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51 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Pulled a +Atk/-Spd Tana from the daily banner. Is there a reason not to merge my neutral into the +Atk one? Is there a benefit of merging into the neutral one?

The neutral copy has +1 Spd and -2 Atk compared to the +Atk one when merged. For me, this one's honestly a toss-up and probably depends on what build you're using for whether that +1 Spd is worth losing 2 Atk.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The neutral copy has +1 Spd and -2 Atk compared to the +Atk one when merged. For me, this one's honestly a toss-up and probably depends on what build you're using for whether that +1 Spd is worth losing 2 Atk.

I mainly use her to to check swords in AR but I generally prefer Spd over Atk so I think I'm going to merge into the +Atk one. Thanks.

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1 minute ago, Flying Shogi said:

I mainly use her to to check swords in AR but I generally prefer Spd over Atk so I think I'm going to merge into the +Atk one. Thanks.

If you prefer Spd, then you should merge the other way.

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So will M!Robin be a good candidate for Edelgard's Rouse Atk/Def 3?  I did some calculations and it seems to help out the build I was thinking of toying with:


Weapon: Tactical Bolt +Atk

Assist: Pivot/Reposition/Swap

Special: Ignus/Moonbow/Glimmer

A Skill: Distant Defense/Sturdy Stance 4/Atk/Def Solo 3

B Skill: Guard/Swordbreaker/Wings of Mercy

C Skill: Threaten Res 3/Rouse Atk/Def

S Seal: Squad Assault E 3

So that is the question of the evening.

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50 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

So will M!Robin be a good candidate for Edelgard's Rouse Atk/Def 3?

Rouse can't stack with fields buffs for the same stats, so the only thing that matters is if you already have sources for those buffs on your team.

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What'd be a good bow for +8 +Atk Nina?
As much as I like the idea of the Shining Bow... it just doesn't work as well as you think it should in practice, plus these days the enemies in Arena Assault almost never have that far a distance between their Def and Res.

Slaying Bow might be alright, but it seems that it isn't that popular a bow...
Brave Bow would make her a speedy Brave Bow user.
Guard Bow would be good for making her a speedy Magic tank, though it wouldn't do much good for her Defense...
The Bouquet Bow or Beguiling Bow might be interesting, but I hesitate on that due to them being on TT units.

Side question, I have an extra Nina to make her +9 for an extra point in Atk and Spd, but I'm holding out to see if maybe the next Dancers banner has a Bow user on it. But... should I just give her the merge?

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@Xenomata I pull one Nina with +Atk too. Still can't decide to build her as I have too many Bow users to use. 

She can wield Guard Bow and be a mage tank if you want but Felicia and Kaze are more superior IMO. (Felicia got her PRF. Kaze can wield Bucket and tank both dragons and mages)

Slaying Bow can work with mage tank build too. In exchange, she will trade off some Res for faster special. 2 charge for Iceberg or 3 charges for Glacies.

Brave Bow is fine but 2 honorable mention Brave Bow users would be H!Jakob and Klein. Just point out, Nina still can quad strike with her speed but less raw power than the two above.

Last weapon that I can recommend would be Firesweep Bow. She got good speed it won't be a problem to run this build. 

Build example for Firesweep Bow:


Weapon: Firesweep Bow+

Support: Rally, Reposition, Draw back etc.

Special: Moonbow, Luna, Iceberg, Glacies, Blazing of choices (for group sweep)

A slot: Swift Sparrow 2 or 3 , Life and Death 3 (not recommend, preserve her Res)

B slot: Chill Spd, Chill Def, Wing of Mercy , Breaker of choices

C slot: Savage Blow, Def Ploy, etc.

Seal slot: Savage Blow, Spd 3, Atk/Spd 2, Atk Ploy, Spd Ploy (she can be ploy bot too)


Edited by Ginko
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Now that Selena's refine is out, I'd say her best offensive A skill (supposing you're using said refine) is now Flashing Blade 4 for cooldown reduction and added true damage not being factored in the Atk check, but supposing I'm a f2p coming back from repeated hiatuses with no Mareeta fodder on hand, what's my best option between building her defensively with Steady Breath and Quick Riposte or going for the offense regardless with Flashing Blade 3 (yes, in the A slot) + Desperation? In the latter case I'd probably then hoard orbs until Mareeta comes back on some banner. As for Selena, I was planning on +10ing her eventually, I have enough feathers to +5 her at the moment. No idea about my dragonflower situation.

EDIT: I have both +spd and +atk bases, I guess +spd would work better for the flashing blade set while +atk (lacking + def) would be better for the steady breath build, but how would the +spd one be fare that much worse with a steady breath build? This would be for PvE btw

Edited by Koumal8
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2 hours ago, Peenie Wallie said:

Whats better +atk or +spd L!alm??

I lean most toward +Atk. It has some variable ability in the weapons he can use and adds just a little extra raw damage to his default kit.

Since he has 40 Spd by default (with Lunar Ark) and gets another 9 with Darting Blow 4, he can just take a Spd+ seal or Darting Blow SS to make up the lost speed from not taking the Spd asset.

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12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

What'd be a good bow for +8 +Atk Nina?

For Player Phase, Firesweep and Brave are honestly the only competitive options. I personally lean towards Firesweep since if you need damage output, Blade mages are better nukes than Brave archers in my opinion. However, unless the player is a hard core Player Phase player, they probably are not going to stock enough Firesweep Bow to outfit all their top archers. So, if you only have one or two Firesweep Bows to pass around, I recommend reserving them for flying archers instead.

Basically, I would only go for Firesweep for Nina if most of your flying archers already have it. If not, then go with Brave Bow instead.

For Firesweep, there is no point in preserving her Res. Unless Nina is your favorite unit or something, Life and Death gives you the best bang for your buck so I would not bother with tier 4 A skills unless you already have spare copies. Tier 4 A skills are far more important on Enemy Phase units than Player Phase units, so if you have extra dough to spend on skill inheritance, I recommend prioritizing Bonds, Breaths, Counters, Defs, Fortress Def/Res, and Stances. Ploys also take a lot of effort to line up and are unrealistic to use in my opinion on Player Phase units in high pressure maps like Aether Raids and Abyssal since positioning for survival is far more important.

If you are going with Enemy Phase, then Guard Bow is your only option unless you have Special Heroes to fodder off.  The only realistic competitors to Guard Bow are Devilish Bow (Guard) and Gratia (Dull Range). Refreshing Bow, Beguiling Bow, and Big-Cath Bow are not the best since their effects are conditional, but they do give stat boosts to Spd, so if you need a Spd tank and you are comfortable working around their conditional effects, they might be decent option. Kagura Ya is also useful for Spd tanks, but it does not provide any bulk, and you might not be able to always target the enemy you want for the debuff.

9 hours ago, Koumal8 said:

Now that Selena's refine is out, I'd say her best offensive A skill (supposing you're using said refine) is now Flashing Blade 4 for cooldown reduction and added true damage not being factored in the Atk check, but supposing I'm a f2p coming back from repeated hiatuses with no Mareeta fodder on hand, what's my best option between building her defensively with Steady Breath and Quick Riposte or going for the offense regardless with Flashing Blade 3 (yes, in the A slot) + Desperation? In the latter case I'd probably then hoard orbs until Mareeta comes back on some banner. As for Selena, I was planning on +10ing her eventually, I have enough feathers to +5 her at the moment. No idea about my dragonflower situation.

EDIT: I have both +spd and +atk bases, I guess +spd would work better for the flashing blade set while +atk (lacking + def) would be better for the steady breath build, but how would the +spd one be fare that much worse with a steady breath build? This would be for PvE btw

+Atk is better. Her base Atk is so low that it bottlenecks her performance. Basically, increasing her Atk improves her performance much more than increasing her Spd.

Additionally in PvE, Spd is not as emphasized as in Aether Raids. Yes, there will be a few units with crazy Spd, but most either have reasonable Spd or slow Spd. +Atk is much better in this case since what enemies lack in Spd is made up for in stupid amount of bulk.

Even in Aether Raids, I would still recommend +Atk so she is not a complete noodle arm.

9 hours ago, Peenie Wallie said:

Whats better +atk or +spd L!alm??

If you are using him yourself, either is fine but I lean toward +Spd just to ensure he doubles.

If you are using him more for Aether Raids defense, then I would go with +Spd to be extra obnoxious against supertanks, since SK!Alm can take huge chunks off their HP if they do not do enough Spd stacking to prevent his doubles.

Edited by XRay
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Not impressed with the slap-fighting of the past couple of pages. It's a few days in the past now, but if things can't keep civil, I'll be keeping a tighter leash.

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On 8/6/2019 at 12:51 PM, Koumal8 said:

Now that Selena's refine is out, I'd say her best offensive A skill (supposing you're using said refine) is now Flashing Blade 4 for cooldown reduction and added true damage not being factored in the Atk check, but supposing I'm a f2p coming back from repeated hiatuses with no Mareeta fodder on hand, what's my best option between building her defensively with Steady Breath and Quick Riposte or going for the offense regardless with Flashing Blade 3 (yes, in the A slot) + Desperation? In the latter case I'd probably then hoard orbs until Mareeta comes back on some banner. As for Selena, I was planning on +10ing her eventually, I have enough feathers to +5 her at the moment. No idea about my dragonflower situation.

EDIT: I have both +spd and +atk bases, I guess +spd would work better for the flashing blade set while +atk (lacking + def) would be better for the steady breath build, but how would the +spd one be fare that much worse with a steady breath build? This would be for PvE btw

Flashing Blade 4 is a bad skill. The problem is that it does not give Spd, which means you're pretty much forced to run Darting Blow 3 on your Sacred Seal slot unless you're exclusively fighting opponents that are considerably slower than you.

Adding to Selena's Atk is not a significant problem for activating her weapon's effect because her base Atk is so horrendously low. All of the threatening opponents that you really want the effect to activate against have 15-20 more Atk than her. Building up her Atk stat so that she actually does more damage is worth more than purposefully holding back her Atk stat to get a few points in other stats.


On 8/6/2019 at 1:01 PM, Peenie Wallie said:

Whats better +atk or +spd L!alm??

+Atk is generally better, but it depends on his build and the game mode you're intending to use him in.

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1 minute ago, Peenie Wallie said:

What kind of a-skills (or general builds) would you guys recommend for each boon? I can +3 him atm and plan (hope) to +10 him one day.

He has a ton of options available to him depending on how you want him to play and what you have available:

Luna Arc / Brave Bow+
Reposition / Rally *
Lunar Flash
Sturdy Impact / Mirror Impact / Swift Sparrow 3 / Bonus Doubler 3 / Atk/* Solo 3 / Spd/* Solo 3 / Atk/Spd Push 4 / Death Blow 4 / Darting Blow 4 / Fury 4 / Swift Sparrow 2 / Atk/* Bond 3 / Spd/* Bond 3 / Life and Death 3 / Fury 3
Null Follow-Up 3 / Desperation 3 / Chill Def 3 / Chill Spd 3
[whatever you need in the C slot]
Darting Blow 3 / Flashing Blade 3 / Atk/* Bond 3 / Spd/* Bond 3 / Attack +3 / [whatever]

Pick your poison.

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1 hour ago, Peenie Wallie said:

What kind of a-skills (or general builds) would you guys recommend for each boon? I can +3 him atm and plan (hope) to +10 him one day.

If you are using him yourself, I highly recommend the standard Player Phase build. Darting Blow is nice, but the unit's A skill should boost both Atk/Spd. Null Follow-Up is not useful in the player's hand in my opinion since nukes need Desperation so they do not die on the counter attack; without Desperation, nukes will basically be spent after one or two rounds of combat,

Luna Arc
Lunar Flash
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any A that boosts Atk, Spd, Atk/Spd) — Flashing Blade

If you are using him on your Aether Raids defense team, I recommend the following build...


Alm (SK) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Luna Arc  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Swift Sparrow 3  
B: Null C-Disrupt 3  
S: Darting Blow 3  

... so it makes it difficult for players with Sharena supertanks to tank the rest of the team. Swift Sparrow 3 is very expensive though. Sharena has 12/12/12/12 combat buffs, Summoner Support, bonus stats, and Light Blessed with 2 Eirs on the team.


Sharena (5*)  
Weapon: Fensalir  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Distant Counter  
B: Guard 3  
S: Distant Def 3  
Upgrade Path: 2  

SK!Alm will drop Sharena's 73 HP down to 31 HP. SK!Alm himself will just barely survive with 8 HP, so Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers can let him go again. After being Danced/Sung to, Null C-Disrupt on his B slot means SK!Alm will get Sharena further down to 10 HP but SK!Alm will die on the counter attack, while Desperation allows SK!Alm to finish off Sharena. Even though Desperation may seem better in this case, Null C-Disrupt is better in my opinion because it is applicable to a wider range of tanks.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Brave Bow+

Brave Bow only outclasses Luna Arc at the stat ceiling of Brazen Atk/Spd 7 with +Atk nature. With any other nature-A skill-Sacred Seal combination, Luna Arc is better.

Brave Bow scales better the more Atk/Spd you have, but without enough Atk/Spd, Brave Bow cannot catch up to Luna Arc in performance.

Challenger List: Both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 bonus buffs. Challengers at 1 HP.


Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Luna Arc  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Luna Arc  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Alm (SK) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Lunar Flash  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  


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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Brave Bow only outclasses Luna Arc at the stat ceiling of Brazen Atk/Spd 7 with +Atk nature. With any other nature-A skill-Sacred Seal combination, Luna Arc is better.

It's comparable in a lot of other situations with other build combinations. On an Infantry Pulse team, for example, an optimized Brave Bow set has a much easier time keeping Alm's HP topped off when running Null Follow-Up in the B slot while still maintaining a competitive win ratio to an optimized Luna Arc (I was able to top off at 235/248 wins on Brave Bow+ and 240/248 wins on Luna Arc where the difference is pretty negligible).

Desperation does nothing for you if your opponent is running follow-up prevention.


1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So what exactly is a good set of IVs and build for Fae? I've been reading some mixed things between +Def and +Atk. And I got like 11 of her just sitting there, might be nice to have a +10 dragon.

I personally like to run +Atk on most of my tanks and refine for Def or Res. Builds for Fae depend on what you want her to do, but more or less fall in the bucket of

Lightning Breath+ [Def / Res / Spd]
Aether / Iceberg / Glacies
Triangle Adept 3 / Warding Breath / Steady Breath / Fortress Def/Res 3 / Distant Def 4 / Warding Stance 4 / Steady Stance 4 / Fury 4 / Fury 3 / etc.
Quick Riposte 3 / Null C-Disrupt 3 / Wrath 3 / etc.
[whatever buff your team needs]
Quick Riposte 3 / Distant Def 3 / Close Def 3 / */Def Bond 3 / */Res Bond 3 / etc.

Enemy-phase units these days have a ton of options available to them, even if many of them are hard to get, so there are a lot of ways to build them viably.

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

So what exactly is a good set of IVs and build for Fae? I've been reading some mixed things between +Def and +Atk. And I got like 11 of her just sitting there, might be nice to have a +10 dragon.

Depends on mode and what you need her to do. I plan to give mine balanced Def/Res not factoring in the Sacred Seal, mostly for Røkker Sieges.
Lightning Breath [Def]
Steady Breath
Quick Riposte
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal)

For Aether Raids, as a super tank, maybe the following:
Lightning Breath [Def] — Lightning Breath [Res]
Steady Stance
Lull Atk/Spd (not released yet)
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Fierce Stance
Assuming Fae is Light Blessed with 2 Eirs, got Summoner Support, and got 18/12/9/9 from 2 M!Corrins, Fae can survive and one hit kill SK!Alm and Ophelia. Fae got like 120 something bulk on both sides, 52 Spd, and 75 Atk. Watch out for Firesweep-Lunge though, they are a huge pain in the ass to deal with since they can break your formation.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I personally like to run +Atk on most of my tanks and refine for Def or Res. Builds for Fae depend on what you want her to do, but more or less fall in the bucket of

Lightning Breath+ [Def / Res / Spd]
Aether / Iceberg / Glacies
Triangle Adept 3 / Warding Breath / Steady Breath / Fortress Def/Res 3 / Distant Def 4 / Warding Stance 4 / Steady Stance 4 / Fury 4 / Fury 3 / etc.
Quick Riposte 3 / Null C-Disrupt 3 / Wrath 3 / etc.
[whatever buff your team needs]
Quick Riposte 3 / Distant Def 3 / Close Def 3 / */Def Bond 3 / */Res Bond 3 / etc.

Enemy-phase units these days have a ton of options available to them, even if many of them are hard to get, so there are a lot of ways to build them viably.

That seems to be in line with what I've been reading, yeah. It seems like it'd be a good generalist way to go, which is usually what I try to do.

1 hour ago, XRay said:

Depends on mode and what you need her to do. I plan to give mine balanced Def/Res not factoring in the Sacred Seal, mostly for Røkker Sieges.
Lightning Breath [Def]
Steady Breath
Quick Riposte
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal)

For Aether Raids, as a super tank, maybe the following:
Lightning Breath [Def] — Lightning Breath [Res]
Steady Stance
Lull Atk/Spd (not released yet)
Atk Smoke — Pulse Smoke
Fierce Stance
Assuming Fae is Light Blessed with 2 Eirs, got Summoner Support, and got 18/12/9/9 from 2 M!Corrins, Fae can survive and one hit kill SK!Alm and Ophelia. Fae got like 120 something bulk on both sides, 52 Spd, and 75 Atk. Watch out for Firesweep-Lunge though, they are a huge pain in the ass to deal with since they can break your formation.

I try not to stress over AR, honestly. I think it's a poorly-designed, frustrating mode, I only do enough of it to get the grails and dragon flowers.

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On 8/6/2019 at 10:25 PM, XRay said:

+Atk is better. Her base Atk is so low that it bottlenecks her performance. Basically, increasing her Atk improves her performance much more than increasing her Spd.

Additionally in PvE, Spd is not as emphasized as in Aether Raids. Yes, there will be a few units with crazy Spd, but most either have reasonable Spd or slow Spd. +Atk is much better in this case since what enemies lack in Spd is made up for in stupid amount of bulk.

Even in Aether Raids, I would still recommend +Atk so she is not a complete noodle arm.

Using the arcticsilverfox simulator to compare +Atk and +Spd Selena was a thing. I get why it +Spd works so well for Kliff because his speed would be so much better, especially if he passes Sagittae's stricter foe's Atk >= unit's Atk+5, but Selena was another story. With +Atk, Selena's base Atk is 1 less than =Atk Kliff's and with their personal weapons, she'd have 45 Atk to his 44 Atk. Her underdog check is more lenient, but weaker. I think the thing was that +Spd Selena was able to double units +Atk Selena wasn't, but the units +Atk Selena could double, she could take out while +Spd Selena couldn't because her attack wasn't high enough. Looking at big numbers and not seeing exactly each situation was a problem.

No idea what I want for her A passive. Fury and L&D feel like they would conflict with her blade and L&D does take away from the thing that stands out about her and that is her mixed defenses. I don't have access to any spare Solo skills. Does not help that they're only on 5*-only units and some of them are seasonal. Do not even speak about Steady Breath. I'm pretty sure CYL Ike has a grudge against me for whatever reason. Fortress Def/Res would be nice, but that requires summoning another copy of Idunn or two Kliffs since I'd want to keep one of them. Maybe I should just give her Fortress Def for when I don't want her to run T-Adept.

Moving on from her, Beruka and Boey. I guess they're another of the two different ideas on tanks; +Atk or +Def/+Res. Thing with them is that both of them have 29 base neutral Atk and that's not that great when other tanks have higher base Atk than that. Beruka has a personal Killer weapon so that will help, but it's not like she's Gwendolyn or Sheena who have an easier time exploding people with Ignis with access to Bold, Special, and Vengeful Fighter or an infantry melee with access to a Breath skill. Boey on the other hand if I want to specialize him can run T-Adept and deal with blues and colorless more easily, especially considering his unique refinement allows him to counter all, but dragon units. Reds would decimate him, but that when you use someone else like Mae to deal with them.

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You know what? As much as I love her, I can't afford to +10 Selena I fear, I NEED that reposition fodder. And I love Beruka just as much if not even more, so I've decided to build a Flier Team around her, aslo because I already have the resources to build her and it will cost me less than building the readhead tsundere. So question about flier teams: would you frown upon a flier team with 2 colorless units? +10 +Def Beruka w/ Beruka's Axe(+Refine) / Repo / Bonfire / DC / QR / some-flier-related-C-skill / Iote (maybe S rank summoner) is the set I want to build around and I don't have that many flier units in my roster, but what I DO have is Eir and Halloween Mia. And I have multiple questions about this team I want to build:

- in PvE, would having 2 colorless be a particular detriment to the team?

- as for the 4th member, I was thinking of switching between red and blue depending on the map in question (again, I don't have many options unfortunately, it would probably be a Palla, Caeda or Clair), or do I particularly want a Blue for the Reds that might counter Beruka?

- do I even need Halloween Mia's witchy wand considering Beruka has Guard on her weapon? I mean, there's a free brave Camilla right around the corner...

- as much as I hate her, my +Atk Summer Camilla is probably worth mentioning, she'd probably be a great candidate for the 4th slot, should I give her the blade or is it not worth it if I don't have a dancer on the team?

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. . . well I got blessed with another Summer Leggy just as I used up the last of my orbs.

One will almost certainly be used as Swift Sparrow 4 fodder. Though one of my prime candidates, Brave Lyn, would be kinda disappointing to inherit to since it would literally only be Sparrow 4 that is inherited.

Anyways they are both +SPD, so my choice is of bane. The first one I got that is now leveled and built is -HP. The other is -DEF. Obviously the -HP hits both sides so on the surface it seems like the -DEF would be slightly better since it only hits 1 defense? Worth taking the the time to level the -DEF one up to take the -HP one's place? Honestly I am not sure it matters much since she doesn't have to survive a hit to get into desperation thanks to her weapon and her HP is too low to avoid panic type effects anyways. But figured I would ask.

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So I recently got this +Def -Res Laevatain. I like Laevatain (and the blade and the character) so I thought I would make her a nuke/vantage sweeper. 



What is better to use Glimmer, Raptured sky or Moonbow on her(all are available on her) ? 

Edited by SuperNova125
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