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Adult Tiki with a Def-refined Lightning Breath has 45 HP and 24 Res, enough to tank a +Atk Julia (wtd applied after effective damage). The +att gives her 50 Mt, enough to one-shot her with wta and the refined effect.

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It's better if I ask this before I make a decision I'll regret later. The free RD!Ike is going to become Warding Breath fodder for one of my dragons (I made my mind about this so that's not going to change), what I need to make sure is which one prefers it more, Y!Tiki or Nowi? Assume that both have the best skillset for this skill and don't take into account that Nowi is easier to merge, this is to gauge the best user at max potential for both.

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I want my next super-merge project to be a green unit.  I don't have enough feathers for it yet (about halfway there), but I'm thinking of going with Fae, Raven, Sheena, or Cherche... The one I'm leaning towards the most is Fae since dragons are fun and I already have 10 copies of her, so I'd only need to pull 1 more in the future.  

If I do go for Fae... I have no idea what kind of boon/bane she likes.  Here are the natures of all my copies:

  • +Def -Spd
  • +Def -Res
  • +Spd -Res
  • +Spd -HP
  • +Res -HP x2
  • +Res -Def
  • +Res -Atk
  • +Res -Spd
  • +HP -Res

Any of those good?  Would Fae do well in T20 (5100+) arena?  I mostly fight armours and dragons, but lately I have been encountering a decent amount of Reinhardts, so having a counter to him again would be nice.

Thanks a bunch!  :):

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1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

I want my next super-merge project to be a green unit.  I don't have enough feathers for it yet (about halfway there), but I'm thinking of going with Fae, Raven, Sheena, or Cherche... The one I'm leaning towards the most is Fae since dragons are fun and I already have 10 copies of her, so I'd only need to pull 1 more in the future.  

If I do go for Fae... I have no idea what kind of boon/bane she likes.  Here are the natures of all my copies:

  • +Def -Spd
  • +Def -Res
  • +Spd -Res
  • +Spd -HP
  • +Res -HP x2
  • +Res -Def
  • +Res -Atk
  • +Res -Spd
  • +HP -Res

Any of those good?  Would Fae do well in T20 (5100+) arena?  I mostly fight armours and dragons, but lately I have been encountering a decent amount of Reinhardts, so having a counter to him again would be nice.

Thanks a bunch!  :):

Which A skill you going to give her? TA or Steady/ Warding Breath?

Personally if choose TA, you can go for +Spd /-Res because she will always survive Rein with TA and have some Spd to prevent double.

+Def/-Res would be good if you want her to be physical tank with Steady Breath

(note that she is not wall because some high rank sword will kill her anyway) .

I won't recommend any +Res boon because I think she have high enough Res. But you can go for it if you want her to tank all kind of magic barring some stronger red tome users. +Hp boon would be the less useful boon of all.

1 hour ago, Furan said:


I have a question about which IV combination for Brave Ike is better. My first fully build +Atk/-HP one or a +SPD/-RES?


+Atk/-Hp would be better for firepower.

+Spd won't help him much because he is not that fast. He still get double from many faster units anyway.

With that said, I recommend +Atk / -Hp for the best.

Edited by Ginko
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I've got potential for a horse emblem team.


Reinhardt/Peri(firesweep lance)




I am sorta tempted to run both reinhardt and LA!Lilina, but idk if that's a good idea. I'm raising an Ursula up since I like the character but reinhardt seems to be too good to pass up.

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12 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

I've got potential for a horse emblem team.


Reinhardt/Peri(firesweep lance)




I am sorta tempted to run both reinhardt and LA!Lilina, but idk if that's a good idea. I'm raising an Ursula up since I like the character but reinhardt seems to be too good to pass up.

Reinhardt doesn't need a Horse Team, he kills most things on any team. You could start a mixed team with him and Lilina (because of ATK Tactic). 

It's not a bad idea to have 2-3 ranged units on a horse team, since Blade tome wielders profit the most from Hone/Fortify Cav. A team could look like this:

  1. Xander (Fury/TA/QR/Bonfire)
  2. Lyn (vanilla or Firesweep) | Roy (Brave Bow+) | Peri (Firesweep/LnD/Hit&Run/Drag Back)
  3. Lilina (Gronnblade+)
  4. Ursula (Keen Blarwolf)

Roy wants Brave Bow + Death Blow while Lyn has got more options (Firesweep, Quad build) and already her vanilla set is pretty good. Firesweep Peri is also a good choice, but as far as I know she got slightly powercreeped by Oscar. 

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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Reinhardt doesn't need a Horse Team, he kills most things on any team. You could start a mixed team with him and Lilina (because of ATK Tactic). 

It's not a bad idea to have 2-3 ranged units on a horse team, since Blade tome wielders profit the most from Hone/Fortify Cav. A team could look like this:

  1. Xander (Fury/TA/QR/Bonfire)
  2. Lyn (vanilla or Firesweep) | Roy (Brave Bow+) | Peri (Firesweep/LnD/Hit&Run/Drag Back)
  3. Lilina (Gronnblade+)
  4. Ursula (Keen Blarwolf)

Roy wants Brave Bow + Death Blow while Lyn has got more options (Firesweep, Quad build) and already her vanilla set is pretty good. Firesweep Peri is also a good choice, but as far as I know she got slightly powercreeped by Oscar. 

I'm gonna be pumping feathers to get the weapons I need. Peri is my choice firesweep cav since ALL of my oscars have -att natures and all my abels having -att/-spd. 

Where do I get keen blarwolf?


I'm thinking of doing LA!Roy instead of Brave Lyn for this team since he's able to take a few more physical hits than Lyn. That and he's already got death blow.


lol my peri just needs life and death then she's good to go. I know she's not the best, but she certainly gets the job done in all regards.

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10 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

I'm gonna be pumping feathers to get the weapons I need. Peri is my choice firesweep cav since ALL of my oscars have -att natures and all my abels having -att/-spd. 


lol my peri just needs life and death then she's good to go. I know she's not the best, but she certainly gets the job done in all regards.

Like I wrote, Peri is still a good choice. I also like her art more. 

11 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

Where do I get keen blarwolf?

Like @Vaximillian wrote, its Ursulas native tome, upgradable in the Weapon Refinery. I would chose the "special" effect, to nullify buffs of the opposing Cav team. 

13 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

I'm thinking of doing LA!Roy instead of Brave Lyn for this team since he's able to take a few more physical hits than Lyn. That and he's already got death blow.

Both are good choices. Roy has better defensive stats and 2 more ATK (if of the same nature), but also he got very few HP. Lyn on the other hand can profit from Sacae's Blessing, to prevent DC swords, lances and axes from countering. 

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

Like I wrote, Peri is still a good choice. I also like her art more. 

Like @Vaximillian wrote, its Ursulas native tome, upgradable in the Weapon Refinery. I would chose the "special" effect, to nullify buffs of the opposing Cav team. 

Both are good choices. Roy has better defensive stats and 2 more ATK (if of the same nature), but also he got very few HP. Lyn on the other hand can profit from Sacae's Blessing, to prevent DC swords, lances and axes from countering. 

i think i'll just go with whichever one fits the bill. Roy for Pve and lyn for pvp. don't have FSweep bow fodder anyways.



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If I don't intend to change any of his base skills, beyond maybe giving him Bonfire, is +ATK/-SPD or +DEF/-SPD better for Dorcas?

Also, what kind of unit would benefit most from Fierce Stance? I want to give it to +ATK Grima so he can hit twice with 66 ATK, but are there any better options?

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33 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

If I don't intend to change any of his base skills, beyond maybe giving him Bonfire, is +ATK/-SPD or +DEF/-SPD better for Dorcas?

Also, what kind of unit would benefit most from Fierce Stance? I want to give it to +ATK Grima so he can hit twice with 66 ATK, but are there any better options?

What units do you have who you think could get it?

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12 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

If I do go for Fae... I have no idea what kind of boon/bane she likes.  Here are the natures of all my copies:

  • +Def -Spd
  • +Def -Res
  • +Spd -Res
  • +Spd -HP
  • +Res -HP x2
  • +Res -Def
  • +Res -Atk
  • +Res -Spd
  • +HP -Res

Any of those good?  Would Fae do well in T20 (5100+) arena?  I mostly fight armours and dragons, but lately I have been encountering a decent amount of Reinhardts, so having a counter to him again would be nice.

11 hours ago, Ginko said:

I won't recommend any +Res boon because I think she have high enough Res. But you can go for it if you want her to tank all kind of magic barring some stronger red tome users. +Hp boon would be the less useful boon of all.

On the contrary, +Res makes her better at landing Atk Ploy or Def Ploy, especially once you start getting into the land of armors where many of the newer armors have high Res. Chrom, Jakob, and Hardin are sitting at 29-32 base, and Fae is right there at 30 base where a +Res nature and a Res refine can push Ploy skills to land even against merged armors. Note that your own buffs do not help your ability to hit opponents with Ploy skills because buffs from the previous turn wear off before the the comparison is made, and buffs activating at the beginning of the turn activate after the comparison is made (and combat buffs don't matter for comparisons because you're not in combat).

With Triangle Adept, I'd personally run [+Spd, -HP] or [+Res, -HP] among what you have. Fury, Steady Breath, and Warding Breath builds can go either mixed bulk or stack a single defensive stat depending on what you're going for. Fury also has the option of [+Spd, -HP] since her Spd is decent enough to at least avoid some double attacks when stacked for.

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1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

If I don't intend to change any of his base skills, beyond maybe giving him Bonfire, is +ATK/-SPD or +DEF/-SPD better for Dorcas?

Also, what kind of unit would benefit most from Fierce Stance? I want to give it to +ATK Grima so he can hit twice with 66 ATK, but are there any better options?

Both natures seem pretty good, don't know which is better. 

Fierce Stance is a good skill and fits on an EP unit like Grima with Vengeful Fighter. But did you consider to pass infantry pulse? It's a cool skill for special heavy Infantry teams. Have Dorcas and a second IP unit on your team, and your mage (with QP seal) could proc Draconic Aura on first attack! With three IP units (Dorcas, Marisa + ?) said mage could proc Glacies/Astra on first attack or Aether on second attack. 

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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

What units do you have who you think could get it?

Well, I have Grima, as I mentioned, and also Xander, who would probably benefit from that combined with Quick Riposte since he has Distant Counter on his weapon too, and... That's it, really. I considered the Black Knight and Shiro, but they seem like they'll do better with Steady Stance, Vanguard Ike, but he has Warding Breath so he's pretty set for his A Skill, Fjorm, who I think would prefer ATK/DEF Bond (or ATK/RES, but I don't have anyone with that to give it to her, or Warding Breath, but I only have one Ike) over Fierce Stance, and the Hectors, but they want Distant Counter to do Enemy Phase stuff.

20 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Fierce Stance is a good skill and fits on an EP unit like Grima with Vengeful Fighter. But did you consider to pass infantry pulse? It's a cool skill for special heavy Infantry teams. Have Dorcas and a second IP unit on your team, and your mage (with QP seal) could proc Draconic Aura on first attack! With three IP units (Dorcas, Marisa + ?) said mage could proc Glacies/Astra on first attack or Aether on second attack. 

I considered that, but I still have that spare Marisa for when I decide to give Infantry Pulse to someone, so Fierce Stance takes priority in this case.

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Do you think it'll be a good idea to give G!Robin T-Adept for his A-slot? With mine being +hp/-res I figure he's going to be really weak to Falchions and Red Magic anyway. Other skills that I can afford for his A-slot atm is Fury, Earth Boost, Close/ Distance Def.


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I have two Shiros currently. 

One is +Atk -Spd. 

The other is +HP -Res. 

Shame I couldn't pick and choose one bane and one boon >.< 

Can anyone tell me which is better? I know Shiro isn't the fastest, but he's not exactly slow either, but does the addition to his attack help?

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3 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

If I don't intend to change any of his base skills, beyond maybe giving him Bonfire, is +ATK/-SPD or +DEF/-SPD better for Dorcas?

+Atk -Spd would bring him up to 60 attack with Fierce Stance, while +Def -Spd would allow him to hit 42 defense if he were to run Steady Breath, though even without it he is able to trigger a slightly stronger Bonfire than Draconic Aura (19 damage over 15-18). Since you want to keep his base skills, +Atk would probably match your needs best, as +Atk Dorcas can trigger a stronger Draconic Aura than Bonfire if being attacked (18 damage compared to 17).

However, I'd personally keep both Dorcas anyways. That's just me.

14 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I have two Shiros currently. 

One is +Atk -Spd. 

The other is +HP -Res. 

Shame I couldn't pick and choose one bane and one boon >.< 

Can anyone tell me which is better? I know Shiro isn't the fastest, but he's not exactly slow either, but does the addition to his attack help?

I can speak from experience that Shiro's speed really doesn't matter and that it can be dumped for extra power or defense. At least, from my own experience using +Def -Spd with Fury 3 and QR3.

I'd personally take +Atk -Spd. Maybe also consider Quick Riposte 3 as a B skill.

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

+Atk -Spd would bring him up to 60 attack with Fierce Stance, while +Def -Spd would allow him to hit 42 defense if he were to run Steady Breath, though even without it he is able to trigger a slightly stronger Bonfire than Draconic Aura (19 damage over 15-18). Since you want to keep his base skills, +Atk would probably match your needs best, as +Atk Dorcas can trigger a stronger Draconic Aura than Bonfire if being attacked (18 damage compared to 17).

However, I'd personally keep both Dorcas anyways. That's just me.

I can speak from experience that Shiro's speed really doesn't matter and that it can be dumped for extra power or defense. At least, from my own experience using +Def -Spd with Fury 3 and QR3.

I'd personally take +Atk -Spd. Maybe also consider Quick Riposte 3 as a B skill.

Thanks :D 

Currently, he runs swordbreaker for the AA anyway, but I will definitely take QR into consideration :D I'll update my list of which one to keep ^.^

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On 26.2.2018 at 7:28 AM, XRay said:

I personally prefer +Atk (sometimes +Spd if it can get more kills) on Enemy Phase units like Fae, although it depends on her build and role. For Raven, both are good; if you can consistently buff him, I would go with +Atk, if not, I would go with +Spd for more reliable Desperation activation.

M!Corrin is okay with a regular Player Phase build. If Moonbow-Fury-Desperation is too much, then just slap Axebreaker and maybe Ruby Sword on him for Arena Assault.

Brave-Luna-Life and Death-Desperation is a great combo when it is fully set up, but it has the problem of being difficult to set up due to a large amount of Distant Counter melee units. Klein is not exactly fast either so I would make sure he can consistently get 4/4/0/0 or better buffs from his allies. You can run Ardent Sacrifice, but that means Klein cannot run Reposition and he will lack some synergy with Dancers/Singers.

Eh, I'm not exactly sure what to do with Fae either, so... Probably something along the lines of Lightning Breath+QR.

Something else that crossed my mind though: What is usually the breaking point for you to switch from Luna to Draconic Aura? I have a bunch of units with around 55 Atk right now, meaning the enemy would need 34 Def/Res to make Luna better than DA (or 38 when I can slapp a Hone buff onto them before). And while there admittedly has been an influx of armors lately, I'm still not sure how likely such extreme Defense values actually are, while Res that high seems to be even rarer.

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(Previous question answered by myself. I am sick of being eaten by dragons. Chrom +Atk -Res with his Falchion should help me.)

Any ideas on who would be a good Galeforce user on an infantry team? I have a spare Cordelia, and I'm considering dual Infantry Pulse on the Water-blessed team - Marisa and Dorcas. Having both means they stack, right? Then Fjorm provides the blessing's bonus. The Galeforce melee infantry would be the fourth unit.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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Which of these Ephraim builds do you guys think is better for Arena? (Don't mind the Blue Atk Value; it was necessary to correct their attack stats.)




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7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

+Atk -Spd would bring him up to 60 attack with Fierce Stance, while +Def -Spd would allow him to hit 42 defense if he were to run Steady Breath, though even without it he is able to trigger a slightly stronger Bonfire than Draconic Aura (19 damage over 15-18). Since you want to keep his base skills, +Atk would probably match your needs best, as +Atk Dorcas can trigger a stronger Draconic Aura than Bonfire if being attacked (18 damage compared to 17).

However, I'd personally keep both Dorcas anyways. That's just me.

Alright, I've burned the +DEF/-SPD Dorcas to give Grima Fierce Stance. I would've kept both normally, but Grima wants Fierce Stance more than I want two Dorcases. Thanks for the advice!

I would've kept both Dorcases normally, since my experience is that he's pretty great, but I had someone (Grima) who would benefit from Fierce Stance, and no other source of Fierce Stance available to me. So he had to be sacrificed to get Grima one step closer to completion. Now I just need to give him Aether and Ward Armor (since he's only 1 step away from both, and the latter's good for when I run him on Armor teams), and he'll be perfect.

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