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6 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Thoughts on +Atk/-Spd FMorgan? Should I try for another one or is she good as is?

It is usable, since Morgans default kit makes her very enemy phase anyways, and in fact triggering Iceberg is made easier if she can be doubled. Quick Riposte 3 SS helps.

Give her Dull Ranged on Flier Emblem and she could take on any magical foe bar TA3 greens and anyone who doesn't double her.

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14 hours ago, XRay said:

If you want to optimize Brynhildr, Leo wants [+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd]. +Spd is essentially useless since he is not going to be doubled anyways with Brynhildr and he is unlikely to do any doubling himself without Quick Riposte. -HP hurts his bulk a bit, but as long as you are careful around blue mages (or avoid them entirely), -HP does not really matter too much.

You can run Rauðrblade, but I would not recommend it since SM!Eirika got Player Phase covered and she comes with a pretty good exclusive tome. You might want to check out his other builds here for ideas.

I want to say Swift Strike since it is rare, but I cannot think of a situation currently where it performs really well. Swift Strike (along with Steady Blow and Bracing Blow) can be used on ranged units to act as Wings of Mercy beacon on defense teams, but that is a pretty limited niche. I would personally save her for now since they might release the skill on an unlimited unit (or have a new skill mechanic that utilizes that stat spread), but foddering her for Fortify Flier is fine if you really need it now and you are not afraid of regrets.

Sucks that he's a 5* exclusive so I can't really be too picky. Fortunately, I don't have Eiricav but unfortunately, I haven't pulled a Tharja in months. I supposed I could switch Cecilia to blade and give him Raven. The watersweep build is pretty interesting since Myrrh and Grima have been really annoying in arena lately, but I don't know if it's worth to go all in the speed route. Thanks for the help!

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3 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

The problem is her DEF is a superbane, meaning she has a lower BST than your average Female Morgan, and her SPD is supposedly low enough that a Boon won't actually help her very much. I'll give Blade a try, though, thanks!

The lower BST is pretty irrelevant outside of min/maxing for Arena score. And, if you are min/maxing your Arena team, then it's pretty unlikely that Morgan would make the cut in the first place, so I wouldn't worry about it. So I'd actually consider Def to be her preferred bane, since her Def is terrible to begin with.

A speed boon is great for her. She's a flyer, so she has access to class buffs, which means that a base of 33 Spd is more than sufficient to produce a very fast unit. With a Hone Fliers buff + Darting Blow 3, she has 45 Spd, which should be more than enough to double most enemies. Blarblade is an excellent choice for her weapon, she'd like a Spd seal, along with a speed enhancing A-passive--so something like Darting Blow, Life and Death, or Fury. She's not as fast as Summer Corrin, which might be why someone would say that a speed boon isn't preferred, since Corrin can run the player phase build better.

She can also run a pretty solid dual phase build with Fury 3 and a Spd refine on her native weapon or Blarowl. This would put her at 39 Spd, or 42 Spd with a Spd+3 seal. That's prior to any class buffs, and it's quite fast.

1 hour ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Thoughts on +Atk/-Spd FMorgan? Should I try for another one or is she good as is?

That's a solid nature for her, and you should give her an enemy phase build. Her starting kit is great, mostly stick with that. All she really wants is Quick Riposte, either in her B-passive or as a seal.

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Coming up on my next 200 Dew and probably 20,000 Feathers.

Dew candidates:

  • Minerva (+Spd -HP)
  • Eldigan (+Atk -Def)

Feather candidates:

  • Caeda (+Atk -can't remember but it wasn't Spd)
  • Chrom (merge into +Atk -Res)
  • Titania (merge into +Spd -Def)

Caeda gives me another option to possibly help me take on the flying GHB quests. Chrom and Titania are on their way to becoming arena core units.

Also have Windsweep and Aether fodder. Thanks, Alm and Lucina, for being -Atk and -Spd respectively. Would L!Ephraim (+HP -Spd) be a good choice for Aether? And would M!Morgan appreciate Windsweep if he's not +Spd? (+Atk -HP)

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54 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Coming up on my next 200 Dew and probably 20,000 Feathers.

Dew candidates:

  • Minerva (+Spd -HP)
  • Eldigan (+Atk -Def)

Feather candidates:

  • Caeda (+Atk -can't remember but it wasn't Spd)
  • Chrom (merge into +Atk -Res)
  • Titania (merge into +Spd -Def)

Caeda gives me another option to possibly help me take on the flying GHB quests. Chrom and Titania are on their way to becoming arena core units.

Also have Windsweep and Aether fodder. Thanks, Alm and Lucina, for being -Atk and -Spd respectively. Would L!Ephraim (+HP -Spd) be a good choice for Aether? And would M!Morgan appreciate Windsweep if he's not +Spd? (+Atk -HP)

If you're spending the feathers on Caeda, you're probably also spending the dew on her. She's greedy like that. Really fun to use too, so I lean that way. Admittedly I'm biased towards expanding my barracks with new characters rather than improving existing ones, so it does depend on your priorities in terms of arena vs general content.

And yeah, Horse Ephraim would love Aether, assuming you run the Heavy Blade seal on him (and some sort of atk-boosting A-skill).

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9 hours ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Thoughts on +Atk/-Spd FMorgan? Should I try for another one or is she good as is?

Definitely usable. To be honest, Res and Atk are the only stats that are particularly important for her if you want to use her default kit; I'd give her Res refinement and DD seal along with her base kit, QR in place of Guard, and she will be a helluva EP magic tank. Definitely usable. 

10 hours ago, Will Bill said:

Those are probably perfect ivs for her, besides plus Attack. If you have another flier honing her, she’ll do great! Give her Darting blow, (or Swift Sparrow if you’ve got access to it) and she’ll do great with a Blárblade!

Okay I saw you got advice on this already but I wanted to throw my two cents in... IDK if you're thinking of swapping out her weapon or sticking with Serpent, but if you do, I'd strongly recommend going with Fury and Spd+3 seal over Darting Blow, so you can utilize the added Speed on enemy phase (to take advantage of her weapon effect) as well as player phase. If you're planning to give her Blade or Owl, then Darting is fine. 

But yeah, with +Spd, Spd+3 seal, Spd refine and Fury she hits 41 Spd on both phases IIRC (I have a +Spd/-Atk Morgan myself so this is the option that I'm attempting to go with). And then probably like a breaker for the B-slot. 


I actually came to ask my own question but I wanted to throw in my input for precious daughter builds first lol.

So anyway yeah. Who are good recipients for Chill Defense? I pulled Chrom as pitybreaker and wondering if I should give it to someone. I'll list my prospective units in a bit or when I get a response

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By process of elimination of folks who rely on skills like Desperation and QR, here are my potential Chill Def candidates: 

  • Amelia (+Def/-Spd), budget build of Bonfire, Darting Blow, Renewal. Already pretty solid honestly, and my armor team is currently 2 mages + Grima, so not much utility....
  • NY Camilla (+Spd/-HP), Wo Dao Fury build-- current B-skill is Swordbreaker but TBH with trip Goad she might not even need it to double most swords except to beat other swordbreaker-users. Also a highly regarded waifu deserving of bias inheritance, but only if I'm sure no one else can use it better
  • Eliwood (+Atk/-Spd, but I'm on the lookout for a better IV), Blazing Durandal build with Iceberg, Death Blow, and Swordbreaker. certainly helps his goal of one-shotting folks.
  • Abel (+Atk/-HP), standard Drag Back Brave Lance. See above, but Abel isn't much of a priority (besides, Brash Desp might be better for him)
  • Valter: Heavy Blade + Aether. Has a few B-skills like Lancebreaker, Escape Route, and Vantage, though none have stood out much as being completely ideal (although it's worth noting that I don't mind swapping them around). Also may not need this due to Goad-stacking letting him kill most things anyway. 
  • Titania (+Spd/-HP), pretty much just her base kit with Armored Blow and Luna. She's on my list of eventual Fury recipients, though I don't remember what B-skill I was planning to give her. 
  • Catria (+Atk or +Spd, working on IVs), planning a Firesweep build with LnD and Galeforce. Don't have Cancel Affinity which IIRC is ideal for Firesweep builds, but this may be the next best thing if/when I decide to build her. 
  • Klein (+Atk/-Def), pretty much his base kit; current B-skill is Bowbreaker. Strikes me as particularly useful for him unless I go with Brash Desp for him again. 

Camilla, Catria, and Klein feel like the best options to me right now. 

Oh, and my Chrom is +Atk/-Def. If anyone wants to try convincing me to keep him I'll take these arguments too lol. He definitely seems solid, I'm just not that interested in him.
And of course, it's likely that all of these folks with the possible exception of Klein have perfectly serviceable alternatives at their disposal, so unless Chill Def is like, SUPER optimal for them, chances are I'll give it a pass and just keep him. 

EDIT: Oops I didn't mean to post this yet .-. I meant to edit it into my last post Dx sorry mods & others. =3= ;;


Welp while I'm editing / asking things.... does anyone want to offer some input for my next feather expenditure? ~___~

1) better nature merges: 

  • m!Corrin (Atk+/-Res)
  • Oboro (+Def/-Spd)
  • Raven (+Spd/-Res) - gonna be a while before I can refine him though he's 2nd next at best


2) Ephraim: Sturdy Blow from Athena (+Atk Heavy Blade Bonfire Ephraim with his refinement = hella sexy)

3) Giving folks LnD 3:

  • Raven (has 2)
  • Nino (has 2)
  • Tharja 

4) ny!Corrin: Guard Bow 

5) Tiki merges: 140k needed, 7 remaining (they're taking up space in my barracks lol...)

Edited by BANRYU
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1 minute ago, BANRYU said:

By process of elimination of folks who rely on skills like Desperation and QR, here are my potential Chill Def candidates: 

  • Amelia (+Def/-Spd), budget build of Bonfire, Darting Blow, Renewal. Already pretty solid honestly, and my armor team is currently 2 mages + Grima, so not much utility....
  • NY Camilla (+Spd/-HP), Wo Dao Fury build-- current B-skill is Swordbreaker but TBH with trip Goad she might not even need it to double most swords except to beat other swordbreaker-users. Also a highly regarded waifu deserving of bias inheritance, but only if I'm sure no one else can use it better
  • Eliwood (+Atk/-Spd, but I'm on the lookout for a better IV), Blazing Durandal build with Iceberg, Death Blow, and Swordbreaker. certainly helps his goal of one-shotting folks.
  • Abel (+Atk/-HP), standard Drag Back Brave Lance. See above, but Abel isn't much of a priority (besides, Brash Desp might be better for him)
  • Valter: Heavy Blade + Aether. Has a few B-skills like Lancebreaker, Escape Route, and Vantage, though none have stood out much as being completely ideal (although it's worth noting that I don't mind swapping them around). Also may not need this due to Goad-stacking letting him kill most things anyway. 
  • Titania (+Spd/-HP), pretty much just her base kit with Armored Blow and Luna. She's on my list of eventual Fury recipients, though I don't remember what B-skill I was planning to give her. 
  • Catria (+Atk or +Spd, working on IVs), planning a Firesweep build with LnD and Galeforce. Don't have Cancel Affinity which IIRC is ideal for Firesweep builds, but this may be the next best thing if/when I decide to build her. 
  • Klein (+Atk/-Def), pretty much his base kit; current B-skill is Bowbreaker. Strikes me as particularly useful for him unless I go with Brash Desp for him again. 

Camilla, Catria, and Klein feel like the best options to me right now. 

Oh, and my Chrom is +Atk/-Def. If anyone wants to try convincing me to keep him I'll take these arguments too lol. He definitely seems solid, I'm just not that interested in him.
And of course, it's likely that all of these folks with the possible exception of Klein have perfectly serviceable alternatives at their disposal, so unless Chill Def is like, SUPER optimal for them, chances are I'll give it a pass and just keep him. 

It's funny, the first people who came to mind for me were Amelia, NY Camilla, & Catria, since they're pretty flexible on their B-slots, and they're all on your list. I personally gave those three Renewal, which has been great for all three of them.

In my opinion, though, it probably would be the best on Klein, seeing as he runs a brave build w/out the need to run Hit & Run or Drag Back, he gets an immediate 12 point benefit from it, and he can't up his damage with the triangle advantage. It would also probably help his matchups against Raven tome wielders (not as much as Cancel Affinity, but it would always be useful, versus the situational usefulness of CA, and you don't have CA fodder, so it's not like that's an option right now anyway). Titania would also probably appreciate it, since her Atk stat is pretty low.

They all do have serviceable alternatives, and I would keep the Chrom if I were you (at least for the Tempest). But, if not, I'd say go either Klein, for efficacy, or Camilla, for waifu bias. I never regret throwing the best skills on my favorite characters, so I think that's a good choice as well.

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@BANRYU - I don't have a lot of experience with the Chill skills, but the debuffs are definitely growing on me. I like Chill SPD on my +SPD Fallen Celica because it just makes her that much faster. But I find she's not usually the one doing the hitting. I think these skills depend less on the character themselves and more on the team composition though the character with the skill is still important. It's easy to slap a skill like this on a character meant more for support like a dagger user. I think if I had the fodder, I might give it to my Matthew. Brave weapon users would probably also benefit. Of those you've listed, Catria kind of sticks out as a good choice. I don't know how many physical fliers you run in Flier Emblem, but I think a lot of them would enjoy doing a little more damage, especially if Caeda's on the team. Klein might also be a good choice to help with his damage output. 

That being said, it's a pretty situational skill. A lot of folks with the exception of characters meant purely for support, would probably enjoy having other builds. I'd say keep the Chrom. XD That nature isn't half bad, and while you might not be hurting for new red cavs, I could see him being especially useful on more developer maps with dragons. 


For feathers, I'm incredibly biased, and (+SPD -RES) Raven has been one of the greatest things I've ever done. Double LaD on him is pretty great, but I tend to run refined Basilikos and Fury to preserve some of his bulk. He can take a hit from most units, even red ones (unless they're mages...dragons are okay though), and desperation does the rest. You also can't go wrong with Tiki. Mine has 2 merges. I need to do more. ;A;

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Is there anyone that wants L'Ephraim's skills? Particularly his A skill? Maybe Shiro or Beruka?

or i guess enemy phase units wants Steady Breath if they can get it right? 

Just a bit undecided if i should merge my L'Ephraims. Would +2 (or +1 if i'm saving one for fodder) be that big of a stat or arena score difference? I usually run armours so not sure how a cav like him brings down the score. (Either a +1Ephraim, Anna or a fully built Arvis is my bonus unit)

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7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Is there anyone that wants L'Ephraim's skills? Particularly his A skill? Maybe Shiro or Beruka?

or i guess enemy phase units wants Steady Breath if they can get it right? 

Just a bit undecided if i should merge my L'Ephraims. Would +2 (or +1 if i'm saving one for fodder) be that big of a stat or arena score difference? I usually run armours so not sure how a cav like him brings down the score. (Either a +1Ephraim, Anna or a fully built Arvis is my bonus unit)

When in doubt, run calcs to see if something else works better is what I say.

I wound up giving my spare Horsephraim's sturdy stance to my Grima =3= Shiro and Beruka are both perfectly solid options for it though yeah; personally I was planning to give my Beruka Steady Stance cause I feel like going full-on defensive wall is better for her but that's just me.

If the performance in the calcs doesn't differ much from cheaper options, youre probably clear to merge, but if you're not sure could always wait. Not like the Legendary units are exceptionally common. 

EDIT: oops @Astellius and @Rafiel's Aria thanks for the input, sorry I didn't acknowledge but I did see .3. Decided to keep Chrom for now, and still considering my feathers options....

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34 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Is there anyone that wants L'Ephraim's skills? Particularly his A skill? Maybe Shiro or Beruka?

or i guess enemy phase units wants Steady Breath if they can get it right? 

Just a bit undecided if i should merge my L'Ephraims. Would +2 (or +1 if i'm saving one for fodder) be that big of a stat or arena score difference? I usually run armours so not sure how a cav like him brings down the score. (Either a +1Ephraim, Anna or a fully built Arvis is my bonus unit)

Each merge adds 4 points to the individual character's arena score, which when averaged across the team means an increase of 1 point. A default build Ephraim with a movement assist added and using a seal like Close Def or Heavy Blade is worth 692, which isn't great if the intention is to get to T20, but then he increases the value of any allies with the Fire Blessing by 8 points. So during Fire season, just by coming along, he will increase your average arena score by 6 points, which is a big deal even though he himself is worth relatively low points.

Ephraim himself if merged to +2 will be worth 700 points himself, i.e. an increase of 2 arena points per fight over using his unmerged self. 14 additional points over an arena streak is a pretty nice bonus, and I'd probably go that route myself if I had extra copies.

Edited by Humanoid
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4 hours ago, BANRYU said:

By process of elimination of folks who rely on skills like Desperation and QR, here are my potential Chill Def candidates: 

  • Amelia (+Def/-Spd), budget build of Bonfire, Darting Blow, Renewal. Already pretty solid honestly, and my armor team is currently 2 mages + Grima, so not much utility....
  • NY Camilla (+Spd/-HP), Wo Dao Fury build-- current B-skill is Swordbreaker but TBH with trip Goad she might not even need it to double most swords except to beat other swordbreaker-users. Also a highly regarded waifu deserving of bias inheritance, but only if I'm sure no one else can use it better
  • Eliwood (+Atk/-Spd, but I'm on the lookout for a better IV), Blazing Durandal build with Iceberg, Death Blow, and Swordbreaker. certainly helps his goal of one-shotting folks.
  • Abel (+Atk/-HP), standard Drag Back Brave Lance. See above, but Abel isn't much of a priority (besides, Brash Desp might be better for him)
  • Valter: Heavy Blade + Aether. Has a few B-skills like Lancebreaker, Escape Route, and Vantage, though none have stood out much as being completely ideal (although it's worth noting that I don't mind swapping them around). Also may not need this due to Goad-stacking letting him kill most things anyway. 
  • Titania (+Spd/-HP), pretty much just her base kit with Armored Blow and Luna. She's on my list of eventual Fury recipients, though I don't remember what B-skill I was planning to give her. 
  • Catria (+Atk or +Spd, working on IVs), planning a Firesweep build with LnD and Galeforce. Don't have Cancel Affinity which IIRC is ideal for Firesweep builds, but this may be the next best thing if/when I decide to build her. 
  • Klein (+Atk/-Def), pretty much his base kit; current B-skill is Bowbreaker. Strikes me as particularly useful for him unless I go with Brash Desp for him again. 

Camilla, Catria, and Klein feel like the best options to me right now. 

Oh, and my Chrom is +Atk/-Def. If anyone wants to try convincing me to keep him I'll take these arguments too lol. He definitely seems solid, I'm just not that interested in him.
And of course, it's likely that all of these folks with the possible exception of Klein have perfectly serviceable alternatives at their disposal, so unless Chill Def is like, SUPER optimal for them, chances are I'll give it a pass and just keep him. 

EDIT: Oops I didn't mean to post this yet .-. I meant to edit it into my last post Dx sorry mods & others. =3= ;;


Welp while I'm editing / asking things.... does anyone want to offer some input for my next feather expenditure? ~___~

1) better nature merges: 

  • m!Corrin (Atk+/-Res)
  • Oboro (+Def/-Spd)
  • Raven (+Spd/-Res) - gonna be a while before I can refine him though he's 2nd next at best


2) Ephraim: Sturdy Blow from Athena (+Atk Heavy Blade Bonfire Ephraim with his refinement = hella sexy)

3) Giving folks LnD 3:

  • Raven (has 2)
  • Nino (has 2)
  • Tharja 

4) ny!Corrin: Guard Bow 

5) Tiki merges: 140k needed, 7 remaining (they're taking up space in my barracks lol...)

If I were you, I'd select Klein for it, though Catria and Camilla are both solid Chill Spd users the way you described it. Since some sword users that you really want to double can be quite fast, +Spd > +Atk Catria as Firesweep gives her enough attack by itself.

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4 hours ago, BANRYU said:

4) ny!Corrin: Guard Bow 

Why do you want to give him Guard Bow? His RES is low, he would tank only bows and daggers reliably, but TA/Raven mages and dragons are better suited for this job. 

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First,  quick thank you to everyone for help in this forum. March will be my first time to get Armor Emblem and Flyer Emblem orbs. Woohoo!!! 

That said, my question now is, are any of you using ally supports successfully? I particularly find them useful in Tempest Trials and Training, but wonder if anyone uses them for other things such as Arena special maps? Is it just an interesting feature or a part of your strategy?

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8 hours ago, Humanoid said:

If you're spending the feathers on Caeda, you're probably also spending the dew on her. She's greedy like that. Really fun to use too, so I lean that way. Admittedly I'm biased towards expanding my barracks with new characters rather than improving existing ones, so it does depend on your priorities in terms of arena vs general content.

And yeah, Horse Ephraim would love Aether, assuming you run the Heavy Blade seal on him (and some sort of atk-boosting A-skill).

Yeah, I'm heavily leaning towards arena usage at the moment. After Chrom gets a merge, she's next in line.

+Def -Atk Tharja as a pitybreaker. Is M!Morgan (+Atk -HP) a good blade tome user, or should I just stick to his personal tome and have that boosting Nino? Alternatively, I could try SM!Eirika, but she's already -Res and without her personal, she'll get picked off by any blue mage.

Also, refined Sol Katti + Escape Route 3 for +Def -HP Lyn: good idea? +Def is a super boon, she's fast enough to not get doubled except by Ayra / Mia +Spd / Swordbreaker users, she'll tank the hit and fall into range for all three skills.

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9 minutes ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Yeah, I'm heavily leaning towards arena usage at the moment. After Chrom gets a merge, she's next in line.

+Def -Atk Tharja as a pitybreaker. Is M!Morgan (+Atk -HP) a good blade tome user, or should I just stick to his personal tome and have that boosting Nino? Alternatively, I could try SM!Eirika, but she's already -Res and without her personal, she'll get picked off by any blue mage.

Also, refined Sol Katti + Escape Route 3 for +Def -HP Lyn: good idea? +Def is a super boon, she's fast enough to not get doubled except by Ayra / Mia +Spd / Swordbreaker users, she'll tank the hit and fall into range for all three skills.

Blade tomes are good on just about anyone, but it's worth noting that Morgan's offensive statline is pretty similar to Tharja's, so you're not getting anything new out of him compared to if you just get a neutral or better Tharja at 4-star, or a Katarina who again is pretty much the same too. The point I suppose is that Blade is the best possible option for both Tharja, Katarina, and also Eirika, while for Morgan it's more of an equally desirable alternative to his default tome. All things being equal, I would rather be my blade mage be someone for whom it would be unarguably the best choice. On the other hand, if you have no other potential blade mage, then he's as good as anyone in red.

Red tomes are in a bit of a weird spot anyway, with fewer magic users than both blue and green, and with generally poorer stats. Remarkably, Eirika is actually the fastest red mage at the moment, and with the benefit of horse buffs on top, I would heavily lean towards giving it to her. Yeah, 19 res isn't great, but you should be avoiding Blue matchups anyway until desperation is active. Besides, Fortify Cavalry goes a long way towards patching that up.

The other obvious pick for it would be Halloween Nowi, who is likely to appear in either this month's or next month's Legendary Heroes banner, but that's rather speculative and besides, you can promote another Tharja if required anyway.


I don't have a regular Lyn so I have no practical experience, but Escape Route sounds fun. Takes some effort to set up but hey, Escape Route is a cheap skill to get so there's no real opportunity cost if you decide to go with something more conventional later.

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6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Each merge adds 4 points to the individual character's arena score, which when averaged across the team means an increase of 1 point. A default build Ephraim with a movement assist added and using a seal like Close Def or Heavy Blade is worth 692, which isn't great if the intention is to get to T20, but then he increases the value of any allies with the Fire Blessing by 8 points. So during Fire season, just by coming along, he will increase your average arena score by 6 points, which is a big deal even though he himself is worth relatively low points.

Ephraim himself if merged to +2 will be worth 700 points himself, i.e. an increase of 2 arena points per fight over using his unmerged self. 14 additional points over an arena streak is a pretty nice bonus, and I'd probably go that route myself if I had extra copies.

Ah cool, thanks for that.

I might merge 1 one of him for now, just to ease SP requirements for getting Galeforce.

The last one...maybe good for a future Beruka. I did calcs but that's just on vanilla units so not sure if its worth over Steady Stance in actual arena teams/GHB stat inflation. I'll wait on it for now I guess.

@BANRYU A bit late but I think a +Spd/-Res Raven is a good choice. Basilikos is too fun.

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9 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Catria (+Atk or +Spd, working on IVs), planning a Firesweep build with LnD and Galeforce. Don't have Cancel Affinity which IIRC is ideal for Firesweep builds, but this may be the next best thing if/when I decide to build her. 

I would go with Hit and Run instead of Cancel Affinity depending on how often you see Triangle Adept on enemies. Hit and Run is always useful, while Triangle Adept only makes sense if you see a lot of Triangle Adept users.

8 hours ago, XandaXiloscient said:

For my Flier Team I have +HP/-Atk F!Morgan (Going to be running a pure anti-range build), S!Camilla, ToD!Nowi and what physical unit should I use? I have +Spd/-Res Caeda, +Atk/-? Cordelia (I think it's attack +), or +Atk/-Spd Cherche?

I would go with Cordelia since F!Morgan might have trouble against bulky Distant Counter sword units.


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32 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Blade tomes are good on just about anyone, but it's worth noting that Morgan's offensive statline is pretty similar to Tharja's, so you're not getting anything new out of him compared to if you just get a neutral or better Tharja at 4-star, or a Katarina who again is pretty much the same too. The point I suppose is that Blade is the best possible option for both Tharja, Katarina, and also Eirika, while for Morgan it's more of an equally desirable alternative to his default tome. All things being equal, I would rather be my blade mage be someone for whom it would be unarguably the best choice. On the other hand, if you have no other potential blade mage, then he's as good as anyone in red.

Red tomes are in a bit of a weird spot anyway, with fewer magic users than both blue and green, and with generally poorer stats. Remarkably, Eirika is actually the fastest red mage at the moment, and with the benefit of horse buffs on top, I would heavily lean towards giving it to her. Yeah, 19 res isn't great, but you should be avoiding Blue matchups anyway until desperation is active. Besides, Fortify Cavalry goes a long way towards patching that up.

The other obvious pick for it would be Halloween Nowi, who is likely to appear in either this month's or next month's Legendary Heroes banner, but that's rather speculative and besides, you can promote another Tharja if required anyway.


I don't have a regular Lyn so I have no practical experience, but Escape Route sounds fun. Takes some effort to set up but hey, Escape Route is a cheap skill to get so there's no real opportunity cost if you decide to go with something more conventional later.

Good, I gave Raudrblade+ to SM!Eirika, L’Arachel and Gunnthra providing the hone/fortify.

Now have a spare Takumi. Is NY!Corrin or LA!Lyn the better choice for CC? LA!Lyn is -Def but has S support with LA!Hector and he’s providing a fortify. Does this mean she can facetank Tikis? Or does her Lightning Breath target the lower defense even on initiation?

Meanwhile, NY!Corrin will be facetanking fliers.

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1 minute ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Good, I gave Raudrblade+ to SM!Eirika, L’Arachel and Gunnthra providing the hone/fortify.

Now have a spare Takumi. Is NY!Corrin or LA!Lyn the better choice for CC? LA!Lyn is -Def but has S support with LA!Hector and he’s providing a fortify. Does this mean she can facetank Tikis? Or does her Lightning Breath target the lower defense even on initiation?

Meanwhile, NY!Corrin will be facetanking fliers.

Refined breaths hit the lower stat regardless of who initiates. But that's fine, she can facetank Tiki either way. I'd go with Lyn, since having a spare Takumi implies you have a CC archer already, getting a second one seems far less beneficial than getting a CC mage.

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4 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Refined breaths hit the lower stat regardless of who initiates. But that's fine, she can facetank Tiki either way. I'd go with Lyn, since having a spare Takumi implies you have a CC archer already, getting a second one seems far less beneficial than getting a CC mage.

Thanks! Looking at defenses on the armor team had me worried, but Hardin will get doubled by Young Tiki while LA!Lyn will double any Tiki. Similar results to LA!Hector (QR seal) getting attacked by Nowi: they’re worse for wear but get a win.

LA!Lyn will also be keeping L!Ephraim safe from Tikis because she’s on the fire team.

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