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Twitch Plays Pokemon Mafia NOC(15p)(GAME OVER TOWN WINS)


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Post 1/5

I apologize for the fact that I was not around for phase end. I fell asleep at the computer and thought I'd at least wake up early enough to actually post again. Didn't set an alarm though and slept clean past end phase. o_e

1 hour ago, Refa said:

which is kind of poetic (it was weird because it wasn't written in my Role PM that my role would change...).  I also used my night action on Athena and only that action failed, which bothers me.  Has anyone else successfully targeted Athena the whole game?  Why does my action fail on Town!Athena?  @SB. @Shinori @Killthestory Legitimately asking because I was confident that he was town after yesterday, but now I'm like ???

Technically yes, though mine occurred on N1. 

Also if your action was listed as failing (As far as I know from last night phase results), it can apparently imply you getting blocked or something preventing the read from going through. I asked Marth about it, but as far as I know it's not explicitly told to us which event actually happened.

*So either you got blocked, or something kept the role from doing whatever it is you did.

I hate the fact that I've been stuck on non-scum slots so far this game. My reads are apparently really bad, and I will be re-reading the slots in a bit. Need to go get some foods first tho 'cause I'm hungry af.

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Post 2/5

Reread Baldrick, Eury and Orihime.

I no longer want to consolidate on Baldrick anymore, whilst his gamestance has never been explicitly stated, I think his pushes speak for themselves? If someone could outline the case more, I'd consider it, but as is stands I'm back to townreading the slot. Their lack of interactions with Bartozio is bad, but not damning considering he's far from alone on that I feel?

Rereading Eury's D1+D2 looked pretty bad actually. All these walls and no mention of Bartozio except saying his readslist "reads OK"? Bart's flimsy townreads on her don't help these interactions either. Then D3 comes along, start is still weird, but the cases on Shinori/Refa look like they come from a good place? I actually really like that part so.... I don't know. I do know I don't really like her SB analysis, it accuses him of waffling a lot, when that was fine in my eyes. I have yet to reread SB though, perhaps I'll change my mind if I do.

I feel pretty good about voting Orihime actually, there was nothing particularly good in her catchup and her Bartozio approach was bad as well.


Rereading priorities for me: Refa/SB/Conqueror(/KTS)
Where I stand now on these slots:
Refa has been seeming townier and townier, yet his earlier stuff remains an issue for me and his Bartozio interactions aren't great. His conqueror interaction is something I've only skimmed to be honest, so I hope that'll help me.
SB is a slot I haven't really got a grip on atm
Conqueror was initially a pretty hard townread for me, but maybe Refa's D3 case can change that. I admit I haven't really looked back on this read since end day 2.


Additionally, since there were probably 1 or 2 scum on the Evan wagon and we have 3 flipped townies on there, hunting there should prove useful. I'm almost tempted to say there are two there considering Bart's defense of the wagon, but I'm iffy on getting mindgamed there.

The two unmentioned people are Jaybee and Shinori, both of whom I'm townreading.


I'm using my posts a bit more liberally this phase due to a busy schedule, not sure whether I'll be able to make phase end. I'll try to make my other posts wallposts though ;)

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1/5 What a nice flip! It sucks I wasn't around for eod but I didn't expect that at all. @athena_57 I wanted to address your worries about me. I wish you brought it up sooner on the day we can post w/e considering we can't do much here my read on Refa has openly whiplashed many many times over the game state because he did many actions I considered towny and some scummy. At the moment given his name was talked about and we got a scum flip the day before I think scum was in the early voters who I plan on going to take a look at. I think Refa and Eury are town given I don't think 2 popular names the day before would be scum. Oh you also asked me why I asked for your action I assumed you already claimed if you said your action failed if not then don't say anything of course.

Looking at the early game voters we have

Bartozio (7): athena_57, Killthestory, SB, Refa, Shinori, Snike, Jaybee
SB (2): Conqueror, Orihime
athena_57 (1): Bartozio
Refa (1): Baldrick

Not voting: Eurykins

Out of everyone here I think the scum could be: KTS SB Bald Jaybee I have townreads of some degree on every other player in the game and would be comfortable voting in the 4 in the order of SB>KTS>Bald>Jaybee I'm a bit busy atm but later tonight I plan on using 1 more of my posts to fully explain all of my reads and why I think SB is the best lynch today
I will also ask the mod how to vote in this phase cause I have no idea what vote in role pm means but consider me voting SB at the moment

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Wasting a post for now; big post coming later.

My current thought on eury is as so;

I WILL NOT condone a lynch on Eury.

If it happens and she flips town I will scum read every person on the wagon.  Eury/Athena are my top 2 town reads at the moment but if we push Eury and she flips town I will flip a casket because I literally don't see how D3 at all = Scum!Eury.

IF it happens and she flips town I will bow down to everyone elses greatness for finding scum.

Also based on the fact that Snike died and was crumbing doc and all that jaz while town reading me; I take it we can finally assume I'm cleared? @Eurykins This also means I die tonight so lul my Ultimatum against Eury doesn't really matter.  But I wholeheartedly believe her to be town at the moment based on MULTIPLE things.

@Refa I think Orihime is probably third on my list as potential scum, after thinking things over that slot is probably more scummy than KTS is so I'm currently sitting at Baldrick > SB > Orihime.  More on this later in bigger post.

Like I said bigger post later but I wanted to make my stance known WRT Eury early on.  Feel free to case her all you want, I won't vote her and I may argue against your case but I will not judge you for the case until after a flip, obviously.

@OrihimeVotes are done in your PM.  RUles/mechancis are on the first page if you need to check over them.

Post #3 won't come for hours and hours probably and I want to hopefully see some other people post some things first before I post it.

One quick question about speculation towards everyone(Just answer when you make a post) Assuming 4 man scum team how many do we think have abilities?  Assuming 3 man scum team how many do we think have abilities?  I'm more confident in the 4 man scum team and I'd think 2 have abilities and 2 are goons?  In a 3 man scum team I'd say 2 have abilities.


WRT Roleblocking stuff; Athena claimed roleblocked on N2 so IDK what the fuck is going on.

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Ooh, are we doing softclaims today? Because I targeted Athena last night and my action failed as well. @athena_57 Would your role have caused multiple failures if targeted? I don't want a claim, just a confirm or deny. Based on what you've said, I think I may be in a similar position as you, although it's possible I'm reading all the role clues wrong. I'm trying to piece together bits and pieces from what people have been saying in the thread.

@Refa Why're you voting Baldrick over Orihime if you have more issues with the latter -> we just started D3 so there's no real rush with consolidation yet? Also, I'm a little weirded out by the fact that you're not pushing me today, because from what it seemed of yesterday's posts you never really dropped the idea of me being scum and I don't see how a Bart flip would really change that. I was actually going to keep pushing you today as a secondary suspect, but after a few readovers I finally digested your claim and I finally realized what you're softclaiming. That annoys me because I think that role has a slightly higher chance to be town-sided, but now I'm wondering what you thought about RAD's claim when he outed all his powers. If I'm reading this correctly, it feels like you should have had more to say about his claim at day end since you were around.

@Shinori My impression is that this is a fairly role light setup given Snike flipped 1xDoc. I'd say 2 goons for 4 man and 1 goon for 3 man.

Based on how the end of D3 went down (Bart parking himself on athena to deny info and not even bothering to claim) I think at least one or two scum were bussing Bart by the end of the wagon. Especially as it looks like he spent more than two hours writing up a case on Athena that no one would buy, instead of using that time to make up a claim, get a town pr to reveal himself maybe, or push any sort of counterwagon.

On 5/20/2018 at 4:55 PM, Iris said:

Bartozio (4):
athena_57, Killthestory, SB, Shinori
SB (2): Conqueror, Orihime
athena_57 (1): Bartozio
Refa (1): Baldrick
Eurykins (1): Refa

Not voting: Eurykins, Jaybee, Ice Sage

Day 3 ends in ~16 hours. With 12 alive, it takes 4 to lynch at deadline.

This was right after Bart made his Athena post. An SB wagon wouldn't be impossible with some of the people on Bart also scumreading SB, especially with a strong enough claim that has people scrambling, and a town!SB might even be forced to claim as well. You could argue this as Bart just being busy, but he went to the effort to case Athena so I don't think that makes sense. Since Bart flipped goon I'm reading this as a point in favor of scum!SB being the other wagon and not wanting to accidentally get SB lynched instead.

On 5/19/2018 at 10:10 PM, Iris said:

Bartozio (2):
athena_57, Killthestory
Eurykins (2): SB, Refa
Refa (2): Conqueror,  Baldrick
Ice Sage (1): Shinori

Not voting: Bartozio, Eurykins, Jaybee, Ice Sage, Orihime

Day 3 ends in ~34 hours. With 12 alive, it takes 4 to lynch at deadline.

I'm not going to quote all the votecounts here, but you can look back at the approximate time frame from this one. I still think SB's jump from Bartozio to Eury was bad because I felt like he was stretching to make some of his points, and it would make sense in context if he was trying to make a counterwagon to Bart, since there were a few people who were interested in lynching Eury. After Shinori and a few other people defended her though, he quickly switched back to Bart with this reasoning which again I found really weak at the time:

On 5/20/2018 at 1:20 AM, SB. said:

tl;dr: I don't think Eury understood my case on her. I'm bothered by her reaction to the Refa guilty not looking like town getting confirmation on a strong scumread, and also that her entry to D3 was so lackluster. I'm willing to let her off for the latter a bit though because she was sick, if her reads post is good (skimmed before and it looked okay?) I'm probably going to switch back to Bart and give her some more time.

On 5/20/2018 at 1:46 AM, SB. said:

@Conqueror, the stiffness is things like

"Kind of doesn't make things seem any better IMO? "

"Shinori's claim to your guilty only seals the deal for me, and your claim does nothing to change/rectify the view on your slot. "

To me it read like she was trying hard to justify Refa being scum without really giving him a foothold to argue, so the stiffness was because it didn't feel like a natural push given the circumstances.

Idk if she considered it as a fake guilty but it sounded like "trust Shinori 100%" wasn't her immediate reaction and so naturally fake guilties would be one of the alternatives that spring to mind. I don't know if I'm overstating meta here, but I remember thinking that Eury doubting an info result in a previous game was scummy, and then it turned out that we were both town and she was just genuinely very cautious after a game where her cop result got messed with. It left a pretty strong impression on me so not seeing that kind of worry here was kind of unexpected.

I'm less enthusiastic on voting Eury because I knew about the busy part but not the sick, and being sick means that you probably aren't thinking straight beyond the stuff that's right in front of you so I can see why she wouldn't refer back to previous days much beyond being mad at Shinori. It could come from scum, and I think the other half of my case still holds, but it's enough to push her below Bart now because she typed the response at you pretty fast so I think that it was either her natural reaction or she was already working on something before and was going to give it up before being prodded. It's not a strong post but I can see Eury making it as either alignment.

##Vote: Bartozio

First quoted post is over-justifying a switch back to Bart imo - I don't know why SB thought Eury's reads post was okay with how non-committal her reads were. I don't think it was a scummy post personally but it feels off to me that it would be enough for SB to drop her since he was already scumreading her. That last paragraph in the second quote in particular just looks like a bunch of excuses that mean nothing because none of SB's points about Eury being scum were really addressed by knowing she was sick, especially as he says at the end that he could see Eury making that post as either alignment. In context, it looks like SB saw that there wasn't enough support for a Eury lynch after pushing for it for the past few hours and hopped as fast as he could back onto Bart for the cred. 

I think that's the most interesting Bart/SB interaction. On Bart's side there's a lot of "SB could be scum or maybe not."

For scum off the wagon, my pick is probably Baldrick, although I'm not as sure about this. I didn't have a problem with most of his content, but his D3 was a little narrow since he mostly focused on Refa with a few off-hand comments about Bart, until the end when he brought out his SB/Refa/Bart team.  @Baldrick Why did you wait until the end of the day to bring that up? Anyway, Baldrick technically does work well together with SB!scum given that he never actually voted SB when SB became a wagon although in that case I'd wonder why he didn't switch to Bart for the bus cred at least. It would be an easy switch to make a scum in that position, especially as the wagon was becoming close to inevitable at the time.

Ftr I really dislike SB's post against Baldrick today because I don't see how he hasn't had strong opinions. I think scumreading Refa is a strong opinion given how many people I had to argue with while pushing it, although I guess Baldrick didn't have to argue with all those people. @SB. Also you talk about Baldrick buddying up to me but why do I get the feeling that you're buddying up to me even harder? I feel like you'd be more paranoid about me as town!you here especially as you mention briefly considering scum!Conq, or maybe you'd try to hash out with me what's bothering you more than just a off-hand comment about Baldrick. It's the same issue I had with you yesterday re: the "thunderdome" with kts. For the record, there's your answer about Baldrick. I think it's weird but not necessarily scummy since I'm not really a town leader in this game and I haven't had that much influence with the lynches. Or at least, not as scummy as the way Bart latched on to my athena case - arguably Baldrick's case on Refa was more thorough than my own (I'll admit I haven't read a single bit of it though, maybe I'll do that in a bit to try and solidify a read on Baldrick.)

Self-reminder of things to do before my next post (probably making one more post tonight, then you wno't see me for about another 20 hours)

do some meta research of baldrick

respond to sb's and jb's posts from yesterday

look through sb's earlier posts

look into the rest of the people i haven't really explored yet to see where my other top suspects are

##Vote: SB

@Shinori I hope this doesn't break game rules (don't answer me if it does) but can you confirm Eury falling asleep at her computer?

@Eurykins Why do you think your reads are off just because Bart flipped scum? Actually, what were you going to post about Bart yesterday?

Saw several posts about Orihime being scummy but I don't think she makes sense as scum with SB. I don't think her posts have been scummy either - the only off thing to be would be how quickly she decided she was against a Bart wagon just because everyone was suspecting him, but like I said earlier I think scum was bussing Bart. @Orihime Can you explain this?

8 hours ago, Orihime said:

I wish you brought it up sooner on the day we can post w/e considering we can't do much here my read on Refa has openly whiplashed many many times over the game state because he did many actions I considered towny and some scummy. At the moment given his name was talked about and we got a scum flip the day before I think scum was in the early voters who I plan on going to take a look at. I think Refa and Eury are town given I don't think 2 popular names the day before would be scum. Oh you also asked me why I asked for your action I assumed you already claimed if you said your action failed if not then don't say anything of course.

Looking at the early game voters we have

Bartozio (7): athena_57, Killthestory, SB, Refa, Shinori, Snike, Jaybee
SB (2): Conqueror, Orihime
athena_57 (1): Bartozio
Refa (1): Baldrick

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here - are you saying the scum would be in the early voters on Bart, or in the early voters on Refa? Because if it's the latter, the wagon is only me and Baldrick and I noticed you don't have me down as a scumread.



(3) Baldrick: Shinori, Sb, Refa
(1) OrihimeAthena
(1) SbConq


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16 hours ago, Shinori said:

Bartozio literally has ZERO interactions with Baldrick and his interactions with SB/KTS are also poor.

He has a complete 180 on his reads on Baldrick/KTS from d1-d2.  He lists SB's as a town read while shading him pretty hard and in a weird way in the process on D2.  Bart's weird vote/unvote against SB in early D1 is also extremely bad/weird to me.

Bolded: So what? Seriously, you actually justified why Bart's SB interactions are bad.

KTS and I are in the same boat despite him having poor interactions with KTS and allegedly no interactions with me?

16 hours ago, SB. said:


Baldrick bothers me a lot because I don't think he's had a lot of strong opinions.

If Refa is scummy for blatant sheeping (ftr I think this is null) then Baldrick deserves criticism because I felt like he was trying to hard buddy up to Conq last phase and get in his good books.

Mostly though I don't find his later postings in the phase realistic (our interaction and the Bart-Refa-SB trinity of scum) from town. It felt like he'd decided that Bart was sunk and was trying to set things up for the rest of the game going forward so he wouldn't be criticised on his pushes and he could flip between me/Refa depending on who fell under fire. I also don't think he ever pushed Bart himself particularly strongly.

1. No u. My Randa case was strong for D1, and then he didn't exist. I've pushed Refa a reasonable amount, do you think I should have thunderdomed him?

2. I think this is what's known as mind-melding. Why would I need to get into Conq's good books when he's not scumreading me and I'm not under any pressure? If you think that's null, then are you just trying to shade me here?

3. Nobody responded to my Refa case, you didn't either despite saying you disagreed with it and I asked you to elaborate, Bart disappeared, what was I supposed to do with the rest of the phase? 

I analysed the only thing I could that wouldn't be reiterating what Athena had already said. His settling on Athena then disappearing. Even if he couldn't properly respond, he could have claimed a PR. Worst-case scenario, there's a CC, same result as now but it's better because mafia get info. Best-case scenario, no CC, and he has a good chance of survival.


1 hour ago, Conqueror said:

 I didn't have a problem with most of his content, but his D3 was a little narrow since he mostly focused on Refa with a few off-hand comments about Bart, until the end when he brought out his SB/Refa/Bart team.  @Baldrick Why did you wait until the end of the day to bring that up?

I only took note of SB/Bart after Bart had voted Athena and disappeared. Before that, I was noting Refa's interactions with those two, but he had enough content that I felt it was better to push him before his buddies.


1 hour ago, Conqueror said:

Ftr I really dislike SB's post against Baldrick today because I don't see how he hasn't had strong opinions. I think scumreading Refa is a strong opinion given how many people I had to argue with while pushing it, although I guess Baldrick didn't have to argue with all those people. @SB. Also you talk about Baldrick buddying up to me but why do I get the feeling that you're buddying up to me even harder?

SB stands for sneaky bastard, he's trying to usurp my position as your BFF.

Have I told you that I think you're the best at seeing through mafia's deceptions?


1 hour ago, Conqueror said:

arguably Baldrick's case on Refa was more thorough than my own (I'll admit I haven't read a single bit of it though, maybe I'll do that in a bit to try and solidify a read on Baldrick.)

Has anyone read my Refa case? :Nino:


I think SB's vote is more bad-faith than Refa's. He's glossing over most of my content to focus on something that's only scummy if you're using it to manipulate the gamestate, which I wasn't. I think Bartozio's actions, not even trying to PR bait, make no sense unless there was heat on one of his buddies. He's also shading me for behaviour one of his townreads is doing more, who actually has a scum motive to do so.

re: proposing to turbo Bart, I looked into D2 and only Athena expressed concerns with Bart, nobody else had commented on him. You pinged JB and Conq, both of whom had expressed a desire to hard consolidate/get rid of RAD, so with little time left to co-ordinate it was a fairly safe suggestion.

##vote: SB


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@Refa I kind of wish that you didn't target me because I wanted to do uni work today and not post that much lol. I don't think actions failing on Athena matters because if I'm guessing his role right the usage of it makes sense following what happened in the day. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to lynch Orihime just for consolidation purposes either?

@Conqueror Bart was going to die no matter what by the time he arrived back in the thread. It doesn't make sense for him to push me as the counterwagon because 9 times out of 10 it fails and then it pushes me out of the lynch pool, whereas Athena was basically obvtown anyway if Bart flipped. Also I didn't have a reason to switch to Eury as scum if I wanted to start the day by voting for Bart - it makes more sense to do it the other way around and not compromise my position for a slot that's already sunk when I expressed suspicions on both of them when I had minimal suspicion on me prior to that. Wouldn't it have made more sense for me to wagon Refa with you assuming that we weren't scumbuddies anyway, especially if you think that I'm trying to buddy up with you?

I backed off of Eury admittedly because I was worried that I was confirmation biasing on the slot because apparently nobody else was seeing and yeah I was fine with the Bart lynch obviously or I would have still fought harder for it. I'm not sure why you'd expect me to be more paranoid of you because I've expressed reasons to townread you and you make sense as town in context of my other scumreads anyway. I don't think Baldrick ever pushed his Refa opinion very hard either in spite of his persistence, although that might be because he's just been playing second fiddle to you and got overshadowed by that.

Also Marth's last other 15p games were 11/3/1 and 11/4 so I doubt it's 3 scum (especially with a goon and a lot of claimed night actions). Snike isn't going to be the only protective in the game either.

4 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

1. No u. My Randa case was strong for D1, and then he didn't exist. I've pushed Refa a reasonable amount, do you think I should have thunderdomed him?

2. I think this is what's known as mind-melding. Why would I need to get into Conq's good books when he's not scumreading me and I'm not under any pressure? If you think that's null, then are you just trying to shade me here?

3. Nobody responded to my Refa case, you didn't either despite saying you disagreed with it and I asked you to elaborate, Bart disappeared, what was I supposed to do with the rest of the phase? 

I analysed the only thing I could that wouldn't be reiterating what Athena had already said. His settling on Athena then disappearing. Even if he couldn't properly respond, he could have claimed a PR. Worst-case scenario, there's a CC, same result as now but it's better because mafia get info. Best-case scenario, no CC, and he has a good chance of survival.

1) I never really got the impression that you cared if they got lynched though. Like, aside from one interaction you had with me about Randa D1, it didn't feel like you were trying very hard to actually get them lynched and later were happy to just ride the Conq train.

2) Uh... so that you don't get lynched lategame? Conq's pushes on Refa and me this game would be scum's worst nightmare if it actually landed on them and they'd probably have to nightkill him to get out of it (but otherwise he helps generate mislynches so he's good to have alive).

3) Doesn't this just mean that you weren't much of a presence though? Like you've been actively posting and beyond Randa/Refa/me I can't remember any of the stances you took this game. I don't get your question here. 

Worst case: the wagons get vaguely close (I was not being lynched yesterday, be real here) and I get cleared from the attempt. There was no good play for scum!Bart to make. 

Need to get on with uni now. 2/10, more later.

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every single player has bad interactions with me. don't pull that bullshit on me, kid. 

a kill on wagon implies off wagon scum. you for sure have a wolf in [baldrick, orihime, conqeuror] if not two. not too sure where the snike kill came from, but it was interesting.

despite this, the baldrick wagon looks okay after a build up of momentum for not much more. orihime might need to get lynched, too, but i never had a dream where orihime beat me. i did have a dream baldrick and jaybee were deepwolves, so i must answer to the higher gods when i kill them.

if there is a wolf on the wagon it's in [refa, jaybee, sb]. as the days go further i find myself getting increasingly paranoid, but that's fine. if mafia want to shoot in my poe to prevent outting themselves, i could care less.

##vote orihime

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I"m going to claim now, I can't guarantee I'll be around tomorrow morning, and claiming an hour before phase end would obviously be a town play.

I'm inventor, I bestow POWERS.

I tried to bestow Eury with HORN DRILL (dayvig) N1, but it failed.

I bestowed Conqueror with FUTURE SIGHT (seer) N2, it succeeded. RIP about athena, though.

I tried to bestow Conqueror with PSYCHIC (network) N3, but it also failed.

58 minutes ago, SB. said:


1) I never really got the impression that you cared if they got lynched though. Like, aside from one interaction you had with me about Randa D1, it didn't feel like you were trying very hard to actually get them lynched and later were happy to just ride the Conq train.

2) Uh... so that you don't get lynched lategame? Conq's pushes on Refa and me this game would be scum's worst nightmare if it actually landed on them and they'd probably have to nightkill him to get out of it (but otherwise he helps generate mislynches so he's good to have alive).

3) Doesn't this just mean that you weren't much of a presence though? Like you've been actively posting and beyond Randa/Refa/me I can't remember any of the stances you took this game. I don't get your question here. 

Worst case: the wagons get vaguely close (I was not being lynched yesterday, be real here) and I get cleared from the attempt. There was no good play for scum!Bart to make. 

Need to get on with uni now. 2/10, more later.

1. I couldn't develop my randa read since he didn't exist, I couldn't defend evan with any conviction. You were the only person who had a scumread on him but not voting him

Riding the Conq train is just slander. I had my own case on Refa and wasn't even trying to get you lynched (before the other two, at least)

2. I'm asking; if I'm scum, and he's town generating mislynches, why do I need to hard buddy him? The optimal scum strategy in that case would be act natural and not do anything weird that'd make him re-evaluate his reads.

3. If people don't read my posts, or try to engage with my content, there's not much I can do about that. If by stances you mean scumreads, idk why you're assuming there's more than that. If you mean reads in general, I'm obviously not going to be explicit with reads that don't help scumhunting.

If you don't think my later posts are town, what are the town things I should have been doing, with the gamestate as it was?

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@Baldrick What is a Seer? Alignment Cop? Do you have any more items?

I don't feel super good about the claim because I don't know why Baldrick did most of those things. I'd say that dayvig leans towards town but it's obviously unverifiable and backclaiming blocked on N1 now is weird, but I'd believe the rest of it as a role at least? Baldrick, why did you choose those targets and the vig before investigation? I feel like town!Baldrick would be able to explain their actions more here (since well, giving someone a dayvig is kind of a big deal and I probably have to backread to look for why you chose Eury).

1) The first part is fair but I've never felt like your pushes have been that impactful anyway. I guess that calling it the Conq train was dismissive, but at the same time you've had the Refa read for most of the game, except you've kinda dropped it without saying anything on it to push me instead. I don't think this is a realistic progression to have on someone you've been scumreading for so long.

2) Because if he starts to tunnel you it's bad? Like you can't guarantee that something else won't make Conq reevaluate beforehand and if you just let him do what he wants until then you've just screwed yourself over.

3) Yeah but it feels like you don't care that your scumreads weren't really being pressured and it feels like you've never suspected more than 4? people all game (Evan RAD Refa SB) which uh honestly is kind of low? I think if you were town you'd be more frustrated about Refa being let off and try to restate your case on him today and look who was interested and be less chill with just "yeah I'll get SB" now when interest in Refa has died. Do you think he looks better now, or just not as bad as me?

@Killthestory I don't understand why you're voting Orihime over Baldrick? Explain? I don't see why you'd need to be obtuse about it.

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my action failed last night but i didn't target athena :thinking: and this is going to be a short post because i don't feel so good, mr stark :(

tomorrow is also a crazy long day, might not even be home before phase end but i'll try to phonepost around lunch and before dinner. 

Very little content from Bart outside of two readsposts, D1 and D2. Biggest changes in reads are KTS & Baldrick from town->scumlean (inactivity/coasting),  and Refa suddenly going from scummy to towny, detailed below.


D1 readspost: "Him being unmotivated is NAI, but him aparently having reads on people on Randa's wagon but not sharing any of it is bad." [note: this is his 2nd-highest scumread after RAD, before Evan's case on Ice Sage]

D1 post: "Refa acutally making cases on Shinori and SB makes me feel a bit better about him, because it seems like he actually had stuff he didn't like about them, instead of just trowing around accusations without any thought behind it. As I said, I'll have to actually read up on stuff to respond to it properly, but they seem like decent cases at first glance."

D2 post: "I don't think the cases on him are bad, but I kind of doubt scum!Refa would go after Shinori and SB like this if he's gonna low effort like this. Going after SB for his tone even though his cases are good also doesn't sound like something you'd do  to make yourself look good, but I can see it coming from a desire to read SB (since we can probably all agree you're not catching SB for a lack of content after that AntiHeroes debacle)."

D2 readspost: "Already talked about it, but I'm having a hard time seeing his current play come from scum him."

Bart's D3 only contains responses to Conq, a joke response to KTS, and his Athena case. He actually has... no reactions to KTS or Baldrick after this. Hmm.

This... is going much worse than I expected regarding his catchup, I didn't realise he had so little. I suppose I'll have to look at what other people say in response to him, except i might not if i feel tired


Sieving through all the Baldrick questions. First thing I see is super awkward interactions with KTS (He has KTS as a secondary scumread after Randa & Evan, but never actually cases him aside from saying that he's hard to read and... is this even a scumread? He asks for KTS' thoughts on Eury, and as I recall, KTS had a terribly underexplained read on Eury and Baldrick... says nothing about it.

Comment on Bart. I mean... I guess?

WRT the Baldrick claim, it's awfully inconvenient that every single one of your actions failed... And I don't understand the actions. Why Eury, when you barely interacted with her N1? I can't actually piece together your N1 reads, so this reads rather dubious. Conq, can you c/d Baldrick's N2, and what's a seer?


kts is still scum to me because his case on me suddenly develops after i case him, and he refused to answer my question about explaining his scumreads.


need to reread a shitton of people but that is likely not happening any time soon. will likely be focusing on how this baldrick claim develops since that seems like the topic of the day

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Post 2/5

Okay, so there are a few things going on wrt Night actions that don't pair up.

> My N1 action went off (I was not told that I failed or anything of the sort), so I know I was not blocked/interfered with. If Baldrick failed to do what he claimed to have done (and had I actually gotten the vig shot, I guarantee it would've went off by now), then it would've required him to have been blocked or tampered with. Or he's lying.

On a side note @Baldrick, why did you consider giving the dayvig to me? Idr if you actually were decently town reading me or not, so I'm wondering what you considered when handing out a vig shot. (The times I wished I could've been a vig. :( )

> Someone claimed something happening with their NA and I have a means of explaining it somewhat, to some extent. But I am unaware of what sort of read that would imply, or if the intent behind the player was scum driven or not. I am not sure how much we should be divulging at this point. (It does pertain to at least one of the mentioned people so far today though, so that's why I'm considering saying something.)

> With as many failed actions though that are happening- multiple in one night, it's probable that there's either 2 RB roles floating around (one townsided, one scum), or an unclaimed ascetic/nexus/something that fucks with NA's passively floating around- or a commuter that'll just avoid everything. (or something that enabled that for a night phase, but I'm not sure if those exist?)

I have about 2 hours til my ride gets here for my doc appointment. Reading through Baldrick/SB wrt Bart.

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Oh okay. I'm completely wrong on half my role guesses then. FWIW I can confirm I got the item last night and what it does is watch + voyeur a target, which is why I targeted Athena since he was softed PR and also pretty solid town with Bart's flip so I thought that would be a 100% catch for something. I'm preeeeeetty annoyed since I was going to low effort it overnight and just wait till the result rolled in. I could have even confirmed Refa's role if he's not completely bullshitting about it!

@Baldrick Could you explain your targets - why you went for Eury N1, why you gave her the vig, why you chose me, why you gave me the stuff you did etc.

Anyway yeah I'm changing my mind. I'm explicitly against the Baldrick lynch. I came up with some scenarios where the inventor was scum after my action failed, but with all the softclaimed actions failing everywhere, I'm going to guess it's more likely there's just a scum role messing with everyone. And with apparently no one else receiving inventions that makes it less likely it's a fabricator.

I'm also sure I'm 90% against the Orihime lynch, and SB is like 99.9999999999% maf here.

@SB. Should have fearkilled me instead of going for the doc. Don't have time for a full response to you here so I'll make this as quick and concise as possible.


 It doesn't make sense for him to push me as the counterwagon because 9 times out of 10 it fails and then it pushes me out of the lynch pool

- Enough scum have done the last minute distancing play that even if it failed, it would never push you out of the lynch pool. If you're town here it's going to be super hard to mislynch you anyway, so why does scum!Bart not take what might be the only chance in the game to mislynch you? The main point of the counterwagon push would be to get a claim out of you anyway so scum have a better idea of what the game plan is - he doesn't need to get you lynched for it to be useful.


Also I didn't have a reason to switch to Eury as scum if I wanted to start the day by voting for Bart - it makes more sense to do it the other way around and not compromise my position for a slot that's already sunk when I expressed suspicions on both of them when I had minimal suspicion on me prior to that. Wouldn't it have made more sense for me to wagon Refa with you assuming that we weren't scumbuddies anyway, especially if you think that I'm trying to buddy up with you?

- I pointed out the votecount where Bart only had 2 votes on him - even if everyone was suspecting him, his lynch wasn't inevitable yet, and Eury was starting to get some heat for her play.

- I think you're probably scum with Refa...but in the case where he's town, you've already pocketed him so hard that you're never going to vote him anyway.


I'm not sure why you'd expect me to be more paranoid of you because I've expressed reasons to townread you and you make sense as town in context of my other scumreads anyway. I don't think Baldrick ever pushed his Refa opinion very hard either in spite of his persistence, although that might be because he's just been playing second fiddle to you and got overshadowed by that.

-From what I can tell your main suspects atm are Baldrick and Orihime with a side of Eury. In the context of your other scumreads, I think I make scum with any of these people (or even all of them as once) especially as fypov I've been very wrong with my scumreads the entire game. This is going to sound weird, but I think you're being too easy on me especially as I think you'd be more paranoid of me after you mentioned games like Mirai Nikki.

-That last bit is actually the only part of the Baldrick case where I agree with you but that's what I was going to do Baldrick meta for since it could just be a player thing. I didn't get to this though. I did check D3 again and he had a decent if brief back and forth with Refa, but Refa was barely around after he stopped replying to me.


It's SB/Refa/KTS. Tbh I've been trying to buddy KTS to get him to bus his buddies all the way since D2 but that godawful Orihime vote above just seals the deal for me. Was waffling on KTS vs Jaybee earlier but Jaybee's post here shows he's actually, ya know, reading the game even if I don't agree with his conclusions. Hint: the reason why SB dropped KTS so easily in their back and forth and KTS is avoiding SB here despite suspecting him yesterday is because they're buddies. KTS would jump at a SB lynch here if he were town.

Rethought my Refa rolespec and decided he's probably telling the truth about his role getting stuff when RAD dies but he's probably also not sided with RAD. Not as confident as this though since I can see a world where he's town (and is just having a super off game...) so he can be the last to go. I think after SB flips scum though people will be more amenable to seeing Refa scum. If Refa isn't scum I need to look at some of my other reads but it makes a lot of sense if he is. Refa: why would I attack SB if I'm scum and he's town? HMM I wonder why.

Also in retrospect I was arguing with THREE FUCKING SCUMBAGS at the start of D3 who all pulled up the dumbest WIFOM to tell me why Refa was so town.

@Shinori @athena_57 @Orihime @Eurykins @Baldrick @Jaybee All townies should consolidate on SB today. I'll take the blame for this if I'm wrong and probably quit mafia forever (I only joined because Iris asked me to, otherwise I would have never played in the first place because Anarchy is a TERRIBLE mechanic because it forces walls fucking everywhere and I stopped wallposting in 2011). If I'm right then I'm going to file this down in my achievements that I went up against a SB/Refa dreamteam and I smoked them out despite SB trying to buddy me.

Eury, I'm disappointed that you've already had 2 posts and none of them have been about who you think is scum so far (the one you just posted is more about roles than anything and still doesn't tell me if you think Baldrick is town or scum here. :(

I didn't get to do the things I wanted but I have to go now and I'm not going to be late for work again because I'm making posts in mafia. Off the top of my head I wanted to say to@Jaybee the reason why there was so much WIFOM in my push against Refa was because a lot of the defenses were WIFOM and I got dragged into it. My newb(?) read on Ice Sage changed to newbscum after he didn't show any signs of proactive scumhunting - usually, when I engage with nervous newbtown, they start to ease up a little and post more freely.

I'll be back in about 11 hours. Sorry this post is such a mess, this is why anarchy is balls and in postgame I'm going to yell at every town who voted for it here.


(3) Baldrick: Shinori, Sb, Refa
(2) OrihimeAthena, killthestory
(2) SbConq, Baldrick


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I got the Seer D2, used it last night. In case someone tries to push this as a claim contradiction. When I get back later today I'm going to make a full case on SB but it's not going to be interactive with the number of posts I have left. Everyone should take a look at SB and how he interacted with the Bart wagon. Also look at his pushes all game, they suck. He's been pushing bad play instead of scummy play all game. Not looking for intent and all that, just saying X is bad because they're doing Y stuff but not considering Z stuff which makes them likely to be town playing badly in that position. Reductive scumhunting and I know SB is a better player than that. Sorry gotta go now.

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Post 3/5

*Technially SB/Baldrick/Orihime, since the last one was also mentioned in a couple of posts this day phase.


Vote on SB wrt SB Athena case ED1.

Votes Randa with a fairly valid early case.

Posts like this (and a couple prior) in terms of food-for-thought questions/prompting reads and interactions actually felt ok to me? Within the early phases of Day 1, Baldrick was prompting people a lot to give thoughts, considerations, etc., which drops more townie vibes than not.

Posts like these though make me slightly iffy wrt some of the reads Baldrick offers- in these two cases, regarding Refa. A lot of prior posts, and including these two, seem to harbor points against Refa (in terms of barebone reads and minimalistic posts) but not really fault him or think it could have scum intent within them? (Wording is hard, sorry.) I am uncertain if it was a means of not really solid reading his slot, but it seems very much like wall-sitting on a slot that's performing questionably?

 One of the few people who seemed to be OK with Evan's slot (to some extent), but yet didn't seem to overly push for RAD over Evan D1 lynch? This sort of goes along with the notion of people being pretty passive if/when one of the two lynch candidates are being read in a better light, but still watch it slide through without much objection. :/ (However, you aren't the only one who's done this, and this in itself may not be fully alignment indicative, but something that personally pings me.)

Seems to be poking at JB for some info, but also starting to press Refa more.

More Refa casing. and vote.

Sheeping Athena's case on Bart.

Seems to be counterpointing Orihime's arguments wrt Refa.

Counterpointing against Refa

Post of SB/Refa/Bartozio scum team

Gut is not sure if this post against SB is mildly OMGUS/reactionary? But some of the points are fair, tbh.

IDK what to make of the NA decision making/who got what in what night phases. I am confused. :( I think it was fair for him to claim though earlier than not, if it helps us sort out wtf has been going on during the night phases. I'm sad about not getting that promised vig shot tho. D:

TL;DR: I'm torn on this slot tbh. I did not have issues with him D1, and the main issue early on was him seeming forgiving wrt Refa's slot read. Being passive regarding Evan's wagon (which multiple people currently alive are guilty of) does rub me slight off the wrong way, but if that's considered scummy in itself, then once again that applies to everyone who did so.

Bart's consolidation seemed fairly easy, which is slightly sus given not much mentioning of him before then? (The timing of the posts with the content seemed to case the Trio scum team including Bart only after agreeing/sheeping Athena's case on him, which is something to keep in mind.)



- I know I've posted massive walls wrt SB the other day phase, and I'm really trying not to emulate it. Currently, I'm just searching up "Bart" and seeing what comes up.-

Mentions Bart as plausibly coasting/not really doing much, but doesn't make any hard reads/offer anything on him? 

Considers me and Bart as being OK lynch candidates (with only really the above being the main statement he's made thus far in his ISO wrt Bart?)

Bart vote post that I legit really can't read 'cause drunken posts are drunken. Someone halp.

I am assuming the notions wrt Bart here were meant to further support the vote post/case on Bart? I cannot be fully sure though.

Starting to at least get a minorly better idea of why he wanted to put Bart in his priorities? Post is mostly on me tho lmao.

Kinda moves off of my wagon in favor of Bart's. Being sick and ear infections suck. :(

IDK what you meant by "the read is too messy I don't buy into it" coming from Bart, but at least you seem more confident/okay with Bart lynch/case here.

TL;dr: I still don't care for his interactions wrt Refa, as it doesn't rely on purely Refa and SB both being scum. (Especially since SB defending Refa [if Refa flipped as town] would look better than if SB defended someone like Bart who flipped scum.) So still slightly skewed on this slot based on interactions prior.

Specifically wrt Bart, Idk. I feel like his original post was meant to explain the vote, but my brain keeps scattering the misspelled words/post to where I literally cannot understand it? (Unless I literally took the time to retype out every word and then read it lmao.) I think initially (within the first couple of links) he was kinda on the wall about him but then (outside of me), he did seem to push him semi-legit? I'm not sure if this was a result of scum SUPER BUSSING another person who was probably not going to escape the noose though, in which case it would've been 100% safer to bus them as opposed to fighting the lynch. However, in the consideration of SB being scum, one could consider his push on me an attempt to start up a counterwagon against Bart.


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Post 4/5


- There is so much going back and forth with KTS that I feel slightly inclined to bypass it all for now. @_@ -

This.... feels like an odd reason to not support the Bart wagon? But on the same token, would a scum member be so loud as to openly disagree with a wagon that was likely to occur? (If so, was this banking on my wagon going off instead or someone else's?)

I also feel like these posts including the first one above seem to support part of their logic/basis on numbers in the game to not scum read Bart?

Also a good chunk of the posts thereafter on the Bart Wagon comment are regarding counter wagons, not counterwagons, but not a whole lot of actual scum hunting, it feels? Or reads in general?

Sheeping Conqueror's case on SB for an SB vote?

"I don't think this slot (Bart) will flip scum..."

"What a nice flip!"

TL;dR: Those reactions though. You don't seem conflicted or affected at all that someone you seemed fairly sure wasn't going to flip scum flipped scum? :huh:

*I get that it's cool and all for townside, since we really needed to hit scum at some point, but something just felt off about that reactionary posting.

KTS back and forth in the ISO just cluttered the hell out of Orihime's thing and I could not for the life of me be sucked into pulling it all apart right now with limited time. 

I'm slightly bothered that a lot of the posts were based around speculating scum numbers, what is/isn't a counter wagon, etc. but I do not know if this is part of a differing game mentality/gameplay style or not (since I am personally not familiar with Orihime as far as I can remember). However, outside of sheeping Conq's case on SB, I feel like I didn't actually garner much from this slot? [I know that she subbed in late, so that could've played some part in it.]

Also I know I had issues with the prior player Elemina's gameplay, so I'm not really feeling like things were rectified much thereafter?

OKAY, I have one post left after this. So without further ado, I will need to ask you all:

@Shinori @athena_57 @Conqueror @Jaybee @Baldrick @Orihime @Refa @Killthestory

What would you think if I told you that SB was the one who RB'd JB, or affected his NA in whatever way he did? Who is scum in that instance? And are we willing to consider SB as a scum-sided RB'er/antagonistic role or not?

Also consider the fact that, after surfing SB's ISO, I really see no actual casing/real thoughts either direction on JB from SB. Likely to think of him as a protective role and targeted him out of good intentions, or is this just scum disruption NA?

@SB. If you find this untrue, or if you have a reason as to have blockaded JB, what would it be? And if you're not the scum force that's blocking/redirecting/doing something to nullify townsided NA's, then who do you believe would be the source?

As a result, my vote is currently residing on SB's slot until further notice. I will be back later today, I just wanted to let you guys know since my thoughts are now out.

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i assume that's a guilty lol, if it is then gj because I thought sb was town based on the end d2 rad interaction. Refa too? If sb is scum kts always dies next.

I'm going to sleep soon but can people look at the sb end d2 rxn to Rad's claim and see what he was trying to push? Someone floated the idea of SB knowing it was going to fail. Is there more to it? 

SB blocks me because I've hardcore crumbed my role and if the specific people I'm crumbing it to didn't get it then :squeezedtangerine:

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I only read Eury's posts and SB's replies.  HMU if you need anything right now, I don't feel like doing anything if we basically have a guilty anyways.  Guilty is great, but I'm pretty frustrated here because I don't know who else is scum and I'll have to deal with this tomorrow.

Eurykins: Guiltied SB, confirmed town.

JB: Roleblocked by SB, confirmed town.

Baldrick: Most likely roleblocked by scum N1, but his role failing N3 confuses me.  Why would this happen?  Also him not jumping on the SB wagon bothers me, but I don't know why Scum!SB would vote Bartozio off and then instantly go for scumbuddy Baldrick the next day.  Seems dumb.

Rapier/Conqueror: Tunneled SB on LD2/D3, most likely town.  I hope scum NK's him so I don't get tunneled.  Also you asked why I stopped casing you and at that point my reads were:




Which is why.  I was bothered by you but I wanted some distance from the case and SB said you were most likely town.

Shinori: Most likely town.  SB being like "your reaction test wouldn't work on me lol" is a weird scum/scum reaction, and I don't get why he'd hard defend Eury as scum.

Killthestory: Cased SB on D3.  Also he's playing completely differently from his last game as scum.

Athena: You asked this but I'm like "why does Town!Athena prevent me from using my action?  Now that Conqueror said his action failed on you too, I'm like ???".  I think besides NA's, you have good interactions w/Bartozio and your play is different from past games, but it's just that that bothers me

Mackc2/Elimine/Orihime: This slot is weird because it passively defended Bartozio but then voted SB which seems like questionable scum play.


##Vote: SB

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2/5 I'm not going to be around most of the day because irl stuff is hard right now but to answer conq I thought the early people are barts wagon was weird I want to look at the KTS slot after SB because it appears to be a guilty I'll be around for the next hour or so but then I believe I'm gone this makes me feel even better about Eury slot

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Post 3/5

12 hours ago, Conqueror said:

Ooh, are we doing softclaims today? Because I targeted Athena last night and my action failed as well. @athena_57 Would your role have caused multiple failures if targeted? I don't want a claim, just a confirm or deny. Based on what you've said, I think I may be in a similar position as you, although it's possible I'm reading all the role clues wrong. I'm trying to piece together bits and pieces from what people have been saying in the thread.


Yeah, my role can cause multiple failures.

2 hours ago, Conqueror said:

I could have even confirmed Refa's role if he's not completely bullshitting about it!

Anyway yeah I'm changing my mind. I'm explicitly against the Baldrick lynch. I came up with some scenarios where the inventor was scum after my action failed, but with all the softclaimed actions failing everywhere, I'm going to guess it's more likely there's just a scum role messing with everyone. And with apparently no one else receiving inventions that makes it less likely it's a fabricator.

I can do that for you. Due to a mod error I was informed of that action resolving on me, but that was retracted after Marth realized the action should've failed.

I did receive an item at some point that wasn't on Baldrick's list (not night 3). Not going to give any stronger clues.

47 minutes ago, Refa said:

Athena: You asked this but I'm like "why does Town!Athena prevent me from using my action?  Now that Conqueror said his action failed on you too, I'm like ???".  I think besides NA's, you have good interactions w/Bartozio and your play is different from past games, but it's just that that bothers me

I'll claim the ability if it gives you peace of mind, but I think enough is out there that you can make an educated guess.


I suppose a SB guilty makes me feel better about Orihime's Bart approach, PoE leaves KTS as prime suspect atm.


##Vote: SB

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i cant believe ppl are still saying my associations are bad when literally everyone in this game has poorly associated with me apart from the dead ppl

you could make a scumteam with me and anyone here. stop reading me off associations LMAO.

##vote SB

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I have had hypothetical guesses about Baldrick's role but if it's confirmed that SB is the reason Baldrick was blocked then that's null and void.

I'm voting SB in PM btw.


##Vote: SB

Here's my list of reads btw:


Baldrick(assuming they were blocked by SB)
Conq (Based on SB push > Bart)
Orihime (Based on SB push > Bart)

That leaves:


So we're back to this point in time.  Let's lynch SB Then KTS then Refa.

WRT KTS saying he wanted something besides association reads:

I believe I've brought up some of this stuff already; but something that stands out to me is what happened on D1 WRT the EvilMan lynch.  When Evil man was posting content with actual content behind it KTS came into the thread and posted to basically say to ignore him because he was feeding everyone BS.  He said Evilman was obvious scum and if stated that if he was up to it later he would post reasonings as to why Evilman was scum with proper reasonings and what not.  That ended up never coming and KTS basically said nothing else WRT the slot I believe.

My conq and orihime reads are mainly because: Why does scum try to push what appears to be a roleblocker esque role > A goon?  Why bring attention to SB when Bart is there for the lynch.

Votal stuff time:  Blue is known town, red is known scum.  Green is my expected town, purple is potential scum.  SB is being marked as red.

Day 1 votals
(7) Evan: Vi-astra, Killthestory, Ice Sage, Refa, Jaybee, Elemina, RADicate
(5) RADicate: Athena_57, Baldrick, Eurykins, Bartozio, Shinori
(1) Refa: Rapier
(1) Ice Sage: EvanManManMan
(1) Athena_57: SB


VOTALS (day 2)
Shinori:1 (REFA)

RADicate(5):athena, baldrick, Bartozio, eurykins, sb
Refa(2):elemina, shinori 
ice sage(1):killthestory
shinori (1):refa
not voting:jb, ice sage RADicate


Bartozio (7): athena_57, Killthestory, SB, Refa, Shinori, Snike, Jaybee
SB (2): Conqueror, Orihime
athena_57 (1): Bartozio
Refa (1): Baldrick

Not voting: Eury


So yeah, I'm gonna say SB then onwards to KTS/REFA.  Kickin myself in the ass for ignoring what I posted in my own thoughts QT.  I even have stuff in there that tells me to question SB.  Blah.  I suck.

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I picked Eury N1 because she was a minor townread and was also voting Randa at phase end, which this role would obviously have helped with. (Shinori was a bigger townread, but I thought he'd been loud enough to be killed N1)

Conq was my townread as well, and he seemed a fairly strong player who could use a watcher well. I also gave him the network because I thought he wouldn't be NKed at this stage.

Don't know if this post is pointless now with the guilty on SB, but I've typed it out anyway. I'll be back before phase end.


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