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Voting Gauntlet: War of the Clerics


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Damn, did Lachesis get a second multiplier when I was having my wisdom teeth out? I managed to make it to the first one, but I still have 800 flags left.

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2 minutes ago, The_antithesis said:

So... It's basically a 50/50 shot. Everyone on team Lachesis, stop using flags!

Keep using them, you're clearly not getting another multiplier! Might as well get a higher score while you can.

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5 minutes ago, The_antithesis said:

So... It's basically a 50/50 shot. Everyone on team Lachesis, stop using flags!

That's about where I'm at. I have 400 flags saved up for the last hour in case we do get that multiplier and I'm not battling at all until then. If we don't get the multiplier I guess I can just use them in round 3.

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27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

A win is a win if the rules say it's a win. Simple as that, really.

Unless if certain parts of the rules of the event are at complete odds with the entire point of the event. The whole point I'm trying to make here is that if the gauntlet is supposed to primarily be a popularity contest (and again, it is implied that IS views it as one to some degree with the wording they choose to use in the event notification), then the multiplier mechanic completely ruins the point of it as it can potentially allow for less popular characters to win over characters they have no business challenging, let alone winning outright over.

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So, it looks like Lissa's crashing out, and Lachesis too (Well, it looks like it so far)

I have neither Priscilla or Elise. So from a Heroes perspective, I can swing either way. Unless Lissa turns it around, I'm a swing vote.

(Let's be honest, if I did account for other games, I've kinda swung to Elise lately. I blame gameplay monstrosity and being just an adorable little sister. I mean, Priscilla has the more interesting background, but she's kinda disappointing in combat in practice (Surprising me to be honest) and she got the Lachesis slap. So, both sides have a shot.)

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The way I see the addition of a multiplier, the Voting Gauntlet went from "who's the most popular character" to "which character has the best fans". Or... something of the sort that basically means going from quantity to quality. I'm not against this, cause at the end of the day, its aim is to make the competition more balanced, along with giving lesser known characters a bit more recognition, apart from randomly obtaining said character. Maybe it did diminish one original aspect of the contest, but as things were--most notably the 2nd gauntlet--it wasn't even a competition. For the sake of the sport of competition, popularity had to be nerfed

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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Unless if certain parts of the rules of the event are at complete odds with the entire point of the event. The whole point I'm trying to make here is that if the gauntlet is supposed to primarily be a popularity contest (and again, it is implied that IS views it as one to some degree with the wording they choose to use in the event notification), then the multiplier mechanic completely ruins the point of it as it can potentially allow for less popular characters to win over characters they have no business challenging, let alone winning outright over.

Voting Gauntlet is first and foremost a game mode and secondly a popularity contest.

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2 minutes ago, Motendra said:

The way I see the addition of a multiplier, the Voting Gauntlet went from "who's the most popular character" to "which character has the best fans". Or... something of the sort that basically means going from quantity to quality. I'm not against this, cause at the end of the day, its aim is to make the competition more balanced, along with giving lesser known characters a bit more recognition, apart from randomly obtaining said character. Maybe it did diminish one original aspect of the contest, but as things were--most notably the 2nd gauntlet--it wasn't even a competition. For the sake of the sport of competition, popularity had to be nerfed

So if the numbers shake out that Lachesis gets a multiplier in the last hour that makes her fans "better?" While if Elise holds on (by not getting too many points) her fans are "better?" That seems absurd on its face. Maybe if there were a way to coordinate teams that would almost be arguable, but with the number of people participating, the vast majority of whom are never in contact with a larger community, when the bonuses come is just dumb luck. The most active players can observe the patterns and trends, but can't manipulate them.

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18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Voting Gauntlet is first and foremost a game mode and secondly a popularity contest.

That's entirely subjective though. Just because you think that's it is a game mode before a popularity contest doesn't mean the guys at IS who came up with this idea share the same sentiment. Even if it is a game mode before a popularity contest, that still means it is a popularity contest to some degree. As such, the winner should not be anyone except the one who is the most popular. I just really don't like how with the way the gauntlet is now that the winner in a given match can be decided by whether or not the handicap mechanic comes into play in the final hour(s). Also, just for reference, they use the term "special event" to define what the voting gauntlet is in the in-game explanation of it.

Edited by Tybrosion
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1 hour ago, Thane said:

So uh, Lissa is losing to Priscilla (literally who?) by just a little bit. Do you wait and hope for multipliers or do you just burn flags now?

There's not going to be another multiplier, that's statistically certain. Right now, for the multiplier to trigger, Lissa would need about 750 million less votes than Priscilla. Currently, the gap is 132 million, and Priscilla earns more votes per hour, usually in the range of 10-15 million more. Basically, in order for the multiplier to trigger again, Lissa would need to start getting 0 points per hour, and Priscilla would have to start putting in more effort than she has been for the past couple hours.

So basically either save your flags for the final round, or burn them now if you want to improve your ranking in Lissa's army and/or strive to fight to the very end.

30 minutes ago, Thane said:

No! I refuse to believe Lissa has lost! It shall be the Americans who decide the fate of this gauntlet in the final hour. I have not lost hope in you yet! Come on, you freedom-loving bastards, vote for Lissa!

Americans shall decide the fate, eh? *continues casting American votes for the fair Lady Priscilla*

27 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Ahem, even I as a die-hard Awakening fan sees the writing on the wall. It may be time for a Yllisean-Elibean alliance.

Agree! 'Twas a good fight, and Lady Priscilla admires the valor shown by the noble warriors of Yllise. All would be most welcome in our ranks! We would do well to unite in order to overcome the most formidable foe in the finals...!

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10 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Also, just for reference, they use the term "special event" to define what the voting gauntlet is in the in-game explanation of it.

That's entirely semantics. You and I both know that this special event is a game mode (just like Tempest Trials). Those two are by no means mutually exclusive.


12 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

That's entirely subjective though.

No, it's not.

This is a game, and Voting Gauntlet is a game mode in the game. It needs to function as a game mode before it needs to function as a popularity contest.


14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Just because you think that's it is a game mode before a popularity contest doesn't mean the guys at IS who came up with this idea share the same sentiment.

One, I can use this exact same logic back to you.

Two, if this were supposed to function as a popularity context before it is supposed to function as a game mode, it would be designed to guarantee the most popular character wins. The fact that it doesn't contradicts the assumption that it functions as a popularity contest first and foremost, proving the assumption false. (This is exactly how proof by contradiction works in mathematics.)


3 minutes ago, Res said:

Sigh, I keep accidentally selecting my wrong team and fighting with the wrong character.

I know that feel. I'm training Clarisse in the downtime and keep forgetting to switch back to my Elise team.

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"Voting Gauntlet was advertised as bring primarily a popularity contest" does not necessarily mean "Voting Gauntlet is supposed to be primarily a popularity contest".  Sometimes advertising is misleading or just wrong. But I would say if that's the case, it's a problem with the advertising, not with the mechanics.

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1 minute ago, Beddlam said:

So if the numbers shake out that Lachesis gets a multiplier in the last hour that makes her fans "better?" While if Elise holds on (by not getting too many points) her fans are "better?" That seems absurd on its face. Maybe if there were a way to coordinate teams that would almost be arguable, but with the number of people participating, the vast majority of whom are never in contact with a larger community, when the bonuses come is just dumb luck. The most active players can observe the patterns and trends, but can't manipulate them.

Perhaps I worded that incorrectly, as I used the terms "best/better" rather loosely. Maybe devoted would have sufficed, but otherwise, Ice Dragon more or less summed it up

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54 minutes ago, Raven said:

Kids these days.

I've played through the game but...what does she even do? Besides being Raven's sister?

24 minutes ago, Astellius said:

There's not going to be another multiplier, that's statistically certain. Right now, for the multiplier to trigger, Lissa would need about 750 million less votes than Priscilla. Currently, the gap is 132 million, and Priscilla earns more votes per hour, usually in the range of 10-15 million more. Basically, in order for the multiplier to trigger again, Lissa would need to start getting 0 points per hour, and Priscilla would have to start putting in more effort than she has been for the past couple hours.

So basically either save your flags for the final round, or burn them now if you want to improve your ranking in Lissa's army and/or strive to fight to the very end.

Can't I just shout cheesy anime clichés and turn the tide at the very last minute?

25 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Americans shall decide the fate, eh? *continues casting American votes for the fair Lady Priscilla*

First Trump and now this.

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2 minutes ago, Thane said:

I've played through the game but...what does she even do? Besides being Raven's sister?

Can't I just shout cheesy anime clichés and turn the tide at the very last minute?

First Trump and now this.

Well, if I'm playing she stays next to Erk almost the entire game because supports take forever.

Yay, politics.

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1 hour ago, Thane said:

No! I refuse to believe Lissa has lost! It shall be the Americans who decide the fate of this gauntlet in the final hour. I have not lost hope in you yet! Come on, you freedom-loving bastards, vote for Lissa!

I'm an American. I'm for Priscilla.

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3 minutes ago, Thane said:

I've played through the game but...what does she even do? Besides being Raven's sister?

I get your complaint. The Cornwall and Caerleon things could have been handled better- it's too abstract (as in it is in no way whatsoever related to the main plot) and a little blurry between what OswinxPris says (I don't even understand what Oswin's last lines mean) and RavenxLucius does.

Priscilla is a fair noble lady with a brother fondness, but lacks much else to her. Mild, she can come off as bland (a problem other heal girls in FE have shared in). Her redeeming feature is being the lone horse healer in FE7, with comparable stats to Serra and a better magic type. She also has a decent design, or at least a rememberable one due to the oddity that is a pair of Speedwings on her head (I'd rather give them to Marcus).

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15 minutes ago, Thane said:

I've played through the game but...what does she even do? Besides being Raven's sister?

Being the only mounted healer in the game and having sad love stories I guess? I think those are pretty rare among playable characters in FE though.

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Hm... I really regret being in Lissa's team - the round's incredibly boring with the lack of mid-to-lategame multipliers. Should've been in Lachesis's, not having Lachesis herself be damned.

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@Ice Dragon, *sigh* you win. All of what I've been saying has just been fueled by my frustration towards the inclusion of the multiplier mechanic as well as the decision to double down on it for this gauntlet. I know all lot of people weren't, but I was perfectly fine with how the gauntlet was the first two times but then they decided to add what I see as a mechanic that adds an element of randomness and luck, which I don't like at all. I suppose my main problem here is that I personally don't adapt well to changes, especially if I don't agree with them.

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Well I've spent this entire round stockpiling my flags to dump on hopefully a high score in the final round. RIP team Lissa it was a good if brief run, and I'm going to attribute finally summoning Chrom as reward for backing his sister. Hooray! 

I'll be at work for the end of this round so I guess I'll at least have the inevitable chaos to look forward to getting caught up on on the bus ride home. 

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