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56 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I see. I've watched Pheonixmaster1 videos for a while and he talks about that skill alot. So I think that skill is important. So what about Armor unit equip with Duel skill, is that better ?


There are currently no Duel skills available to armors. The benefit to using armors in Arena is a higher stat total, but Duel skills override the unit's stat total.

I assume he's talking about the new Duel skills a lot right now because they're new. It doesn't mean they're important for anything worthwhile for you to do right now. Different people are at different points in the game and have different goals.

What's your current Arena tier?

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57 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I see. I've watched Pheonixmaster1 videos for a while and he talks about that skill alot. So I think that skill is important. So what about Armor unit equip with Duel skill, is that better ?


Armors don't have Duel skills since they are already the standard for scoring because of their high BST. The purpose of the Duel Skills is to allow units that don't have as high of a BST to score the same as an Armor unit. Even the more outdated armors score well.

The question at this point becomes how usable they are in an actual arena match where you're fighting +10 new and premium units.

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12 hours ago, Hasechi said:

I just got 310 code3(red). Who should I pick?

I recommend getting Eldigan: Strutting Lion so you do not have spend Grails getting him later.

Between F!Morgan and Marissa: Crimson Rabbit, I lean towards Marissa: Crimson Rabbit since she is a Special Hero and she has Flier Guidance.

F!Morgan does not offer anything really useful in terms of skills and her exclusive Weapon is not particularly great.

11 hours ago, Xenomata said:

About Roderick. @XRay answered already, but I want to add that Roderick's refine grants +6 Spd on initiation. At his base 34 Spd, and if you give him Life and Death 3 A slot and SS, he'll hit 50 Spd. That should be a sizable number of units he can double at your presumed level of play, so I don't think +Spd is as necessary as it sounds. That's just my opinion though.

+Spd is better for future proofing though, and she will eventually see crazy fast sword units like Mareeta +Spd +1+0 with over 55 Spd with her base kit.

11 hours ago, Hasechi said:

Is Camllia(axe flier) still good  cause I got her Spd+.

She is not particularly good. I would still keep her around though since she is the only player phase oriented axe unit from Fates that is easy to merge. Azura: Celebratory Spirit and Rinkah are other player phase oriented nukes, but they are both harder to merge and Azura: Celebratory Spirit will be Singing/Dancing most of the time rather than fight.

10 hours ago, Hasechi said:

So Beruka and Cherche Atk+ ?

I would go for Cherche. She is a pretty decent player phase unit. Beruka is an enemy phase unit, but fliers are vulnerable to bows.

10 hours ago, Faellin said:

Say'ri neutral (swapping to +speed -HP) And later down the line once I get the manual for her from the new divine codes, I was going to use that for a merge as well. Also on an unrelated note regarding her, would flashing blade 4 be a better option then her default kestral stance?

I do not recommend Heavy Blade and Flashing Blade for enemy phase units. It is harder to pass the stat checks unless the unit is a super tank, and they offers little to no defensive mechanics to prevent nukes from killing the tank. Kestrel Stance at least has guaranteed Guard, and the extra Spd helps her meet her Close Call Spd check and helps prevent doubles.

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I see thank @LoneStar @XRay , I can't beat Limite Active Heroes battl lv40 & 40+. I don't have much units from FE7. Who should I pick (Do not Dance/Sing):


Eliwood is there. But I'm not sure invest skills to him yet. Not sure if I should let him learn his basic skills either. He currently have around 1421 SP. And i don't have anyunit that have Galeforce except Yarne 5* Atk- Def+


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1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

I see thank @LoneStar @XRay , I can't beat Limite Active Heroes battl lv40 & 40+. I don't have much units from FE7. Who should I pick (Do not Dance/Sing):



Lyn is very powerful. Try having other units like Eliwood/Jaffar/Fiora just support her with movement assists while she kills everything.

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10 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

thank @Othin I think I would try again

Trying it myself, I was able to clear it with Lyn, Eliwood, Jaffar, and Serra, with the only changes to their skill sets being movement assists on the first three.

1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

Why ? the one in the right can kill opponent, but the lower one can't kill that opponent. They both have same Asset & no rally/buff skill is used. 



The bottom one only shows +5 Atk/Res rather than +7. Does he only have Atk/Res Push 3 rather than 4?

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@Othin Yes . I forgot about Atk/Push. I thought they have same skill but they are not. One with Push 3, one with Push 4, You recommended me Fury + Escape Route, plus a Brazen seal.. But I haven't got usits with  those skills yet

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Trying it myself, I was able to clear it with Lyn, Eliwood, Jaffar, and Serra, with the only changes to their skill sets being movement assists on the first three.


that's awesome.i'll try it

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I'm debating if I should commit my only source of Odd Recovery to B!Veronica, who currently I have at +0 and -Spd, or if I should build a 3-4* Cav Healer to use in my AR-D comp instead of Veronica. 
I should probably get some merges for Veronica down the line, so her stats being better and her Prf are really pointing me towards her instead of a 3-4*.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

I do not recommend Heavy Blade and Flashing Blade for enemy phase units. It is harder to pass the stat checks unless the unit is a super tank, and they offers little to no defensive mechanics to prevent nukes from killing the tank. Kestrel Stance at least has guaranteed Guard, and the extra Spd helps her meet her Close Call Spd check and helps prevent doubles.

In that case, would Catherine make better use of it? Since that +5 damage per hit would be applied to her quad attacking due to her brave weapon effect. And her speed is already a bit overkill as is.

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6 minutes ago, Faellin said:

In that case, would Catherine make better use of it? Since that +5 damage per hit would be applied to her quad attacking due to her brave weapon effect. And her speed is already a bit overkill as is.

Catherine already has +6 damage from her base A skill. And some enemies can be quite fast.

As for her weapon, it's not a brave effect.

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2 hours ago, Rinco said:

I'm debating if I should commit my only source of Odd Recovery to B!Veronica, who currently I have at +0 and -Spd, or if I should build a 3-4* Cav Healer to use in my AR-D comp instead of Veronica. 
I should probably get some merges for Veronica down the line, so her stats being better and her Prf are really pointing me towards her instead of a 3-4*.

If you plan to get merges for her, then it should be fine.

However, keep in mind that other staff cavalry might get Refinements later that might be better than the Refinement that Veronica: Brave Princess got.

2 hours ago, Faellin said:

In that case, would Catherine make better use of it? Since that +5 damage per hit would be applied to her quad attacking due to her brave weapon effect. And her speed is already a bit overkill as is.

I would argue that Spd is never enough, since the Spd ceiling is always increasing. In my opinion, the primary reasons to use Flashing Blade and Heavy Blade is to trigger Galeforce reliably, bust tanks with a Special trigger, and spam Blazing Specials for those without a Slaying Weapon.

If you are trying to increase damage output by triggering a higher cooldown Special, 99% of the time it is better to just run a lower cool down Special and use a stat increasing A skill. Even if you are trying to take out bulky tanks, they often run Guard as well, so you still need to run a Slaying Weapon with Moonbow/Ruptured Sky on top of Heavy Blade/Flashing Blade. Running Luna is not viable since the enemies' Guard will cancel out your Heavy Blade/Flashing Blade. Infantry tank busters can use Luna though if they have Time's Pulse.

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well, after some thinking i realized that may be pairing valentine's Lif with Elincia would be the best way to make sure Desperation and Brazen Atk/Spd are ready before she goes into combat. i also realized i have left a great unit just sitting in my barracks up to now..

but i have turned to using the 2 dancers + 1 nuke formula for Arena, and accounting for the fourth spot being filled by a random bonus unit (most likely sharena, alfonse, or anna), i wouldn't have room for 2 dancers. given that both Elincia and Lif are red units i have been thinking about using a dancer that can add something to the offensive if, for example, a strong blue unit shows up on the enemy team and my reds can't reliably take on it. I prefer flying dancers for mobility, and i have the following in my barracks: red plumeria, bow plumeria, peony, reyson, YT!Olivia, and flying ethlyn. who do you guys think would make a good choice to help cover the color weakness?  i know i may have to do some work to round out their offensive potential, that's fine, but reyson has some seriously low stats.

2 - why is there a male and female kris?

3 - i have a pair of brave eliwood. how have this old brave units aged? to this day you can pick one up for free at the start of the game, but i dont really see them around. is this one worth building?

4 - in terms of scoring, would ana and the gang benefit from skills like Duel Infantry? i have never been motivated to build these three.

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19 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

well, after some thinking i realized that may be pairing valentine's Lif with Elincia would be the best way to make sure Desperation and Brazen Atk/Spd are ready before she goes into combat. i also realized i have left a great unit just sitting in my barracks up to now..

but i have turned to using the 2 dancers + 1 nuke formula for Arena, and accounting for the fourth spot being filled by a random bonus unit (most likely sharena, alfonse, or anna), i wouldn't have room for 2 dancers. given that both Elincia and Lif are red units i have been thinking about using a dancer that can add something to the offensive if, for example, a strong blue unit shows up on the enemy team and my reds can't reliably take on it. I prefer flying dancers for mobility, and i have the following in my barracks: red plumeria, bow plumeria, peony, reyson, YT!Olivia, and flying ethlyn. who do you guys think would make a good choice to help cover the color weakness?  i know i may have to do some work to round out their offensive potential, that's fine, but reyson has some seriously low stats.

2 - why is there a male and female kris?

3 - i have a pair of brave eliwood. how have this old brave units aged? to this day you can pick one up for free at the start of the game, but i dont really see them around. is this one worth building?

4 - in terms of scoring, would ana and the gang benefit from skills like Duel Infantry? i have never been motivated to build these three.

In terms of offense, Dancer Ethlyn has a bit of an edge in that her combination of stats, move type, weapon type, and default skillset work really well together: Courtly Fan disables effects that disables Ethyn's follow-ups, and then Windsweep disables the counterattacks of physical damage enemies at the cost of her follow-up (see what's happening?). Her Spd and Atk aren't the best, but you do get that whole dancer utility thing as well. Being Colorless as an offensive unit is actually a great benefit: Ethlyn will always deal neutral damage to every enemy regardless of color (believe it or not, Raventome effects aren't as common as you would think), as opposed to someone like Shamir who has awesome stats and effects, but her color means she will always be unable to deal as much to Reds.
The other dancers you mentioned have either limited offensive utility or are more defensive in their utility.

The two Kris's are the Avatars of Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. Avatars always come as either Male or Female, see Robin, Corrin, and Byleth (Kiran too, if you really wanna care about a faceless brick wall).

Brave Eliwood? He has some offensive potential, and dealing effective damage to Beast units is certainly not common, but he is certainly not among the best Lance Cavs.

Technically yes they would benefit from Duel Infantry skills as long as you intend to use them as bonus units in the Arena, but if you have never been motivated to build them then why would you waste fodder on them? They can all do just as well with TA3 and a Breaker (or Brazen Atk/Def 3 in Alfonses case, since he has a TA refine)

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thanks for helping!


 i have heard a lot of this "sweeper" effects, could you elaborate a little about what exactly it is and why it is good? From ethlyn's kit, i get the sense she is trying to guarantee she hits with debuffs to set up for other units and surviving.

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25 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

well, after some thinking i realized that may be pairing valentine's Lif with Elincia would be the best way to make sure Desperation and Brazen Atk/Spd are ready before she goes into combat. i also realized i have left a great unit just sitting in my barracks up to now..

but i have turned to using the 2 dancers + 1 nuke formula for Arena, and accounting for the fourth spot being filled by a random bonus unit (most likely sharena, alfonse, or anna), i wouldn't have room for 2 dancers. given that both Elincia and Lif are red units i have been thinking about using a dancer that can add something to the offensive if, for example, a strong blue unit shows up on the enemy team and my reds can't reliably take on it. I prefer flying dancers for mobility, and i have the following in my barracks: red plumeria, bow plumeria, peony, reyson, YT!Olivia, and flying ethlyn. who do you guys think would make a good choice to help cover the color weakness?  i know i may have to do some work to round out their offensive potential, that's fine, but reyson has some seriously low stats.

Depends on which Tier you want to end up in. In Tier 19.5 where I am at, you score high enough to avoid most of the annoying cavalry teams while still being able to use Reposition on all your combat units, and you can run a Firesweep archer take out anything problematic. The most important thing that contributes to your score is having full merges and make sure everyone has a 500 SP Special, so in terms of cost, it is very low. I do not recommend using 5* exclusive units for your core unless you are prepared to spend a lot of Orbs to get them full merges.

I run Cordelia, BH!Lyn, and Olivia and I am able to maintain Tier 19.5, so you can go for a similar team composition and just switch out BH!Lyn for Rath. I used to run Reinhardt, but I want to use Tactics for my Bonus unit no matter what their movement type would be, so I swapped him out for Cordelia, but Reinhardt should still allow you reach Tier 19.5 easily. I also recommend using Olivia or Silvia and give them Armorsmasher since a lot of the bulkiest armor units are green. Hector: Brave Warrior is also relatively bulky, but Rath can Firesweep him to death pretty easily.

I am not sure if it is worth it to aim for Tier 19 or lower, as based on what I remember, I saw a lot of cavalry teams and they are just a pain in the ass to deal with. Once you outscore cavalry teams, Arena becomes a lot easier.

51 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

3 - i have a pair of brave eliwood. how have this old brave units aged? to this day you can pick one up for free at the start of the game, but i dont really see them around. is this one worth building?

He is not bad, but not great either. I personally do not recommend using him, as Petrine is better and far cheaper.

There is technically nothing wrong with him, he is just outclassed. He is kind of like Reinhardt right now. Reinhardt is still pretty decent today, but his top tier days are over. Eliwood: Marquess Pharae was never top tier, but he is always okay and decent.

1 hour ago, Sil/phire said:

4 - in terms of scoring, would ana and the gang benefit from skills like Duel Infantry? i have never been motivated to build these three.

I would not bother. That level of scoring optimization is only necessary if you are trying for Tier 20.5 or Tier 21.

2 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

 i have heard a lot of this "sweeper" effects, could you elaborate a little about what exactly it is and why it is good? From ethlyn's kit, i get the sense she is trying to guarantee she hits with debuffs to set up for other units and surviving.

Windsweep and Watersweep are B skills, and Alm and Soren got them.

There is also Firesweep, but that is a class of Weapon.

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

If you plan to get merges for her, then it should be fine.

However, keep in mind that other staff cavalry might get Refinements later that might be better than the Refinement that Veronica: Brave Princess got.

Maybe, but so far they've only given refines to "5*" healers. If they keep this pattern, Veronica would still have the better stat line + refine but being the harder one to merge... I think if her banner on the weekly schedule lines up well with my orb spending plans, I could throw some 50 orbs to try and get a copy of her. One merge would probably make her better than a +10 of the 3-4* cav healers or at least on equal footing. Fixing her bane (and making me less hesitant of spending trait fruits) seems already good enough. 
Then I'll only be missing Atk/Spd Push 4 or AR-D Atk/Spd to give her and finish the build. 

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4 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

 i have heard a lot of this "sweeper" effects, could you elaborate a little about what exactly it is and why it is good? From ethlyn's kit, i get the sense she is trying to guarantee she hits with debuffs to set up for other units and surviving.

"Sweep" refers to effects that prevent the opponent from counterattacking. It's named for the Windsweep and Watersweep skills that first introduced the effect.

Windsweep and Watersweep are passive B skills. Windsweep prevents physical opponents slower than you from counterattacking when you initiate combat, but also prevents you from making a follow-up when you initiate combat (you can skill make a follow-up when the opponent initiates combat). Watersweep is the same, but for magical opponents. These skills are most commonly used on units that have weapons that nullify the effect that prevents you from making a follow-up attack, such as duo Byleth.

Firesweep is a series of weapons. They prevent the opponent from counterattacking when you initiate combat with no other condition, but they also prevent you from counterattacking when the opponent initiates combat.

Dazzling Staff is a passive B skill that is exclusive to staff units. It prevents the opponent from counterattacking when you initiate combat and has no conditions. The skill's effect is also available as a refine effect on all inheritable staff weapons. Exclusive staff weapons always come with one of Dazzling Staff's effect or Wrathful Staff's effect built in.

Various other exclusive weapons also come with the ability to prevent opponents from counterattacking with various conditions.


Sweep effects are used to attack safely without fear of counterattack. On offensive units, it's most often used to allow frail units to attack without the need to worry about being killed on the counterattack. On support units, it's used to safely apply debuffs without the need to worry about the support unit's stats. The effect also allows you to safely attack opponents that have the Vantage skill without needing to use Hardy Bearing.

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9 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

thanks for helping!


 i have heard a lot of this "sweeper" effects, could you elaborate a little about what exactly it is and why it is good? From ethlyn's kit, i get the sense she is trying to guarantee she hits with debuffs to set up for other units and surviving.

I think she's just trying to straight-up kill things, when she's not dancing. All dagger units do debuffs, but that doesn't make them a priority.

8 hours ago, XRay said:

I would not bother. That level of scoring optimization is only necessary if you are trying for Tier 20.5 or Tier 21.

Seconding the not bothering with Duel skills. They aren't even necessary for hitting T21, just a way to make some strategies a bit easier. I'm moving up to T21 this week purely on +10 common units (BK, Gwendolyn, Winter Jaffar, and L'Arachel) with no Duel skills.

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None of the seal skills are really relevant anymore. If you want to debuff, smokes are far better. As for which smoke, they're all good on different units, it just depends on what you're trying to do.

If you mean sacred seals... again, depends on the unit. Some are more generally applicable than others, like smokes, quick riposte, things like the solos or life and death and fort. def/res

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3 minutes ago, Ether said:

None of the seal skills are really relevant anymore. If you want to debuff, smokes are far better. As for which smoke, they're all good on different units, it just depends on what you're trying to do.

If you mean sacred seals... again, depends on the unit. Some are more generally applicable than others, like smokes, quick riposte, things like the solos or life and death and fort. def/res

I don't think the Seal skills were ever good, even when they were new.

Regarding Sacred Seals: In addition to Quick Riposte and the Solo skills, I'd say the Chill skills, Distant Guard, Distant Def, and Drive Atk are all pretty good in general. Depending on the kinds of teams you're using, Tactic skills and the armor/flier-specific movement skills (Armor March, Flier Formation, Guidance, etc.) can be very useful. Tactic skills are particularly helpful for a team built around a Blade tome user like Eirika.

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5 hours ago, Othin said:

I don't think the Seal skills were ever good, even when they were new.

No, they've always been worthless. Even back in the day the game quickly began to be about trying to kill the enemy ASAP (yes, even before Skill Inheritance was available, Nino was still a potent force), so most of the time units would either not live long enough to inflict the Seal or they did jack crap otherwise. Dual Seal skills were always equally as worthless.

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