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2nd Feh Channel (27th July 2017)


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I really want to look at the stream again because some details flashed by too quickly. I quickly saw that they're gonna raise Hero Merit to 3000, but there were other details below it that I couldn't catch.

Also, some silhouette were on screen during the next Hero Fest announcement, but not long enough for me to figure out who it was.

Edit: they just added the vids back on their channel. I guess I'll get to linger on those parts again.

Edited by LuxSpes
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4 minutes ago, SniperGYS said:

Maybe they are keeping Takumi and Hoshidans for later

I can only hope so, but sometimes it feels like being a Hoshidan fan in this fandom is hard.

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5 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:


I know he counts as a different hero but this is his and Elise's third gauntlet.


I'm glad I forget about my arena orbs x3

when does this free summoning start?? Sounds cool.

I'm starting to wonder if an IS employee lurks on here. It seems we get a fair bit of what we want within reason.

@Anime27Arts LEO OUR HERO!!!!!


4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Is... Xander slapping people with Lilith?  Did he scoop up her corpse and decide to play fish-smacky?

Its an inflatable.  In the summer DLC Xander says he can't swim so he keeps that Lilith floatie to keep from drownding 

Edited by Anime27Arts
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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

This, and why Nohr AGAIN?

The Nohr characters already got attention in spring and one more character in the bride banner, Hoshido deserved this way more. I'm sick of Hoshido getting shafted and thrown on the backburner all the time for Fates. Aside from the Ylissean Summer banner, obviously, every seasonal banner now has had at least one Nohr character. Enough is enough.

But hey, at least we're finally getting another Magvel character, even if it's the most dickish one of them all. Seriously, Valter is such a huge a-hole...

And another Echoes Tempest Trial. Yawn. Give me something I'm not tired of already, please.

Also, poor Frederick. He's the least popular character in this summer gauntlet coming up. He doesn't stand a chance. I'll still be joining his team because I have to support my favorite FE character not named Ike, but I definitely don't expect to win any rounds. Oh well...

Overall, this was a major disappointment. The only cool things are the free summons and finally getting a Sacred Stones character. Oh, and Feh actually being a girl after people were calling her a he earlier. lol I think her voice is cute too!


It's like you're not grateful at all that you pretty much had a character you like every few banners.

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

I can only hope so, but sometimes it feels like being a Hoshidan fan in this fandom is hard.

This. I'm a Hoshido fan too. I love Elise, but I hate her country. And I like Ryoma, Hinoka, and Takumi way more than the other Nohrian siblings. I also like the rest of the Hoshido cast more overall too.

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Nohrian Summer essentially means that my next few paychecks are forfeit. I will have Leo and Elise both no matter what and with Corrin being a mage flier, I'll pretty much need to go all in for her as well thanks to me whiffing on Spring!Camilla. Overall, I'm very much liking what I'm seeing from IS at this point, I got to say!

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1. I could have waited a couple more weeks and pulled on the next TT banner to have a better shot at getting Delthea. Instead I pulled early and got Mathilda. I mean I like Mathilda, but my goal was to get Delthea. Granted, it is also likely that the next Hero Fest would keep me from pulling on the TT banner.

2. Another summer banner. A great opportunity for me to save up orbs.

3. Valter GHB. Could we be getting a Magvel banner in late August?


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Hmm let's see.

  • Valter: Oh hey, finally more Sacred Stones characters. And he's using the Cursed Lance that's mentioned but never actually seen.
  • Lilina and Cecilia Bound Hero Battle: Meh. Also, the pronunciation of Lilina's name massively triggers me.
  • 4-Stars have higher chance now. Good.
  • A Log-in bonus series that can earn me 60 Orbs in totally. Can't wait to waste them all in Subaki.
  • Oh, free first summons for every banner starting from the 7th. Nice. Can't wait for my first summon to be Subaki.
    • Speaking of, i literally just pulled Subaki went i wanted Delthea. My Subaki hatred burns deep.
  • Arena Assualt.
  • Pokedex Hero Catalouge is nice.
  • Another Echoes Tempest. Expected. That multiplier is really nice.

Overall, pretty nice.

Edited by Armagon
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ah shit i missed the stream. though coincidentally my roommate left a stream on on the tv and that streamer was streaming the FEH stream (so many stream) and i caught the end of it basically. swapped 3-4 star rates, and free summons?? hell yeah.

BUT VALTER FUCK yes thank you thank fking

and there's gonna be a gauntlet with this summer banner vs the future summer banner, if i'm understanding correctly?? some people here almost sorta predicted that ha

hnnn really it is an Echoes TT huh...what were the bonus units?

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Valter is hype. Finally a lance wielding wyvern. They do exist, the kids will know I'm not crazy! And the cursed lance is a nice nod to Magvel's extremely shallow pool of lore, it's the weapon that turned him crazy and eventually was passed on to Cormag by Duessel.  impressive!

Not happy about the lack of non seasonal banner to start off August, but Valter's presence in the latter half of August implies the next batch of new guys are from Sacred Stones. Also bummed about the next Tempest being Echoes themed, but I'm sure I can dig deep and find some last bits of fanaticism for the game in me.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I like Hoshido a bit more than Nohr too, but I'm not too upset lol.

Eh, I'm probably not as upset as I may have sounded. On the contrary, I can now continue to throw orbs at Olwen's banner to try to get her without worrying about missing anything good. But it does seem unfair, and certain individual Hoshidans did better in the polls than certain Nohrians.

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4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:


It's like you're not grateful at all that you pretty much had a character you like every few banners.

Excuse me, I'm allowed to be disappointed if I want. And the only banners that I threw a lot of orbs at were Ike's, Golden Week, and Ylissean Summer. We've had plenty more banners than those.

Also, Sunwoo is complaining about the Nohr favoritism too and I don't see you having a problem with that. Why is it just me that's wrong here?

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5 minutes ago, KongDude said:

I managed to miss the stream because of personal things. Dammit. :(

Sorry to hear that, is everything alright now?


4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Is... Xander slapping people with Lilith?  Did he scoop up her corpse and decide to play fish-smacky?

Jesus that's morbid, no it's probably the stuff animal/life flotation from his summer pic. Apparently he's horrible at swimming.


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5 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Did anyone catch the dark silhouette at the end of the stream about the Hero Fest? I saw long hair on the right and some birds/owls on the left.

The silhouette in the lower left looks like Genny's special

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

Eh, I'm probably not as upset as I may have sounded. On the contrary, I can now continue to throw orbs at Olwen's banner to try to get her without worrying about missing anything good. But it does seem unfair, and certain individual Hoshidans did better in the polls than certain Nohrians.

Well, they might not be the people you want, but at least you can be certain Summer Corrin is ridiculous.

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12 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I can only hope so, but sometimes it feels like being a Hoshidan fan in this fandom is hard.

You know that I know the feeling :(

Just see that there is Xander again... At least they could have used another Nohrian since Xander already have a bunny version

At least there is Leo, I like Leo so I'm going to try for him... Also he got art from the same artist of Clive and Klein?? That's cool! i like the style of that artist! (but Klein still hasn't come to me mmm). Bad part is that... He is going to lose for the 3th time in a gauntlet... Poor boy

Edit: DAMN IT LEO IS RED AGAIN! This is going to be hard T--T

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I have a feeling that valter signifies a new sacred stones focus in the future

more summer characters doesn't bother me much

we knew that another echoes TT was coming

and free summons

all in all, not too disappointed I just want myrrh and 3 others I will happily shut up about Sacred Stones summons 

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