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3 hours ago, XRay said:

You can run something like dual Steady Blow/Armored Blow Julias on your Arena defense team to grief dragons and lolicons. I believe +Spd is better than +Atk so she can double them.

If you are giving him a Player Phase set, Armored Blow is not that great. Player Phase unit generally want more Attack or Speed, not Defense or Resistance. He can run something like [Moonbow, Death Blow, Desperation, Brash Assault].

Each sword flier serves a different purpose so I would build them all if you can afford it; you can switch between them if the need arise. Palla can keep her Ruby Sword and shut down green units with G Tomebreaker and Quick Riposte; Gem Weapon and Triangle Adept units might not have a glamorous role, but being able to completely shut down an entire color is very important depending on your team's composition. Cordelia is one of the best offensive lance fliers and she either runs Brave Lance [Luna, Life and Death, Desperation] or Firesweep L [Life and Death, Hit and Run].

You generally want Gem Weapons on melee units and Triangle Adept on mages. Gem Weapons are common, so giving Triangle Adept 3 to a melee unit is kind of wasteful unless you need them to overkill some specific units with effective Weapons on top of Triangle Adept.

Alfonse can run [Death Blow, Desperation, Brash Assault]. Sharena is sort of a generalist, so she will be okay with whatever role you give her, but she might not be great at it; since you gave her Triangle Adept, you might as well give her Swordbreaker so she can specialize against red units. Anna can run something like [Moonbow, Fury, Desperation] to take advantage of her high Speed. Fjorm is amazing with heavy investment, but if you are on a budget, her vanilla set is okay but nothing spectacular. If you are willing to pour a little more investment into the Askr Trio, they can all run Brave Weapons for better combat performance during Player Phase.

Masked Marth can run a medic build [Aether/Sol/Noontime, Life and Death/HP+5, Renewal, Breath of Life, HP+5/Breath of Life] for Tempest Trials and Chain Challenges, keep her Falchion and specialize against dragons [Moonbow/Luna, Life and Death/Fury, Cancel Affinity/Desperation, Attack +3/Speed +3/Heavy Blade], or run an offensive Player Phase set [Wo Dao, Moonbow/Luna, Life and Death/Fury, Desperation, Speed +3/Heavy Blade].

It is not necessary to get the Askr Trio to 5*, but you should prioritize getting them to 4* as soon as possible. I recommend promoting them to 5* down the line for quality of life improvement if you can afford it; being able to deal a little more damage against certain enemies makes difficult content a lot less frustrating and you can run them as bonus units with point scoring builds [Aether/Galeforce, Rally Spd/Def / Rally Spd/Res / Rally Def/Res, Distant Counter/Sturdy Blow, Wings of Mercy/Quick Riposte, Drive Spd/Drive Res, Poison Strike] in Arena.

Should be fine. If you still cannot beat certain content, you can easily get her to 4*+10 after some time as she is pretty common since she is from the 3*-4* summoning pool.

ah thanks. Yeah I put the triangle adept on her from a shitty roy that I put SP into just for that. 

Don't have elincia, despite trying to get her. I've got palla and might consider pushing her to 5* after michalis. Guess I can try looking among my fodder to see who has those skills..

Welp I kinda also have another shitty roy that I can pump SP into for another copy of triangle adept 3. I've got Nino, Ursula, and Xander. Which one's more flexible on team comps?

Is it recommended to merge as many of the 3-4 star pool together? I've got like 13 copies of frederick and idk how useful he is and don't really know anything about him aside from being another jeigan from a game I've never played.

7 hours ago, Humanoid said:

@eclipseOn the other hand, Roderick should never be hit by anything so the much cheaper LaD2 becomes functionally equivalent to Swift Sparrow. I'd personally lean to Soren as a result. Sure it won't do anything on enemy phase, but it preserves his bulk for tanking other mages. I'm assuming Gronnblade Soren?


Michalis is typically an enemy phase unit, i.e. he waits for enemies to attack him, whereas Armored Blow will do nothing unless Michalis is doing the attacking. In this case a simpler budget option might simply be something like Atk+3 or Def+3.

Palla is an okay unit, her default upgraded weapon is Ruby Sword+ which will absolutely destroy green units, and she's fun to use with her default Wings of Mercy. However her offensive potential is fairly limited to those cases, her overall killing potential is nowhere near Elincia or new refined Caeda (but is better than default Caeda).

Cordelia is an excellent unit and arguably the best blue flier, you'll have no problems there.

Alfonse, Sharena and Anna are mediocre units, certainly usable and useful for quests (the arena argument for them however is a bit of a false economy and one I don't support). Until they receive upgrades, which they will surely do at some point, the easiest way to use them is probably to give them breaker skills so they can at least hard counter one type of unit, e.g. give Alfonse Axebreaker and give Sharena Swordbreaker. You'll get the "Battling with Fjorm" quests done easiest this way. Fjorm herself is naturally better but lacks killing power. I like giving her the Quick Riposte seal to let her actually kill things instead of just tanking them.

Neutral Nino, or indeed anything other than -spd Nino is a very good option to build. While +spd is ideal, you can't guarantee one will turn up despite being available at 3-stars (I've never gotten a +atk Cherche in a full year of playing), and besides, if a better one does turn up, Gronnblade+ is a very desirable skill and there will be no shortage of takers for it.

I was thinking of running michalis/palla/cordelia/NY!Azura as a budget flier team.

Sharena is getting swordbreaker as soon as I find that fodder unit. I kinda want to get the askr trio to the point of not completely sucking ass.

I really want to get a 5* Eliwood from the current TT. I've got 130 stamina potions. This should be fun.


I've been training NY!Corrin and Marisa on the side since they seem to have decent default skills for budget infantry.

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2 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

Is it recommended to merge as many of the 3-4 star pool together? I've got like 13 copies of frederick and idk how useful he is and don't really know anything about him aside from being another jeigan from a game I've never played.

Frederick is valuable for his Luna. Don’t throw him away so easily.

Don’t throw away most of your units. You never know when and where you’ll need this or that particular skill.

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8 hours ago, sirmola said:


powercreep's a bitch.

Nino's that good huh. I don't have any buffing units outside of the standard rally/spur stuff and etc. idk who'd be a good budget support who buffs tho.

3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Frederick is valuable for his Luna. Don’t throw him away so easily.

Don’t throw away most of your units. You never know when and where you’ll need this or that particular skill.

didn't throw him away yet. I actually used orbs on more barracks space.

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Looking for advice on which is the better Shiro: +Spd/-Res or +Res/-Spd?

I *was* going to give my original -Spd Shiro Steady Breath, but then I summoned a new one with the opposite boon/bane. I guess that means he's doubled less I guess if I go for +Spd?

But if I do go the Steady Breath + Bonfire/Ignis combo, would -Spd be better? Also is Ignis better than Bonfire if I do go this route?

But yeah, either Shiro or BK is getting Steady Breath. Although BK sees more use in Arena, Shiro is more out of favouritism so I guess the more practical route would be BK?

Also is it worth merging Valentine's Eliwood? Or would his 4 star self be better used for skill inheritance? (although armours love Ward better than Goad)

Edited by mcsilas
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32 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

didn't throw him away yet. I actually used orbs on more barracks space.

After keeping some copies for fodder, Frederick and Cherche are good candidates for a 4*+10 merge, since they both want different 5* weapons from their innate Hammer. With +ATK nature, Brave Axe+ and Death Blow, both become very valuable units at 4*+X. . 

Don't merge Selena and Barst though, everybody wants Reposition (especially horse and flier units). 

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51 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

ah thanks. Yeah I put the triangle adept on her from a shitty roy that I put SP into just for that. 

Welp I kinda also have another shitty roy that I can pump SP into for another copy of triangle adept 3. I've got Nino, Ursula, and Xander. Which one's more flexible on team comps?

You don't need to learn the skill on the source unit in order to give it away, you can pass TA3 from a level 1 Roy just fine.

Nino's that good huh. I don't have any buffing units outside of the standard rally/spur stuff and etc. idk who'd be a good budget support who buffs tho.

didn't throw him away yet. I actually used orbs on more barracks space.

Hone Attack is easily obtainable from Olivia and F Corrin, and Hone Speed from Matthew. There are also seals for the various Hones and Fortify that you can use to double up on different buffs. If you have an Eirika to promote, her sword has Hone Attack 2 built-in and she also comes with Hone Attack 3 by default, making her the perfect companion (and S-support) for Nino. Ephraim is technically better since his weapon is refinable to give Hone Attack 3 instead of 2, but he's not available at 4-star.

Edited by Humanoid
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I need some calcs, but I've heard that Kagerochart isn't working well, so I ask here. My Green/Red/Blue infantry core is working more or less properly. Everyone can deal with the things they are supposed to. The main problem comes from Celica. She has to deal with G Tome units and she covers that without any problem (since she has bad IV's, I went for double DD + G Tome Breaker). However, I don't really find comfortable using mages, as they can't hit enemies that are at 1 range or respond to their attacks and they also give me some issues about positioning when I want to attack/bait (my playstile involves a lot of baiting). So, I've thought 2 alternatives, but I need to now if they can survive Gronnblade users +10 with full buffs. This units would want to fulfill Celica's role in the party, but being able to counterattack at 1-2 range.

First one would be Masked Marth 5*+4 (supposing that Hector is the free unit, this also would lead me to vote the 4 days for him). With Distant Counter and G Tome Breaker, and with the Awakening's Falchion upgrade, maybe with Distant Defense as her Sacred Seal. I need some advice too. I can't make her +5 since I couldn't get the first TT's 5*.

The second one would be Adult Tiki. Here I don't even know what to put her, if TA or Fury (SB is not an option) and if G Tome Breaker would be useful or not. 


So, could you give me some advice?

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35 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

After keeping some copies for fodder, Frederick and Cherche are good candidates for a 4*+10 merge, since they both want different 5* weapons from their innate Hammer. With +ATK nature, Brave Axe+ and Death Blow, both become very valuable units at 4*+X. . 

Don't merge Selena and Barst though, everybody wants Reposition (especially horse and flier units). 

I have a crapton of barsts. Should be fun passing reposition and brave axe+

29 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

You don't need to learn the skill on the source unit in order to give it away, you can pass TA3 from a level 1 Roy just fine.

Hone Attack is easily obtainable from Olivia and F Corrin, and Hone Speed from Matthew. There are also seals for the various Hones and Fortify that you can use to double up on different buffs. If you have an Eirika to promote, her sword has Hone Attack 2 built-in and she also comes with Hone Attack 3 by default, making her the perfect companion (and S-support) for Nino. Ephraim is technically better since his weapon is refinable to give Hone Attack 3 instead of 2, but he's not available at 4-star.


Don't have the fe8 twins. 

Wait so I don't need to level and rank units to pass their skills? This means I can do shit like pass a 2 star Olivia's higher ranking skills onto someone like Priscilla, right?


Just found out both of my brave ikes are -attack. 

Guess my luck in feh sucks

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1 minute ago, Czarpy said:

This means I can do shit like pass a 2 star Olivia's higher ranking skills onto someone like Priscilla, right?

If the donor can learn the skill, they can pass it. For example, three-star Olivia can’t learn Hone Atk 3 (unless inherited herself), thus she can’t give it away.

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39 minutes ago, Czarpy said:


Joshua and Marisa are gonna have fun with all the swords from five star fodder. (Gray, sigurd, etc.)


I forgot I had arviss. Does he pair with nino for a mage team?

Arvis debuffs things, Nino needs someone to buff her. If you don't have Eirika, Olivia will do very fine. Olivia comes with Hone ATK3 at 4* and could bring the Hone SPD seal. Many run Nino with Fury/Desperation, thus she walks around with low HP most of the time. In that case you won't need a healer for her, but Olivia could beam near to dance her with Wings of Mercy as her B-Skill (Level 3 from 4* Cain, Level 2 from 4* Palla or 4* Frederick). 

Do you have blue mages for your Nino-team? 

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33 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Arvis debuffs things, Nino needs someone to buff her. If you don't have Eirika, Olivia will do very fine. Olivia comes with Hone ATK3 at 4* and could bring the Hone SPD seal. Many run Nino with Fury/Desperation, thus she walks around with low HP most of the time. In that case you won't need a healer for her, but Olivia could beam near to dance her with Wings of Mercy as her B-Skill (Level 3 from 4* Cain, Level 2 from 4* Palla or 4* Frederick). 

Do you have blue mages for your Nino-team? 

I have access to Mae, tiltyu, Reinhardt, Ursula, Robin, Odin, Oliver

For reds, I have Lyon, Alvis, tharja, lilina, 

I have three 5* Lucius copies.

Been using a 4* +attack Mae with default skills as a blue filler.


I was thinking of using valter instead of waiting for a neutral or good Iv Cordelia.

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3 hours ago, Czarpy said:

Is it recommended to merge as many of the 3-4 star pool together?

Depends on the unit. Est and Oboro are the top two that I can think of for merging to 4*+10 since they have practically zero Skill Inheritance value.

If found my comment a while back with a list of mergeable units with little to no skill inheritance value:

On 2/7/2018 at 7:47 PM, XRay said:

If you need to save space, you can safely merge all your 4* healers to 4*+10 since they have practically no skill inheritance value for non staff units. 4* Boey, Gaius, Est, Lukas, Oboro, Mae, Raigh, Saizo, and Virion have little to no inheritance value, so you can merge them to 4*+10 too. You may still want to keep a few of these around for their niche skills and non maxed skills, so you can try fun builds and save more valuable fodder.

You might find Owl tomes useful, so you may want to try out Boey and Mae first and see if you like it. I personally found it less than useful so I do not bother with Owl tomes at all and just merge my Boeys and Maes. As mentioned, you can save a few if you want to maximize your more valuable fodder, e.g.: getting Mae's Desperation 2 and then get Desperation 3 and Specials from Shanna. You might want to try out Earth Boost too from Boey, but I think it is too situational and unreliable so I never bother using it either.

2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Looking for advice on which is the better Shiro: +Spd/-Res or +Res/-Spd?

I *was* going to give my original -Spd Shiro Steady Breath, but then I summoned a new one with the opposite boon/bane. I guess that means he's doubled less I guess if I go for +Spd?

But if I do go the Steady Breath + Bonfire/Ignis combo, would -Spd be better? Also is Ignis better than Bonfire if I do go this route?

But yeah, either Shiro or BK is getting Steady Breath. Although BK sees more use in Arena, Shiro is more out of favouritism so I guess the more practical route would be BK?

Also is it worth merging Valentine's Eliwood? Or would his 4 star self be better used for skill inheritance? (although armours love Ward better than Goad)

I leans towards -Spd if you are using him for Enemy Phase. +Spd, -Res is more useful on Player Phase since melee units do not need Resistance at all. -Spd helps Enemy Phase Shiro get doubled and activate a Special, but +Res seems almost useless.

If you want him to be doubled less, you will need to Speed stack Shiro. Enemy Phase units generally have a hard time not being doubled unless they are Myrrh or run Wary Fighter. 33 Speed is can still be easily doubled by well built Player Phase units.

2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

I need some calcs, but I've heard that Kagerochart isn't working well, so I ask here. My Green/Red/Blue infantry core is working more or less properly. Everyone can deal with the things they are supposed to. The main problem comes from Celica. She has to deal with G Tome units and she covers that without any problem (since she has bad IV's, I went for double DD + G Tome Breaker). However, I don't really find comfortable using mages, as they can't hit enemies that are at 1 range or respond to their attacks and they also give me some issues about positioning when I want to attack/bait (my playstile involves a lot of baiting). So, I've thought 2 alternatives, but I need to now if they can survive Gronnblade users +10 with full buffs. This units would want to fulfill Celica's role in the party, but being able to counterattack at 1-2 range.

First one would be Masked Marth 5*+4 (supposing that Hector is the free unit, this also would lead me to vote the 4 days for him). With Distant Counter and G Tome Breaker, and with the Awakening's Falchion upgrade, maybe with Distant Defense as her Sacred Seal. I need some advice too. I can't make her +5 since I couldn't get the first TT's 5*.

The second one would be Adult Tiki. Here I don't even know what to put her, if TA or Fury (SB is not an option) and if G Tome Breaker would be useful or not. 


So, could you give me some advice?

If you like baiting, I highly recommend using Distant Counter units, especially loli dragons. I prefer Y!Tiki, but A!Tiki is fine. Celica is an offensive mage and you generally use Dancers/Singers with them. Triangle Adept 2 should not be that rare, but if that is not possible either, then just go with any cheap A skill you can give her such as Attack +3 or something (just do not give her Speed boosting skills). Triangle Adept and Fury are some of the best budget Enemy Phase skills. G Tombreaker is fine, but I would give her Quick Riposte Sacred Seal as she needs to double to be effective.

For a calculator, I use arcticsilverfox's.

22 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

I have access to Mae, tiltyu, Reinhardt, Ursula, Robin, Odin, Oliver

For reds, I have Lyon, Alvis, tharja, lilina, 

I have three 5* Lucius copies.

Been using a 4* +attack Mae with default skills as a blue filler.


I was thinking of using valter instead of waiting for a neutral or good Iv Cordelia.

Those are all good offensive mages. Mages that are not bolded are pretty good as Enemy Phase units with Raven tomes and/or countering other mages with Triangle Adept.

I think Lucius can be built offensively if that is your thing.

Valter and Cordelia are both Player Phase units but they work slightly differently. The results should still be about the same though and kill most things they touch if properly built.

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8 minutes ago, XRay said:

Depends on the unit. Est and Oboro are the top two that I can think of for merging to 4*+10 since they have practically zero Skill Inheritance value.

If found my comment a while back with a list of mergeable units with little to no skill inheritance value:

You might find Owl tomes useful, so you may want to try out Boey and Mae first and see if you like it. I personally found it less than useful so I do not bother with Owl tomes at all and just merge my Boeys and Maes. As mentioned, you can save a few if you want to maximize your more valuable fodder, e.g.: getting Mae's Desperation 2 and then get Desperation 3 and Specials from Shanna. You might want to try out Earth Boost too from Boey, but I think it is too situational and unreliable so I never bother using it either.

I leans towards -Spd if you are using him for Enemy Phase. +Spd, -Res is more useful on Player Phase since melee units do not need Resistance at all. -Spd helps Enemy Phase Shiro get doubled and activate a Special, but +Res seems almost useless.

If you want him to be doubled less, you will need to Speed stack Shiro. Enemy Phase units generally have a hard time not being doubled unless they are Myrrh or run Wary Fighter. 33 Speed is can still be easily doubled by well built Player Phase units.

If you like baiting, I highly recommend using Distant Counter units, especially loli dragons. I prefer Y!Tiki, but A!Tiki is fine. Celica is an offensive mage and you generally use Dancers/Singers with them.

For a calculator, I use arcticsilverfox's.

Those are all good offensive mages. Mages that are not bolded are pretty good as Enemy Phase units with Raven tomes and/or countering other mages with Triangle Adept.

I think Lucius can be built offensively if that is your thing.

Valter and Cordelia are both Player Phase units but they work slightly differently. The results should still be about the same though and kill most things they touch if properly built.

I guess I'll go with Alvis and Ursula since they're ghb heroes and I shouldn't have to fuck around trying to figure out the nature's. Tharja looks like fun, but I'm not sure if I have any decent natured ones.


Lucius might have some worthwhile skills to pass on. I might use him for offense because why not.


I have two brave ikes with shit nature's. One of then can be fed to someone. I was thinking maybe Michalis?


Is there a sorta tier list for budget units and builds? I'm looking at building a blue lancer that isn't nephenee or an armor but has durability. How good are Lukas and oboro?

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Looking for advice on which is the better Shiro: +Spd/-Res or +Res/-Spd?

I *was* going to give my original -Spd Shiro Steady Breath, but then I summoned a new one with the opposite boon/bane. I guess that means he's doubled less I guess if I go for +Spd?

But if I do go the Steady Breath + Bonfire/Ignis combo, would -Spd be better? Also is Ignis better than Bonfire if I do go this route?

Now now,  me the Shiro FC is here. The ideal IV for him would be +Atk or +Def/ -Res. In your case, I'm cheering for +Spd -Res. Res is his least benefit stat you can always dumb because you will never let him tank magic in Steady Breath build. Also you can keep his Res if you'll give him DC in any case. Don't forget to fodder Steady Breath along with Aether.(fodder luna or sol from someone else first).  +Spd is better bacause  you can initiate too. 34 Spd with buff he can double low tier speed units with no problem.

Personally, I'm addict with Aether than Bonfire/Ignis  because it help his damage sustain and always stay in QR range. He will eat everything physical damage like a breakfast. FYI, my Shiro is +Atk so he can beat W! Delicate princess with Threaten Def like easy breezy.

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49 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

I have two brave ikes with shit nature's. One of then can be fed to someone. I was thinking maybe Michalis?

Michalis will only get Aether out of BH!Ike. Steady Breath is restricted to melee armor and melee infantry unfortunately. I would not use BH!Ike as Aether fodder since Steady Breath is so valuable.

49 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

Is there a sorta tier list for budget units and builds? I'm looking at building a blue lancer that isn't nephenee or an armor but has durability. How good are Lukas and oboro?

Lukas and Oboro are decent. Many use them as Enemy Phase units, although I prefer to use them as Player Phase units with Brave Lance since they got decent Attack. I have not gotten around to finishing Lukas yet, but he will basically be like Oboro who shuts down any sword user with four hits in Arena Assault. They can also help out finishing lance units or squishy mages if their teammates for some reason cannot. I have not tested them out yet in Arena since I am not a big fan of melee units and I am not particularly great at using them if they do not have Distant Counter-Quick Riposte.

Not sure about the tier list though. You might want to check out the wiki and gamepress for their budget builds if you go to a character's page. I would take some of their builds with a grain of salt since some really old builds on there might recommend Defiant Attack and other really bad skills like that.

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

Michalis will only get Aether out of BH!Ike. Steady Breath is restricted to melee armor and melee infantry unfortunately. I would not use BH!Ike as Aether fodder since Steady Breath is so valuable.

Lukas and Oboro are decent. Many use them as Enemy Phase units, although I prefer to use them as Player Phase units with Brave Lance since they got decent Attack. I have not gotten around to finishing Lukas yet, but he will basically be like Oboro who shuts down any sword user with four hits in Arena Assault. They can also help out finishing lance units or squishy mages if their teammates for some reason cannot. I have not tested them out yet in Arena since I am not a big fan of melee units and I am not particularly great at using them if they do not have Distant Counter-Quick Riposte.

Not sure about the tier list though. You might want to check out the wiki and gamepress for their budget builds if you go to a character's page. I would take some of their builds with a grain of salt since some really old builds on there might recommend Defiant Attack and other really bad skills like that.

How good is steady breath on bk or Joshua?

I was thinking of a brave Lance Donnell, oboro, or Lukas build. 

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10 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

How good is steady breath on bk or Joshua?

I was thinking of a brave Lance Donnell, oboro, or Lukas build. 

Black Knight can run Steady Breath-Bold Fighter-Quick Riposte for always activating a Black Luna on either phase. Bold Fighter is pretty expensive though since it is currently available only from seasonal units. If you do not have Bold Fighter, Black Knight can run Vantage instead and be totally obnoxious on an Arena defense team.

Joshua is okay. He is pretty fast and bulky so you can use him for either Player Phase or Enemy Phase. I am not sure if he is good enough to run a dual phase set, but you test the idea out on the calculator.

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14 minutes ago, XRay said:

Black Knight can run Steady Breath-Bold Fighter-Quick Riposte for always activating a Black Luna on either phase. Bold Fighter is pretty expensive though since it is currently available only from seasonal units. If you do not have Bold Fighter, Black Knight can run Vantage instead and be totally obnoxious on an Arena defense team.

Joshua is okay. He is pretty fast and bulky so you can use him for either Player Phase or Enemy Phase. I am not sure if he is good enough to run a dual phase set, but you test the idea out on the calculator.

My BK is sitting on an SP pile of 1k+ so I think he can take steady breath easily.


Out of curiosity, what do I need for a basic horse team? I have a bunch of Fredericks, but I sorta want to make use of Oscar, Seth, and/or Titania. I know Brave hero Lyn and bow! Roy have their places.


I guess I can make Seth and Oscar into jeweled weapon users with breaker skills? Idk.

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Thanks @XRay, I'll take a look now to make the calcs!


Edit: both Fury and TA let Tiki hard counter Gronnblade users with full buffs and +10. With TA she can run both G Tome Breaker or Quick Riposte; however, with Fury the only option is G Tome Breaker. I think I'll go this way until I get a Roy for TA fodder, but TA G Tome Breaker sounds really, really good, tbh.

Edited by Javi Blizz
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59 minutes ago, Czarpy said:

My BK is sitting on an SP pile of 1k+ so I think he can take steady breath easily.


Out of curiosity, what do I need for a basic horse team? I have a bunch of Fredericks, but I sorta want to make use of Oscar, Seth, and/or Titania. I know Brave hero Lyn and bow! Roy have their places.


I guess I can make Seth and Oscar into jeweled weapon users with breaker skills? Idk.

If you are using them for GHB quest or PVE contents, doesn't care much about arena score. Tome cavalier is way to go to grind more orbs for you. Reinhardt is your team leader, just find him +Atk with any bane combine with Death Blow he kill everything not green. Cecilia will be your sub-leader preferably with +Atk Gronraven+ combine with Triangle Adept then she can check all blue mages and archer barring Micaiah and Cancel Affirnity user. Red tome cavalier is being lock at 5 star so your substitute would be Xander for being physical tank and counter with any range. Last slot is your filler, you can add anyone to your preference after you build red blue green core units.

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Quick question, I DL'ed the back in the summer of last year, never opened the app once, and I still haven't. Yet, on the grounds I might actually start liking the game once I play it, the same way I disliked DQ, partly on visual grounds (which is also true of FEH), until I started to play one (the franchise still has faults don't get me wrong, but I can certainly enjoy it- I have cleared IV, V, and VIII now). I might at least start wanting to collect login bonuses, just in case the next new standard Banner is Thracia 776, which I've decided might be the thing that I force myself to start playing the game in full- since I can't deny the entire FEH franchise isn't sufficiently repped at that point, even though it will still have some faults in this regard. And hey, pretty much everyone else here plays the game never minding its various issues, why set my standards so high on an FTP fanservice gotcha?

Longwinded unnecessary information aside, with updates and actual play, how much space does the game take up? It currently is like 170MB, and the old family tablet has 1.6 GB of space left. Fortunately a new family tablet obtained during the holidays gives me some room to fill this old one up, but I don't want to delete anything on the old tablet just in case another family member uses a particular app (I guess I could delete Secret of Mana and SMTI though for maybe 200MB more in space- both are mine, the latter I cleared three times and the former I played a bunch of, but not all the way and it just isn't that fun on iOS after all).

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43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Longwinded unnecessary information aside, with updates and actual play, how much space does the game take up? It currently is like 170MB, and the old family tablet has 1.6 GB of space left.

I just went and checked to see how much storage it’s taking up on my phone and it’s 1.39GB with all the current updates. So it’s pretty sizable. It’ll fit on the tablet though without you having to delete anything.

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@XRay @Ginko okay thanks, well his weapon is geared for enemy phase i guess. Maybe i'll sit on it for a while, maybe a better Shiro comes along anyway so one of them can give Def Tactic or something.

for Vector, what's a better spcial to use? Glimmer, ignis or bonfire? Currently running Vantage and QR

he is +Def/-HP and i'm wondering what's the best to score ORKOs asap

Edited by mcsilas
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4 hours ago, Ginko said:

If you are using them for GHB quest or PVE contents, doesn't care much about arena score. Tome cavalier is way to go to grind more orbs for you. Reinhardt is your team leader, just find him +Atk with any bane combine with Death Blow he kill everything not green. Cecilia will be your sub-leader preferably with +Atk Gronraven+ combine with Triangle Adept then she can check all blue mages and archer barring Micaiah and Cancel Affirnity user. Red tome cavalier is being lock at 5 star so your substitute would be Xander for being physical tank and counter with any range. Last slot is your filler, you can add anyone to your preference after you build red blue green core units.

yeah I guess I can just build reinhardt/cecilia/xander+NY!Azura/BH!Lyn/LA!Roy. it's gonna take a while so I slapped one of my spare nephenees wrath 3 onto BK.


just rolled

-hp/+res LA!Hector

oh and a bunch of 4* fodder in roderick/wrysx2, and barst.

I like hector and eliwood. Is an armor team with LA!Hector, LA!Eliwood, and BK (or Arden) as the core viable. 

Edited by Czarpy
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