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16 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


You're underestimating Raven's natural bulk. Raven has 66 physical bulk with no skills, which becomes 59 physical bulk with Basilikos [unique] and Life and Death 3. A lance user needs 73 Atk to kill him.

Furthermore, because of his absurd offensive stats and Basilikos having the Killer weapon effect, you can very much run Escutcheon on him instead of a damaging Special skill. He can survive the counterattack from a sword user with 69 Atk.

Hmm noted. TBH I am strongly leaning toward the notion of giving him the LnD refine alongside Fury and Desp, since that seems like it gives him the best tradeoffs of bulk for offenses (-2 Atk/Spd in exchange for +3 Def VS LnD3 in the A-slot, or even 2 which is what I have now). 

And yeah, Escutcheon seems like a solid plan, I run that on my TT Cherche and she just. JUST demolishes, and doesn't need to be healed if I keep her out of magic range (I was also considering Miracle, which works really well on my Nino). 

14 hours ago, Kaden said:

What does Seliph want in terms of stats? Particularly his bane since -Spd seems like a go-to on with his low speed, but I remember an argument that -Res works as well because of Divine Tyrfing's 50% reduction against magic damage. +Atk, +Def, +HP, and +Res are self-explantory depending on how you would want to build him and what role he'd be taking which apparently is pretty flexible when he can be a run of the mill enemy phase unit, physical wall, or mixed wall.

TBH I'd consider Spd and maybe HP the best boons to take; if you're planning on refining his weapon, he can actually be a pretty good magic-soaker, especially if you decide to give him like Warding Breath or something. His Res isn't that good to begin with, so I feel like he'd be better off being at least neutral there to get the most out of being able to take magic hits. Grain of salt though I'm not so much an expert on him, but it seems like a decent idea to make him good at taking magical hits. 

11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I think what Ice Dragon wants to say is that the DD effect of Guard bow is wasted on a built that wants to tank melee units. 

I was just curious what you are going to plan for Corrin, I didn't think of CC for him.

Like @Ice Dragon mentioned CC and Warding Bow don't have great synergy. Slaying Bow would let him activate his special faster (to kill other foes than Fliers). Clarisse's Bow (or Monstrous Bow) could debuff everybody before Corrin starts to tank stuff. Another (expensive) option would be Nidhogg, to make Corrin a bow-variant of CC Boey. 

Hmm I suppose. I kind of wanted to run a Guard Bow unit, though :0 Not really sure who works for that besides Jakob... >> I figured Corrin, being tanky, might be a passable candidate =__=

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2 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Hmm noted. TBH I am strongly leaning toward the notion of giving him the LnD refine alongside Fury and Desp, since that seems like it gives him the best tradeoffs of bulk for offenses (-2 Atk/Spd in exchange for +3 Def VS LnD3 in the A-slot, or even 2 which is what I have now). 

The tradeoff Fury vs LnD on A-Slot is more like -2/-2 ATK/SPD for +8/+8 DEF/RES. 

7 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Hmm I suppose. I kind of wanted to run a Guard Bow unit, though :0 Not really sure who works for that besides Jakob... >> I figured Corrin, being tanky, might be a passable candidate =__=

He is a passable candidate, but the combination with Close Counter is not optimal. Like I wrote before, with Guard Bow and double DD3 he could tank Archers and Daggers, but not the stronger mages. To tank both fractions you would need a mixed tank like Faye, LA!Roy or Jakob (perhaps fallen Takumi would work too). To build a mage-tank you would chose someone like Innes, Gaius or even Niles. 

If you want to go the CC route, choose another Bow. 

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11 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:


Oh my god, how did I not know this?  This whole time I thought the weaker stat was targeted only when the enemy initiates from a distance. 

I have a +10 Corrin and I didn't know this.  Well, I feel like a big ol' idiot now... :P:

Me too!  I rarely initiate combat with Corrin, so I guess that's why I didn't notice either!  Hahaha.

Ikr? Ah well, I feel a little better knowing that I'm in good company with you on this point! We both have +10 dragons and didn't notice, haha...

4 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Hmm noted. TBH I am strongly leaning toward the notion of giving him the LnD refine alongside Fury and Desp, since that seems like it gives him the best tradeoffs of bulk for offenses (-2 Atk/Spd in exchange for +3 Def VS LnD3 in the A-slot, or even 2 which is what I have now). 

And yeah, Escutcheon seems like a solid plan, I run that on my TT Cherche and she just. JUST demolishes, and doesn't need to be healed if I keep her out of magic range (I was also considering Miracle, which works really well on my Nino). 

TBH I'd consider Spd and maybe HP the best boons to take; if you're planning on refining his weapon, he can actually be a pretty good magic-soaker, especially if you decide to give him like Warding Breath or something. His Res isn't that good to begin with, so I feel like he'd be better off being at least neutral there to get the most out of being able to take magic hits. Grain of salt though I'm not so much an expert on him, but it seems like a decent idea to make him good at taking magical hits. 

Hmm I suppose. I kind of wanted to run a Guard Bow unit, though :0 Not really sure who works for that besides Jakob... >> I figured Corrin, being tanky, might be a passable candidate =__=

Check @XRay's analysis for Raven on the prior page, the Fury/LnD + Moonbow setup looks stronger than the LnD/LnD + Escutcheon one.

For Corrin, I think the Guard Bow is viable enough. With it + Def refine, he can tank a vanilla +Atk +10 Brave Lyn with 1 HP to spare, which is why I don't think it's a wasted effect, since it lets him function as a Lyn counter in some scenarios. With CC and the CD seal, he'd have 43 Def at all ranges, so an enemy would need 63 Atk to kill him (assuming they double). If he's running with an ally with the Def Tactic 3 seal, an enemy would need 50 to be able to scratch him, so he can, indeed, be a pretty solid tank with the right team, if that's the route you wanted to go. Maybe not the optimal setup, but it's not an unreasonable one.

I find it kinda hilarious that there's so much discussion on this point, despite you not even asking for it at all.

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6 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Check @XRay's analysis for Raven on the prior page, the Fury/LnD + Moonbow setup looks stronger than the LnD/LnD + Escutcheon one.


That actually reverses very quickly as opponents get merges and buffs.

Against opponents with Fury 3 overwrite, +5 merge, +Spd nature, and +3/3/3/3 buffs:

Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Escutcheon, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Speed +3): 104:8:102
Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Speed +3): 119:62:33
Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Wrath 3, Speed +3): 122:62:30

Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Speed +3): 89/39/86
Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Fury 3, Wrath 3, Speed +3): 100/38/76

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So I got a Horse!Chrom with crud-tastic ivs (-SPD + RES)  and I'm debating between giving my current one a merge or feeding him to Myrrh for Chill Defense. How's this build look for Myrrh?




Edited by Ghostface233
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26 minutes ago, Ghostface233 said:

So I got a Horse!Chrom with crud-tastic ivs (-SPD + RES)  and I'm debating between giving my current one a merge or feeding him to Myrrh for Chill Defense. How's this build look for Myrrh?




Seems rather inefficient given Myrrh doesn't hit the defense of melee units. Granted, DC means she's fighting a lot of ranged units, and I see you have Ward Fliers there so I assume you're running her in a flier team and not a dragon team. But in a flier team, why not just have one of the other fliers run it, especially as they likely have less use for their B-slot. For Myrrh the opportunity cost is a lot higher, especially since you're running Iote's seal and therefore should run QR in the B slot as a result.

I also note that since she appears to be the designated tank of your team, Ward Fliers on her isn't doing a lot to help her teammates. Goad would probably be better, and is easily obtainable.

Edited by Humanoid
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If I where to run a +atk Infantry Ephraim with DB3 and the heavy blade seal, would he have enough sustain with Aether to consistently get back into his refine HP threshold?  If not, would adding renewal in his B be a good idea? 

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3 hours ago, Ghostface233 said:

So I got a Horse!Chrom with crud-tastic ivs (-SPD + RES)  and I'm debating between giving my current one a merge or feeding him to Myrrh for Chill Defense. How's this build look for Myrrh?

The biggest issue is the lack of Quick Riposte, which significantly hinders her ability to actually take kills. Personally, I'd give Chill Def to a unit that doesn't normally need a B skill to function, such as units with Firesweep or Brave weapons since the skill is not dependent on who on your team has it.


3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Seems rather inefficient given Myrrh doesn't hit the defense of melee units.

It's there to help activate Great Flame's effect.

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I have a +SPD / -RES M!Morgan and I was wondering which special to give him. I'm leaning toward Draconic Aura right now, but Glimmer is also an option. I'm certainly willing to take suggestions as well. Right now he looks like this:



I'm probably going to go with Speed +3 or Attack +3 for his seal. Simple but hopefully effective. Also going to either upgrade Rally Attack to Rally Atk/Spd or switch it to Reposition.

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2 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

If I where to run a +atk Infantry Ephraim with DB3 and the heavy blade seal, would he have enough sustain with Aether to consistently get back into his refine HP threshold?  If not, would adding renewal in his B be a good idea? 

Aether-Renewal is fine if you need points. If scoring is not an issue, I personally prefer Luna so Ephraim has an easier time taking down tougher opponents in his first round of combat. His B slot does not really matter so just slap on whatever you want on him; Renewal is great if you are manually using him, but if he is on a defense team, you might want to try Wings of Mercy instead.

24 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

I have a +SPD / -RES M!Morgan and I was wondering which special to give him. I'm leaning toward Draconic Aura right now, but Glimmer is also an option. I'm certainly willing to take suggestions as well. Right now he looks like this:

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I'm probably going to go with Speed +3 or Attack +3 for his seal. Simple but hopefully effective. Also going to either upgrade Rally Attack to Rally Atk/Spd or switch it to Reposition.

I would run Moonbow so it can activate in his first round of combat. Draconic Aura is a bit slow and it would not activate as often. Speed +3 is generally the best Sacred Seal for non-Brave Player Phase units. Attack +3 is sort of meh.

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@XRay Thanks very much for your input! Moonbow is a good idea. It's just that I've used Moonbow on so many characters I kind of wanted to do something different this time, but if Moonbow works, it works. I'll put it on him along with Draconic Aura and play around to see which one I like better on him.

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8 hours ago, Astellius said:

Ikr? Ah well, I feel a little better knowing that I'm in good company with you on this point! We both have +10 dragons and didn't notice, haha...

Check @XRay's analysis for Raven on the prior page, the Fury/LnD + Moonbow setup looks stronger than the LnD/LnD + Escutcheon one.

For Corrin, I think the Guard Bow is viable enough. With it + Def refine, he can tank a vanilla +Atk +10 Brave Lyn with 1 HP to spare, which is why I don't think it's a wasted effect, since it lets him function as a Lyn counter in some scenarios. With CC and the CD seal, he'd have 43 Def at all ranges, so an enemy would need 63 Atk to kill him (assuming they double). If he's running with an ally with the Def Tactic 3 seal, an enemy would need 50 to be able to scratch him, so he can, indeed, be a pretty solid tank with the right team, if that's the route you wanted to go. Maybe not the optimal setup, but it's not an unreasonable one.

I find it kinda hilarious that there's so much discussion on this point, despite you not even asking for it at all.

Yeah it's all right xD As long as the conversation prompted is interesting and informative, it's not a problem to me. 

TBH I'm kinda just losing interest in Corrin on the subject lol.... I may come back later to consult on that but for now I'm not gonna worry about it I think. Thanks for the input all the same.

8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


That actually reverses very quickly as opponents get merges and buffs.

Against opponents with Fury 3 overwrite, +5 merge, +Spd nature, and +3/3/3/3 buffs:

Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Escutcheon, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Speed +3): 104:8:102
Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Speed +3): 119:62:33
Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Wrath 3, Speed +3): 122:62:30

Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Speed +3): 89/39/86
Raven [+Spd, -Res] (Basilikos [unique], Moonbow, Fury 3, Wrath 3, Speed +3): 100/38/76

Barring my Tiki who I'm working on the +10 for, Raven (and most of my 5* units for that matter) isn't/aren't liable to exceed 5*+1 or 4*+10-ish, so I'm not too concerned about it for the time being. I'll keep it in mind, though. 

4 hours ago, Ghostface233 said:

So I got a Horse!Chrom with crud-tastic ivs (-SPD + RES)  and I'm debating between giving my current one a merge or feeding him to Myrrh for Chill Defense. How's this build look for Myrrh?

Mmm NOT advisable, IMO. I highly suggest having QR on her somewhere, whether B-slot or seal, and if you've got +Atk then Heavy Blade may be worthwhile to run as a seal (otherwise I'd say DC/QR/CD is what you want). 

Chrom might surprise you with that, but based on the advice I was getting for a similar question, I'd put it on a Brave Bow / Firesweep melee weapon user maybe. 

3 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

If I where to run a +atk Infantry Ephraim with DB3 and the heavy blade seal, would he have enough sustain with Aether to consistently get back into his refine HP threshold?  If not, would adding renewal in his B be a good idea? 

I've been running HB Chrom and assuming you double and 2HKO, Aether should be procing every other round which SHOULD do the trick I think, in theory... 

I was actually thinking of trying something like this, although I was gonna run Sturdy Blow and Bonfire (for arena/short term stuff) in addition to possibly Aether later down the line. 

46 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

I have a +SPD / -RES M!Morgan and I was wondering which special to give him. I'm leaning toward Draconic Aura right now, but Glimmer is also an option. I'm certainly willing to take suggestions as well. Right now he looks like this:

I'm probably going to go with Speed +3 or Attack +3 for his seal. Simple but hopefully effective. Also going to either upgrade Rally Attack to Rally Atk/Spd or switch it to Reposition.

I'd run calcs on whether Moonbow or Glimmer does more just to be safe; his ATk is good, but I'm not sure it's quite high enough to justify Glimmer over Moonbow. Those would be the ideal situation though I think, unless you're okay with the lesser consistency/greater power of DA. And yeah, Spd+3 seal looks pretty good. 

Looks like you mostly got your answer already, but dat boi is looking pretty solid already TBH. Trial and error to determine your preference is always a good idea ~3o


Okay I've got a new question lol. I'm tryna decide which of my two Ephraims (infantry-type) to keep and which to merge onto the keeper. IVs and plans for them detailed below:

  1. Current Ephraim is +Def/-Spd and helluva reliable tank. Bonfire, Earth Boost, QR, hone Spd, HP+5. EB may not be typical but I'm very satisfied with its performance, enough to not want to switch to TA or Fury or the like. 
  2. New Ephraim is +Atk/-HP and would be built to abuse Siegmund's effect with Bonfire/Aether, Sturdy/Death Blow, still QR (I like the EP utility) and Heavy Blade for that every-round Bonfire or every-other-round Aether. NGL, this guy is definitely a tempting option for the combination of attack power and longevity, but the main downside to him is his IV making him impossible to use in my current ephraim's role. I DO have other bulky lancers for that (Nephenee and Oboro), but it's hard to understate just how much of a mainstay that defensive Ephraim has become for me.

It's a tough call x-x

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3 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Barring my Tiki who I'm working on the +10 for, Raven (and most of my 5* units for that matter) isn't/aren't liable to exceed 5*+1 or 4*+10-ish, so I'm not too concerned about it for the time being. I'll keep it in mind, though. 

That was a +0 Raven against +5 opponents.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

That was a +0 Raven against +5 opponents.

Ahh. I misread, then; my mistake. 

Regardless, I may end up giving him both to try them out depending on my feather/fodder situation. Escutcheon fodder isn't exactly in high demand so that shouldn't be an issue lol. 

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So there’s something I’ve been pondering in my head recently. I have a 4* +6 Cordelia with +Atk -HP IVs in my barracks, and I’m wondering whether it’s worth upgrading her to 5* or not. The pros of this would be that she would gain access to Brave Lance+, Galeforce and TA3, but she would lose her merges and effectively lose 1 HP and 1 Atk as a result (but her stronger weapon makes her gain 2 Atk instead). I have four other 5* lance fliers in Hinoka, Catria, Clair and Shanna, and Hinoka is the only other one capable of using a Brave Lance and she’s -Atk, and she has her Hinoka’s Spear equipped anyway. So... is this worthwhile or a waste of feathers?

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13 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

So there’s something I’ve been pondering in my head recently. I have a 4* +6 Cordelia with +Atk -HP IVs in my barracks, and I’m wondering whether it’s worth upgrading her to 5* or not. The pros of this would be that she would gain access to Brave Lance+, Galeforce and TA3, but she would lose her merges and effectively lose 1 HP and 1 Atk as a result (but her stronger weapon makes her gain 2 Atk instead). I have four other 5* lance fliers in Hinoka, Catria, Clair and Shanna, and Hinoka is the only other one capable of using a Brave Lance and she’s -Atk, and she has her Hinoka’s Spear equipped anyway. So... is this worthwhile or a waste of feathers?

The first question you need to ask yourself is whether once promoted, you plan to merge her into a 5*+5 or higher or not. If yes, then you have no option but to promote. But if you're not planning on investing that much, then I would try to get her a better weapon by other means.

If you have one spare, you could just promote a worse, unmerged Cordelia then merge the 5* back into the 4*, which would make her 4*+7 with Brave Lance+ (and Triangle Adept 3, and Galeforce). If you don't have a spare Cordelia, or have no interest in the TA3 or Galeforce, you can promote a Donnel or Abel instead and SI the lance from them (you could even temporarily use Donnel for the TT and then SI him away after). Bear in mind that a Brave build Cordelia will frequently prefer Luna to Galeforce anyway, and TA3 is not a common pick for her.

Alternatively, you can go the Firesweep build instead, which while common wisdom says prefers +spd, but works just fine with +atk too, and you can always merge your current Cordelia into a 4* +spd one if one comes along in future.

Edited by Humanoid
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9 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

The first question you need to ask yourself is whether once promoted, you plan to merge her into a 5*+5 or higher or not. If yes, then you have no option but to promote. But if you're not planning on investing that much, then I would try to get her a better weapon by other means.

If you have one spare, you could just promote a worse, unmerged Cordelia then merge the 5* back into the 4*, which would make her 4*+7 with Brave Lance+ (and Triangle Adept 3, and Galeforce). If you don't have a spare Cordelia, or have no interest in the TA3 or Galeforce, you can promote a Donnel or Abel instead and SI the lance from them (you could even temporarily use Donnel for the TT and then SI him away after). Bear in mind that a Brave build Cordelia will frequently prefer Luna to Galeforce anyway, and TA3 is not a common pick for her.

Alternatively, you can go the Firesweep build instead, which while common wisdom says prefers +spd, but works just fine with +atk too, and you can always merge your current Cordelia into a 4* +spd one if one comes along in future.

The answer to your first question would be no, which probably means upgrading my merged Cordelia is a bad idea.

I don't even have any spare fodder to inherit Brave Lance+ at the moment. And I don't plan on pulling from any blue orbs anytime soon. Still patiently waiting on NS!Elise to come back in a Legendary banner.

Firesweep would work and while I do have a spare Roderick, it would ultimately be pointless as my 5* Shanna is already running said build. And I've put a LOT of investment into her. Speaking of which, I've noticed that my spare 4* Shanna in my barracks is +Spd -HP, while my current 5* one with Firesweep is +Atk -HP, although I've been putting a lot into getting her speed up there, like giving her a Spd+3 seal. I know you say speed is preferred over attack in Firesweep builds but I like Shanna's attack the way it is and it would be difficult to see it drop. And swapping the Spd+3 seal for an Atk+3 seal would just make changing her IVs redundant. And I also want to save feathers for potential fodder for NS!Elise. So much to think about but so little resources!

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2 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

The answer to your first question would be no, which probably means upgrading my merged Cordelia is a bad idea.

I don't even have any spare fodder to inherit Brave Lance+ at the moment. And I don't plan on pulling from any blue orbs anytime soon. Still patiently waiting on NS!Elise to come back in a Legendary banner.

Firesweep would work and while I do have a spare Roderick, it would ultimately be pointless as my 5* Shanna is already running said build. And I've put a LOT of investment into her. Speaking of which, I've noticed that my spare 4* Shanna in my barracks is +Spd -HP, while my current 5* one with Firesweep is +Atk -HP, although I've been putting a lot into getting her speed up there, like giving her a Spd+3 seal. I know you say speed is preferred over attack in Firesweep builds but I like Shanna's attack the way it is and it would be difficult to see it drop. And swapping the Spd+3 seal for an Atk+3 seal would just make changing her IVs redundant. And I also want to save feathers for potential fodder for NS!Elise. So much to think about but so little resources!

If you haven't claimed the hero battle freebies, Donnel is due in 5 days I believe.

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1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

If you haven't claimed the hero battle freebies, Donnel is due in 5 days I believe.

I did think about that but I'm not sure if I've used them up or not. I have a feeling that I have as I remember seeing at least a 1* Donnel in my barracks at some point. But we shall see.

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@BANRYU Thanks for your feedback! I'll be giving him the Speed +3 seal after all. ...I have to ask a stupid question, though: How do I run calculations for damage?

As for your Ephraim question, I think I'd stick with the one you already have. If he's that much of a mainstay, I'm not sure I'd be willing to give him up in your position. I'm the kind of person who dislikes change, however, so I may be biased. It is a tough call. I do have to ask, though: Do you have to merge them? I think I'd build the second Ephraim up as well, and just use them both -- or, if you prefer, build the second one up and then use them both to determine which one you get more use out of.

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