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Voting Gauntlet: The Chosen Ones!


Voting Gauntlet: The Chosen Ones!  

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  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

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  • Poll closed on 09/11/2018 at 05:00 AM

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1 minute ago, Tree said:

Brash assault seal?


(but if you're asking, it means you haven't gotten my friend unit.  Probably for the best, given the nature of the build)

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Just now, Tree said:

@eclipse Now I'm curious. Frederick or Cherche with a brave weapon have around that speed. Or it could be Hector... or Wrys

If you're on Team Veronica, and I was on your friends list, you might have seen what I had in mind. . .or you might not, because I'm way short on feathers for merges.  But if you're on Team Ephraim. . .oh well, it'll have to wait. :P:

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

If you're on Team Veronica, and I was on your friends list, you might have seen what I had in mind. . .or you might not, because I'm way short on feathers for merges.  But if you're on Team Ephraim. . .oh well, it'll have to wait. :P:

You're on the wrong team for feathers! It's constant bonuses on Team Ephraim. :) You almost certainly will get the victory ones which will help. I don't think you're on my friends list though. Do you have extra space? I'm at 95/100 right now, so it's almost full.

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1 minute ago, Tree said:

You're on the wrong team for feathers! It's constant bonuses on Team Ephraim. :) You almost certainly will get the victory ones which will help. I don't think you're on my friends list though. Do you have extra space? I'm at 95/100 right now, so it's almost full.

I've got plenty of space!  And I'm on Team Veronica because I pulled her.  Not my fault that Ephraim didn't want to show up.

FC is 7976167759.  Will swap back to Leon once this is over.

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5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I've got plenty of space!  And I'm on Team Veronica because I pulled her.  Not my fault that Ephraim didn't want to show up.

Perfectly valid reason.

Sent a request. I've put Reinhardt for now because he handles most of the things armored Ephraim would be afraid of. Usually I have a green unit though.

Hmm, actually I've been considering building that unit too. Let me know how it works out. I trained one up and slaying weapon + sacred cowl was a near invincible combination on the various training maps. Survived physical and magic attacks.

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16 minutes ago, Tree said:

Perfectly valid reason.

Sent a request. I've put Reinhardt for now because he handles most of the things armored Ephraim would be afraid of. Usually I have a green unit though.

Hmm, actually I've been considering building that unit too. Let me know how it works out. I trained one up and slaying weapon + sacred cowl was a near invincible combination on the various training maps. Survived physical and magic attacks.

Will accept in a bit, got busy!

It's 21 guaranteed damage. . .if I can get into range, that is.  Tanking reds does barely any damage, so my best bet is blue/weaker greens.

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9 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I swear, this game is taunting me.

All I need to complete the colorless quest is one colorless ally on my side. I get stuck with a shitload of reds, while my opponents almost always have one, maybe two, colorless on their team.

Fuck you too.

Why bother? Just bring a colorless unit yourself on a battle without multiplier. 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Why bother? Just bring a colorless unit yourself on a battle without multiplier. 

Ephraim was constantly on multiplier.

Surrendering and going into a battle repeatedly worked. Eventually.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

1,510 flags here. I missed the last multiplier and my 3rd round flags are completely intact.

I got exactly one 3.x multiplier yesterday. Will burn most of my flags in the early evening, won't stay awake all night for the final multipliers. 

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On the one hand, I regret picking Veronica because of the sheer lack of multipiers.

On the other hand I didn't have Ephraim when I picked, sorry.

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Yes, 200 out 15 minutes ago and 200 more in a few minutes. And probably my last multiplier, as probably the next one (if there’s a next one) will be during the last 4~5 hours and by that time is sleep time here :(

Is team Ephraim even using flags? xD

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16 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

@mampfoid@Usana@Garlyle If you're all cool with it, I'd like your FCs for this last round as fellow Roy fans. I've currently got my main Roy as lead, but I can try and find something else if you need a specific color Unit. I'll edit my FC on here soon if you'd rather add me instead of the other way around, I just have to go somewhere my iPod has internet so I can actually dig my main account's FC back up.

Feel fre to add me - 9581072353 - Currently have Dancing Micaiah as my lead.


Gah I seem to be just missing Veronica's multipliers. I don't think I need to bother completely the flag quests. Doesn't look like I would get to use them.

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I believe the only way Ephraim to win this VG is to get multipliers in the last 2 hours. I mean, right now is 27 billion Vs 21 billion. Veronica got a lot from this last multiplier, and I believe Ephraim will took 2 multipliers to reach her.

Not necessarily. Another possible situation is ending up in same on the second last hour and Veronica barely pushing Ephraim into the 7.5 for the last hour.

I don't think there's any other possible winning situation outside of these 2, though my past experiences with upsets has shown that this isn't exactly a rare occurrence 

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