelia that I was going to promote tomorrow.

I'm actually planning to give her Firesweep Lance instead though so the Brave Lance doesn't hinder her speed. Going Firesweep means I don't need Desperation so I think I can give her Hit and Run or Drag Back instead, and C slot could be Threaten Speed if I'm using her outside a flier team.

I think +Atk is better if you want to keep Brave Lance, otherwise Firesweep seems better for +Spd.

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Who would profit from Distant Defense? 

I just pulled a +ATK/-RES Celica (broke my pity rate for Nowi ...), but I already have a +ATK/-DEF one. There is no point in merging, so I will put her to good use. 

  • First thought was Sigurd, but I already gave him DC.
  • Next Idea was Xander, but he became kind of replaced by Sigurd. Anyway 49 DEF (37 +6 (DD3) +6 (DD3 seal)) before buffs sounds kind of mean. Also 29 RES (17 + 6 + 6) would be enough to eat some green magic. 
  • Camus? I don't use him too much, while he proved himself to be useful in the current TTs. 
  • Robin? TA + Raventome already protects them from their prey (blue/red mages + archers). 
  • Nowi or Fae? I planned to give them TA some time. 

BK already got a good A-Skill and I don't have Ryoma or Ike. 

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14 hours ago, Spectraman said:

How should I build a +Def -Spd Halloween Jakob and who is the best character to use Steady Breath on since my Brave Ike is -Atk +Res.

Wary Fighter is a good B passive on Jakob already, though a proper enemy phase build would utilize a Killer or Slaying Bow alongside a defensive A passive like Distant Def or Steady Breath / Stance, running Quick Riposte as his B skill. Run Ignis with Quick Pulse or use Bonfire instead.

That said, Jakob also has base 35 Atk which is great for Brave Bow usage, but he doesn’t really have as good of a player phase compared to other brave archers like Bride Cordelia and Brave Lyn because of their Mov advantage.

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Who would profit from Distant Defense? 

  • Next Idea was Xander, but he became kind of replaced by Sigurd. Anyway 49 DEF (37 +6 (DD3) +6 (DD3 seal)) before buffs sounds kind of mean. Also 29 RES (17 + 6 + 6) would be enough to eat some green magic. 
  • Camus? I don't use him too much, while he proved himself to be useful in the current TTs.

If you don’t want to merge your Celica’s—which you probably should—Camus and Xander are good choices for Distant Def. Black Knight is also fine.

Fae is pretty frail without Triangle Adept to prop up her defenses against blues. Units that typically run Triangle Adept tend to do worse with Distant Def because TA is designed to make them a hard check to the color they beat; DD doesn’t improve their bad matchups very much and makes their good matchups worse.

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