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Persona 5 Mafia - Game Over


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4 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

It's not sheeping anymore! Using mafia terms outside of mafia makes me feel nervous and helpless again! 

Stop misrepping me and engaging in wifom. This is a blatant OMGUS.

3 minutes ago, SB. said:

After Day 2 I don’t think the mafia were dominating at all. Imo they let town trip over themselves and struggled when they had to try and more actively influence the gamestate.

Well, I meant dominate in the sense that they were outplaying town comprehensively; they didn't even have to influence anything.

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4 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Stop misrepping me and engaging in wifom. This is a blatant OMGUS.

Question: I never did figure out what WIFOM and OMGUS stood for. I was going to ask, but then via scared me out of it by saying my noob questions were scummy.

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Just now, SullyMcGully said:

Question: I never did figure out what WIFOM and OMGUS stood for. I was going to ask, but then via scared me out of it by saying my noob questions were scummy.

wifom stands for wine in front of me, it's basically reverse psychology and it's a reference from the princess bride 

omgus means omg u suck it's basically suspecting someone for suspecting you/ voting someone for voting you

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3 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

You mean the iocane poison sequence? Cool! I thought about that scene so much when playing this game!

yeah that one!

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10 minutes ago, Quote said:


Sorry for the lynch! I have a track record of being wrong on my initial kirsche reads like 100% of the time, and I kinda let that get the best of me. Please forgive!


41 minutes ago, BBM said:

And also, I've never seen a neighbourhood be as effective as it was this game, but also I think its effect is being a bit overrated? Refa and Via were never serious lynch candidates and I don't think they would have been even without the neighbourhood. Although me being in the network stopped Via from being suspicious of me and therefore helped town focus better, I was never going to get lynched as the vig anyways. And Elie was almost mislynched because of how little he used the neighbourhood.

I still don't understand how the network was helpful. It seemed like it just involved people saying the right things in private to kinda earn additional trust from "certain people", and in this case, it just happened to have been from all town. I guess it just encourages people to post more, but then again, posting more in the game thread would accomplish relatively the same thing IMO. I think I'll never quite get the benefit of neighborhoods as being a town thing.

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@EliesonIt gives more opportunity for the people to interact, and the more people interact the easier it is to see who is town or not. It's hard to constantly fake content in real time interacting with people, which is a big part of why kirsche was in my PoE pool--Refa, Quote, BBM, and Marth all were really active and it was hard for me to consider them as scum outside of paranoia reasons.

Edited by Paperblade
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I wanna let you guys know everyone did so good!!! I read every single page!!! I think Sully did really good, considering it was their first game, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone's interactions. However, I think my favorite part was you guys being 100% sure Baldrick was scum, and then the confusion afterwards. Good game to everyone!


Edited by Einto
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Forgot to say this last night, but good game everyone!

This was quite the rolercoaster for me: We were sure me and Kirsche were going to be prime targets going into D2, found out we really weren't, then we were pushed into almost certain defeat D3, only for Sully to get lynched instead, giving us a chance after all. Being all focussed on finding the hidden player N1, only for Mack to claim at the start of D2... this was quite the game.

@Via: It was kind of funny, because while I was reminding you of the shoelaces thing I knew right from he start you Sully wasn't scum anyway...

@Sully: You actually did really well for your first game! I never suspected you of being scum one bit :P

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