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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm hopeful people will tail off when they hit 100k, like they did last time... but with it being easier, I'm not so confident. Oh well. Not so many feathers for me this time. I'm still only at just under 40k, so nowhere near levels of competing just yet. 

I'm going for 110.  Most people won't care after they get all their orbs.

Edited by Lushen
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Just now, Lushen said:

I'm going for 110.  Most people won't care after they get all their orbs.

That's my hope. I plan to get to 99k with my perfect team, and then run other teams from there to experiment, etc. But people might see they're close to X rank and decide to go for it... since that's what I'm like. But I haven't used any stamina potions yet. I can always do so :) 

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14 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This is what I'm talking about, you people are crazy. I'm at 60k and my rank went from 492 to 824 overnight. I'm not sure 100k will even be enough for top 5k at this rate.

100k wasn't enough for top 5k last time, was it?

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My list of people with maxed out HM is growing by quite a bit. I'm up to 13 people now, with Ike and Faye just about ready to max out, with over 1.9k each. Est and Hinoka both hit 1.6k+, and Sharena is sitting at 1.4k. I made Anna a 5* a few days ago, and she's already hit 800. She's pretty awesome with Noatun+Fury+Desperation, that warping action is awesome!

I think I need to start completing skillsets on some of my other 5* units. I've been fielding some of them, but some of them really struggle!

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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

I kind of don't want to invest time for Belinda's phone if it just ends up getting gimped by TT Hector. I rely a lot on Blazing Thunder.

How has it been with your experience regarding that matchup with inflated stats Hector?

Hector doesn't show up a lot on floor 7 which is where i usually pull out Rein. Usually he shows up when Celica is in play and I just remove him with Celica or Ruby Olivia.

I plugged in a +atk, -spd, db3 Reinhardt into KageroChart's calculator. Assuming an extra 5 res from TT's bullshit bonuses putting Hec's res at 24, no buffs can do 57 damage, +4 from a Hone atk can do 67, +6 from Hone Cav can do 70, +10 from Hone+Goad can do 78, and +14 from Hone+2Goad can do 88, so depends on the buffs your Rein has. A Hector on TT7 last time has 76 HP, so the lower floors should have less. I run Rein with 1 hone cav on TT when I do pull up his team, so doing 70 with Dragon Fang up should suffice.

That being said Blazing Thunder is probably fine. In arena I don't like it for fighting Hec since it triggers Vantage and then I just die, but TT B skills tends to be more random and the chances of vantage Hec isn't too high.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Every time people talk about how many characters they've maxed out Hero Merit for, it makes me feel like such a slacker. I only have six characters with maxed out Hero Merit (and only five others above 1,000). What have I been doing with my life? I have brought dishonor to my family.


2 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Hector doesn't show up a lot on floor 7 which is where i usually pull out Rein. Usually he shows up when Celica is in play and I just remove him with Celica or Ruby Olivia.

There isn't a spawn point for an armored opponent in map 7 in the first place.

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11 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Hector doesn't show up a lot on floor 7 which is where i usually pull out Rein. Usually he shows up when Celica is in play and I just remove him with Celica or Ruby Olivia.

The spawns in map 7 for this TT are the following:


2 ranged (bows/knives/tomes) infantry units

1 melee (sword/axe/lance) cavalier

1 melee infantry unit (sword/axe/lance/dragonbreath - can be a dancer!)

Edited by Roflolxp54
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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Every time people talk about how many characters they've maxed out Hero Merit for, it makes me feel like such a slacker. I only have six characters with maxed out Hero Merit (and only five others above 1,000). What have I been doing with my life? I have brought dishonor to my family.

I don't know the exact numbers, but I think I'm actually in a similar boat.

I don't bother with trying to feed other units Hero Merit for a difficult challenge- I put a lot of work into making Nino and Linde, and they will give me victories, max merit be damned.

(I would like another dancer for more Merit, though. Olivia's maxed.)

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1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Not exactly crazy when stamina potions are basically being given away like candy.~ And I have over 110 stamina potions before this Tempest Trials started and I still haven't dropped below 110. I also had to buy 2 stamina potions with Nintendo Platinum Points since some of those points were about to expire by the end of this month.

You can have all the stamina potions in the world. It still doesn't mean it doesn't take hours and hours to grind to 100k. I'm burning around 2 to 5 99 counts of stamina each day with consistent A/B runs with an occasional A/C and A/A run. Doing pretty well I might add but some of you people are crazy. Even if I was getting consistent A/A runs with Azura/Reinhardt/etc. I'd only be around 67-70k with my current performance.

1 hour ago, Cute Chao said:

I'm hopeful people will tail off when they hit 100k, like they did last time... but with it being easier, I'm not so confident. Oh well. Not so many feathers for me this time. I'm still only at just under 40k, so nowhere near levels of competing just yet. 

After 100k people will probably drop off. 110k round about will probably be a pretty safe place for the top 1000, but you never know. This TT is easier and people are stronger than last month.

100k wasn't enough for top 5k last time, was it?

 Nope @Othin I was at 101k and was in the 6000s.

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5 minutes ago, Zeo said:

You can have all the stamina potions in the world. It still doesn't mean it doesn't take hours and hours to grind to 100k. I'm burning around 2 to 5 99 counts of stamina each day with consistent A/B runs with an occasional A/C and A/A run. Doing pretty well I might add but some of you people are crazy. Even if I was getting consistent A/A runs with Azura/Reinhardt/etc. I'd only be around 67-70k with my current performance.

After 100k people will probably drop off. 110k round about will probably be a pretty safe place for the top 1000, but you never know. This TT is easier and people are stronger than last month.

 Nope @Othin I was at 101k and was in the 6000s.

Really... then I don't know if I'll get my 6000 feather rank...

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Just hit 20k so I'll be settling with just the Res +1 seal for the evening.

21 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Every time people talk about how many characters they've maxed out Hero Merit for, it makes me feel like such a slacker. I only have six characters with maxed out Hero Merit (and only five others above 1,000). What have I been doing with my life? I have brought dishonor to my family.

Tfw I have more max HMs than Mega Wishiwashi

I only have 10 at max HM, and 4 of those units just got theirs within the past week or so. Free feathers!

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26 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

There isn't a spawn point for an armored opponent in map 7 in the first place.


22 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:


2 ranged (bows/knives/tomes) infantry units

1 melee (sword/axe/lance) cavalier

1 melee infantry unit (sword/axe/lance/dragonbreath - can be a dancer!)

Figures why I don't see him up there then. What's the highest level for armor spawn? The 76 HP hector metric I used was from the first tempest.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

I'll be stealing this for my next run, thank you very much. I run Moonbow currently but it's a bit wasted with Quick Pulse.

I've found Quickened Pulse+Moonbow is great for taking out a couple enemies in the opening round.  There seem to be quite a few that get killed by Moonbow that aren't by just Dire Thunder.

2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Just hit 20k so I'll be settling with just the Res +1 seal for the evening.

Tfw I have more max HMs than Mega Wishiwashi

I only have 10 at max HM, and 4 of those units just got theirs within the past week or so. Free feathers!

I'm at 11, now.  3 are my Dancers, 3 are the remainder of my Tempest team this time, Eirika and Robin were on the Tempest team last time, the rest are Horse Emblem.

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5 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Just hit 20k so I'll be settling with just the Res +1 seal for the evening.

Tfw I have more max HMs than Mega Wishiwashi

I only have 10 at max HM, and 4 of those units just got theirs within the past week or so. Free feathers!

Looking at my Hero Merit list, it becomes pretty clear why my numbers are what they are:

  • Reinhardt (2,000): Reinhardt.
  • Fae (2,000): Part of my Tempest Trial 1 A Squad.
  • Ninian (2,000): Part of every team. Second to cap.
  • Nowi (2,000): Part of my dragon team.
  • Lucina (2,000): Part of my Tempest Trial 1 A Squad.
  • Elise (2,000): Part of every Training Tower team. First to cap.
  • Cecilia (1,675): Part of my Tempest Trial 2 A Squad.
  • Tharja (1,301): Part of my Tempest Trial 2 A Squad.
  • Eirika (1,225): Part of most Training Tower teams.
  • Tiki (Mystery) (1,071): Part of my dragon team.
  • Zephiel (1,041): The first armor after Hero Merit became a thing.


7 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

Figures why I don't see him up there then. What's the highest level for armor spawn?

I'm pretty sure the second to last map is the last one where an armor is allowed to spawn since none of the maps other than the last one to my knowledge have fixed spawn pools.

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I've maxed HM out on quite a few characters a this point. the TT floods my barracks with SP and HM. All maxed:

  • Lukas
  • Olivia
  • Soren
  • Wrys
  • Sakura
  • M!Marth
  • Nino
  • B!Cordelia
  • Faye
  • Kagero
  • Xander
  • B!Caeda

Athena is close with around 1800+ and Tharja's at 1200 from the last TT. I finished loading up my Cherche and I also have Effie now but I lack positioning skill fodder so neither of them are quite ready for the trials yet. I don't think I'll be getting any more HM from this event but there's always the CC now if I want to grind on lesser characters. All of my heavy hitters are maxed. Camus will probably max out pretty quickly once he's five-starred as well. 

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As of this evening, I now have 14 units who've maxed their merits with Alm and Leo being latest ones to cap thanks to these trials.

  • Alm
  • Camus
  • Effie
  • Eirika
  • Ephraim
  • Klein
  • Leo
  • Wish You Were Bridelia Instead Bride!Lyn
  • Ninian
  • Nino
  • Priscilla
  • Ryoma
  • Soren
  • Tharja

Units who are at least halfway there are Kagero (1,671), Camilla (1,640), Lukas (1,500), Maria (1,328), Eldigan (1,309), Zephiel (1,145), Lachesis (1,113) and Xander (1,078).

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Well, now I'm up to 15 now! I like using a lot of people on my roster in the TT, so that really contributes a lot. Since we're listing them...

  • Azura
  • Olivia
  • Reinhardt
  • Cecilia
  • Camus
  • Xander
  • Priscilla
  • Clarine
  • Tharja
  • Nino
  • Celica
  • Cherche
  • Masked Marth
  • Ike
  • Faye

Since Ike and Faye maxed out, I think I'll start using my 4* Boey on the starting team. I gave him Reciprocal Aid, so maybe he can function as a semi-medic, since he comes with Renewal.

2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Every time people talk about how many characters they've maxed out Hero Merit for, it makes me feel like such a slacker. I only have six characters with maxed out Hero Merit (and only five others above 1,000). What have I been doing with my life? I have brought dishonor to my family.

Oh the shame!

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6 hours ago, DehNutCase said:

Double edit: Actually, looking at it, Ursula also performs similarly, but both Ursula and Olwen suffer from the fact that they need to be already under desperation range to kill people like Hector, who OHKOs, whereas Rein can just charge in, tank a hit, and get into desperation from the counter. Ursula can't kill Aurthur no matter what she does, though.

Triple Edit: Actually, if you only have the resources to +6/+6 rather than +6 all stats, Rein doesn't reach 'critical Atk mass' where he OHKOs everyone who he can't double, so Olwen and Ursula would do better in situations where you can only bring 2 cavalry to a map, since they kill more with +6/+6.

Unless, of course, you're facing lots of B-tome breakers, which completely negate O & U's speed lead while keeping Rein's Atk lead. (Only 9 survivors vs. maxed out Rein when everyone has B-tome breaker. -blade is such a balanced tome. Even Olwen and Ursula only leave 16 alive.)

Funny thing about Ursula is that being free unit actually stops her from being at the top. Her ATK + SPD is at the exact point for best combat coverage possible

Like she's actually better than Olwen 60-70% of the time

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20,000 points!

I thought this was going to be impossible with only playing in hard mode, but it looks that the small changes they do where very helpful! Now, only 10,000 for that 5*Tobin , looks that I even have time for the 40,000 seal... Maybe I need to speed up a bit so I can stop worrying about this thing more quickly.

I maxed the HM of a lot of my most used characters, only Camus and Leo are left, Leo is always in the last team, so maybe he will reach 2,000 soon... He is like 1700 right now.

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11 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

I thought this was going to be impossible with only playing in hard mode, but it looks that the small changes they do where very helpful! Now, only 10,000 for that 5*Tobin , looks that I even have time for the 40,000 seal... Maybe I need to speed up a bit so I can stop worrying about this thing more quickly.

I'm probably going to get 40,000 tomorrow on Hard alone.

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Somehow managed a perfect score. I guess a team of Reinhardt, Fae, Alm, and a healer does the trick.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Every time people talk about how many characters they've maxed out Hero Merit for, it makes me feel like such a slacker. I only have six characters with maxed out Hero Merit (and only five others above 1,000). What have I been doing with my life? I have brought dishonor to my family.

I thought I was the only one who doesn’t grind Tempest for HM. I was wrong!

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