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New banner revealed: World of Radiance!


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7 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

Well I'm happy. Ike's the only one I'm really impressed with so far, but you never know.

Only thing I don't really like is Ike being called the strongest hero. Seems a bit too much in terms of shilling.

I think it was also done in the dlc of awakening actually. While I get the sentiment, I feel like Ike gets archieves more feats in his game that any other hero, as he is forced to duel the Black knight, one of the strongest warriors of his time, and deal the final blow to Ashera, a literal god.

While you can let other characters acomplish more in other games (like Seth soloing the sacred stones story), none of it is considered canon, while Ike's feats are.

Then again, I'm an Ike fanboy, so take evrything I say with a grain of salt.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

They needed someone to put Watersweep on and Soren was the only character they could put it on where it made sense from a gameplay perspective. Probably.

Now I wonder... will we get an Earthsweep?

They could've waited for Celica's banner. There are so many mages in her party, one could've get it. Why Soren. Why IS/Nintendo/whoever.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It just occured to me. Soren's skill in Heroes prevents him from doubling. Soren's skill in his actual games let him attack additional times.


i thought this exact same thing when I realized he had that skill

really weird that he'd have that, and it doesn't seem too useful either, so I think I might switch it out for something else

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Just now, unique said:

i thought this exact same thing when I realized he had that skill

really weird that he'd have that, and it doesn't seem too useful either, so I think I might switch it out for something else

Watersweep on a mage at least makes sense in the fact that they're the sort of target's who'll hit back- but I do think I'd prefer a mage not being hit by bows and daggers instead.

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If you look closely at Ike, he takes his stance from Path of Radiance and Smash. Its just when he is about to attack before he says his line. That's a nice touch.

The art for these characters are amazing. Except Mist. Mist looks weird IMO. Also congrats @Anacybele! You finally got your wish.

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6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I think it was also done in the dlc of awakening actually. While I get the sentiment, I feel like Ike gets archieves more feats in his game that any other hero, as he is forced to duel the Black knight, one of the strongest warriors of his time, and deal the final blow to Ashera, a literal god.

While you can let other characters acomplish more in other games (like Seth soloing the sacred stones story), none of it is considered canon, while Ike's feats are.

Then again, I'm an Ike fanboy, so take evrything I say with a grain of salt.

Well he beats the Black Knight in their second fight, but he only survived their first fight because the Black Knight let him win and if you wanna bring killing Gods into this, Alm, Chrom/Robin, Lucina (Future Past) and Corrin have all done the same.

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41 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

I'm going to laugh if Tana is revealed late enough that I'm asleep for it.

Does anyone else have an obsession vested interest in a currently unreleased character?

L'Arachel, Moulder, Amelia, Vanessa, Reina, Shiro, Midori, Walhart, Genny, Rudolf, Mamori, Itsuki, Kiria, Tsubasa, Touma, Ellie, Yashiro, Barry, F!Morgan, Noire, Pent, Louise, Hugh, Lugh, Canas, Oliver, Ashnard, Garon, Hardin, Nergal, Idenn, Arvis, Ishtar, Kempf, Malice, Katarina, Kris, Kent, Sain, Saul, Norne, Neimi, Innes, Tana, Myrrh, Ross, Larum, Dheginsea, Ena, Aran, Ellen and Laura. 

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Just now, Lord-Zero said:

L'Arachel, Moulder, Amelia, Vanessa, Reina, Shiro, Midori, Walhart, Genny, Rudolf, Mamori, Itsuki, Pent, Louise, Hugh, Lugh, Canas, Oliver, Ashnard, Garon, Hardin, Nergal, Idenn, Arvis, Ishtar, Kempf, Malice, Katarina, Kris, Kent, Sain, Saul, Norne, Neimi, Innes, Tana, Myrrh, Ross, Larum, Dheginsea, Ena, Aran, Ellen and Laura. 

Wow, no Sigurd?

I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential with all the villains in the series. But considering the villains are basically exclusive to GHBs so far, we're gonna be waiting a while it seems.

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1 minute ago, Mortarion said:

I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential with all the villains in the series. But considering the villains are basically exclusive to GHBs so far, we're gonna be waiting a while it seems.

Eldigan and Reinhardt weren't playable, Robin and Navarre were.

Though yes, I do see villains erring to the duel-to-first-blood method of recruitment in the future, now that some of the obvious ones are out of the way.

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

Eldigan and Reinhardt weren't playable, Robin and Navarre were.

Though yes, I do see villains erring to the duel-to-first-blood method of recruitment in the future, now that some of the obvious ones are out of the way.

Are we counting Eldigan as a villain? He's an ally in one chapter and you only fight him if he doesn't confront Chagal. Reinhardt I'll admit I completely forgot about, but I did say mostly, no?

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1 minute ago, Mortarion said:

Are we counting Eldigan as a villain? He's an ally in one chapter and you only fight him if he doesn't confront Chagal. Reinhardt I'll admit I completely forgot about, but I did say mostly, no?

A good point, but my exact wording appears to be 'Eldigan was never playable'.

Reinhardt theoretically demonstrates that at least the sympathetic villains might turn up in the lottery pool, were it not for Camus messing that up. If we get more random villain draws, I expect they'll be characters like Selena and Levail.

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29 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

Wow, no Sigurd?

I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential with all the villains in the series. But considering the villains are basically exclusive to GHBs so far, we're gonna be waiting a while it seems.

Oops, I knew I forgot someone. Out of all those villains, I think Garon will pop up in a banner while a second Garon would appear in a GHB due to his appearances as a manakete and as an axe user. 

@Arthur97Even if Ike himself ends up being a worse Chrom, he's still valuable for his Aether and Heavy Blade skills.

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2 hours ago, FallenVanguard said:

Christina Vee is a goddess who redeems it. Her writing is all right in Heroes, but I don't like her art. Also a massive shame that she was made into a healer when she could have been so many other things.

I'll grant you her VA being good, at the least.

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2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

A good point, but my exact wording appears to be 'Eldigan was never playable'.

Reinhardt theoretically demonstrates that at least the sympathetic villains might turn up in the lottery pool, were it not for Camus messing that up. If we get more random villain draws, I expect they'll be characters like Selena and Levail.

Unplayable ≠ Villain, but I see your point.

1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

Oops, I knew I forgot someone. Out of all those villains, I think Garon will pop up in a banner while a second Garon would appear in a GHB due to his appearances as a manakete and as an axe user. 

Garon seems likely, but what about Gangrel, Walhart, Yen'fay and Aversa? Seems like the villains who were actually playable would be a good place to start.

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2 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

Well he beats the Black Knight in their second fight, but he only survived their first fight because the Black Knight let him win and if you wanna bring killing Gods into this, Alm, Chrom/Robin, Lucina (Future Past) and Corrin have all done the same.

I could make the argument that those are dragons, but I guess those are pretty much the same thing in fire emblem lore, so let's not go there. I feel the story of PoR/RD builds Ike up as a powerful warrior a bit more then is done for other main characters who get similar feats, though I admit I haven't Alm's games yet. In the end that's just my interpetation though.


1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

Oops, I knew I forgot someone. Out of all those villains, I think Garon will pop up in a banner while a second Garon would appear in a GHB due to his appearances as a manakete and as an axe user. 

I somewhat doubt they would give Garon multiple appearances for a while.

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Just now, Arcanite said:

@Anacybele Did you see this?

I'm pretty hype for Ike (Of course)!

Built in sword breaker seems a little busted ha ha

Not really built in- he just has it on him.

Which makes him more along the lines of Klein or Tharja, who like their default skills anyway.

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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

I could make the argument that those are dragons, but I guess those are pretty much the same thing in fire emblem lore, so let's not go there. I feel the story of PoR/RD builds Ike up as a powerful warrior a bit more then is done for other main characters who get similar feats, though I admit I haven't Alm's games yet. In the end that's just my interpetation though.

Kind of? I mean, if we're talking about story build-up I'm honestly more impressed by Sigurd than anyone else, and he's the most powerful lord in the whole series gameplay wise as well.


2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

@Anacybele Did you see this?

I'm pretty hype for Ike (Of course)!

Built in sword breaker seems a little busted ha ha

I think it's gonna depend on his stats more than anything else. I see him winding up with an Alm/Corrin-esque stat spread, which won't do him any favours.

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Well I will do one or two pulls to see who I get, but I am waiting for Jill and Zihark.  I am glad this finally came out though since Ike is very popular. 

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Ike being the only Red Unit in the new banner makes him pretty likely to be obtained. Same for Mist, as she's the only Healer in it. Soren and Titania are gonna be harder to get, for the sole fact that they are both Green Units (I say that, but I have two Green 5-Stars, Hawkeye and Merric).

Now, the question is, can I get Ike? Or Mist, Soren, or Titania. I summoned a few times from the SoV Banner and failed to get a single Focus. I hope that changes here.

I will say i'm surprised Elincia isn't in the banner, considering she's pretty big in the Tellius series. Maybe they are saving her for the Radiant Dawn banner.


On a side-note, a couple of you talked about how Lachesis' Heroes desgin was bad. Am I the only one who doesn't mind her Heroes desgin?

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@Mortarion: It's quite possible especially with Walhart and Aversa. 


@Bartozio: I'm fine with just getting at least one Garon especially if he's an armored axe user in Heroes. Get him, Zephiel and Hardin and you'd have a nice team of "evil" armored royalty. 

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