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Banner: Sacred Memories


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8 minutes ago, coldhand25 said:

Lyon's japanese voice sounds pretty amazing, I prefer it over the english, however for Marisa I can't say the same. I don't find her japanese voice fitting to her character, it's probably just me though. Her english sounds pretty damn good however, I kind of expected something similar to this. Oh, I don't have problems with Lyon's english, but somehow the emotions doesn't come trough? Well, in the special attacks at least, other than that it is pretty good, but those are the voices I will hear most of the times. Looking forward to have him in my teams

I'm of the opposite opinion on Marisa. Her English voice sounds like it's trying too hard to sound "tough", and ends up seeming bored. Japanese could have more bite I admit, but at least it's not incredibly high pitched. Agreed on Lyon though.

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44 minutes ago, coldhand25 said:

Lyon's japanese voice sounds pretty amazing, I prefer it over the english, however for Marisa I can't say the same. I don't find her japanese voice fitting to her character, it's probably just me though. Her english sounds pretty damn good however, I kind of expected something similar to this. Oh, I don't have problems with Lyon's english, but somehow the emotions doesn't come trough? Well, in the special attacks at least, other than that it is pretty good, but those are the voices I will hear most of the times. Looking forward to have him in my teams

For me Lyon sounds more depressed and emotional in his English voice. His Japanese one makes him look like a shy underclassman (kouhai). Both represent parts of his character, but the English one is more faithful to his character IMO.

I find Marissa's English VA to be somewhat odd. English voice sounds great, but her quotes are akward

Edited by silveraura25
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I really like these voices, Lyons English VA sounds so depressed and it fits, I think Marisa's quotes and VA nail awkward which is good if that's what they where going for. Also I couldn't help but giggle a bit at L'aracheals first quote 

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

I'm of the opposite opinion on Marisa. Her English voice sounds like it's trying too hard to sound "tough", and ends up seeming bored. Japanese could have more bite I admit, but at least it's not incredibly high pitched.

Yeah, the english one indeed sounds a bit like as if she is bored, but I actually expected her to be like this, that's why I like it. Also, in the japanese at the quote: " Nanika hanashite hoshī… anata to hanasu no, kiraijanai." she sounds a bit embarrassed? Or simply shy, and, well, Marisa is just not that type of caharcter imo. But it all depends on how people imagine her.

1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

For me Lyon sounds more depressed and emotional in his English voice. His Japanese one makes him look like a shy underclassman (kouhai). Both represent parts of his character, but the English one is more faithful to his character IMO

He indeed sounds depressed, but for me it's just not enough. I would've wanted him to express more of his emotion, not just depression. If he would have some shaking in his voice, maybe even stopping mid-sentence, and changing to another tone or pacing. It was missed from his japanese as well, but in english the special attack quotes sounded a bit more confident, than what I imagined? It just simply couldn't express his emotional side for me. That's kind of the only reason I don't prefer the english one.

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I used up all 179 free orbs only to get Myrrha on a YOLO single green stone roll after a pity breaker Elise the roll before reducing me to 12 orbs.

Boy this game plays with your emotions.

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Anyways, after 60 orbs, with some sniping included, I have nothing to show but some four star Cordelia’s. Thankfully, nothing has pity broken me yet, but it pains me to see my friend all ready got one. Sure, it was L’Archel, the one I didn’t want, but still. Hopefully the TT orbs can net me Eirika and Myrrh.

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First summon session only gave me 2 green stones (looking for green and red); got me 3* Cecilia and 4* Raven. May as well wait until the Legendary Heroes banner before I start sniping. 

Finished the new Lunatic CCs (Book 2, Ch. 3-4) using Flier Emblem. It got pretty tense at the end with NY Azura being the only one left alive and with only 9 HP remaining.

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23 hours ago, Ether said:

Realistically, when you look at the banner theme and the upcoming Lyon GHB and all that, this banner was based around alternative Eirika. She's not the "oddball" unit as it were, she's the reason we're getting more SS content in the game at this point. Period. L'Arachel has a connection to Eirika that I don't recall Myrrh having, so if anything, Myrrh is the odd unit out in this case.

Zelgius was far more of a kick in the teeth than alternate Eirika was, at least she actually has a seperate niche instead of existing unit except just better. But since he's a generic badass dude instead of a waifu, people gave him a pass. It's not like generic badass dick sucking wasn't massively prevalent in the FE fandom for a long time before people started to shift over with the new fandom or anything...

if this means we're getting a weird ephraim banner before we ever get a thracia banner too i'm gonna shoot myself. at least we might get knoll and duessel i guess

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7 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I managed to get an Erika + horse. She was by far the one I wanted least from this banner just because of the principle of the whole shibang but I’ll take her. She’s not replacing Leo on my horse team though, take that meta I guess. 

What’s going to be a good special on her? Draconic Aura? 

I'm planning on going with Glimmer for mine. I do plan on giving her Raudhrblade, which makes Glimmer especially good, but even with her default weapon, it should still be a solid pick.

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15 minutes ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

if this means we're getting a weird ephraim banner before we ever get a thracia banner too i'm gonna shoot myself. at least we might get knoll and duessel i guess

I honestly expect a FE5 remake to be in the works. It is the only reason I can think of as to why we haven't gotten any banners for that game yet. They are holding off on releasing Fe5 characters until after the game gets announced/ possibly released.

Look on the bright side, the later it comes the more power-creeping those units will receive.

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1 minute ago, Hawk King said:

I honestly expect a FE5 remake to be in the works. It is the only reason I can think of as to why we haven't gotten any banners for that game yet. They are holding off on releasing Fe5 characters until after the game gets announced/ possibly released.

Look on the bright side, the later it comes the more power-creeping those units will receive.

I highly doubt they have an FE5 remake in the works. For this to be possible they'd have to release an FE4 remake alongside it or the games would be together in one game.

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3 minutes ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

I highly doubt they have an FE5 remake in the works. For this to be possible they'd have to release an FE4 remake alongside it or the games would be together in one game.

Not necessarily. FE5 is a stand alone game after all.

Although they certainly could combine FE4 and 5 into one large game. Or pull another fates with 2 games releasing simultaneously. Echoes development time was extremely short because it was a remake. They could do both 4 and 5 just as quickly.

Why else would Olwen and Reinhardt be the only characters so far?

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2 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Not necessarily. FE5 is a stand alone game after all.

Although they certainly could combine FE4 and 5 into one large game. Or pull another fates with 2 games releasing simultaneously. Echoes development time was extremely short because it was a remake. They could do both 4 and 5 just as quickly.

Why else would Olwen and Reinhardt be the only characters so far?

It's a stand alone game but I don't think Nintendo would release a game like that before its predecessor just because it is a direct (sort of) sequel to gen 1 of FE4. you are right that olwen and reinhardt being the only characters so far is weird though. especially reinhardt.

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What's the best Special for an Eirika running Gleipnir? She has neutral Atk and Res (so 45 and 25 respectively)? I'm thinking her Res is too low for Iceberg? And yes, I saw @Othin's comment, I'd just like some more opinions to hear. Thanks in advance!

Edited by DefyingFates
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Ended up putting the rest of this month's gacha budget into this banner instead of the New Year banner. A bit sad I couldn't pull for a few merges for Azura, but I'll try to make up for it when she gets a rerun.

Ended up doing 80 pulls and got

  • 1 Mathilda
  • 2 Eirika, [+Atk, -Def] and [+Def, -HP]
  • 2 Myrrh, [+Def, -Spd] and [+Res, -Atk]

I'm done pulling red for now, and I'll probably stop pulling blue after getting one or two copies of Larchel. Considering Sothe was dropped to 4-star, there's a decent enough chance Larchel will, too, since she has the least impressive skill set, so I'm not too worried about getting a decent nature for her.

Based on her stats, I'd put either [+Def, -Spd] or [+Atk, -Spd] as ideal for Myrrh, so I'm already training my +Def copy up. I'm probably going to end up dumping the majority of next month's budget into this banner and the upcoming Legendary banner. Ugh. This game is going to be the end of me.


2 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:


You're spelling things funnier than usual.

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I'd love to get an FE5 remake, but it wouldn't make any sense to have it be before or combined with an FE4 remake. FE4 sets up key framing for FE5's story, and the two play way too differently to be one game.

I don't think there's anything special to read into about the lack of an FE5 banner so far. Some game has to be the last one to get a banner, and FE5 is probably the least-known and least-played game in the series, so it makes plenty of sense for it to be that last game. Since we just got the first FE10 banner, we'll probably get the first FE5 banner in a couple of months.

Edited by Othin
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57 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

 It is the only reason I can think of as to why we haven't gotten any banners for that game yet.

It is by far the least known, played and popular Fire Emblem game.

There's not much money to make from a banner from this game. That is the reason.

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3 hours ago, Clogon said:


Ah, thank you very much! I had seen people say that that was the case, but I wanted more definite proof, so thanks for checking! Now I can finally stop promoting Hanas just for fodder, heh.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

I don't think there's anything special to read into about the lack of an FE5 banner so far. Some game has to be the last one to get a banner, and FE5 is probably the least-known and least-played game in the series, so it makes plenty of sense for it to be that last game. Since we just got the first FE10 banner, we'll probably get the first FE5 banner in a couple of months.

I saw someone point this out in the CYL topic.


"There are 8 Heroes that appear on the homepage of the new CYL site that aren't in the game yet:

Aversa, Inigo, Owain, Leif, Nanna, Myrrh, Marisa, and Valbar.

I think IS is dropping hints as to who will be appearing next in the game, Aversa as a GHB alongside an Awakening children banner with Owain and Inigo, Marisa and Myrrh on the upcoming new heroes banner, and Leif and Nanna as a FE5 banner. The only hero that doesn't really fit in is Valbar, but maybe we will get more Echoes heroes or he will be a one off TT reward? Just pure speculation here."


Marisa and Myrrh are in now, so they might truly be foreshadowing the others, and perhaps their coming unseen comrades too. How else would Valbar get in? Unless we're getting a mixed game possibly Farfetched 2 banner, or just another SoV TT without anything around it that is SoV.

Leif and Nanna will give us the bare minimum of lord and his beloved. Nanna by the way someone said would be the first new PC Staff unit since June if counting Seasonals, April if not, assuming she doesn't run the Runesword. I'd guess the new Breath targeting of the lesser durability stat would be used for the Light Brand if Leif got that over the Bragi Sword.

The third slot- well Finn would be ideal. However, Tailtiu and Oscar mean we could get someone random, like Sara. Or we could be getting Master Axe Reinhardt thanks to the recent Eirika addition for all we know. Said alternative Reinhardt could be saved for a GHB though- what is stopping them? He was a pure antagonist in T776, and his competition isn't great- Saias is the only likable alternative (Raydrik and Birdo are hardly cool characters). Given the love for myrmidon girls, Mareeta might sneak in, she will be used up much sooner than later; heck Machyua might get in before Galzus, a more worthy Sword (or Axe for either him or Machyua- since both are Heroes) infantry unit.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I saw someone point this out in the CYL topic.


"There are 8 Heroes that appear on the homepage of the new CYL site that aren't in the game yet:

Aversa, Inigo, Owain, Leif, Nanna, Myrrh, Marisa, and Valbar.

I think IS is dropping hints as to who will be appearing next in the game, Aversa as a GHB alongside an Awakening children banner with Owain and Inigo, Marisa and Myrrh on the upcoming new heroes banner, and Leif and Nanna as a FE5 banner. The only hero that doesn't really fit in is Valbar, but maybe we will get more Echoes heroes or he will be a one off TT reward? Just pure speculation here."


Marisa and Myrrh are in now, so they might truly be foreshadowing the others, and perhaps their coming unseen comrades too. How else would Valbar get in? Unless we're getting a mixed game possibly Farfetched 2 banner, or just another SoV TT without anything around it that is SoV.

Leif and Nanna will give us the bare minimum of lord and his beloved. Nanna by the way someone said would be the first new PC Staff unit since June if counting Seasonals, April if not, assuming she doesn't run the Runesword. I'd guess the new Breath targeting of the lesser durability stat would be used for the Light Brand if Leif got that over the Bragi Sword.

The third slot- well Finn would be ideal. However, Tailtiu and Oscar mean we could get someone random, like Sara. Or we could be getting Master Axe Reinhardt thanks to the recent Eirika addition for all we know. Said alternative Reinhardt could be saved for a GHB though- what is stopping them? He was a pure antagonist in T776, and his competition isn't great- Saias is the only likable alternative (Raydrik and Birdo are hardly cool characters). Given the love for myrmidon girls, Mareeta might sneak in, she will be used up much sooner than later; heck Machyua might get in before Galzus, a more worthy Sword (or Axe for either him or Machyua- since both are Heroes) infantry unit.

Owain and Aversa? Yes please! I've been waiting for Owain for so long!

The winners of CYL 2 will take a long time to release, so having a Farfetched Heroes 2 banner sometime in between makes sense. 

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Saias is the only likable alternative

What about Shiva?

(also, I kind of like Raydrick and he's got a legendary weapon)

I believe Mareeta will make it on the first batch of Thracia characters alongside Leif, Finn & Nanna.

Edited by Vince777
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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I saw someone point this out in the CYL topic.


"There are 8 Heroes that appear on the homepage of the new CYL site that aren't in the game yet:

Aversa, Inigo, Owain, Leif, Nanna, Myrrh, Marisa, and Valbar.

I think IS is dropping hints as to who will be appearing next in the game, Aversa as a GHB alongside an Awakening children banner with Owain and Inigo, Marisa and Myrrh on the upcoming new heroes banner, and Leif and Nanna as a FE5 banner. The only hero that doesn't really fit in is Valbar, but maybe we will get more Echoes heroes or he will be a one off TT reward? Just pure speculation here."


Marisa and Myrrh are in now, so they might truly be foreshadowing the others, and perhaps their coming unseen comrades too. How else would Valbar get in? Unless we're getting a mixed game possibly Farfetched 2 banner, or just another SoV TT without anything around it that is SoV.

Leif and Nanna will give us the bare minimum of lord and his beloved. Nanna by the way someone said would be the first new PC Staff unit since June if counting Seasonals, April if not, assuming she doesn't run the Runesword. I'd guess the new Breath targeting of the lesser durability stat would be used for the Light Brand if Leif got that over the Bragi Sword.

The third slot- well Finn would be ideal. However, Tailtiu and Oscar mean we could get someone random, like Sara. Or we could be getting Master Axe Reinhardt thanks to the recent Eirika addition for all we know. Said alternative Reinhardt could be saved for a GHB though- what is stopping them? He was a pure antagonist in T776, and his competition isn't great- Saias is the only likable alternative (Raydrik and Birdo are hardly cool characters). Given the love for myrmidon girls, Mareeta might sneak in, she will be used up much sooner than later; heck Machyua might get in before Galzus, a more worthy Sword (or Axe for either him or Machyua- since both are Heroes) infantry unit.

Interesting. I don't know what to make of Valbar: I don't think a Farfetched 2 banner is coming anytime soon, since they'll probably base the results off the second CYL, and he certainly wouldn't be a candidate for one based on the first CYL. Top missing characters are, in order: Owain, f!Morgan, Severa, Selkie, Inigo, Kaze, Charlotte, Kaden, Keaton, Maribelle, and Ophelia. So a banner for the Awakening kids would make plenty of sense, but even excluding them and the beast shifters, that doesn't get anywhere close to Valbar. But we might get another FE2 banner in like April for the 1-year anniversary, and Awakening kids and FE5 make plenty of sense in the meantime.

Regarding FE5's lineup, I think Finn will join Leif on the banner, since he's second only to Leif among FE5 entries and actually scores higher when combining all his entries. I'm not sure it'll have a GHB at all, but if they do, Saias seems like the best fit. Personally, my guess is that it gets rounded out by Marty as a TT unit. Naturally, I'd prefer a slightly different earlygame axe user as the bonus unit, but that's not exactly realistic.

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