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3 hours ago, mochibird said:

(Sorry about the late reply)

LnD3 with his Rexcalibur+ gets him to 54/38 offenses, but misses on notable OHKOs like Takumi and Kagero that Gronnraven+/TA3 gets. That said, the last wins 52 neutral matches, while LnD3 gets 68.

I usually run a team of 2 glass cannons/dancer/bonus unit at the arena, so Soren would need to be my magic user the coming season. He'd have to take Nino's spot and I could switch in Kagero to cover other Kagero and archers.

Might be leaning towards giving him LnD3 since it's easier on my feathers, haha.

Things I suck at: clarification

The arena is more than just winning OHKO battles.  It's also about taking damage intelligently.  TA Soren will probably do better in that regard.

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2 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I personally find Quick Riposte a lot better on Eldigan (and tanky characters like him in general) than Brash Assault. 

Also, Bonfire is an option to consider over Ignis since, with his prf weapon and QR, it will proc on every single round of combat, which gives him amazing DPS. 

I second this. A red Michalis on a horse sounds much fun and destruction.

Does Brash Assault even work on anybody besides Lyn?

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Does Brash Assault even work on anybody besides Lyn?

Seliph, who has it already with Atk and Def manipulation. The set goes:

Seliph @ Tyrfing (+Def -Spd)

Defiant Def 3

Brash Assault 3

Threaten Atk 3



If I recall correctly. Seliph has 33 Def to start and hits 44 when at 50%--Tyrfing and Defiant have been confirmed to stack. On your next turn, he would then have an effective 49 Def after the Threaten debuff. Most physical units at that point can barely scratch him, let alone reds, though he needs all the defense he can get for how low his health has to be for it to work.

It's still a gimmick at best because a simple special proc, especially Moonbow, beats it pretty easily, not to mention simply hitting his Res stat, which is nowhere near as impressive in comparison.

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15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I second this. A red Michalis on a horse sounds much fun and destruction.

Does Brash Assault even work on anybody besides Lyn?

I used to think Brash Assault was great on slow tanky characters, then I realized that you can probably get killed by the counter attack before you ever have a chance to double thanks to you missing half your HP. I much prefer Quick Riposte on slow tank since it means they use a 3 charge special in one round when the enemy attacks them.

I do think Lyn is the lone character that can actually make good use of Brash Assault thanks to her built-in Desperation.

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21 minutes ago, CorruptedChrome said:

Does a -HP on a +atk rein make him crap? 

All you care about is the fact that he's +Atk. It doesn't matter if he's -HP or -Spd or -Def or -Res. 

As long as he's +Atk, Reinhardt is amazing. Period. (Hell, even when he isn't +Atk, though +Atk is ideal). 

14 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Seliph, who has it already with Atk and Def manipulation. The set goes:

Seliph @ Tyrfing (+Def -Spd)

Defiant Def 3

Brash Assault 3

Threaten Atk 3



If I recall correctly. Seliph has 33 Def to start and hits 44 when at 50%--Tyrfing and Defiant have been confirmed to stack. On your next turn, he would then have an effective 49 Def after the Threaten debuff. Most physical units at that point can barely scratch him, let alone reds, though he needs all the defense he can get for how low his health has to be for it to work.

It's still a gimmick at best because a simple special proc, especially Moonbow, beats it pretty easily, not to mention simply hitting his Res stat, which is nowhere near as impressive in comparison.

Even Seliph, who's arguably the best non-Lyn user of Brash Assault, prefers Quick Riposte. 

I can't think of any non-Lyn units in this game that would appreciate Brash Assault that would not appreciate Quick Riposte more. 


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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I put Fury on my Azura, but does the stat boost still really count towards Arena score?

Since the April update, only the base stats of the character count toward Arena score. Skills like Fury and even your weapons aren't taken into account if I recall correctly. 

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7 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Since the April update, only the base stats of the character count toward Arena score. Skills like Fury and even your weapons aren't taken into account if I recall correctly. 

Oh, really? Huh, oh well. I had like almost 1k SP anyway, and she has all her other stuff ready.

It wins her more fights anyway. I'll stick with it.

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2 hours ago, LuxSpes said:

I used to think Brash Assault was great on slow tanky characters, then I realized that you can probably get killed by the counter attack before you ever have a chance to double thanks to you missing half your HP. I much prefer Quick Riposte on slow tank since it means they use a 3 charge special in one round when the enemy attacks them.

I do think Lyn is the lone character that can actually make good use of Brash Assault thanks to her built-in Desperation.

Actually, slow tanky characters almost never die on the counter. Fast glass cannons rely on doubling to KO, and tanky characters take that to a 3HKO.

Meaning, below half HP, you still need 2 hits to KO, so the slower, stronger (because you dumped Spd), unit gets to double you to death before you can double them to death. Vantage would counter it, if it wasn't for the fact that the Brash User is 2HKOing you from full hp.

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41 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Oh, really? Huh, oh well. I had like almost 1k SP anyway, and she has all her other stuff ready.

It wins her more fights anyway. I'll stick with it.

TBH, I like fury more now that it doesn't affect your arena score. Back when scoring was BST based, fury's bonus stats would cause you to be matched up against merged units, essentially negating the stat advantage fury is supposed to give, but with the new system, fury is worth the same as any other A skill, and thus using it now gives the stat advantage it is supposed to provide.

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3 hours ago, Korath88 said:

TBH, I like fury more now that it doesn't affect your arena score. Back when scoring was BST based, fury's bonus stats would cause you to be matched up against merged units, essentially negating the stat advantage fury is supposed to give, but with the new system, fury is worth the same as any other A skill, and thus using it now gives the stat advantage it is supposed to provide.

Eh, I preferred fighting merged teams due to Fury because that was the only real way a non-whale like myself could get into the top 1k without having merged units of my own.

Now that the Arena has changed, there's no way for players like me to get into the top 1k anymore unless we have higher merge levels on our 5* units, which takes both a great deal of luck (and potentially money). 

The update has essentially made it harder for F2P to rank well :/

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6 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

New to skill inheritance. If you can only pass on three skills from one target, how do you pass on level 4 weapons? 

since a unit of the same weapon type is already going to have at least 1 tier of weapon learned, then u only have to inherit the next 3 if it isn't available to them. the first 2 weapon tiers are the same for every unit respective to their weapon type.

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6 minutes ago, Gustavos said:

New to skill inheritance. If you can only pass on three skills from one target, how do you pass on level 4 weapons? 

Only 2 levels of weapons need to be inherited---a Wo Dao, for example, has Steel Sword as a prereq, which every sword user has.

If a hypothetical 4 skill chain appears, however, you'd have to inherit multiple times. 3 skills the first time, the 4th the second.

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Anyone know if Guard can make special charge count go negative? (That is, Moonbow is 0/2 charged, you enter combat vs. someone with guard, does it stay 0/2 or can it go down to -1/2.) Edit: Actually, I think I'm misunderstanding Guard. It might just be reverse Heavy Blade, meaning it completely stops specials from charging, rather than subtracting 1 charge per combat.



@Rayofcannon Equipped skills (learned doesn't matter), BST (with a equalizer modifier for cavalry, mages, armored etc. to make them match infantry---this means movement type doesn't matter too much, but BST differences within the same type matters*), Rarity, Merges, and Level are basically all that affect scores.

*I haven't done the tests yet to see if 'Trainee' units give more score than 'Jeigan' units, though, but it seems like Jeigans should give lower score, while trainees higher.

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6 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Anyone know if Guard can make special charge count go negative? (That is, Moonbow is 0/2 charged, you enter combat vs. someone with guard, does it stay 0/2 or can it go down to -1/2.)


@Rayofcannon Equipped skills (learned doesn't matter), BST (with a equalizer modifier for cavalry, mages, armored etc. to make them match infantry---this means movement type doesn't matter too much, but BST differences within the same type matters*), Rarity, Merges, and Level are basically all that affect scores.

*I haven't done the tests yet to see if 'Trainee' units give more score than 'Jeigan' units, though, but it seems like Jeigans should give lower score, while trainees higher.

I'm pretty sure Guard just freezes the special counter. Each action taken in battle (i.e. getting attacked or attacking an enemy) normally subtracts 1 (-1) from the special counter. Guard prevents the special counter from lowering because it subtracts the lowering amount by 1 or basically adds 1 to the counter (+1). The +1 and -1 will cause the special counter to not move at all. I think Guard and Heavy Blade would cancel each other out when active since the -2 and +1 will combine to make -1 to the special counter?

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I'm at a loss about what to give my Eirika for A-slot skill.

Right now I'm running her with Sharena, Julia and Klein (although I have a recently promoted to 5* Nino and an Ike waiting to be properly leveled who will change team composition).

She's neutral. I gave her Glacier (which I am not very happy with, as the countdown is too slow to see it trigger much or in a way that makes a difference in her mostly support role. Got a couple of Odin recently so I might try to swap it for Moonbow instead) and left the Drag Back in B. I'll give her a Rally Resistance to run with Nino.

In the arena I found she could have trouble with Hector (aka the only opponent I'm likely to really rely on her for) when they have Vantage and Bonfire (I can more or less deal with it if I rely on all the team buffs but it's close), so is there anything that could help with that?

Main options would probably be +Attack (mostly filler but more attack is always nice), Darting Blow (to specialize in killing fast mages, I guess? so I could phase out Klein in favour of Ike lol), Triangle Adept (but I have only one source of it so i'm hesitant to spend it on her), Fury (but she's in competition with Nino for it, since i have only one Hinata)... not sure what else.

Any recommendation?

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A: Eirika has flex options with A  Just a simple +hp or spd is fine Furry can be good to depending on your rss she may not be worth burning one on.

Q:Soren +Atk - res  with Darting Blow and G tome breaker and keep rexcalibur ?, nice budget option for now that can do work.  The Gronnwolf and Raven TA builds are nice and I can possibly add that later with merging.

Q:The game trolled me pretty hard trying to get Azura BUT i got another Hector Neutral (mine is +spd -atk I like it for tanking)  Is a two Hector armor team good?  I think giving his invaluable Distant counter to some one else could be amazing!  I also can burn a Takumi who are good bulky heroes to take these skills?

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18 minutes ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

Beginner question:

I finally managed to get a good Nino +spd -hp.

She is 3*. When I get enough feathers I will upgrade her. 

Will the boon and bane stay the same or or will it randomly change? Just to be on the safe side.

It won't change. It will stay the same throughout

Edit: sorry for the double post. Didn't think about it when I posted it XD

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