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1 hour ago, XRay said:

If you want him to face mages too, then I recommend waiting for Warding Stance 4 to come out instead of giving him Steady Stance 4.

That's a good point, and he already has the prerequisite for that one too, so inheritance would be easier.

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Do you guys think +atk -def is better or +HP -spd on Surtr?

I'm thinking -def isn't bad because his durability is already massive and comes with +3 def on his weapon along with an A skill that augments his defense a lot. Also, it's better for arena scoring due to +atk being a superboon. 

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8 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Do you guys think +atk -def is better or +HP -spd on Surtr?

I'm thinking -def isn't bad because his durability is already massive and comes with +3 def on his weapon along with an A skill that augments his defense a lot. Also, it's better for arena scoring due to +atk being a superboon. 

For Arena Surtr doesn't ever get hit---you just OHKO everyone with his Prf Weapon & C-slot, +Atk is marginally better there because you save a turn of running away occasionally when you would've needed 2 triggers of his Prf Weapon to whittle someone down to OHKO range. For Aether Raids defense where he's just sitting there stalling for turns he'd probably prefer +hp.

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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

For Arena Surtr doesn't ever get hit---you just OHKO everyone with his Prf Weapon & C-slot, +Atk is marginally better there because you save a turn of running away occasionally when you would've needed 2 triggers of his Prf Weapon to whittle someone down to OHKO range. For Aether Raids defense where he's just sitting there stalling for turns he'd probably prefer +hp.

I prefer aether raid even though I don't care for PvP anymore. I dropped to tier 17 in arena because of exams I don't care too much. Aether raid isn't my cup of tea either but I prefer it so I decided to keep the HP boon. Surtr is quite durable but the other armours that support him (B!Ephraim and L!Tiki) die too easily. But at least Eir is really helpful with her ability to heal every turn. I can't get two aether pots now with armour emblem but I don't care too much where I end up. 

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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

For Arena Surtr doesn't ever get hit---you just OHKO everyone with his Prf Weapon & C-slot, +Atk is marginally better there because you save a turn of running away occasionally when you would've needed 2 triggers of his Prf Weapon to whittle someone down to OHKO range. For Aether Raids defense where he's just sitting there stalling for turns he'd probably prefer +hp.

I prefer aether raid even though I don't care for PvP anymore. I dropped to tier 17 in arena because of exams I don't care too much. Aether raid isn't my cup of tea either but I prefer it so I decided to keep the HP boon. Surtr is quite durable but the other armours that support him (B!Ephraim and L!Tiki) die too easily. But at least Eir is really helpful with her ability to heal every turn. I can't get two aether pots now with armour emblem but I don't care too much where I end up. 

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Just now, Icelerate said:

I prefer aether raid even though I don't care for PvP anymore. I dropped to tier 17 in arena because of exams I don't care too much. Aether raid isn't my cup of tea either but I prefer it so I decided to keep the HP boon. Surtr is quite durable but the other armours that support him (B!Ephraim and L!Tiki) die too easily. But at least Eir is really helpful with her ability to heal every turn. I can't get two aether pots now with armour emblem but I don't care too much where I end up. 

The problem with Eir is that because of how her blessing works, she actually never needs to heal.

(Her +5 Res + 5 Hp stacks per copy of Eir you have on the team. Which is exactly as stupid as it sounds if you give someone like Surtr a blessing.)

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21 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

(Her +5 Res + 5 Hp stacks per copy of Eir you have on the team. Which is exactly as stupid as it sounds if you give someone like Surtr a blessing.)

That's no different than with any other blessing, just with bigger numbers.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's no different than with any other blessing, just with bigger numbers.

Yeah, but other blessings tend to be limited to 4 people teams and bigger numbers tend to be a lot better if you can stack it in the right stat. Def/Res/Atk all get marginally better the more of it you get. (Until you literally take 0 damage & OHKO everyone, of course---which is fairly simple to manage, now.)

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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Yeah, but other blessings tend to be limited to 4 people teams

Rival Domains and Grand Conquest have existed for quite some time now. Aether Raids has been around for almost a month. Other blessings work just fine in all of those modes.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

Aether Raids has been around for almost a month.

5 man Aether Raid teams have only been around 2-3 weeks, though.


Regarding RD & GC, they were never hard enough that blessing stats mattered, I think? (Does blessing stat work on enemy units in those modes? Can't say I ever checked.)

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Hey, was wondering if I could get some help on an aether raids team.  Figured with the new mythic, Aversa, and my SInnes that I should go the all fliers route.  Not sure who I should include in my team to cover all my bases.  I do have DC that I am sorta willing to give to Myrrh but is it a good idea with her not being +def and me not having a lot of ward/fortify fliers fodder? 

Otherwise, assume I am willing to spend 20k feathers to upgrade fodder here and there but probably don't have newer 5* only fodder (got some chills and such but nothing major).



Thanks for any help you can provide!

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1 hour ago, Youth said:

Hey, was wondering if I could get some help on an aether raids team.  Figured with the new mythic, Aversa, and my SInnes that I should go the all fliers route.  Not sure who I should include in my team to cover all my bases.  I do have DC that I am sorta willing to give to Myrrh but is it a good idea with her not being +def and me not having a lot of ward/fortify fliers fodder? 

Otherwise, assume I am willing to spend 20k feathers to upgrade fodder here and there but probably don't have newer 5* only fodder (got some chills and such but nothing major).



Thanks for any help you can provide!

I would choose a blue tanky flier to round out your team colour and role wise. Valter would be a good physical tank and Morgan a magical tank; I'd lean towards Morgan because I've found mages to be more dangerous than physical units.

Myrrh is a good mixed tank, especially with DC, but your team would be vulnerable to reds unless you have one of the blue bonus units.

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I've been using a [+spd,-hp] +3 Bow Lyn with a brave bow which has been working great. (With swift sparrow, it's a 40 speed brave weapon.) I just got a [+atk,-hp] copy though. I think the increased attack is probably better, but quad attacks are fun. Some of the new enemies are getting so fast, that even the +3 speed from her regular bow is needed just for doubling.

I'm also thinking about trying to get some extra copies of Mystic Boost to put on Bow Lyn and Reinhardt since dragons are what usually does them in. These two have allowed me to get so many rewards I would have missed out on, so fixing an annoying weakness seems worth it.

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34 minutes ago, Tree said:

I've been using a [+spd,-hp] +3 Bow Lyn with a brave bow which has been working great. (With swift sparrow, it's a 40 speed brave weapon.) I just got a [+atk,-hp] copy though. I think the increased attack is probably better, but quad attacks are fun. Some of the new enemies are getting so fast, that even the +3 speed from her regular bow is needed just for doubling.

I'm also thinking about trying to get some extra copies of Mystic Boost to put on Bow Lyn and Reinhardt since dragons are what usually does them in. These two have allowed me to get so many rewards I would have missed out on, so fixing an annoying weakness seems worth it.

I would keep both copies separate. +Atk is better for Brave while +Spd is better for Firesweep. Brave Bow is better for Abyssal maps and lower score ranges in Arena, while Firesweep Bow is better for Aether Raids and higher score ranges in Arena. Firesweep Bow does not have the raw damage output of Brave Bow, but it can shut down any enemy by denying them a chance to counterattack.

If you have trouble with dragons, I recommend giving BH!Lyn a Firesweep Bow rather than wasting Mythic Blessings for little gain in bulk. 5 HP alone is not enough to let them fight dragons and the 5 Res is worthless against Breaths. Unless you are a whale, I would also save your Mythic Blessings for now in case the developers do any changes to the Blessings system in the next update or two.

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Alternates of the same character are a little strange to me, but it's even weirder to have to choose between multiple copies of the exact same unit. It makes sense from a raw strategy perspective, but it just looks really odd in my barracks. I merge units I like (sorted to the top) and save others for skills. I haven't maintained multiple builds of the same unit before. Also, I'd like a +10 Bow Lyn eventually, and the +atk version seems like a slightly better option. I don't think I'll ever get 22 copies to merge both. (I've already merged my neutral one which has made some guides difficult...) Still, it really does seem a shame to waste a [+spd, -hp] Bow Lyn... (I wish they would let us swap between all of the IVs we merged.) I never thought Bow Lyn merges would be this hard of a decision.

As for Mystic Boost, Reinhardt's bulk will be really close if I can get a -spd version, so he might not benefit much. Bow Lyn could benefit (10 bulk difference between def and res), but she does have the firesweep bow option. However, I haven't managed to get a firesweep bow yet. If the first Faye I get has good IVs, that will make it harder too. Maybe she will be demoted on the anniversary?  (The Mystic Boost healing would also be nice for endurance modes where they might take a rare hit occasionally, but that really only matters for Chain Challenges.)

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27 minutes ago, Tree said:

Alternates of the same character are a little strange to me, but it's even weirder to have to choose between multiple copies of the exact same unit. It makes sense from a raw strategy perspective, but it just looks really odd in my barracks. I merge units I like (sorted to the top) and save others for skills. I haven't maintained multiple builds of the same unit before. Also, I'd like a +10 Bow Lyn eventually, and the +atk version seems like a slightly better option. I don't think I'll ever get 22 copies to merge both. (I've already merged my neutral one which has made some guides difficult...) Still, it really does seem a shame to waste a [+spd, -hp] Bow Lyn... (I wish they would let us swap between all of the IVs we merged.) I never thought Bow Lyn merges would be this hard of a decision.

In my opinion, having more flexibility is more important than having an aesthetically pleasing Barracks. Having multiples of a unit gives you more options to solve difficult content to secure precious Orbs. I also recommend keeping one copy of each of your free neutral units unadulterated for guides in the future; merging or foddering them is not worth the headache of trying to solve difficult content later unless you like the challenge or something.

46 minutes ago, Tree said:

As for Mystic Boost, Reinhardt's bulk will be really close if I can get a -spd version, so he might not benefit much. Bow Lyn could benefit (10 bulk difference between def and res), but she does have the firesweep bow option. However, I haven't managed to get a firesweep bow yet. If the first Faye I get has good IVs, that will make it harder too. Maybe she will be demoted on the anniversary?  (The Mystic Boost healing would also be nice for endurance modes where they might take a rare hit occasionally, but that really only matters for Chain Challenges.)

"Slows Special trigger (cooldown count+1). Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res."

Reinhardt's mixed bulk means the gain from Res+5 is minimal at best or none at worst, and dragons will just target the defensive stat that is not increased. Also, any dragon that survives Reinhardt's first volley will annihilate Reinhardt with a double counter attack, or just outright kill him with a Special trigger.

For BH!Lyn, Res+5 is completely useless as dragons will practically always target her Def. Similar to Reinhardt, she will not be able survive a dragon counter if she runs Brave Bow.


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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

You two know he's talking about Mythic Boost, right? Eir's B-slot? The one that negates adaptive damage?


In that case, no, I don't think Mystic Boost helps at all.

Reinhardt benefits more from Lancebreaker or Swordbreaker than Mystic Boost. Mystic Boost only matters if he's getting counterattacked by a dragon, and he really shouldn't be getting counterattacked by anything other than whatever he has a Weaponbreaker for.

Lyn depends on whether you fight Distant Counter physical weapons or dragons more often since Mystic Boost will be taking the place of Sacae's Blessing. Personally, I think Sacae's Blessing is the better skill, but that's mostly due to the fact that Lyn isn't my primary damage dealer on my ranged cavalry team.

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26 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

You two know he's talking about Mythic Boost, right? Eir's B-slot? The one that negates adaptive damage?

Correct, I wasn't talking about Aether blessings. I have no idea where I'll use those, if ever... Then again, if I keep two Bow Lyns...

1 hour ago, XRay said:

In my opinion, having more flexibility is more important than having an aesthetically pleasing Barracks. Having multiples of a unit gives you more options to solve difficult content to secure precious Orbs. I also recommend keeping one copy of each of your free neutral units unadulterated for guides in the future; merging or foddering them is not worth the headache of trying to solve difficult content later unless you like the challenge or something.

Sadly, I merged my neutral Bow Lyn and Ike awhile back. Has caused some pain for sure. I would definitely keep any neutral ones if I manage to get another. (I sort neutrals differently, so they wouldn't get in the way.) I guess I'll keep both copies for now. You seem to really think there is special value in those particular natures, so I think I'll give each a chance separately. I'll need to spend 20,000 feathers for another Brave Bow to use on the +attack version (which will be wasted if I merge them later), and I'll need a copy of Firesweep Bow to really see the advantage of the +speed.

18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Lyn depends on whether you fight Distant Counter physical weapons or dragons more often since Mystic Boost will be taking the place of Sacae's Blessing. Personally, I think Sacae's Blessing is the better skill, but that's mostly due to the fact that Lyn isn't my primary damage dealer on my ranged cavalry team.

Lyn would be the main one to get it. I guess I just don't seem to have many units that can reliably handle dragons. I have a Legendary Marth, but he's too hard to merge. I usually try to get a charged Luna, have full health, and hope for the best.



"If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res."

"Boosting your Res by 5 points just increases the difference to 15, and dragons still target her Def, which didn't change."

Wait, so the distance counter effect won't count as 2 range? Oh no, then it really won't help at all.



Actually, I'm not sure I understand this at all. Perhaps someone can explain if this skill will work for dragon protection or not.

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26 minutes ago, Tree said:

Actually, I'm not sure I understand this at all. Perhaps someone can explain if this skill will work for dragon protection or not.

It works, and negates dragon's adaptive damage (meaning they hit res---which does nothing for Reinhardt, incidentally, since he has more Def than Res to begin with).

They just misunderstood you and thought you were talking about Eir's Light Blessing, which is +5 Hp, +5 Res.

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10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

It works, and negates dragon's adaptive damage (meaning they hit res---which does nothing for Reinhardt, incidentally, since he has more Def than Res to begin with).

They just misunderstood you and thought you were talking about Eir's Light Blessing, which is +5 Hp, +5 Res.

That's what I originally thought, although I got confused when I saw some of the comments. I just realised that Bow Lyn only has 35 neutral speed (+4 from Swift Sparrow). That's not as much as I thought, so I can see why a Firesweep Bow could really use the +speed IV. Of course, Hone Cavalry contributes a lot on cavalry teams.

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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

 You two know he's talking about Mythic Mystic Boost, right? Eir's B-slot? The one that negates adaptive damage?

56 minutes ago, Tree said:

Correct, I wasn't talking about Aether blessings. I have no idea where I'll use those, if ever... Then again, if I keep two Bow Lyns...

My brain must not be working very well in the morning.

I agree with @Ice Dragon that Sacae's Blessing is still better than Mystic Boost. Shutting down counterattacks from non-dragon melee units is more important than surviving counter attacks from dragons. Running Mystic Boost will just shift BH!Lyn's bulk problem from dragons to non-dragon melee units, but it would be worse since all melee units will be able to counter attack.

If you want to somewhat bypass counter attacks while still running Brave Bow, you can use Desperation, but some defense teams in higher score ranges do not present you a safe target to get into Desperation range.

56 minutes ago, Tree said:

I guess I just don't seem to have many units that can reliably handle dragons.

If you do not have access to Firesweep Bow at the moment, you can use Firesweep healers as a substitute since they can run both Wrathful Staff and Dazzling Staff on their Refinement and B slots. However, their main drawback compared to Firesweep archers is that Firesweep healers cannot use the Dance/Sing-Reposition tactic. AOTB!Veronica is free if you picked her and she is really cheap to build. Genny and Maribelle also work as they come with Wrathful Staff/Dazzling Staff on their B slot so they are just as cheap to build, but they are 5* locked though.


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I spent my last orbs and just got a [+spd,-def] Bow Lyn. Is that better than [-hp] because of the high speed? If I merge, she will be +4 which is 49 attack, while the [+atk] version has 50 attack. Only one additional point of attack makes it hard to justify spending 20,000 feathers for a second Brave Bow Lyn. It's going to be a long time before I can get much use out of the [+atk] copy over my main one.

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