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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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16 hours ago, Aaaaaaah said:

Imagine the Summoner only speaking in modern slang and the whole Order of Heroes being « ????? What are they saying? »

That would be half of my time as Summoner, by all means someone write that manga up, I'd love watching everyone be confused, it'd be especially fun to see the Heroes try to pick up slang themselves.

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1 minute ago, SoulWeaver said:

That would be half of my time as Summoner, by all means someone write that manga up, I'd love watching everyone be confused, it'd be especially fun to see the Heroes try to pick up slang themselves.

We already have Maribelle trying to, so I don't see why not XD

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How cute! I love how relaxed this comic was. ^_^ Ahh, poor Tobin, having to subsidize off of flour...

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Speaking of habits...

Tiki: I have a habit of... zzzzzzz

Haar: Oh, I too have a habit of... zzzzzzzz

Linhardt: Amateurs. Watch this... zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sigh... I fucking KNEW I was going to get worthless trash from the leads banner. I still have no idea why IS does these random free 5 star summons with random IVs. It only does anything for a few lucky people that actually pull something good and the rest of us are left with useless garbage. Especially in this case where many of the units are available at 3 and 4 star. I hope a lot of people sent complaints about this. I actually should myself and should have done so already.



But did you like the comic? =p


And yeah, random pulls are not great.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Sigh... I fucking KNEW I was going to get worthless trash from the leads banner. I still have no idea why IS does these random free 5 star summons with random IVs. It only does anything for a few lucky people that actually pull something good and the rest of us are left with useless garbage. Especially in this case where many of the units are available at 3 and 4 star. I hope a lot of people sent complaints about this. I actually should myself and should have done so already.

Hm... maybe you posted it on the wrong topic? I mean, what you posted is not related to the manga at all!

I would fit better in the General Discussion Topic, or teh Official Pool one.

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1 hour ago, Karimlan said:

Speaking of habits...

Tiki: I have a habit of... zzzzzzz

Haar: Oh, I too have a habit of... zzzzzzzz

Linhardt: Amateurs. Watch this... zzzzzzzzzzzzz

XD And Mitama was asleep to begin with. ... Man, we need a naptime banner so bad. OHH! PAJAMA BANNER! Haar's already in the game, though, so maybe we should put Dwyer in there instead? But I like the 4-game representation- Oh, I know! Haar was already a TT unit, so maybe Tiki could be one this time. (We have a lot of versions of her already, but I don't think she has a grails incarnation.)

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Actually...this was...kind of funny, if not a little weird.  HK Marth was totally the cutest in this artist's style.  Also love how Byleth has to return lost stuff, the habits of a teacher are hard to break it seems XP

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I wish Edelgard didn't have to still be thrown into a TH focused Heroes comic when Claude and Dimitri finally appear in one, but I can see why this was done in this case. That's one way to stop all the nonsense in Fodlan, I guess? lol

But next time there's a comic about TH, can it NOT involve Edelgard at all? I'm getting bored of the bias and just want to see more Claude and Dimitri and other TH characters for a change.

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31 minutes ago, Anacybele said:



This reminds me of Dragalia Lost's FEH crossover, where because they are in another world, they are not bound by any of their titles and such. So for Veronica, she was no longer Princess Veronica, but just Veronica. So she was okay with working with Alfonse and the rest. 

Askr is a good place where Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude no longer have to be pressured or bound by their own personal issues.


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13 hours ago, Anacybele said:

But next time there's a comic about TH, can it NOT involve Edelgard at all? I'm getting bored of the bias and just want to see more Claude and Dimitri and other TH characters for a change.


We have enough Edelgard and Black Eagle's favoritism in Three House anyway.

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