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7 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Okay I've got a new question lol. I'm tryna decide which of my two Ephraims (infantry-type) to keep and which to merge onto the keeper. IVs and plans for them detailed below:

  1. Current Ephraim is +Def/-Spd and helluva reliable tank. Bonfire, Earth Boost, QR, hone Spd, HP+5. EB may not be typical but I'm very satisfied with its performance, enough to not want to switch to TA or Fury or the like. 
  2. New Ephraim is +Atk/-HP and would be built to abuse Siegmund's effect with Bonfire/Aether, Sturdy/Death Blow, still QR (I like the EP utility) and Heavy Blade for that every-round Bonfire or every-other-round Aether. NGL, this guy is definitely a tempting option for the combination of attack power and longevity, but the main downside to him is his IV making him impossible to use in my current ephraim's role. I DO have other bulky lancers for that (Nephenee and Oboro), but it's hard to understate just how much of a mainstay that defensive Ephraim has become for me.

It's a tough call x-x

1 hour ago, Reddazrael said:

As for your Ephraim question, I think I'd stick with the one you already have. If he's that much of a mainstay, I'm not sure I'd be willing to give him up in your position. I'm the kind of person who dislikes change, however, so I may be biased. It is a tough call. I do have to ask, though: Do you have to merge them? I think I'd build the second Ephraim up as well, and just use them both -- or, if you prefer, build the second one up and then use them both to determine which one you get more use out of.

If you have the resources, I would definitely build two different Ephraims (I got 2 different Cecilias, 2 Cordelias, 3 BH!Lyns, 3 Hectors; I got 3 Reinhardts too but they are carbon copies of each other). While the flexibility is nice for Arena Assault, however, it is definitely not an efficient use of resources since you could have spent those resources on another character and use both characters in one run.

If you are flooded with fodder, then I would go for building two. If not, I would move second Ephraim further down the priority list.

You can also merge, but I think the benefit of having two different Ephraims, even it is more resource intensive, outweighs having only one Ephraim getting 2 extra stats.

5 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

Firesweep would work and while I do have a spare Roderick, it would ultimately be pointless as my 5* Shanna is already running said build. And I've put a LOT of investment into her. Speaking of which, I've noticed that my spare 4* Shanna in my barracks is +Spd -HP, while my current 5* one with Firesweep is +Atk -HP, although I've been putting a lot into getting her speed up there, like giving her a Spd+3 seal. I know you say speed is preferred over attack in Firesweep builds but I like Shanna's attack the way it is and it would be difficult to see it drop. And swapping the Spd+3 seal for an Atk+3 seal would just make changing her IVs redundant. And I also want to save feathers for potential fodder for NS!Elise. So much to think about but so little resources!

Speed stacking is generally preferred since you increase your damage output much, much more by doubling, although it depends on the unit in question since some units are bottle necked by low Attack and you do need to give them some Attack. If you are running buffs, then Speed matters less since the AI is generally pretty bad at using buffs themselves, so they are a bit slower than you. Although, if you have something like PA!Azura on the enemy team, then enemy buffs could be a problem.

If you are low on resources, I would just stick with what you have right now and focus on getting units to 4*+10.

Feathers are pretty plentiful though, but if you need some in an emergency, I would send healers from the 3*-4* pool home for a slight boost since they are generally crappy skill fodder. For increasing Feather income, I would focus on your three member core Arena team first until you can bounce between Tier 18 and Tier 19, or ideally Tier 19 and Tier 20. Arena Assault is a little more expensive to build if you are free to play since it is very fodder intensive, but those fodder are pretty common/cheap if you spend a little money like once a month or so to get a steady income of Gem Weapons, Triangle Adept, Breakers, and Glimmer. If you want to be really thrifty, you can set your Arena team as Arena Assault Team 1, but I would recommend investing in an armor team for Arena Assault Team 1 sooner or later for more points instead.

1 hour ago, Reddazrael said:

Thanks for your feedback! I'll be giving him the Speed +3 seal after all. ...I have to ask a stupid question, though: How do I run calculations for damage?

I prefer arcticsilverfox too, but you might also want to check out andu2's calculator; arcticsilverfox's calculator is based on this calculator, but this calculator is a little more clunky and bulky.

You can also try Gamepress's calculator, but it does not seem to work on my computer so I am not sure if it will work for you either, or maybe I am just dumb and could not figure out how to work it.


FEH Unit Builder - Lucina (Brave Heroes).png

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9 minutes ago, XRay said:

I prefer arcticsilverfox too, but you might also want to check out andu2's calculator; arcticsilverfox's calculator is based on this calculator, but this calculator is a little more clunky and bulky.

You can also try Gamepress's calculator, but it does not seem to work on my computer so I am not sure if it will work for you either, or maybe I am just dumb and could not figure out how to work it.

Excellent, thank you for the resources. It's much appreciated.

EDIT: Er, @XRay, I'm not sure how the image I was going to post in my next reply to this topic got shoved into your post. Unless I'm the only one who can see it, but it shows up even in another browser where I'm not logged in. Is there a Brave Lucina image in your post that you can see?


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@Reddazrael In case you were interested, I can tell you how to calc damage yourself

It's a bit more convenient to whip out the calculator than to go all the way on some site just to see how much damage something can do

It's not too difficult ~

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51 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Excellent, thank you for the resources. It's much appreciated.

EDIT: Er, @XRay, I'm not sure how the image I was going to post in my next reply to this topic got shoved into your post. Unless I'm the only one who can see it, but it shows up even in another browser where I'm not logged in. Is there a Brave Lucina image in your post that you can see?


I was wondering why he had a Brave Lucina just sitting randomly in his post with absolutely no context or anything.

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@Arcanite Sure, that would be great! Thank you! I'm not very good at math, but I'll give it a shot.

@Usana Well, here's the context:

For anyone who wants to jump in, h
ow does this build look for Brave Lucina? She has neutral IVs.



My reasoning: The team I currently have her on lacks a healer, hence Renewal 3 to keep her going. This also works well with Ardent Sacrifice, which she can use without concern every other turn and turning her into a minor healer herself. Furthering her support value is Drive Spd 2, boosting her allies' doubling and/or doubling-avoiding capabilities. Steady Breath both bolsters her defense and helps to charge her Aether special, which has a long cooldown otherwise. Quick Riposte 3, always a popular seal, lets her double when she otherwise might not be able to -- although I'm hesitant to use it alongside Renewal 3, as it may keep her healthy enough that QP3 might not see much use. I'm wondering if I should swap it out for HP+5 (well, HP+3 currently) to give her a bit more longevity.

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So this is probably a noob question, but I have a 5*+1 Nino which is +Res -Def, but I just pulled a 4* +Spd -Def today which I am planning to promote.

So I'm Wondering if I merge the 5*+1 to +Spd one, will it reset back to 5*+1, or will it go to +2?

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6 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Tank you! I'm not very good at math, but I'll give it a shot.

Damage = Atk − Def or Res (tomes, staves, and breaths check Res, and refined breaths check the lower of Def or Res if the enemy is ranged).
Triangle advantage (e. g., sword vs. axe) multiplies your Atk by 1.2, round the result down.
Triangle disadvantage (e. g., sword vs. lance) multiplies your Atk by 0.8, round the result up (the actual math is a bit more convoluted).
Triangle Adept magnifies the triangle effect up to ×1.4 or ×0.6.
Type effectiveness multiplies your Atk by 1.5, round the result down.

Always round down after each operation.

1 minute ago, Racer said:

So I'm Wondering if I merge the 5*+1 to +Spd one, will it reset back to 5*+1, or will it go to +2?

Merge levels persist. You’ll get a +2.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Damage = Atk − Def or Res (tomes, staves, and breaths check Res, and refined breaths check the lower of Def or Res if the enemy is ranged).
Triangle advantage (e. g., sword vs. axe) multiplies your Atk by 1.2, round the result down.
Triangle disadvantage (e. g., sword vs. lance) multiplies your Atk by 0.8, round the result up (the actual math is a bit more convoluted).
Triangle Adept magnifies the triangle effect up to ×1.4 or ×0.6.
Type effectiveness multiplies your Atk by 1.5, round the result down.

Always round down after each operation.

You just had to quote my typo, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?

But seriously, thank you for this. I'll give it a try!

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@Reddazrael Vaximillian gave a nice basic run-down but I want to be a little more specific:



Basic Math:



Staves, Red blue and green tomes, and manaketes all target res

Daggers bows swords lances and axes all target def

So if a Red tome with 50 attack hits a sword unit with 30 res, they'll do 20 damage
50 - 30 = 20

Same would work if a Sword with 50 attack hits a red tome with 30 defense


Triangle Disadvantage:


So let's say I have a Nino (green tome) attacking an Adult Tiki (Red Manakete)

The weapon triangle is green beats blue beats red beats green, so Nino is at a disadvantage here

Triangle disadvantage is calculated at 80% of original attack
So if Nino has 53 attack, that is multiplied by .8 for 42.4 ANY DECIMAL VALUE THAT IS CALCULATED AT DISADVANTAGE IS ROUNDED UP
So Nino will do 43 damage and not 42. 
Then you just subtract Tiki's Res and calc the damage! (lets assume she has 25 res)

43 - 25 = 18

Triangle Advantage:


Let's say Oboro is attacking a Leo

Blue beats Red so Oboro is at the advantage in this case

Triangle advantage is calculated at 120% of original attack
So if Oboro has 48 attack, that is multiplied by 1.2 for 57.6 ANY DECIMAL VALUE THAT IS CALCULATED AT ADVANTAGE IS ROUNDED DOWN
So Oboro will do 57 damage and not 58.
Then you just subtract Leo's defense and calc the damage ~ (pretty sure leo has 25 def)

57 - 25 = 32 

Effective Damage:


Let's say Brave Lyn is attacking Caeda

Arrows deal effective damage against flying units

Effective damage is calculated at 150% of original attack
So if Brave Lyn has 52 attack, that is multiplied by 1.5 for 78 (in this case it is a perfect number but if it were decimal you would round down)
So Lyn will do 78 damage.... 
basically Caeda is dead

The reason why decimals are always rounded in that way is because the numbers are basically always rounded towards the original attack. So if you're ever unsure, just keep that in mind


Couple extra notes:

  • Special trigger damage is always rounded down NO MATTER WHAT. So if your bonfire is cacl'd to 16.8, it will only do 16 damage (as an example)
  • There may sometimes be situations where you have an effective weapon and triangle dis/advantage. In that case, you calc the weapon triangle first and then calculate the effective damage based on the damage from the triangle. As an example: Let's say Ridersbane Effie has 57 attack, and she is up against Frederick. You would do 57 * .8 first, which is 45.6. That number is rounded to 46. After that you do 46 * 1.5 for the effective damage against horses, which is 69 damage.
  • Triangle Adept adds a bonus 20% to advantage and disadvantage, making the multiplier 1.4 for advantage and .6 for disadvantage.
  • Cancel Affinity only works on enemies that have triangle adept, making the damage calculation neutral.
  • Defense tiles raise your defense and resistance by 1.3 (or 30%). Be aware if you or your enemy is on a defense tile!
  • Be wary about goads/wards/spurs/drive skills, those are invisible buffs that might screw with your calculations!

Feel free to ask any questions about any type of calculation because I probably know the answer lol


@Vaximillian Next time you snipe me from helping people you should be a little more detailed
and you know
actually motivated to help




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1 hour ago, Reddazrael said:

You just had to quote my typo, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?

Whenever Tanks Thanks comes up I can't help but remember this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXBcLXiCemQ


As for the Lucina. Hmm. . . not sure on steady breath. I get the wanting to speed the cooldown, but She always seems very frail to me whenever I field mine(mine is -HP though so maybe that is why). However, I am admittedly hesitant on using very rare skills on heroes, so that is probably the actually source of my hesitation. I am also trying to figure out the conflict between Quick Riposte and Renewal. Quick Riposte wants your HP high(above 70% if memory is right).  Or did I misread what you meant?

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7 minutes ago, Usana said:

Whenever Tanks Thanks comes up I can't help but remember this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXBcLXiCemQ


As for the Lucina. Hmm. . . not sure on steady breath. I get the wanting to speed the cooldown, but She always seems very frail to me whenever I field mine(mine is -HP though so maybe that is why). However, I am admittedly hesitant on using very rare skills on heroes, so that is probably the actually source of my hesitation. I am also trying to figure out the conflict between Quick Riposte and Renewal. Quick Riposte wants your HP high(above 70% if memory is right).  Or did I misread what you meant?


Well, I'm an idiot. I was not remembering properly and mentally reversed the greater-than sign. OKAY, QUICK RIPOSTE IT IS. As for Steady Breath, I have a few copies of Brave Ike and I already have one built, so I'm not too concerned about sacrificing one with a bad nature. I don't like sacrificing 5★ units either, but I figure Lucina is worth it.

EDIT: I have literally never heard of that show. Now I feel cheated out of what could have been an integral part of my childhood.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Speed stacking is generally preferred since you increase your damage output much, much more by doubling, although it depends on the unit in question since some units are bottle necked by low Attack and you do need to give them some Attack. If you are running buffs, then Speed matters less since the AI is generally pretty bad at using buffs themselves, so they are a bit slower than you. Although, if you have something like PA!Azura on the enemy team, then enemy buffs could be a problem.

The unit in question is Shanna. She is currently +Atk -HP but has the option to swap her boon to +Spd. Her current setup is this:

Weapon: Firesweep Lance+

Assist: Reposition

Special: Luna

A Skill: Life and Death 2 (need another Sothe to get L&D3)

B Skill: Hit and Run

C Skill: Threaten Speed 3/Fortify Fliers/Goad Fliers (depending on team composition)

Sacred Seal: Speed +3

This build has worked fine so far, with the speed boon kind of implemented because of the seal. I personally think swapping her boon to +Spd and giving her Attack +3 seal is pointless as she would just end up the same. Is there anything worthwhile I can do? Cos if not I’ll just keep Shanna the same and save feathers.

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5 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

@BANRYU Thanks for your feedback! I'll be giving him the Speed +3 seal after all. ...I have to ask a stupid question, though: How do I run calculations for damage?

3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

@Reddazrael In case you were interested, I can tell you how to calc damage yourself

Calculations are also pinned in the analysis forum (and will soon be updated on the SF main site, hopefully this weekend):


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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Calculations are also pinned in the analysis forum (and will soon be updated on the SF main site, hopefully this weekend):


I love how Sharena (or a part of her) is the thumbnail.

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3 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

Excellent, thank you for the resources. It's much appreciated.

EDIT: Er, @XRay, I'm not sure how the image I was going to post in my next reply to this topic got shoved into your post. Unless I'm the only one who can see it, but it shows up even in another browser where I'm not logged in. Is there a Brave Lucina image in your post that you can see?


2 hours ago, Usana said:

I was wondering why he had a Brave Lucina just sitting randomly in his post with absolutely no context or anything.

I can click on the link and a mini window pops up, but I cannot see the image.

Well, I never seen that glitch happen before! It is pretty cool to see the forums get hick ups sometimes. I wish I can do the same in Heroes and shove Heavy Blade onto BH!Lyn when I equip it onto Reinhardt so both have it.

2 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

My reasoning: The team I currently have her on lacks a healer, hence Renewal 3 to keep her going. This also works well with Ardent Sacrifice, which she can use without concern every other turn and turning her into a minor healer herself. Furthering her support value is Drive Spd 2, boosting her allies' doubling and/or doubling-avoiding capabilities. Steady Breath both bolsters her defense and helps to charge her Aether special, which has a long cooldown otherwise. Quick Riposte 3, always a popular seal, lets her double when she otherwise might not be able to -- although I'm hesitant to use it alongside Renewal 3, as it may keep her healthy enough that QP3 might not see much use. I'm wondering if I should swap it out for HP+5 (well, HP+3 currently) to give her a bit more longevity.

I still cannot see image so I assume this is the build (I am just typing it down so it is easier for me to reference it):

Geirskögul, Aether, Ardent Sacrifice
Steady Breath, Renewal, Drive Spd
Quick Riposte

Combat medics heal super duper slow in Arena so I am not sure if you want to give her that build, and BH!Lucina does not have Falchion to speed up the healing. Medic builds also negatively impact a unit's combat performance since they are running Renewal instead of combat skills like Breakers, Desperation, or Guard, although it should be somewhat okay with Quick Riposte in the Sacred Seal slot. Combat medics in Tempest Trials are fine since the enemies have shitty builds and you generally only need one healing at most per map (if you need more healing, then staff healers are better). If you want healing for Arena, I would bring a staff healer instead.

I would also save Steady Breath/Warding Breath for units with Distant Counter built into their Weapons (e.g.: Ike, Fjorm, FH!M!Robin, dragons with Lightning Breath, etc.) since they get to counter attack at any range and get more bang for your buck. Fury is better for BH!Lucina to make her harder to double

In my opinion, I would give BH!Lucina a Player Phase build since she can take advantage of having low HP by running Desperation which makes her much more sustainable. You can give her Reciprocal Aid so she can heal an ally once per map and drop her health into Desperation range at the same time if you still want healing on your team.

2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Be wary about goads/wards/spurs/drive skills, those are invisible buffs that might screw with your calculations!

That gave me an idea. Sounds fun with Wings of Mercy defense teams! I love to surprise players with a good screwing... or Thunder Fisting.

7 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

The unit in question is Shanna. She is currently +Atk -HP but has the option to swap her boon to +Spd. Her current setup is this:

Weapon: Firesweep Lance+

Assist: Reposition

Special: Luna

A Skill: Life and Death 2 (need another Sothe to get L&D3)

B Skill: Hit and Run

C Skill: Threaten Speed 3/Fortify Fliers/Goad Fliers (depending on team composition)

Sacred Seal: Speed +3

This build has worked fine so far, with the speed boon kind of implemented because of the seal. I personally think swapping her boon to +Spd and giving her Attack +3 seal is pointless as she would just end up the same. Is there anything worthwhile I can do? Cos if not I’ll just keep Shanna the same and save feathers.

Speed stacking with +Spd and Speed +3 makes her less dependent on buffs. 43 Speed (with Life and Death 3) is not bad, but Shanna would have difficulty knocking out fast enemies.

However, I would just keep her as is for now and focus your resources elsewhere first before coming back to Shanna. Changing her nature now does not make much sense when you can put those resources elsewhere and get more return. Once you got your Arena team and Arena Assault teams set up, then I would change Shanna's nature to +Spd or something.


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Can a -atk +res Alm do the usual Alm things (excluding the Heavy Blade seal), or does that attack bane cost him some important dragon killing milestones?


Edit: Forgot my original question. Is it know if, when pulling the Heroes gacha, does the game pick colors at random and then the characters, or characters at random and then show their colors?

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On 3/14/2018 at 4:01 PM, BANRYU said:

It's Chill Def, friendo ~3o If it were Spd I'd have given it to my Soren in a heartbeat (debuffing Atk/Spd with no drawbacks? Yesplz)

I misread, whoops. 

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4 hours ago, Sylphid said:

Is it know if, when pulling the Heroes gacha, does the game pick colors at random and then the characters, or characters at random and then show their colors?

The latter. The characters are picked first and then covered by coloured stones.

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Welp, thanks for the help with the last one, guys, now for my next question!

My current Lead is Regular Roy. I intend to make this Roy be +10 at some point. Currently I am at +1 and can go to +2 at any time as I have an extra 5S Roy, but of course the question of Natures has me locked down for the moment. My current lead is +ATK -DEF, while my other 5S Roy is +SPD -RES. Is either of these a better option? I'm planning on giving him pretty much every Skill he can obtain through Skill Inheritance at some point or other, so I'm not too worried about it fitting my current build, but if you must know what I already have on my Roy, go check Heroes ID 4512744310 as I don't remember all of the unequipped stuff right now - I currently have BB, Shove, Glacies, Darting Blow…1 I think, Vantage 3, I think either Breath of Life or Savage Blow 3 but it might be a Hone Attack, and Heavy Blade Sacred Seal equipped.

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@SoulWeaver Quick calculator tests on the two lists seem to indicate that +ATK is better at low merges with +SPD beginning to catch up the higher you go. Also depends on if Player or Enemy Phase. Enemy Phase Roy cares less about speed. The Roys I see in the arena that give me the most pause are the DC ones. His Res is high enough he can run Ploys.  The most wins I got at low merge(+2) was with +ATK/-DEF Wo Dao+(SPD)/moonbow/distant counter/quick riposte/spd ploy/def ploy. SPD Ploy mainly is there to keep from getting doubled since that really reduces his win numbers. Def Ploy lets him hit a bit harder. And standard Wo Dao+moonbow combo. Obviously for support he could run something other than ploys, but knocking down a foes spd/def is something most allies would more than appreciate.

That said that is just me punching numbers into the mass battle simulator against the basic inbuilt lists. I can't remember the Roy's I have ran into in the arena but I think they ran something other than Wo Dao, so that may not actually be optimal.

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