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Voting Gauntlet: Heroes and Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Heroes and Legends!  

165 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

    • Alfonse, Prince of Askr
    • Sharena, Princess of Askr
    • Anna, Commander
    • Fjorm, Princess of Ice
    • Ryoma, Supreme Samurai
    • Gunnthrá, Voice of Dreams
    • Robin, Fell Vessel
    • Ike, Vanguard Legend

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  • Poll closed on 06/07/2018 at 05:00 AM

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I'm pretty bummed about the theme, to be honest. An all out bride war would have been so much fun. A literal waifu war. Think of the memes, the fanart! They are even running both bridal banners right now. There would be some fierce battles with people like Tharja and Bride Sanaki in the running. And so much salt.

Edited by NekoKnight
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3 minutes ago, Kahvi said:

I'm guessing this won't have a banner accompanying it. Interesting. Anyway, I'll go for Ike and see where that gets me.

Legendary banner. It has four of the eight units

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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

Legendary banner. It has four of the eight units

Wasn’t there a gauntlet where a participant was similarly very limited before? I vaguely remember something, but not sure.

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If I can't snag L!Ryoma, I'll go for L!Robin. This is a weird gauntlet though.... I imagine Ike to win because he's the most popular, but wouldn't a :legendary Hero only gauntlet make more sense?

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Wasn’t there a gauntlet where a participant was similarly very limited before? I vaguely remember something, but not sure.

BK in the "shadow in the mirror" banner

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2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

BK in the "shadow in the mirror" banner

Ah, right. There also was the summer gauntlet where, despite the Ylissean half’s banner having lasted for a month, they still were seasonal and thus limited.

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>Not brides.

Man, this salt is disappointing.

Anyways, I'll probably just pick one that I have.

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That's pretty boring gauntlet. Welll it's Sharena then. My ID: 346 109 3199 My support unit, I will decide later, but if maybe Tikki if her new breath will be worth to it,  Xander or Bride Tharja.

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Gonna join Frima, even if she is bound to be stomped by Ike. Gives more feathers anyway. Afterwards I'll just be drifting around. It's interesting to have most of the bonus units i  a VG for once. (even if it's on account of most of them being free).

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And once again, Marth misses out on a gauntlet. First with the CYL gauntlet where he should've been in Chrom's place but wasn't due to split votes, and now this one where Brides are, surprisingly, not the theme.

When are you gonna let me support my boy, IS?


...We all know who's going to win this one.

Idk who I'll support, probably female Grima because she's the only one I have a connection to. Alfonse is tempting, but Robin at least had an entire game to get attached to.

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I'm pretty sure it was clear that it wouldn't be a bride-themed banner the moment we got last year's bride banner (1) without it being announced as a Voting Gauntlet banner and (2) lasting about a month instead of about two weeks (and therefore not a Voting Gauntlet banner).


I'll probably support Grima in the first round and see if we can knock out Ike right off the bat. If she goes down, Fjorm is up next. I'll play it by ear if both go down.

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