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Update for 5106 (T20):

6am PDT 6/9: 133

6:30am PDT 6/10: 159

Teams faced detailed in the previous post. Current cutoff is 191. At this point, I'm stuck hoping =P . Highest Def score is still 586 (out of 18 successful defenses). 

Edited by LordFrigid
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On 6/8/2017 at 5:13 PM, MrSmokestack said:

Currently ranked 1,397, inching ever closer to the 1,865 cutoff. Also got two more defense wins, one of which netted me a score of 582.


Looks like I'll be getting demoted from Tier 19; my score is ranked 2,013, past the cutoff. No new defense wins to improve my score either.

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Quick question, is there any rule about the bonus unit rotation? I know that the Asrk trio and the new banner are always on the list, but how about the 4 remaining heroes?

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score of 4,715 gets me ranked 10,479 in Tier 18. i'm so sick of literally every time i am on the last battle of a deathless run, a WoM dancer screws me over. EVERY TIME. you think i'd learn something, though two out of three times were unavoidable i'm pretty sure. i'm tilted and give up for now or probably this season...i don't think i can't even move up to Tier 19 anyway because BST isn't high enough, no merges, and my units aren't completely skilled out yet. 680 per match is lucky for me. 

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26 minutes ago, Okigen said:

Quick question, is there any rule about the bonus unit rotation? I know that the Asrk trio and the new banner are always on the list, but how about the 4 remaining heroes?

I think the other heroes are: the most recent GHB unit, 1 or 2 of the daily rotation units (if you don't know, they are: Sophia, Virion, Hana, Subaki, Donnel, Lissa, Gunter, Cecilia, Felicia, Wrys, Olivia and Stahl) and usually 1 or 2 random units.

Anyway, update:
Score of 4834 in Rank 19 is currently 992, with the cutoff being 1884 so I think I will scrap through to Tier 20 but I'm like 100% sure I won;t be staying there

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33 minutes ago, Okigen said:

Quick question, is there any rule about the bonus unit rotation? I know that the Asrk trio and the new banner are always on the list, but how about the 4 remaining heroes?

Under the current system, the four miscellaneous bonus heroes includes two heroes available free through the Hero Battles and two others, usually available at 3-4* but occasionally 4-5*. I think so far they've all been heroes in the initial lineup.

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Well, finished getting my new team set up, and now I know how all the top arena players get away with such terrible team compositions: The top defense teams are so goddamn easy to kill, and they're so sparse that you'll see the same people there multiple times in the course of seven matches. My thanks to whoever is 鏡mochi and their 736-point team that so easily gets slaughtered by mine. If need a break from Tempest tomorrow, I might just fish for only that opponent and go for a higher score.

Score: 5,122 (deathless, 728-736)
Rank: 88 (14% out of 640, 20→20)
Defense: 594 (10+)

Offense team:

+10 Tharja [+Spd, -HP] (Rauðrblade+, Ardent Sacrifice, Moonbow, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Hone Spd 3, S Hone Res 1)
+10 Bride Caeda [+Spd, -Atk] (Blárblade+, Ardent Sacrifice, Iceberg, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Hone Spd 3)
+10 Ninian [+Spd, -Res] (Lightning Breath+, Dance, Aether, Triangle Adept 3, Escape Route 3, Fortify Dragons, S HP +3)
+10 Fae [+Atk, -Def] (Lightning Breath+, Reciprocal Aid, Aether, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Fortify Dragons, S Speed +1)

Defense team:

+9 Julia [=] (Naga, Draw Back, Dragon Fang, Resistance +3, Quick Riposte 3, Breath of Life 3, [S Breath of Life 1])
+0 Cherche [+Atk, -Res] (Brave Axe+, Reposition, Death Blow 3, Hone Fliers)
+6 Spring Camilla [+Spd, -Res] (Gronnblade+, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Fury 3, G Tomebreaker 3, Hone Fliers)
+8 Minerva [+Spd, -Res] (Hauteclere, Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Drag Back, Hone Fliers, [S Hone Res 1])

I replace Julia with Bride Caeda for the bonus, then put Julia back in.

I was supposed to put S Attack +1 back on Bride Caeda from Lucina, but I forgot. But, it looks like I didn't really need it anyways.

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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The top defense teams are so goddamn easy to kill, and they're so sparse that you'll see the same people there multiple times in the course of seven matches.

Yeah, that about sums it up.

Nice team, btw; I'm trying to not be jealous of the Caeda.

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Tier 18 score of 4846  (no deaths, no surrenders; Nowi +1/+2, Sharena, 5*, Eirika, Nino +3; 690, 690, 690, 688, 696, 698, 694):

  • Jun 9 12:30AM - #1027 (/6290 to Tier 19)
  • Jun 9 3:00PM - #1200 (/6322 to Tier 19)
  • Jun 10 3:40PM - #1428 (/6382 to Tier 19)

Not a whole lot to say about the numbers as they seem to be fairly consistent with the previous few weeks. I got lazy and didn't change my configuration on Sharena back overnight, but my defense team picked up two more wins anyway. I guess Rein and Xander must be doing all the heavy lifting.

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I got 4,814 this week, so I took @Bartozio's score from last week, and made it my own. Definitely promoting to Tier 19 with this! But this week definitely sucked for me, I wasted plenty of crests early on, trying to get a deathless run. I downgraded my team, and got a deathless run with a bad score. But that wasn't good enough. So I put a better team in place, and Sharena, Ike, Reinhardt, and Cherche got me a nice score.

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Looks like it's going to be that week in which I'm getting no defense wins.

Will be moving back up into tier 18. (4754 pts)

EDIT: Improved score for the week: 4770

Still no defense wins.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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My score of 4832 is currently at rank 1363/1894 to promote to Tier 20.  I haven't been dropping more than ~200 ranks per day, so I should be safe, but who knows... :mellow:  Fingers crossed.  The 3000 feathers would be nice!  (I know I definitely won't stay in 20, but it'd be nice to reach it at least, hehe.) 

Team: Ryoma, Hector, Olivia, Reinhardt (All 5*, no merges)

8 defense wins for the above team.  Highest is 580.

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Ever so slightly improved my offence score from 4,707 to 4,710. If I hadn’t derped once and not forgot to take dancing into account, it would’ve been a deathless run.

At least my defence team of Soren+1, Sharena, Camus, and Xander brought me a win worth 574. Against a player with Celica as their lead. Welp.

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I feel like I should have learned my lesson by now with how many streaks I've had broken because I forgot that an enemy had Wings of Mercy (I always make a point to check skills too, but I still forget). But alas. 

Looks like I won't be promoting to Tier 20 this week unless I blow more crests, and I'm not sure how willing I am to do that since there's no guarantee a deathless will get me into T20 to begin with :/

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4744 points on a deathless run, #10000~ rank on tier 18, and I need higher than #6440 to rank up to tier 19.

It seems like I can't really stay on Tier 18 with my team here... going down to 17. I wonder how I can get better scores?

Cecilia, Reindhart, Eliwood, 3* Olivia.

Edited by Lyrai
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9 hours ago, Astellius said:

I got 4,814 this week, so I took @Bartozio's score from last week, and made it my own. Definitely promoting to Tier 19 with this! But this week definitely sucked for me, I wasted plenty of crests early on, trying to get a deathless run. I downgraded my team, and got a deathless run with a bad score. But that wasn't good enough. So I put a better team in place, and Sharena, Ike, Reinhardt, and Cherche got me a nice score.

Congrats on promoting then and stealing my score.

By giving Sharena some skills, I managed to improve my score a little to 4820, which was ranked around 3k in tier 18 when I last checked (cut off is around 6k). I could have tried fishing for better scores, but I'm promoting anyway and I was somewhat occupied with the tempest trials, I decided not to bother.

Next week might become a close one though, since I'm barely above 50% of the people promoting to tier 19, and with some people dropping from tier 20, I might not make the cut off. Perhaps fishing for better scores or getting my Reinhardt to +1 will make the difference though (only need another 8k feathers).

Btw, team was Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt and Sharena. All unmerged 5* with highest level skills, apart from Reinhardt having DB2 and Sharena only having QR2.

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Forgot to update yesterday, but it's not looking good.

5106 (T20):

6am PDT 6/9: 133

6:30am PDT 6/10: 159

6:15am PDT 6/12: 206

Teams faced in the previous post. Cutoff is 194, so it's back to T19 for me. Oh well, not like it was for lack of trying.

Highest Def score is  586.

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On 6/10/2017 at 2:23 PM, wizzard of soz said:

score of 4,715 gets me ranked 10,479 in Tier 18. i'm so sick of literally every time i am on the last battle of a deathless run, a WoM dancer screws me over. EVERY TIME. you think i'd learn something, though two out of three times were unavoidable i'm pretty sure. i'm tilted and give up for now or probably this season...i don't think i can't even move up to Tier 19 anyway because BST isn't high enough, no merges, and my units aren't completely skilled out yet. 680 per match is lucky for me. 

I know that feeling... happens to me A LOT

Score of 4,741. Oh well

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