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3 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Are there going to be any more Blessed Gardens or can I "Re-Bless" some of my better units for AR Battles?

The mode was retired a long time ago.

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3 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Are there going to be any more Blessed Gardens or can I "Re-Bless" some of my better units for AR Battles?

There are no more Blessed Gardens. I recommend re-Blessing your better units for Aether Raids.

For purposes of Arena Assault, it is actually easier to give your units Mythic Blessings since Mythics have a more consistent rotation.

I would only give Legendary Blessings to units you do not plan to use in Aether Raids. For example, I do not plan to use most dragons and beasts for Aether Raids, so most of my dragons and beasts carry Earth Blessing so they have better synergy with FV!F!Robin and LD!Y!TIki. Most of my armors are Fire Blessed for the same reason to better work with MOO!Hector and FE!Edelgard, although I honestly have not actually used most of my armor units for Arena Assault. 

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59 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Is Erinys a strong unit ? Also I cant understand Sparking Tome effect

Erinys is definitely powerful. High Atk and Spd, effects that boost both, and an extra effect to create an effective Brave weapon add up to one of the strongest offensive Lance Fliers in the game. Her defensed are, however, somewhat middling (though @XRay would tell you her HP being lower than 40 is a good thing)

As for the Sparking Tome, as long as the enemy is above half HP, they will be given an in-combat debuff to their Spd and Res equal to 2x the debuffs inflicted to those same stats by skills such as Chills, Sabotages, Threatens, among others.

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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

(though @XRay would tell you her HP being lower than 40 is a good thing)

That's because of Desparation, and a single Ardent Sacrifice can get you there. But from my own lurking I think that Desperation is being too overly centralized especially in the modern age of the game. Yeah it's a good skill, but not everything needs to be boiled down to Fury+Desperation.

Bulk doesn't really matter on a unit like her anyways for a player phase role. A one of copy of her should do good work.

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2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Is Erinys a strong unit ? Also I cant understand Sparking Tome effect

Sparking Tome basically turns bonuses on your opponent's Spd/Res into penalties. So if they have +5, it gives them -10, to turn that into -5. (Also it always gives another -6 on top of that, so the overall is -11.)

Edited by Othin
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1 minute ago, Othin said:

Sparking Tome basically turns bonuses on your opponent's Spd/Res into penalties. So if they have +5, it gives them -10, to turn that into -5. (Also it always gives another -6 on top of that, so the overall is -11.)

Hi othin, could you please rate units in  the current banner Foldan .I just summoned Ingrid. But I want to hear more who should I pick

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1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

Hi othin, could you please rate units in  the current banner Foldan .I just summoned Ingrid. But I want to hear more who should I pick

They all seem pretty good. It depends on what roles you're trying to fill, really.

Personally, Dedue was my highest priority since I wanted someone with Close Save and I don't have Gustav, but he seems weaker than the others otherwise (he's the only one without a prf), so it depends on how much you value that. (And I forget if you have Gustav.) I don't tend to think about units in terms of raw power, I look for ones that do interesting things my existing units can't.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

They all seem pretty good. It depends on what roles you're trying to fill, really.

Personally, Dedue was my highest priority since I wanted someone with Close Save and I don't have Gustav, but he seems weaker than the others otherwise (he's the only one without a prf), so it depends on how much you value that. (And I forget if you have Gustav.) I don't tend to think about units in terms of raw power, I look for ones that do interesting things my existing units can't.

thank Othin. I got Gustav. prf is unit's personal weapon ,right??

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7 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

thank Othin. I got Gustav. prf is unit's personal weapon ,right??


If you have Gustav, I don't think you'd get much benefit out of Dedue.

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:


If you have Gustav, I don't think you'd get much benefit out of Dedue.

I see. thank Othin. Why didn't you summon Gustav? You said that you would try to summon Gustav or his wife

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7 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I see. thank Othin. Why didn't you summon Gustav? You said that you would try to summon Gustav or his wife

I don't think I ever planned on going for Gustav. I did decide that I'd try for one of the red units on the banner if I felt like I could spare the orbs, so I did that a couple of days ago and got Henriette.

I'd certainly like to get Gustav eventually, but these days, I tend to save my orbs for banners that either have a spark or have multiple units I want color-sharing. I did some pulling on green when the Valentine's banner first launched, but once I got Alfonse, it stopped having enough to offer me.

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3 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Is Erinys a strong unit ?

She is pretty good. The closest comparison would be Palla: Sisterly Trio. TSOIA!Palla is a bit stronger in my opinion due to better mobility, but they are almost the same. If you have VS!Azura, then there is not much different between them, since VS!Azura can boost movement.

If you find her positioning requirements difficult to fulfill, Cordelia is a good alternative since her Weapon's Brave effect is always on.

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TSOIA ??? I asked because I just want to summon out a copy of Ishtar, cause I like her so much. She's same color like Erinys too, blue. So I want to try Enduring Heroes banner(but just realise the banner is gone). By the way, I want to ask : would Ishtar appear at 5* in a banner again, or we can just summon her at 4* ? 

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1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

TSOIA ??? I asked because I just want to summon out a copy of Ishtar, cause I like her so much. She's same color like Erinys too, blue. So I want to try Enduring Heroes banner(but just realise the banner is gone). By the way, I want to ask : would Ishtar appear at 5* in a banner again, or we can just summon her at 4* ? 

"TSOIA" = "The Start of it All", a seasonal banner from April last year. It should get rerun in about a month and a half.

Ishtar only appears at 5*, although outside of banners where she's the focus, she initially displays as 4* before upgrading to 5*. She's a pretty outdated unit by now, much weaker than current blue tome users like Guinivere and Marianne.

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5 minutes ago, Othin said:

"TSOIA" = "The Start of it All", a seasonal banner from April last year. It should get rerun in about a month and a half.

Ishtar only appears at 5*, although outside of banners where she's the focus, she initially displays as 4* before upgrading to 5*. She's a pretty outdated unit by now, much weaker than current blue tome users like Guinivere and Marianne.

I see thank Othin

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7 minutes ago, Hasechi said:


@XRay likes to use the abbreviation of the unit's debut banner to indicate alternate versions of a character, which I personally find unhelpful and confusing, especially for players that either don't remember names of banners (like me, who just guesses which version he's talking about based on the context) or weren't playing at the time of the banner.


7 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

By the way, I want to ask : would Ishtar appear at 5* in a banner again, or we can just summon her at 4* ? 

Every unit has a chance of reappearing as the focus on a future banner, though older units are less likely to appear than newer units.

Ishtar is in the "special 4-star" pool, which automatically promotes the unit to a 5-star unit when pulled without resetting your pity bonus. This summoning pool is present on all banners going forward.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:
3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Erinys is definitely powerful. High Atk and Spd, effects that boost both, and an extra effect to create an effective Brave weapon add up to one of the strongest offensive Lance Fliers in the game. Her defensed are, however, somewhat middling (though @XRay would tell you her HP being lower than 40 is a good thing)

As for the Sparking Tome, as long as the enemy is above half HP, they will be given an in-combat debuff to their Spd and Res equal to 2x the debuffs inflicted to those same stats by skills such as Chills, Sabotages, Threatens, among others.

Sparking Tome basically turns bonuses on your opponent's Spd/Res into penalties. So if they have +5, it gives them -10, to turn that into -5. (Also it always gives another -6 on top of that, so the overall is -11.)

Thanks. But I still don't understand the caculation

Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on foe during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Example: if foe has +7 bonus to Spd, inflicts Spd-20, for a net penalty of Spd-13.) Calculates each stat penalty independently.

"and inflicts penalty on foe's  = this is meant Spd/Res-6 + ..... right?

current bonus on each of foe's stats  = total bonus in all stat combine

Spd-20   = 7x2 + 6 . i think I get this part

for a net penalty of Spd-13.) Calculates each stat penalty independently. I have no idea what it want to say

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

@XRay likes to use the abbreviation of the unit's debut banner to indicate alternate versions of a character, which I personally find unhelpful and confusing, especially for players that either don't remember names of banners (like me, who just guesses which version he's talking about based on the context) or weren't playing at the time of the banner.


Every unit has a chance of reappearing as the focus on a future banner, though older units are less likely to appear than newer units.

Ishtar is in the "special 4-star" pool, which automatically promotes the unit to a 5-star unit when pulled without resetting your pity bonus. This summoning pool is present on all banners going forward.

15 minutes ago, Othin said:

"TSOIA" = "The Start of it All", a seasonal banner from April last year. It should get rerun in about a month and a half.

Ishtar only appears at 5*, although outside of banners where she's the focus, she initially displays as 4* before upgrading to 5*. She's a pretty outdated unit by now, much weaker than current blue tome users like Guinivere and Marianne.

Thanks ice dragon & Othin. 

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1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

for a net penalty of Spd-13.) Calculates each stat penalty independently. I have no idea what it want to say

"Net" in this case means the final total. It is the total where you combine everything.

The Weapon inflicts a total debuff of Spd-20. However, the enemy still has a total bonus buff of Spd+7.

Net penalty means that Spd-20 and Spd+7 together is still a penalty of Spd-13.
20 - 7 = 13

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2 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Thanks. But I still don't understand the caculation

Effects break down like this:

  • At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%
    • inflicts Spd/Res-6 on foe during combat
    • inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

The first effect decreases the opponent's Spd and Res by 6 during combat.

The second effect decreases the opponent's Spd by twice the bonus on the opponent's Spd stat and decreases the opponent's Res by twice the bonus on the opponent's Res stat.

So if the opponent has +5 Spd and +3 Res in bonuses, they'll end up with

  • +5 Spd and +3 Res from their bonuses
  • -6 Spd and -6 Res from the first effect
  • -10 Spd (twice 5) and -6 Res (twice 3) from the second effect

For a total of -11 Spd and -9 Res after everything is accounted for.

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