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Voting Gauntlet: Pegasus Knights vs. Wyvern Riders


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I gonna support Palla for now, if she lost I'm going to Camilla for the feathers. I haven't played the original FE or remakes but Palla has grown on me in Heroes and she is 10/10 as unit... and I have a thing with green-haired ladys

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2 hours ago, chirp said:

Er, a voting contest should be in principle won by the largest bandwagon, don't you think ?

Bandwagoning is in my opinion, the worst kind of my least favorite reason to pick a side. You want free feathers? Go right ahead and choose Camilla. There ya go, easy guaranteed 1,500 feathers for you. It's one of the biggest factors as to why Lucina won last time other than, she is pretty, she is cool, etc. Not only that, you might have friends that will pressure you into joining what they want. On top of that, some people just like the feeling of winning.

But that very much makes the entire mode nothing more than, "pick the person that you think is the most popular". No, that is not the point of this mode. If you open your game and head into the voting gauntlet, read the instructions. The first thing that pops up:

"Cheer your favorite Hero to victory!"

It's a shame really. As much as I love this game mode, it is also pretty flawed. Giving the already popular characters another reason why they're more popular is really unfair towards the unpopular ones. What's worse is that people don't even choose their favorite characters if said character is VERY unpopular. Or in other words, it feels more like you're being bribed some feathers just to not vote for your character. People will take advantage of this. Simple as that. But what I do like is that by joining the underdog, you gain more feathers by climbing ranks more quickly. It's sort of a way to balance this issue. Even if the underdog will likely lose in the end.

What I'm trying to say is that, if you're going to join a character, at least have a legit reason as to why you want to. Saying that you want easy feathers only gives off the impression that you're voting for a character that is not your favorite out of those given. Even if you're favorite character is not on their, you continue down the list of favorites. And if none of these are your favorites, you choose the one that you dislike the least (bandwagon if you really have to only if you don't know or like any of these characters). That's the way that I think IS wanted us to play.

So do not take this as a sign to not vote for Camilla, or Minerva, or whatever. If you actually like Camilla, vote for her. If you actually like Beruka, vote for her. Even if you're favorite character is not popular, vote for that goddamn character. Cause at least you can say that you're fucking proud. And I will respect you for that. I could very well vote for Katarina if I wanted to. Not a lot of people like her, but I say "to hell with them," I don't care one single bit because I like Katarina for this and that reason. So unless the people voting for Camilla because of easy feathers can come up with an actual reason to backup why Camilla is your favorite/least disliked character, all I can say is... (well that didn't take long O-o)



For the record, I'm not mad or anything. Nor should you be offended from this. I am just stating what I've been noticing lately. And please tell me if I'm misinterpreting what you said, by all means. I typed all of this up because I like talking like this.

EDIT: Never thought I'd say this, but be like Ana, who's willing to vote for characters that she likes. Not characters that are popular. Do not listen to @Arcanite, do not listen to me. But, listen to yourself (and I died on the floor from the cringe).

EDIT AGAIN: I wish everyone the best of luck tomorrow. Let's all put up a fair and exciting fight!

Edited by Falcom
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4 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Bandwagoning is in my opinion, the worst kind of reason to pick a side. You want free feathers? Go right ahead and choose Camilla.

I agree with this

5 minutes ago, Falcom said:

EDIT: Listen to @Arcanite, and do not listen to me. Join Team Minerva because she's just awesome!

I also agree with this too! Thanks Falcom!


I have just realized how hilarious editing quotes is, but I'll stop right here and probably won't do that for a while

Feel free to edit this quote if you like :P


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9 minutes ago, r_n said:

I'm not mad & you shouldn't be offended says person who wrote a 5 paragraph essay about how its disgusting to bandwagon behind a character you dont care about

I was afraid people would take this the wrong way. When I said disgusting, I'm referring to that meme with Ephraim. But well, I can't meme for days. I'm a terrible memer. I'm just ashamed. I'm not mad though. I'm not stopping you or anyone from bandwagoning. You can completely disregard what I just said. (I should just state that this is MY OPINION). None of this means anything to anyone.

5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


Of course you would. XD
But I won't edit yours either. Oh wait...

Edited by Falcom
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I don't have any particular need for feathers, I just go with my favorite, and I intend to do so for the other gauntlets. I can form a hierarchy so I know who I'll side with if my character loses. Wasn't really an issue last time, and I doubt it will be this time, but it goes something like Cordelia -> Cherche (Not going to happen anymore) -> Palla and Minerva are kind of close for me, but I might go Palla first -> I don't like Fates.

Edited by Arthur97
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You know it was mentioned earlier that in terms of feathers, it might be a better idea to purposely go with a less popular character because it will be easier to get a high ranking.

That's an interesting thought. If the meta becomes trying to join the least popular team rather than the predicted winner, it seems like votes might even out a little. And maybe ironically cause the least popular one to become most popular, though that would probably only REALLY happen if you join instantly without looking at the numbers.


Just now, Falcom said:

I was afraid people would take this the wrong way. When I said disgusting, I'm referring to that meme with Ephraim. But well, I can't meme for days. I'm a terrible memer. I'm just ashamed. I'm not mad though.


I figured it was at least partially a meme but its the resounding element of the post. You think it's stupid to bandwagon. That it's not legitimate. How can you be proud [of voting in a popularity contest specifically designed to lead to an influx of feathers] by following a bandwagon rather than systematically going doing a list of most-least favorites. 

It sounds kind of mad, bro

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@Falcom While I do agree that people should vote for those they like best, sometimes people are indifferent to most of the characters, especially if they are newer players who haven't actually played some of the older games that some characters originate from (This doesn't really apply to this gauntlet except for Minerva and Palla). And if they don't care about who wins, why shouldn't they vote for the one who will net them the most feathers?

I would have voted for Camilla, even if I dislike her had I not pulled Minerva who I learned to love. But say I didn't like Minerva. What then? Vote for Camilla. Because first, I'm not voting for someone who I don't know. There goes Palla. Second while I don't dislike the rest I feel nothing for them. They are literally forgettable blobs lost in the vast sea of FE characters. So who should I have voted for if I don't feel anything for any of them? Roll a dice and see who wins? No, I would be voting for the most popular unit for feathers because at least I can get something out of it. 

Not trying to berate you or anything, just trying to show the other side of the argument

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14 minutes ago, Falcom said:

I was afraid people would take this the wrong way. When I said disgusting, I'm referring to that meme with Ephraim. But well, I can't meme for days. I'm a terrible memer. I'm just ashamed. I'm not mad though. I'm not stopping you or anyone from bandwagoning. You can completely disregard what I just said. (I should just state that this is MY OPINION). None of this means anything to anyone.

How to meme in spoiler;


Pro tips on how to meme (or joke):

When you're meming, make sure the meme is particularly pointed out as much as possible (but not too excessive) or just hidden in plain sight.

Plain sight method: basically when you're making a reference or some sort of joke when talking about something without drawing particular attention to it, like how I call Eliwood smelliwood, or Eldigan smelldigan. No caps, no bold, no nothing. You just say it, it's funny, if people miss it, oh well!

Pointed out method: now when you're meming or joking with this method, you want to put your reference out there, but tactics may vary depending on word/meme/reference length. For example: 









Bold just makes it look serious, like you actually mean it. When you're putting it in a spoiler, people who don't know what exactly you're referencing will realize that it's some sort of joke and maybe even laugh. And then of course, the "skip the ad and get straight to the point" method. Just post the flipping thing!

Also, strike through is your friend! Seriously!

I agree that the voting gauntlets are supposed to be fun, but some people really just want to play the game and get ahead. Now, I'm not gonna run around and say bandwagoning is bad or anything. Even if I do it is subtextually disguised under me insulting/joking about (band wagon character). People can do what they want! No matter how hard I advocate for Minerva, we're still going to got mollywhopped. 

I just do it for keks.

It is just a game after all!

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4 minutes ago, r_n said:

I figured it was at least partially a meme but its the resounding element of the post. You think it's stupid to bandwagon. That it's not legitimate. How can you be proud [of voting in a popularity contest specifically designed to lead to an influx of feathers] by following a bandwagon rather than systematically going doing a list of most-least favorites. 

It sounds kind of mad, bro

I suppose you're right on that part where there's really no point in being proud of voting for a character based off a list of most-least favorites. I get it. But I wouldn't go out of my way to mention that the idea of bandwagonning is stupid. It's just my least favorite way of playing this mode. And do I really sound mad? Well I mean I did have a bad day so that might factor into this. I also comsumed too much sugar, so there's that too. I am rereading what I said, and yes some parts (especially the beginning) sound like I'm mad. So whoops.

Just now, Kiran said:

@Falcom While I do agree that people should vote for those they like best, sometimes people are indifferent to most of the characters, especially if they are newer players who haven't actually played some of the older games that some characters originate from (This doesn't really apply to this gauntlet except for Minerva and Palla). And if they don't care about who wins, why shouldn't they vote for the one who will net them the most feathers?

I would have voted for Camilla, even if I dislike her had I not pulled Minerva who I learned to love. But say I didn't like Minerva. What then? Vote for Camilla. Because first, I'm not voting for someone who I don't know. There goes Palla. Second while I don't dislike the rest I feel nothing for them. They are literally forgettable blobs lost in the vast sea of FE characters. So who should I have voted for if I don't feel anything for any of them? Roll a dice and see who wins? No, I would be voting for the most popular unit for feathers because at least I can get something out of it. 

Not trying to berate you or anything, just trying to show the other side of the argument

Huh. Never really thought of it that way. It's true. I wouldn't be surprised if people voted for the popular characters just for feathers since they don't know who any of these characters are.

It's interesting to read some of the feedback. And I actually would like to modify what I said to include that bandwagonnning should be your last resort if none of these characters are ones that you know or like. So thanks. It'd actually be interesting to discuss what other people think of bandwagonning in this mode so I might consider opening a thread for that. But I fear it might get out of hand too fast. @eclipse would this be allowed?

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I legit dislike Camilla the most out of all of the characters in this gauntlet, so she is the absolute lowest priority for me.

That said, I'm not sure why Camilla was even included in the gauntlet to begin with, considering how popular she is. It's like including Lucina in a gauntlet where no one else is close to her popularity, and putting her against untested new lord Sharena in round 1.

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I'm still mulling it over, but I may very well base my decisions on how I can maximize my feather payout this time around.  Unfortunately, I do not have the characters I'd be most interested in supporting, those being Hinoka, and to a lesser extent Cordelia and Minerva.  As such, I would miss out on the 10% increase to points for using those characters, and my overall and army ranks will suffer as a result.  Feathers are relatively scarce for a F2P player, so if I have to support a character I don't care about as much to get the resources needed to promote the characters I do like, then so be it. 

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35 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

How to meme in spoiler;

  Hide contents

Pro tips on how to meme (or joke):

When you're meming, make sure the meme is particularly pointed out as much as possible (but not too excessive) or just hidden in plain sight.

Plain sight method: basically when you're making a reference or some sort of joke when talking about something without drawing particular attention to it, like how I call Eliwood smelliwood, or Eldigan smelldigan. No caps, no bold, no nothing. You just say it, it's funny, if people miss it, oh well!

Pointed out method: now when you're meming or joking with this method, you want to put your reference out there, but tactics may vary depending on word/meme/reference length. For example: 

  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents


Bold just makes it look serious, like you actually mean it. When you're putting it in a spoiler, people who don't know what exactly you're referencing will realize that it's some sort of joke and maybe even laugh. And then of course, the "skip the ad and get straight to the point" method. Just post the flipping thing!

Also, strike through is your friend! Seriously!

I agree that the voting gauntlets are supposed to be fun, but some people really just want to play the game and get ahead. Now, I'm not gonna run around and say bandwagoning is bad or anything. Even if I do it is subtextually disguised under me insulting/joking about (band wagon character). People can do what they want! No matter how hard I advocate for Minerva, we're still going to got mollywhopped. 

I just do it for keks.

It is just a game after all!

Well, honestly speaking, I feel like there is nothing wrong with bandwagoning (Heck, I'm almost considering it due to a lack of investment in anyone besides maybe Cordelia here) but it also feels like such people lose out on the true enjoyment of the Voting Gauntlet. Sure, they'll probably get a tad bit more feathers due to being secured free wins, but I feel that those small amount of feathers (Like, 1000-1500 more at the very most?) are rather insignificant compared to the enjoyment and fun that can be derived from supporting your favorite character. Heck, I wasn't even on Team Chrom or Team Ephraim, but even I found myself rather jealous of those people that could take part in such a close match-up for their favorite characters. There's also a certain feeling of pride one can feel from championing their favorite hero to victory (or defeat), and there's also a sense of satisfaction in seeing them win when you weren't sure if they could. In fact, if a Voting Gauntlet with Lord Tiki or Ninian ever shows up, I will personally join them no matter what, even if it's the whole damn universe against them. Doesn't matter if they're facing Ike/Lyn at the same time; I will support them just because I personally want them to know I got their backs. (Yes I know they're fictional characters, don't judge)

So yeah, I respect people like you that join their favorite characters even if you aren't sure that they can win the entire thing. In fact, I'm almost jealous because of how you get to champion characters that you clearly like a lot. I don't think I can get too into the Voting Gauntlet this time, but do know that I'll be rooting for people like you. In fact, I actually kind of want to see Mineva win just so she can be paired up against Cherche, even if this match-up is incredibly unlikely. 

Edited by Ryu Yuki
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2 hours ago, chirp said:

Er, a voting contest should be in principle won by the largest bandwagon, don't you think ?

Join the Minerva bandwagon!

13 minutes ago, Kiran said:

But say I didn't like Minerva.

Argument needs work. This is not a logical possibility in the universe. Please limit all logical suppositions to statements that could, theoretically, be true. Everyone likes Minerva, and that's a necessary logical feature of the universe. Any universe where people might conceivably not like Minerva is one that's broken beyond repair and should be discarded.

6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

No matter how hard I advocate for Minerva, we're still going to got mollywhopped.

Psh, lies, lies, we are going to win handily! It will be pure Minerva domination from start to finish. In fact, every match not featuring Minerva will just be a draw, because everyone will be on Team Minerva and no one will be on any other team. We're going to smack Camilla so hard, her boobs will spin and clap behind her.

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7 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

So yeah, I respect people like you that join their favorite characters even if you aren't sure that they can win the entire thing.

Oh wow :^_^:

No one's ever said anything this nice about me before! Seriously though, nobody I'm glad you agree with me. If it's a game let it be fun. No more curb-stomping battles, more nail-biting battles!

3 minutes ago, Astellius said:

We're going to smack Camilla so hard, her boobs will spin and clap behind her.

I cant be the only one trying to imagine what that is supposed to look like. 

Not entirely sure how I feel about this post.

Yay? I guess?

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@Falcom Thank you for putting into words (well, more words) what I've been feeling for a while. I have no issues with people who genuinely like Camilla voting for her, but it just feels underhanded to know that a big reason certain characters win is because people are easily bribed by a handful of feathers. This bothers me in particular because I feel that when a voting gauntlet event like this becomes so one-sided that there's barely any point competing, it's not really any fun for anyone and completely defeats the purpose of holding one in the first place. The only ones that really have any kind of excuse are the ones who don't care at all about a single one of the participants, and I don't expect this rant to convince anyone, but I do wish those people would instead rally behind the underdogs because then there's the possibility of a closer, more fun competition rather than a steamroll that people barely even log on for. 

Of course, I have no right to dictate how others play the game (not that I ever actually had any control over that), but it's just awfully upsetting to see greedy or apathetic hordes stomp all over the intent and spirit of these events. 

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One thing I find funny is that people claim that they join the clear winner in order to get more feathers, but while that might be true for the last round, I saw people on losing team earn a lot of feathers for minimal flag investments since so much people disregarded said character when people on the winning side got barely any since they couldn't rank high enough.

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So I'm going in supporting Palla because my Palla in heroes has done fairly well. When she inevitably loses I'll probably switch to Cordelia. I'm hoping for something like Ephraim vs Chrom in this gauntlet because that was awesome to be a part of. Too bad Haar isn't in the game yet because I would've went with him.

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16 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

@Falcom Of course, I have no right to dictate how others play the game (not that I ever actually had any control over that), but it's just awfully upsetting to see greedy or apathetic hordes stomp all over the intent and spirit of these events.

Sheesh. When I was reading this I felt like I was watching Supa Hot burn houses down.

I wouldn't say greedy or apathetic 

I'd say "We just wanna play the fricking game and get our feathers". But it does kind of douse the competitiveness towards the end, when you know who's gonna win the final battle.

Edited by Arcanite
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16 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I cant be the only one trying to imagine what that is supposed to look like. 

Some visual aid:


Except with boobs of course.


Holy wtf Batman, I had to dig through a whole bunch of weird internet crap to find an acceptable source to make this gif... Oh the weird things people do in their underwear...

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18 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I legit dislike Camilla the most out of all of the characters in this gauntlet, so she is the absolute lowest priority for me.

That said, I'm not sure why Camilla was even included in the gauntlet to begin with, considering how popular she is. It's like including Lucina in a gauntlet where no one else is close to her popularity, and putting her against untested new lord Sharena in round 1.

I also do think that it's weird why she is included but I think it's because there are only 2 wyvern knights from Conquest in this game. So I'm also not surprised.

20 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

I'm still mulling it over, but I may very well base my decisions on how I can maximize my feather payout this time around.  Unfortunately, I do not have the characters I'd be most interested in supporting, those being Hinoka, and to a lesser extent Cordelia and Minerva.  As such, I would miss out on the 10% increase to points for using those characters, and my overall and army ranks will suffer as a result.  Feathers are relatively scarce for a F2P player, so if I have to support a character I don't care about as much to get the resources needed to promote the characters I do like, then so be it. 

Well I didn't have Ephraim nor do I have Cordelia, yet I still voted for them. I have a Minerva, but I ain't interested in supporting her team unless my team loses. But I understand what you're trying to say.

26 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Well, honestly speaking, I feel like there is nothing wrong with bandwagoning (Heck, I'm almost considering it due to a lack of investment in anyone besides maybe Cordelia here) but it also feels like such people lose out on the true enjoyment of the Voting Gauntlet. Sure, they'll probably get a tad bit more feathers due to being secured free wins, but I feel that those small amount of feathers (Like, 1000-1500 more at the very most?) are rather insignificant compared to the enjoyment and fun that can be derived from supporting your favorite character. Heck, I wasn't even on Team Chrom or Team Ephraim, but even I found myself rather jealous of those people that could take part in such a close match-up for their favorite characters. There's also a certain feeling of pride one can feel from championing their favorite hero to victory (or defeat), and there's also a sense of satisfaction in seeing them win when you weren't sure if they could. In fact, if a Voting Gauntlet with Lord Tiki or Ninian ever shows up, I will personally join them no matter what, even if it's the whole damn universe against them. Doesn't matter if they're facing Ike/Lyn at the same time; I will support them just because I personally want them to know I got their backs. (Yes I know they're fictional characters, don't judge)

So yeah, I respect people like you that join their favorite characters even if you aren't sure that they can win the entire thing. In fact, I'm almost jealous because of how you get to champion characters that you clearly like a lot. I don't think I can get too into the Voting Gauntlet this time, but do know that I'll be rooting for people like you. In fact, I actually kind of want to see Mineva win just so she can be paired up against Cherche, even if this match-up is incredibly unlikely. 

I feel like you described what I was trying to say in a much better way. XD
But I'm glad you get what I'm trying to say.

57 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I agree that the voting gauntlets are supposed to be fun, but some people really just want to play the game and get ahead. Now, I'm not gonna run around and say bandwagoning is bad or anything. Even if I do it is subtextually disguised under me insulting/joking about (band wagon character). People can do what they want! No matter how hard I advocate for Minerva, we're still going to got mollywhopped. 

I just do it for keks.

It is just a game after all!

Yeah that's fine. I'm just worried someone might take your advocating a bit too seriously. XD

9 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

@Falcom Thank you for putting into words (well, more words) what I've been feeling for a while. I have no issues with people who genuinely like Camilla voting for her, but it just feels underhanded to know that a big reason certain characters win is because people are easily bribed by a handful of feathers. This bothers me in particular because I feel that when a voting gauntlet event like this becomes so one-sided that there's barely any point competing, it's not really any fun for anyone and completely defeats the purpose of holding one in the first place. The only ones that really have any kind of excuse are the ones who don't care at all about a single one of the participants, and I don't expect this rant to convince anyone, but I do wish those people would instead rally behind the underdogs because then there's the possibility of a closer, more fun competition rather than a steamroll that people barely even log on for. 

Of course, I have no right to dictate how others play the game (not that I ever actually had any control over that), but it's just awfully upsetting to see greedy or apathetic hordes stomp all over the intent and spirit of these events. 

Exactly. And yeah, this is just my thoughts on this whole thing. Never intended to convince anyone, rather I want to know what others feel about it. But I do think you are a bit harsh on the whole greedy/apathetic hordes. Some people might not care about any of the characters. And since the voting gauntlet is a VERY good way to earn feathers. I wouldn't be surprised that they would focus more on that.

1 minute ago, LuxSpes said:

One thing I find funny is that people claim that they join the clear winner in order to get more feathers, but while that might be true for the last round, I saw people on losing team earn a lot of feathers for minimal flag investments since so much people disregarded said character when people on the winning side got barely any since they couldn't rank high enough.

Well I mean if you want to interpret my message as, "Hey, everyone who wants more feathers shouldn't join the clear winner. Come to the losing team since you climb ranks easier," then by all means do so. But then if that's the case, it might reach the point where it's easier to climb the ranks of the popular character over the underdog. Which, is rather weird since it becomes clear that so many people actually are in it for the feathers. I fear one day it might actually happen.

Welp, I think I derailed the thread long enough. You guys can go back to advocating/discussing/whatever random stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Some visual aid:


Except with boobs of course.

  Reveal hidden contents

Holy wtf Batman, I had to dig through a whole bunch of weird internet crap to find an acceptable source to make this gif... Oh the weird things people do in their underwear...

Again, not sure of the appropriate response to this one.


5 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Yeah that's fine. I'm just worried someone might take your advocating a bit too seriously. XD

Psh, what? They know I'm foolin around lol. It's not like I'm sending death threats or anything heh heh


could though.


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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

I legit dislike Camilla the most out of all of the characters in this gauntlet, so she is the absolute lowest priority for me.

That said, I'm not sure why Camilla was even included in the gauntlet to begin with, considering how popular she is. It's like including Lucina in a gauntlet where no one else is close to her popularity, and putting her against untested new lord Sharena in round 1.

Well I see it kind of like they did matching characters from each of the games in a certain category.

Princess of Nohr/Hoshido

Camilla & Hinoka


Beruka & Subaki

(Former) Macedonian Warriors

Minerva & Palla


Cherche & Cordelia

I know some of these might not be exactly what they were going for, but If I had to guess, it was something similar to this.  Camilla and Hinoka were two mainish characters in Fates.  If they were to include any of the flyers from the game it would be those two, sorry Beruka and Subaki.  If they were to take Camilla out, who would be the matching character to Hinoka?  It makes sense in why she was chosen, though many of the flying units don't stand much of a chance against her.

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6 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Exactly. And yeah, this is just my thoughts on this whole thing. Never intended to convince anyone, rather I want to know what others feel about it. But I do think you are a bit harsh on the whole greedy/apathetic hordes. Some people might not care about any of the characters. And since the voting gauntlet is a VERY good way to earn feathers. I wouldn't be surprised that they would focus more on that.

You're right; I probably should have chosen less combative words. Though, "might not care about any of the characters" is the same thing as "apathetic". I'm not necessarily saying they're wrong in going for feathers if they don't care about anyone. I'm simply expressing my disappointment that the event as a whole is influenced a lot more by feathers than the characters themselves, it seems like, or at least a lot moreso than I think should be the case. That's both the fault of the developers who implemented this specific reward system but also the players who take advantage of it, but either way I feel the event suffers for it. 

In any case, I'm done derailing this thread. I just needed to get this off my chest. 

Alternatively, we could take the thread in the direction of "well what solutions do you have for the current system?" In which case I'd propose lowering the feather reward of being on the winning team and increasing the feather reward for ranking, which should serve to balance things out some more. 

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While I understand complaints/people's stances on players jumping on bandwagons despite liking other units, (Don't quite think it works without that last part though)  I do think it is rather prone to going a bit too far or at least appearing that way. (Of course I'm pretty sure a good amount of that is intentional exaggeration, meme art, certain posters which I hope isn't overstepping, ect) Mainly in regards to assuming things about other people. I also think there are/could be more factors involved in how the gauntlet works than I see people address.  

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