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5 hours ago, Kaden said:

On a side note, I have no idea why the current builds on Gamepedia recommend -Def over -HP for her. I get that her defense isn't high, but for arena scoring, -Def being a superbane drops her down to 144 BST. Well, whatever.

Build suggestions are typically for performance and not for score. After all, building for score is trivial: "look at what gives you more points" followed by "use those things".

Part of the reason is how small of a difference a single stat bucket makes in terms of scoring. A one-bucket difference is an average of 0.5 points per match or 2.5 points over the course of a full run. Not only is that easily surmountable with just a little bit of score sniping, but that's less than just getting one more kill with a bonus unit.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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3 hours ago, Yukiko said:

I recently got another WoF!Hinoka. Should I merge her into the copy I already have, or should I fodder her off? Are there units who would make a very good use of atk/spd bond or flier formation? 

I can't also decide wheter to merge an extra Fjorm into the neutral one or fodder her for one of her skills? 

Can someone give me some advice?

I would check their natures before you do anything with them. [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res] would be ideal. I prefer [+Atk, -Def] and run a Firesweep build.

I would personally merge, but if you like Spd tanks, Atk/Spd Bond is great for Spd tanks like Ryoma and Fjorm. Flier Formation is more niche in my opinion, but it is decent on flying Dancers/Singers like HNY!Azura, BB!Ninian, and YT!Olivia.

For Fjorm, I would personally keep the neutral at 5*+0 as increasing her stats may make it more difficult for you to copy strategy videos online, as it will influence how enemies move. If you do not care about that, then I would merge or fodder her for Atk/Def Bond or Drive Atk; I would personally prioritize Atk/Def Bond since Drive Atk is available as a Sacred Seal.

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49 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would check their natures before you do anything with them. [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res] would be ideal. I prefer [+Atk, -Def] and run a Firesweep build.

I would personally merge, but if you like Spd tanks, Atk/Spd Bond is great for Spd tanks like Ryoma and Fjorm. Flier Formation is more niche in my opinion, but it is decent on flying Dancers/Singers like HNY!Azura, BB!Ninian, and YT!Olivia.

For Fjorm, I would personally keep the neutral at 5*+0 as increasing her stats may make it more difficult for you to copy strategy videos online, as it will influence how enemies move. If you do not care about that, then I would merge or fodder her for Atk/Def Bond or Drive Atk; I would personally prioritize Atk/Def Bond since Drive Atk is available as a Sacred Seal.

Okay, i got it, thanks for the advice. If i should decide to fodder Fjorm, who would be a good candidate for atk/def bond?

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4 minutes ago, Yukiko said:

Okay, i got it, thanks for the advice. If i should decide to fodder Fjorm, who would be a good candidate for atk/def bond?

Any Def tank with low Spd.

Edited by XRay
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@Zeo I definitely don't mind being tagged, so feel free to do so. I also can sympathize with the plight of having a lot of premium unused fodder, as I tend to sit on mine rather than use them. As a general remark on some of the fodder, I think Warding Breath would best be used on a dragon, and I find Flashing Blade to generally be an inferior option to other A-passives. I just merge my Mias, rather than save any for Flashing Blade fodder that I know I'm not going to use.

I'll spoiler this since it was kinda long.


Now, onto the units. In my view, +Atk/-Def Delthea is a better nature than +Atk/-Spd, and +Atk/-HP Micaiah is preferable to +Spd/-HP.

Eirika -- I think you should keep your DC fodder for units that you really like and are going to use, and that really doesn't sound like that's the case here, especially given she's been a benchwarmer for you for awhile. Also, Silvia is now available in the 4* pool, so swords now have ready access to the red equivalent of Berkut's Lance, so there's that to consider. So, rather than DC, I'd give her a more common skill like Fury or Life & Death. Right now, I'm running Fury on mine, and she does well. Her mixed bulk is decent, but it's also in the range where she wouldn't suffer for running LnD. If you have her run Fury, I think Chill Spd would be a good option for her B-slot, since she's often used as a support unit, but otherwise it's pretty open. With LnD, Desperation is an obvious choice for sustain.

Spring Alfonse -- I think the Wo Dao axe would be good on him. He actually should have decent Spd, if you invest in it. With a Spd refine, that pushes him up to 36 Spd. Add on more Spd from an A-passive like Fury, and then add on the cav buffs, and he'll hit 45+ Spd. That would distinguish him from Frederick, who's slow and tanky.

Deirdre -- Actually, Spd is not a bad bane for her. Her speed was already mediocre, so she was already likely to be doubled by most fast mages anyway. Mine is a +Res/-Def variant, and she's been a great mage tank for me. I find that to be her best role, since, as you say, she's incapable of taking on even the blue dragons that run around all over the place in AA, messing up the carpet and such. Mirror Stance or DD are her best options for the A-passive, but solid budget options are Res+3 or Atk+3. Silvia is in the 4* pool now, so now Mirror Stance is available as fodder.

Lon'qu -- Obviously he has the stat line for a Desperation swordsman. With the changes to the AA scoring, I find it's useful to have at least 2-3 swordsmen with each blessing, so there's an argument for going the standard route. If you want something different, however, you could consider going for a quad Brave build (LnD + Desperation). He'd have 47 Atk and 41 Spd, and his seal could be used to boost either his attack or speed. Pretty good!

Lissa -- She's got great mixed bulk, even if her attack is lowish. I think Sturdy Blow would be nice on her, as it would patch up her Atk, while also boosting her Def. She'd be near impervious to lances on the offensive.

Bold Fighter -- I don't see the need to turn either of them into CC tanks, especially when you don't have the fodder for it, the fodder for it is extremely rare, and neither of them are in the front of the line for it, should it even appear in the first place. Basically, this sounds to me like that shouldn't be much of a consideration. Now, I personally never regret giving premium fodder to my favorites, so my recommendation would be to give it to Lyn, for that reason. It would fix her speed, and she'd be great with it. I'd also recommend giving her an Owl tome, since she wants to be next to someone so that she can activate her bond skill anyway.

Fallen Celica -- Hard choice. My own Fallen Celica is -Atk/+Res, so I feel your pain here. I'll say that an Atk bane isn't unbearable -- with Fury, it sits at an acceptable 51. One point in favor of the -Atk/+Def variant is that you didn't list any fast sword tanks before. With Fury, her base Def would sit at 36, which is 40 at full health. In my view, the +Atk/-Spd one sort of starts to look like an inferior Soleil to me. Honestly, even with bad natures, she still is a decent swordsman.

Hope that input helps, and maybe gives you some things to consider!

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10 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

What you were looking at was a curated build, AKA user-submitted that were reviewed. There's also bold text saying to use your own judgement for them

I found the build they used for simulation on their tier list update post on reddit. +atk -res with blarblade. Other skills are DB4, lancebreaker, res ploy and atk+3 seal

Yeah, I get that, but in the case of keeping her Ivaldi, she can still have higher physical bulk with -HP after buffs than if she were to take -Def. Granted, she's not really someone who should be fighting physical units with 17 base defense, but it adds up with Ivaldi, having Fury as her A passive, with defense buffs, and merges and ally and summoner support for those who really want to take her that far. The other thing is that -HP would make it a bit easier to get into desperation range. Not by much though when she's unmerged as =HP L'Arachel needs to take 9 damage to being in Desperation range to -HP L'Arachel needing to take 8 damage.

6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Build suggestions are typically for performance and not for score. After all, building for score is trivial: "look at what gives you more points" followed by "use those things".

Part of the reason is how small of a difference a single stat bucket makes in terms of scoring. A one-bucket difference is an average of 0.5 points per match or 2.5 points over the course of a full run. Not only is that easily surmountable with just a little bit of score sniping, but that's less than just getting one more kill with a bonus unit.

That makes sense, but now it makes me wonder how much trouble people go to getting as high of a score as possible in arena by choosing particular boons and banes when the other choices seem a bit more useful like people choosing +Spd, -HP Gwendolyn and Sheena over +Atk, +Def, or +Res for them.

5 hours ago, Yukiko said:

Okay, i got it, thanks for the advice. If i should decide to fodder Fjorm, who would be a good candidate for atk/def bond?

Anyone with a Bond skills, regular or legendary/personal -owl tomes, or similar effects on their weapon works too. So, Chrom, Lucina, and masked Marth with their unique refined Falchion, Innes with his Nidhogg, Katarina with her Reese's Pieces Tome, Sharena with her unique refined Fensalir, Soren with his unique refined Wind's Brand, kid and adult Tiki with their unique refined Breath of Fog, etc. Granted, some of them would prefer Atk/Spd bond like Innes, Katarina, Lucina, masked Marth, Sharena, Soren, and kid Tiki since she's faster than adult Tiki. Or whatever that plays on their strength like Innes and Katarina have high resistance, so you might prefer Atk/Res or Spd/Res on them.

Alternatively, you could give Shield Pulse 3 to Karla, Linus, and Raven if you want to do a fun and stupid build with Pavise, L&D3, and a Flashing/Heavy Blade seal. Low defenses doesn't matter when you can reduce damage by 50% and -5 damage with Pavise up regularly and sometimes, it's possibly to have too high of an offensive spread. Karla wouldn't need to refine her Vassal's Blade while Linus and Raven do where Linus would be harder to get merges for and he's a bit slower than =Spd Raven.

@Zeo, with regards to skills, Flashing Blade is probably the one I wouldn't bother burning a Mia to give it to anyone. She's currently the only one with the skill and it's locked to only armored and infantry units excluding healers where armors have better options with Bold, Special, and Vengeful Fighter for charging their specials and their A passive would be better off being Close/Distant Counter or a Breath skill. If it wasn't locked to those two units types, then I could see it being useful on someone like Shigure, Siegbert, and other fast units who want to run a Galeforce build or something in the same way someone like Cordelia can use Heavy Blade reliably. Otherwise, it's probably better used as a seal than an A passive. Mia herself is already a great unit even if she's not as powerful as Ayra, Karla, etc. If anything, she has pretty good sustain with Resolute Blade, Sol/Aether, Distant Counter or a Breath, and Wrath or whatever for her B passive.

As others have noted, Brazen Atk/Spd would go nicely with Celica's unique refined Ragnarok if you can set it up reliably. Otherwise, Fury and L&D are probably safer bets. That is if you have regular Celica and want to use her.

Infantry Pulse is powerful, but at the same time situational. Still powerful regardless when you can let characters like Lilina, Ophelia with or without mage allies, and Sonya explode people with pre-charged specials and it gets even better if you can get them Special Spiral. That said, its default users are already good users of it with their high health of which summer Xander has the lowest at 43 HP. Otherwise, I can't think of someone who you would want to give Infantry Pulse to immediately. I'd say keep it around until it's more common or you absolutely need it for a certain map or want it for some dumb and fun team. I guess you could give it to Bartre since he has the highest base HP for an infantry unit.

Warding Breath you could give to Dorcas, Fjorm, either Tikis, or anyone with good mixed bulk and/or a Distant Counter weapon. I say this since you could just use it to grind charges with someone who has high resistance and defenses. Fir and Helbindi come to mind. Fir could tank magic to grind charges and use her average defense to get into Wrath range and unleash a special on them if they're a melee unit. Helbindi just has good mixed bulk when he dumped speed for everything else. If Barrier Axe becomes a thing in the future, then he'd be a great user of it.

With the units you have,



For Eirika, since you did invest in her and did get one of her best boon and bane combos, I'd say keep using her as much as possible or as you see fit. Her and Ephraim's ability to buff people isn't as great as it used to be, but that's what happens when the developers introduce better buffs and better stuff in general. That said, regular Eirika, Laevatein, and legendary Marth come to mind as being great buddies for Odin should you choose to invest in him, particularly his unique refined Odin's Grimoire. All of them cover greens for Odin while Odin covers ranged foes and is a great support buddy for them. As others have suggested, if you want or have Distant Counter for her, you could just give her Fury to boost all her stats. A Bond skill could work too and with her and Marth for that matter needing to be within 2 spaces of their allies for their weapons buff share thing to work, having them be adjacent to their allies would make them even stronger. You could also go for L&D3 if that you're thing. I run Fury 3, Renewal 3 on Eirika (and a bunch of other units because I'm unoriginal as hell). It works and it's simple.

Since I mentioned her, for Laevatein, she's self-explanatory with her having a -blade blade where either of them, provided one has Def/Res Link, can give each other +6/+6/+6/+6. She's not fast compared to Eirika or Odin, but she hits hard when her base neutral attack is 37 and her sword gives her +3 attack. With +Atk, Laevatein would have 59 total attack before buffs. Give her Death Blow 3 or 4 if you can spare it and she'd hit 65 or 67 attack and with Odin's Grimoire's Atk/Spd Link and her default Atk/Def Link, she'd get +6/+6/+6 giving her 89 to 91 total attack.

For Lon'qu, I'd wait because of the whole give personal weapons to old units thing the developers have been doing. Unless you really want to use him or are sick of him sitting around doing nothing, then sure, do something about it. Otherwise, I'd say wait. You could just give him Moonbow or Luna because Glimmer's not that great for him at the moment without something drastically boosting his attack. Watch Lon'qu get a sword version of Basilikos. If he does, then I suggest a Pavise, L&D3, and Flashing/Heavy Blade seal build because it's dumb and fun. Also, because he, like Karla, Linus, and Raven, would be able to abuse it further than other units running the build. That isn't to say it would be good on someone like Athena, Soleil, or whoever. That said, if you ever go for a Pavise, L&D3, Shield Pulse build on anyone, so regardless if Lon'qu gets a sword Basilikos, -HP wouldn't be as good since HP would be worth 2? points for every defense and resistance point. As they would be fighting melee units more often and Pavise only affects 1-range damage, -Res would probably be better.

Since reading about regular Ephraim with Flame Siegmund and Steady Breath, I've wanted to try it. From a dew perspective, it's pretty cheap and Ephraim gets +3 attack, but as a whole, it's expensive, especially for me since I never summoned a BH Ike ever. What I like about Ephraim's weapon choices is that he can be flexible. With regular Siegmund, he can be a support unit and would have even more health for Panic Ploy and with unique refined Siegmund and Flame Siegmund, he can also be an offensive and defensive powerhouse provided you meet their requirements. Problem is that it's expensive, so unless you really like Ephraim, you probably shouldn't go with both refinements. That said, Flame Siegmund might be a better option considering it lets him do something different that others can't easily copy. It's a bit dangerous since he needs to be outnumbered, but if you can get him in those situations safely, then on either phase, Ephraim gets to follow-up. Enemy phase is probably safer since unlike his promoted self, he doesn't have 3 movement to just charge in and destroy somebody. It also would set him apart from his promoted self since Steady Breath is only usable by armored and infantry melee units and only works on enemy phase.

Winter Lissa's in this weird spot of she's one of the many 5*-exclusive axe armors and also one of four out of the seven 5*-exclusive axe armors who are seasonal; Sheena is to this day, still the only 3* to 4* summonable axe armor similar to Draug, but at least sword armors have Arden, the Black Knight, and Zephiel as freebie alternatives unlike axes where you have to choose CYL Ephraim if you want a free axe armor which is by no means a bad choice. You already have Amelia and two Hectors, but what if you need a fourth axe armor for arena assault, squad assault, or whatever? She's -Atk, but she comes with Bold Fighter and that's a busted skill. If you can spare it, give her a Slaying Axe+ from a Sheena and Ignis from Boey, Henry, Leon, etc. Assuming she attacks whoever can counter back, Ignis should more than make up for her -3 attack from being -Atk. And even still, Bonfire should give her enough damage as well. I ended up giving my winter Lissa Death Blow 3 since she had a lot of SP from being used in the winter TT and also probably because of space reasons. Prior to CYL Ephraim showing up, she was my premiere axe armor who saved my butt for the first GHB rotation's armor quests and as a wind blessed heroine. Also, this is totally not bias because Lissa is one of my favorite characters. :p



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6 minutes ago, Kaden said:

That makes sense, but now it makes me wonder how much trouble people go to getting as high of a score as possible in arena by choosing particular boons and banes when the other choices seem a bit more useful like people choosing +Spd, -HP Gwendolyn and Sheena over +Atk, +Def, or +Res for them.

I think choosing a nature for the purpose of scoring does have value, but only in very specific cases:

  • If you're very close to a cutoff and you could use all the help you can get to push your score range up.
    • This is now less relevant in regular Arena due to the bonus points for killing an opponent with a bonus character along with the existing ability to snipe matches worth more points.
    • This is still relevant in Arena Assault because you cannot snipe to always get matches at the top end of your scoring range.
  • If you're building an Arena defense team to brag about the score of your Arena defense team.

Otherwise, the benefit is small enough that I don't see much of a point in taking the trouble to do so.

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@Zeo I'm glad to be tagged, so no worries. I may take a while to answer, though (College and stuff...). Anyways, I'll go in order for each unit.

  1. Eirika is a pretty flexible unit so you can make her suit your needs. If you need a support then give her something like Def/Res Tactic in her C and S slots to keep her as a pretty useful buffbot although I find that a waste of her potential while also being able to easily get +4/6/6 Atk/Def/Res for herself making her quite sturdy. For her A-slot, Fury or TA are good budget options. Steady/Warding Breath if you're willing to do some funky Glacies/Ignis builds, but Steady/Warding Breath is obviously a pretty expensive skill. Personally I'd go the buffing route so you're better pairing her with a Blade tome mage. 
    Here's a fun build that, while expensive, brings a lot of unique use out of Eirika and doesn't require DC.
    Eirika (+Atk -Hp)
    - Sieglinde (+Eff)
    -Fury 3
    -Spd/Res Link
    -Ploy of choice
    -Def Tactic

    Eirika will get +12 Spd/Res and will also have +4 Atk (or +12 if a teammate has Atk Tactic or Odd Atk Wave) and +6 Def making her pretty sturdy. The Ploy will depend on your team but Atk Ploy seems the best if you want to see Eirika tanking the world. The only expensive skill is Spd/Res Link from Nina but Link skills are great on Eirika if she's not the star of the team.
  2. Alfonse has a pretty eh nature but he's still workable thanks to that +Atk boon. G!Marth is a buffer while Frederick is an PP nuke so Alfonse's best role seems like either an EP tank or a PP sweeper. I'd lean towards the sweeper role because -Def really hurts his tanking potential. His Spd isn't the greatest but he has enough bulk to go with the Desperation+Brash Assault combo while dealing huge amounts of damage with something like Moonbow/Draconic Aura. You can also give him a Def refine to fix the Def bane and then use Heavy Blad seal+Bonfire for even crazier damage. Then again, I'd think he'd only see use in AA so...
  3. Deirdre wants Fury and nothing else. In a world of +10 dragons she needs all the base Res she can get to land Ploys and only Fury offers that. Give her the Atk Ploy seal and she'll be able to survive at least 1 hit from Nowi/Fae. Rather than killing dragons, focus on her abilities to be a mage tank. If you ever find a team of Lewyn, Ishtar, Reinhardt and another mage Deirdre will show her true prowress by tanking and ORKOing them back to back (Mine has done it and she's +Def -Spd which is worse than yours). While Fury doesn't seem to synergize with QR, it actually works decently and considering that she'd only see use in AA, you just need to pair her with a healer and not worry about the recoil.
  4. Lon'qu...Yeah, no. Outside of favoritsim he doesn't offer anything that Ayra can't do better. Keeping him around in case he gets a busted Prf is a good idea, but other than that he doesn't have anything going for him right now.
  5. For Serra +Spd is the best nature she can get (Speed creep is real) so keep her like that. For her build I'd say that the Wrathful+Dazzling seems the better choice for her because her physical bulk will be lackluster without huge amounts of investment. Pain+ with double Savage Blow is tempting but that's better suited for someone tanky like Azama. Gravity+ would make her Genny 2.0 so instead go with something like Slow or Fear alongside the Ploy that covers the other staff to make her a good debuffer ala Matthew. CC+Absorb can work but I feel that fits better for someone with higher Atk like Lachesis/Elise/Maribelle due to Absorb's pathetic Mt.
  6. For Ephraim is either wait for Atk/Def Solo with Flame Siegmund or the Death Blow+Quick Riposte with Siegmund's refine. Sadly, Ephraim isn't all that flexible so he doesn't really have that many options but the few ones he has are still pretty strong until this day. 
  7. Lissa is basically Sheena with that nature so just make her Bold Fighter fodder.
  8. I'd save Bold Fighter for now. V!Lyn doesn't really need it because she can off-set the -Spd with an Owl tome or just go full Nuke with a Blade tome. Same for Henry so they don't really need Bold Fighter.
  9. +Atk -Spd, easily. Even with -Spd she has 36 Spd during her first combat and if she attacks the target of Chill Spd then she'll have 44 Spd which is more than good enough. From what I've played, F!Celica can be a pretty awesome EP duelist with Steady/Warding Breath+Close Def seal, although stuff like RD!Ike tend to do this better thanks to in-built DC but she has better stats.
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So a quick question, I pulled 3 Laegjarns on todays banner.  2 are +SPD/-ATK and one is +DEF/-RES.  I foddered one of the +SPD ones off to YT! Olivia so which one of the two should I keep for the merge? 

Edited by Ghostface233
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On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

To put more emphasis if you even need it. I have 29 sword units, among those, only 20 of them are even usable (most outdated) and among those only 9 are active. We're not going to touch on every unfinished unit in my barracks now, you'd be here forever. Just going to ask for a bit of advice to jumpstart me as I've been finding myself using the same units over and over recently. Alright? Let's go. Spoiler tags cause I don't want my post to be bible size.

If you want to make them all unique, then that is going to take quite some effort to think of a niche for each one, and I honestly do not think it is worth the effort to differentiate them unless it is a character you care about. If you do not mind builds being boring but effective and cheap, Fury/Life and Death-Desperation and Fury-Quick Riposte is the way to go.

I am not sure what you mean exactly by outdated builds, as all builds still follow pretty much the same concept, with the only difference now is that the new skills are basically slight tweaks of old skills, with older skills generally having less restrictions at the cost of lower performance ceilings. For example, while Bond skills are superior stat wise to Stance skills, Stance skills are still pretty good and it does not need positioning to work. The only outdated builds that I can think of are the builds for units that got a new exclusive Weapon that gives them a new additional role, or units with an exclusive Weapon that got its effect completely changed when Refined, like Leo's Brynhildr.

Not sure if this will help you, but I use templates and I match units to them based the unit's stats:


Player Phase


Fast Nuke


Two Hits
+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Offensive Weapon
Moonbow - Luna
Fury - Swift Sparrow - Life and Death - Brazen Atk/Spd
Attack +3 - Speed +3 - Flashing Blade - Heavy Blade

Fast Brave/Quad
+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Fury - Swift Sparrow - Life and Death - Brazen Atk/Spd
Attack +3 - Speed +3

Two Hits: Renewal
+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Offensive Weapon
Moonbow - Luna
Atk/Spd Push
Attack +3 - Speed +3 - Flashing Blade - Heavy Blade

Fast Brave/Quad: Renewal
+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Atk/Spd Push
Attack +3 - Speed +3

Slow Brave/One Shot


Non Area of Effect Specials
+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Brave Weapon - Effective Weapon - One Shot Weapon
(any Special)
Death Blow
Chills - (any B slot)
Smokes - Ploys
Heavy Blade - Quickened Pulse - Attack +3 - Ploys

Area of Effect Specials
+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Brave Weapon - Effective Weapon - One Shot Weapon
Blazing Wind - Growing Wind
Life and Death
Chills - (any B slot)
Smokes - Savage Blow
Attack +3 - Heavy Blade - Quickened Pulse - Hardy Bearing



+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Moonbow - Luna - Blazing Wind - Growing Wind
Life and Death
Poison Strike - Cancel Affinity - Hit and Run - Chills
Smokes - Savage Blow
Attack +3 - Speed +3 - Poison Strike - Smokes - Savage Blow - Flashing Blade

+Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Gravity [Wrathful Staff/Dazzling Staff] - Pain [Wrathful Staff/Dazzling Staff]
Wrathful Staff - Dazzling Staff
Attack +3 - Speed +3 - Atk/Spd 2 - Atk/Spd Push - Brazen Atk/Spd
Wrathful Staff - Dazzling Staff
Ploys - Savage Blow
Attack +3 - Speed +3 - Ploys - Savage Blow

Bold Fighter


+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Death Blow
Bold Fighter
Attack +3 - Armor Boots

2/3 Cooldown
+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
(any Weapon) [Atk/Def/Res]
Moonbow - Luna - Bonfire - Iceberg
Death Blow - Sturdy Blow
Bold Fighter
Attack +3

3/4/5 Cooldown
+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Slaying Weapon [Atk/Def/Res] - Brave Weapon
Luna - Bonfire - Iceberg - Ignis - Glacies - Aether - Galeforce
Death Blow - Sturdy Blow
Bold Fighter
Attack +3


Enemy Phase


Spd Tank


2 Cooldown
+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Wo Weapon [Spd] - Distant Counter Weapon
Distant Counter - Fury - Kestral Stance - Atk/Spd Bond - Atk/Spd Push
Quick Riposte
Speed +3

3/4 Cooldown: Breath
+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Wo Weapon [Spd] - Distant Counter Weapon
Luna - Dragon Fang - Ignis - Glacies
Steady Breath - Warding Breath
Quick Riposte
Speed +3

2 Cooldown: Ranged
+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Owl Weapon [Spd/Def/Res] - Guard Bow [Spd/Def/Res]
Close Counter - Fury - Kestral Stance - Atk/Spd Bond - Atk/Spd Push
Quick Riposte
Speed +3 - Close Def

Def/Res Tank


4 Cooldown: Slaying
+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd
Slaying Weapon [Def/Res]
Ignis - Glacies
Distant Counter
Quick Riposte - Guard
Close Def - Quick Riposte

4 Cooldown: Breath
+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd
Distant Counter Weapon - Wo Weapon [Def/Res]
Ignis - Glacies
Steady Breath - Warding Breath
Quick Riposte - Guard
Close Def - Quick Riposte

3 Cooldown
+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd
Distant Counter Weapon - Wo Weapon [Def/Res]
Bonfire - Iceberg
Fury - Sturdy Stance - Mirror Stance - Atk/Def Bond - Atk/Res Bond - Distant Counter
Quick Riposte - Guard
Close Def - Quick Riposte

3 Coolldown: Ranged
+Atk/Def/Res, -Spd
Owl Weapon [Def/Res] - Guard Bow [Def/Res]
Bonfire - Iceberg
Close Counter - Fury - Sturdy Stance - Mirror Stance - Atk/Def Bond - Atk/Res Bond
Quick Riposte - Guard
Close Def - Quick Riposte - Distant Def


Mixed Phase


Armor Melee


3 Cooldown
+Atk/Spd/Def/Res, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Wo Weapon [Spd/Def/Res] - Distant Counter Weapon
Luna - Bonfire - Iceberg
Steady Breath - Warding Breath - Distant Counter
Bold Fighter
Quick Riposte

4 Cooldown
+Atk/Spd/Def/Res, -HP/Spd/Def/Res
Slaying Weapon [Spd/Def/Res]
Ignis - Glacies
Steady Breath - Warding Breath - Distant Counter
Bold Fighter
Quick Riposte

Non Armor Melee


+Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Distant Counter Weapon - Wo Weapon [Spd]
Fury - Distant Counter
Quick Riposte

Blade Mage


+Atk, -HP/Def/Res
Moonbow - Blazing Wind - Growing Wind
Close Counter
Res Smoke - Savage Blow
Attack +3 - Heavy Blade - Quickened Pulse - Savage Blow




Ally Melee vs Enemy Melee

+Atk, -HP/Spd
Gem Weapon
Fury - Attack +3

Melee vs Melee #2
+Atk, -HP/Spd
Brave Weapon
Luna - Bonfire - Iceberg
Death Blow

Mage vs Mage
+Atk, -HP/Spd
(any Weapon)
Triangle Adept

Melee vs Armor
+Atk, -HP/Spd
armor effective Weapon
Triangle Adept

Raven Mage
+Atk/Def, -Spd/Res
Glimmer - Moonbow
Triangle Adept

Bow vs Bow
+Atk/Def, -Spd/Res
Guard Bow [Def]
Glimmer - Moonbow - Bonfire
Fury - Defense +3

Dagger vs Dagger
+Atk/Def, -Spd/Res
Barb Shuriken
Fury - Defense +3



On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

how do I build a refined +ATK/-HP Eirika with or without DC?

I think mine has the same nature (I have not used her in a long time). I went with:
+Atk/Spd, -HP
Sieglinde [special]
Reposition - Swap
Desperation - Axebreaker - Swordbreaker
Hone Speed

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

He's +ATK/-DEF and I have no clue how to build him, so how should I go about that? Frederick is my Brave Axe cav and Marth is my ATK buffer. Or is he better spent as DEF Smoke 3 fodder?

He is the only axe cavalry with a "normal" Player Phase stat spread of having good Atk and Spd, so I would keep him. I would build him with:
Giant Spoon [Spd]
Fury - Swift Sparrow - Life and Death - Brazen Atk/Spd

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

How do I build a +RES/-SPD Deirdre and what should her A skill be?

I would go with Fury or Mirror Stance if you want the most accessible option. The recoil damage from Fury does not matter in maps without reinforcements. Mirror Stance will need 20,000 Feathers if you plan to 5* Silvia.
Divine Naga
Fury - Mirror Stance - Atk/Res Bond - Atk/Res Solo
Quick Riposte - Guard
Distant Def - Quick Riposte

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

Clearly I'm good on Desperation swordies, I've got plenty of Wo Dao+ swords already and I've got both EP tanks and an armor slayer. I'm trying to figure out whats worth putting on Lon'Qu. He could run a standard LnD3 + Desperation build which no one in my roster actually has but it would do nothing to separate him from other units. I also refuse to give him a Firesweep Sword as he will never be able to use that as well as Soleil. (I'm actually waiting on a good natured Soleil so I can build her.) Should I even bother building him now that I think about it or just wait for his inevitable refine instead of wasting 20k feathers on a weapon that could be retired in a few months?

I have the same nature and mine runs a counter build since it is the cheapest option, and he is pretty useful against most axe units. I did not give him an armor counter build since his bulk seems kind of low.
+Atk, -HP
Ruby Sword
Attack +3

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

Will she follow in Genny's footsteps and be a razzle dazzle Gravity healer? Or will she be a Pain+/Savage Blow bot since I don't actually have one of those?

Or she could go the Close Counter Absorb route and get Close DEF + ATK Ploy (I even have a +DEF/-HP copy of her if I want to go that route.). The thing about Serra is that she's entirely middle of the road. She has just enough of every stat to fill any role, but lacks enough of any stat to excel in that field enough to make a build choice obvious. The only thing I know is I've never pulled a +ATK Serra and I don't need one as +SPD/-HP has always been my nature of choice and would only change if I wanted +DEF for a CC build as she's rather frail no matter what you do. Suggestions are welcome.

Mine runs Pain:
+Atk, -HP
Pain [Wrathful Staff]
Attack +3
Dazzling Staff
Savage Blow

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

In today's age, the buffs Ephraim provides are becoming more and more outdated. Despite that, his cheaper alternative (Dew wise) turns him into a potential one-and-done combat unit depending on his build and investment. He'll never be able to tank like my Lukas can, so I don't really want that specific build for him, still I'm left unsure of which route to take. Either one will take significant resources. So what's the best route to go with an optimal nature Ephraim?

Ephraim is not outdated and is still very relevant in Arena Assault. His buffs (along with Eirikas) are amongst the most reliable. Buffs from BH!Lucina, Titania, etc. not very helpful in Arena Assault unless you have a permanent team for them.

I gave mine:
Siegmund [special]
Death Blow (Sturdy Blow is also a decent option)
Hone Speed

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

So I pulled 2 WE!Lissas. One of them was foddered to ToD!Jakob for Bold Fighter 3 (a decision I'm rather proud of) but I'm left with this. +HP/-ATK is probably the worst nature she could possibly get (even +SPD could be built upon for defensive purposes). Still, she's a green armor with Bold Fighter, so she's got to have value. I don't see her being used over Amelia or my Two Hectors, but it's a complete and utter waste to let a Bold Fighter armor of all things collect dust. So let me have it, how do I build a -ATK Lissa of all things, or is she better off as a 2nd Bold Fighter fodder to another unit?

I personally like to keep at least one of each unit, but if you do not care about that, then I would fodder her.

Wo Gùn [Atk/Def/Res]
Moonbow - Luna - Bonfire - Iceberg
Death Blow
Bold Fighter
Attack +3

Slaying Weapon [Atk/Def/Res] - Brave Weapon
Luna - Bonfire - Iceberg - Ignis - Glacies - Aether - Galeforce
Death Blow
Bold Fighter
Attack +3

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

So I'm left with these two as my primary choices up-top. Henry has superior ATK and has the perfect nature for a mixed phase build (+DEF/-RES) but he's currently lacking Close Counter fodder and isn't even first in line to get it should I pull a Takumi. LA!Lyn on the other hand is a perfect recipent of the skill due to being +RES/-SPD which means Bold Fighter completely negates the speed deficit and turns it into an advantage. She also has the merit of being my favorite character. Despite things lining up nicely with her, I lack a real plan of what to do with her after giving her Bold Fighter and she's a touch squishy on the physical side to be running CC. Not to mention... I don't use Armor Emblem outside of stratum quests. If I'm running her she's part of a mixed team with likely only one armor ally if any.

So you've heard my story, who gets Bold Fighter? Or should I just wait?

TOD!Henry does not really need Bold Fighter if you Spd stack him, so you can just build him as a regular Player Phase unit if you want to reduce the cost.

LA!Lyn needs some work, and she will definitely need Bold Fighter if you want to use her on Player Phase. If you are hesitant in investing in her, you can just turn her into a mage tank for now with Quick Riposte.

On 9/20/2018 at 9:09 PM, Zeo said:

No pictures this time as the question is simple. I've got Chill SPD fodder on my hands. Problem is I don't know where from. She can either take a paltry 32/35 offensive statline boosted by 4 in the first round of combat with the added bonus of being deceptively tanky with 37 DEF during the first round of combat. Or she can take a massive ATK boost up to 38... at the cost of 3 speed which is huge. There's no winning here really. I just want to know which route I'm losing less taking.

Celica can run Desperation-Brash Assault to patch her Spd, so I would not put Chill Spd on her. I would save Chills for units that do not need their B slots, like Firesweep, Brave, and one shot nukes.

Foddering FH!Celica or keeping her for Arena Assault are both fine in my opinion.

14 hours ago, Ghostface233 said:

So a quick question, I pulled 3 Laegjarns on todays banner.  2 are +SPD/-ATK and one is +DEF/-RES.  I foddered one of the +SPD ones off to YT! Olivia so which one of the two should I keep for the merge? 

Assuming she got flier buffs and Life and Death, she is fast enough where increasing Spd is not as important as increasing her Atk, so I would go with [+Def, -Res].

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17 minutes ago, Deathstalker said:

I pulled three Inigos before getting Azura, two of them are +atk with one being -spd and the other -def. Any suggestions which IV I should focus on? 

+Atk -Spd is fine on him because if you build him with Raventome + Bowbreaker, he will never need speed to tank and kill archers.

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1 hour ago, Deathstalker said:

I pulled three Inigos before getting Azura, two of them are +atk with one being -spd and the other -def. Any suggestions which IV I should focus on? 

If you are going with a Raven build with [+Atk, -Spd], I recommend you give him at least Defense +1 Sacred Seal or merge him to +2 . Brave archers at +10 with buffs hit extremely hard, and without a little more Def, PA!Inigo cannot reliably counter the most common hard hitting archers even with Triangle Adept 3 and Bowbreaker. Unlike other Gronnraven mages with more bulk, PA!Inigo also cannot tank buffed Reinhardt +10 without Resistance +3 or merge +5. Getting him to +2 with Resistance +3 Sacred Seal should be enough to let him tank both archers and Reinhardt though.


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1 hour ago, Ginko said:

+Atk -Spd is fine on him because if you build him with Raventome + Bowbreaker, he will never need speed to tank and kill archers.


5 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you are going with a Raven build with [+Atk, -Spd], I recommend you give him at least Defense +1 Sacred Seal or merge him to +2 . Brave archers at +10 with buffs hit extremely hard, and without a little more Def, PA!Inigo cannot reliably counter the most common hard hitting archers even with Triangle Adept 3 and Bowbreaker. Unlike other Gronnraven mages with more bulk, PA!Inigo also cannot tank buffed Reinhardt +10 without Resistance +3 or merge +5. Getting him to +2 with Resistance +3 Sacred Seal should be enough to let him tank both archers and Reinhardt though.


Thanks a lot! I was actually leaning towards -def but my opinion has changed. For now I'm gonna make him a reinhardt killer.

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Just now, Deathstalker said:

Thanks a lot! I was actually leaning towards -def but my opinion has changed. For now I'm gonna make him a reinhardt killer.

-Def is fine too. I personally prefer an offensive build with Gronnblade, since his bulk is barely satisfactory and there are already quite a few Gronnraven mages out there who can counter Reinhardt and archers more reliably.

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Pulled an +ATK/-RES PA!Shigure yesterday. I want to give him TA3 and set him up for AA (744 max range). 

Ideally he would get Blárraven and QR2 to counter-kill all red mages and colorless units. That won't work with Bold Fighter Jakob and CA units of course, but I would like to know if his coverage would justify the investment. Otherwise I'd just give him TA3 and red tome breaker. 

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@mampfoid My PA Shigure is +Spd so I built him with Bladetome+Fury. And put him with Eirika party. 

If you give him LnD, I think he will get enough speed to double otherwise you can give him a breaker skill to focus on something too.

For support presence, WoM is the best. Geyser Dance still work fine too.

Blue is bad for defensive mage so I think Blàrraven doesn't suit him with his frail stat. 

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@mampfoid TA is a good choice, in my case I just went with HP+4 since mine is -HP and I lack TA fodder and am cheap about it whenever I do get Roys.

WoM is the best B skill for a dancer.

I just use his default tome since he is mainly  AA dancer and a Blue Tome Valour dancer when training. Personally i think Blarraven would be fun to use just for extra defensive properties, although you'll need to upgrade a Robin so not sure if it's worth it depending on how much you want to use PA Shigure.

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@Ginko @mcsilas Thanks guys. I think you are right and WoM, Blárblade and LnD would make him a fun unit to use in modes like TTs. (I don't have Eirika at 5* btw.)

For AA I just need reliable counters though. WoM for example shouldn't proc at all ideally. If Shigure works against both colorless and red +10 units with TA/Blárraven/QR, I would invest a 5* Robin without thought. 

If all those +10 units are too strong, I would go TA+breaker. I still have some spare Roys left and I think dancers profit the most from TA. 

At 744 range I meet many armors and dragons, but often enough there is a Tharja, Lyn or other ranged unit among them. 

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

-Def is fine too. I personally prefer an offensive build with Gronnblade, since his bulk is barely satisfactory and there are already quite a few Gronnraven mages out there who can counter Reinhardt and archers more reliably.

But wouldnt you need a + spd nature for best effect? 33spd isnt gonna double too many units I think

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22 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Ginko @mcsilas Thanks guys. I think you are right and WoM, Blárblade and LnD would make him a fun unit to use in modes like TTs. (I don't have Eirika at 5* btw.)

For AA I just need reliable counters though. WoM for example shouldn't proc at all ideally. If Shigure works against both colorless and red +10 units with TA/Blárraven/QR, I would invest a 5* Robin without thought. 

If all those +10 units are too strong, I would go TA+breaker. I still have some spare Roys left and I think dancers profit the most from TA. 

At 744 range I meet many armors and dragons, but often enough there is a Tharja, Lyn or other ranged unit among them. 

Hmm well I'm not in that range, but if I had spare feathers and use Shigure more, then Blarraven + breaker is a fun combo to try. But yeah I do think dancers are higher priority in terms of TA fodder.


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5 hours ago, Deathstalker said:

But wouldnt you need a + spd nature for best effect? 33spd isnt gonna double too many units I think

+Spd would be ideal, but +Atk is not terrible either once you add in Life and Death and buffs.

7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Pulled an +ATK/-RES PA!Shigure yesterday. I want to give him TA3 and set him up for AA (744 max range). 

Ideally he would get Blárraven and QR2 to counter-kill all red mages and colorless units. That won't work with Bold Fighter Jakob and CA units of course, but I would like to know if his coverage would justify the investment. Otherwise I'd just give him TA3 and red tome breaker. 

Mine runs Triangle Adept and R Tomebreaker. For PA!Shigure to function as a Raven mage against LA!Roy and ASS!Takumi +10, he will need merge +6 to do it reliably, assuming [+Atk, -Res] is your best nature. With Defense +3 Sacred Seal, PA!Shigure would only need merge +2.

Against TOD!Jakob [+10, +Atk, Brave Bow, Bonfire, Death Blow, Bold Fighter, Quickened Pulse, 6/6/0/0], I prefer to have my Raven mage initiate on him than the other way around. PA!Shigure needs +10, +Def, and Defense +1 Sacred Seal to survive that TOD!Jakob on Enemy Phase.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

+Spd would be ideal, but +Atk is not terrible either once you add in Life and Death and buffs.

Hmm... could be - my decision making is off the table anyway now - merged all into -spd. Who knows maybe I will pull a +spd IV in the distant future. 

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Mine runs Triangle Adept and R Tomebreaker. For PA!Shigure to function as a Raven mage against LA!Roy and ASS!Takumi +10, he will need merge +6 to do it reliably, assuming [+Atk, -Res] is your best nature. With Defense +3 Sacred Seal, PA!Shigure would only need merge +2.

Against TOD!Jakob [+10, +Atk, Brave Bow, Bonfire, Death Blow, Bold Fighter, Quickened Pulse, 6/6/0/0], I prefer to have my Raven mage initiate on him than the other way around. PA!Shigure needs +10, +Def, and Defense +1 Sacred Seal to survive that TOD!Jakob on Enemy Phase.

Yeah, I gave my Shigure (+0) red tomebreaker 1 together with Moonbow from an Odin now and TA3 of course. I also don't think he'd be the best candidate for Blárraven, too bad. 



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13 minutes ago, Zihark11 said:

So i have a 5 star lvl 40 Jeorge and i have some 4 star jeorges i wanna merge them with my 5 star to make him lvl 40+ but it wont let me do it. How do i enable them to be merged. I thought i read they have to be over lvl 20, which i got them too but still wont let me.


any help is apprecieted.

Please use this thread for short questions instead of making a new thread for every new question you have. We do not want the first page of the forums to be clogged with lots of simple questions. This is a pinned thread near the top of the forums, so you cannot miss it.

In order to make a 5*+#, it will need 5* units as sacrifices. Merging 4* copies into a 5* copy will not create a 5*+# unit.

If the game does not allow you merge, inherit, create Combat Manual, or send home a Hero, it usually means that the unit is favorited. Tap the character to go to its page and tap the heart icon on the upper left, and then select the option to remove its status as a favorite.

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