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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

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40 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Anyone gotten my Clair?

She's among the ones who haven't turned up for me at any point though I know you only got on Team Ike for this round. I've still never gotten Ana's Summer!Frederick despite being on the same team as her from the very beginning.

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

She's among the ones who haven't turned up for me at any point though I know you only got on Team Ike for this round. I've still never gotten Ana's Summer!Frederick despite being on the same team as her from the very beginning.

Gotten my Minerva yet?

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12 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

Gotten my Minerva yet?

Nope. It really does seem like it sticks with a select three or four friends and rarely deviates from those select friends. In the case of this round, it's mostly been Rezzy's Titania, Rafiel's Aria's Amelia, a Seth from a non-SF friend and a Brave!Lucina from another non-SF friend. I think there's only been a time or two where I didn't get one of those four.

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Switching up the unit I bring into the gauntlet seems to change up my ally units.

When I used Lyn, I mostly got Florina, Lucina and Ephraim.

When I switched to B!Lyn, I instead got Innes, (+10)B!Lyn and B!Ike

Now I'm using Ephraim for the blue quests and I'm getting a (+10)Ike as my common ally

Edited by Korath88
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57 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Switching up the unit I bring into the gauntlet seems to change up my ally units.

When I used Lyn, I mostly got Florina, Lucina and Ephraim.

When I switched to B!Lyn, I instead got Innes, (+10)B!Lyn and B!Ike

Now I'm using Ephraim for the blue quests and I'm getting a (+10)Ike as my common ally

How much do you pay for a +10 Brave Lyn?

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11 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Rezzy Can I add you on Team Ike? I think I'll need your Titania since I haven't been getting any greens recently

Also @Cute Chao are you on Ike as well? I'll need 3 more battles with colorless so hopefully I can get your Innes again ^^

Oh, I'll switch then. Had set my lead back to Reinhardt, but I can swap back to Innes on break :)

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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Oh, I'll switch then. Had set my lead back to Reinhardt, but I can swap back to Innes on break :)

That's okay, you can do who you feel like, I've finished the quest now luckily :)

Although I don't think I ever got the Reinhardt. I do keep getting a Triangle Adept Nowi though.

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Just now, mcsilas said:

That's okay, you can do who you feel like, I've finished the quest now luckily :)

Although I don't think I ever got the Reinhardt. I do keep getting a Triangle Adept Nowi though.

Darn. My Reinhardt is awesome :(

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I'm hoping we can hit hard enough to give Ike the multiplier. Getting 2 for us would be great for my score.

If we fail to give it to him, Ike should be able to easily coast back into the lead.

If we yo-yo, it becomes tighter by 2 hours but there should be less ground to make up. Either way, Ike should still be fine.

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Well, if Camilla really wanted to win, they would have triggered the multiplier later. Now, Ike will have 15 hours to catch up, and he probably will.

Also note that Ike may be getting a multiplier so prepare your flags to crush Camilla.

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Team Camilla's best bet right now might actually be to just barely fail to give Team Ike a multiplier. Team Ike will have to rally hard to regain the lead after that since they'll need to maintain nearly peak performance for 14 hours straight.

Considering Team Camilla under-performed their previous multipliers and Team Ike far over-performed their previous multiplier, giving Team Ike a multiplier now would probably result in the score remaining in Team Ike range.

On the other hand, if Team Camilla sufficiently under-performs the multiplier following Team Ike's multiplier, they can actually hope to get a late-round multiplier that would spell certain doom for Team Ike.


This round is still a toss-up until we see how Team Camilla and potentially Team Ike finish off the next set of multipliers.

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Alright, Let's go Team Titties!! We gotta give Ike that multiplier so we can boost our scores even more with a 2nd one!

And ya know, cause I want Ike to win.

Oh and Team Ike, Don't do anything for this hour. You want a low score to allow us to give you the bonus.

edit - Oh, it was this hour yesterday (24 hours ago) that Camilla had that really weird multiplier where she massively over-performed! Let's go!!

Edited by Hawk King
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4 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Alright, Let's go Team Titties!! We gotta give Ike that multiplier so we can boost our scores even more with a 2nd one!

And ya know, cause I want Ike to win.

Oh and Team Ike, Don't do anything for this hour. You want a low score to allow us to give you the bonus.

I was about to ask what to do actually as Team Ike because we have the mutliplier chances are we overperform and camilla gets another multiplier and then we may or may not recover. However, if we don't have a bonus at all, we may still recover???

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1 minute ago, LoboKD001 said:

I was about to ask what to do actually as Team Ike because we have the mutliplier chances are we overperform and camilla gets another multiplier and then we may or may not recover. However, if we don't have a bonus at all, we may still recover???

For example, If Camilla get one 6 billion hour. That is 6 Billion Ike has to make up. If Camilla gets two 6 Billion hours and Ike has an 8 Billion in between them, Ike only has to make up 4 Billion in the long run.

Ike wants Camilla to trigger a multiplier for them. Assuming they show up for theirs that is.

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3 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

For example, If Camilla get one 6 billion hour. That is 6 Billion Ike has to make up. If Camilla gets two 6 Billion hours and Ike has an 8 Billion in between them, Ike only has to make up 4 Billion in the long run.

Ike wants Camilla to trigger a multiplier for them. Assuming they show up for theirs that is.

Hm... i guess. The one fear i have with ike having a multiplier is camilla having a second and got the lead, giving us 2 hrs less to recover.

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I think it all depends on where Camilla ends up next hour.  If she undershoots, Ike will recover and she won't have another chance.  If she overshoots, Ike gets a multiplier and all bets are off.  There does appear to be a sweet spot, though, that she could fall into that would not give Ike a multiplier but would also be far enough so as to be nearly impossible to recover before the end.

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