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I was excited for the Dragonflowers until I saw how much it costs to +5 a unit and that it's not grindable. The huge cost would have been fine if we could grind it and not being able to grind would have been fine if it didn't cost an absurd amount, but both combined just mean we have yet another important currency gated behind weekly rewards from PvP modes. I know we can get flowers outside of AR in the Heroic Ordeals, but unless 8 is not the maximum, it's not much. If 8 is indeed the max we can get, that means you need to accomplish 75 ordeals to +5 a single character. I can't imagine how costly +10 an Infantry unit will be. 

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Ugh... those special heroes summoning events have me so salty... For the 2017 special heroes there's literally 1 unit in almost every color that I want but the chance of getting trash is too high... Winter Tharja would be nice but I have literally every other red unit. I need PA!Shigure but every other blue either sucks or is in my possession already. Summer Tiki would be great for Axe valor but same problem as above. Guess I'm going with colorless.

  • B!Cordelia means my +1 gets even stronger.
  • B!Lyn is free Dazzling Staff for Serra.
  • Summer Frederick is free Seal ATK/SPD for my Matthew.
  • ToD!Sakura is outdated but I still want her.
  • NY!Takumi is the same as above.
  • Summer Gaius kinda sucks but oh well.
  • PA!Olivia is a must have.

The only real way to lose is to get another Halloween Jakob or to get a Summer Gaius but that's a somewhat low chance so... yeah.

2018 is even worse... they really shouldn't have chosen this format. All this is going to do is induce rage when you don't get the unit you want.

Dragonflowers are cool but they don't apply in arena where they'd be the most useful so that's disappointing.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Actually I can just make a list right here.

  • 2017 Red: Summer Leo, Halloween Nowi, Winter Tharja, NY Camilla (4)
  • 2017 Blue: Spring Lucina/Xander, Bride Caeda/Charlotte, Summer Robin/Corrin, Dancer Shigure, Winter Robin (8)
  • 2017 Green: Spring Chrom/Camilla, Summer Tiki/Elise/Xander, Dancer Inigo/Azura, Halloween Henry, Winter Chrom/Lissa, NY Azura (11)
  • 2017 Colorless: Bride Cordelia/Lyn, Summer Gaius/Frederick, Dancer Olivia, Halloween Sakura/Jakob, NY Takumi (8)
  • 2018 Red: Bride Tharja, Summer Tana/Tiki, Dancer Micaiah, Halloween Myrrh, NY Hrid/Gunnthra (7)
  • 2018 Blue: Valentine's Lyn, Spring Catria, Bride Ninian, Summer Cordelia/Camilla, Dancer Ryoma, Halloween Niles, Winter Ephraim (8)
  • 2018 Green: Valentine's Hector/Lilina, Spring Alfonse/Sharena, Bride Sanaki, Summer Innes, Dancer Elincia, Halloween Kagero, Christmas Fae, NY Fjorm (10)
  • 2018 Colorless: Valentine's Roy, Spring Kagero, Summer Noire/Linde/Takumi, Dancer Xander, Halloween Mia, Christmas Eirika, NY Laevatein (9)

Thanks for the list. I think I'll go for red in 2017 and blue for 2018. A real bummer we can't pick.

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My Azama is looking forward to his meaningfull Atk boost from the IV merge boost!!! those 0 dmg strikes will be that more delicious 

No seriously in a side not with all those boosts I am expecting soon a higher difficulty Tier in GHBs and LHBs then Abyssal

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This FEH channel was meh tbh. Those new banners sound good, but making it random and possible to not get the color you want is not a good idea. I hate the idea that I summon on colorless hoping for H!Sakura, but I get something worse, like trashy Gaius, Cordi, or Freddy. I wish that we had gotten to choose which one we got, and not leave it up to luck

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I believe the dragonflowers will be like the Summoner support, which is only visible for the players. I think the boosting stats will not appear in enemy units.

For example, my Marth will have +2 (+5 Hp) from Summoner support and +2 from dragonflowers, for a total of +4 to Atk/Spd/Def/Res and +7 Hp, but I believe the extra stats will only be visible for me. But I can be wrong about it.

Anyway, I will pick Colorless for Special Heroes 2017 and Red for 2018. I will vote for Legendary Azura in the Find and Vote event.

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Anyone who wants to download any of the pictures shown at the end of the video can find them on the JP website:  https://fire-emblem-heroes.com/ja/topics/index.html?id=detail-20190202-1

I really like Maeshima's art of Fjorm and Laevatein in casual clothes.  Maybe this will get people to stop claiming Laevatein has quadtails instead of twintails.  I'm disappointed that they felt the need to remove Mikuro's artwork from the English version of the video, though.

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This is a nice surprise. I would have preferred it if they announced it though.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Rein and Lyn must have really scarred them.

I can imagine, but they still went with VS!Azura anyways for some reason.

2 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

I'll probably be shooting for dancers as I seem to lack any good ones. What are the best dancers to shoot for?

Azura: Vallite Songstress is the best Dancer/Singer in the game in my opinion.

She is a flying Singer, so that alone already puts her at the top of the list.

Additionally, she can give a 6/6/6/6 buff to Sung allies within 2 spaces if running her regular Atk Tactic (albeit with some team composition requirement); a guaranteed 5/5/5/5 buff without any requirements if running Earth Dance on the Sacred Seal slot; or the bat shit crazy 7/7/7/7 super max buff if running Hone Atk 4.

If that was not enough, she can boost the movement range of infantry and flier units by 1. If you thought ponies like Reinhardt and BH!Lyn no longer gave you nightmares due to trenches, well, they are now back with a vengeance but much worse since these ponies can fly over said trenches (and forests, mountains, water, etc.).

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So, this is the 2nd Anniversary, eh? The highlight for me is the celebratory artwork. As for my impressions, they be in the spoiler to keep some the negativity hidden.

If I were to sum it up though, it would be that this announcement does nothing to revive my passion for Fire Emblem Heroes. I just hope the mainline titles continue to be good. I absolutely loved Shadows of Valentia, but with FEH being around, I am worried about Three Houses...


The Special Hero Summoning is pretty cool, but as someone detached from the game it is not something that particularly interests me. The fact that it is also luck-based does not help matters. Now, the Find&Vote Heroes with the 2nd Anniversary Summon is more interesting as I am curious about the results.

Dragonflowers are a thing. I appreciate the whole "maps are tailored to characters" (I wonder how far they took it), but given IS track record I suspect a 3rd generation of BST. Infantry getting an extra boost is nice, but some characters need it far more than others. A part of me would have liked if players could allocate the stats themselves, but then we'll likely be seeing +5 ATK Reinhardts, +5 SPD cannons, or whatever the meta is these days. This is something I may have been excited for, but it still doesn't solve my particular issues.

I stopped playing Aether Raids (as well as FEH itself), so I'm indifferent about the changes. I loved AR when it launched as the ability to customize the castle and attack others was fun. Then Mystic Heroes with new Blessings were announced, among other things...

Merge Allies update is intriguing, but now it really rewards merging units instead of simply having a copy. It is a double edged sword, but I suppose players who do 4* merges get the main benefits (aside from whales). I only merged at 5* status.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In short, this particular announcement does nothing to revive my passion for Fire Emblem Heroes. I suspect stats will continue to increase and new skills continue to be crazy, while personal refines make "ordinary" inheritable weapons irrelevant. It is essentially similar to "gear treadmills" in MMOs, the new stuff always places the old stuff. The main difference is simply higher numbers (and some improvements to tech that allow for more crazy things).

I suppose FEH's focus on PVP killed it for me. Before, Arena was a fun PVP diversion, but now doing PVP stuff (Arena, Arena Assault, Aether Raids) is basically required for decent progression. Sure, there's stuff like Forging Bonds and Tempest Trials, but those are akin to events in other games (and I've played games with better events).

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We're getting a lot of orbs but not as many as last year right? Although the banners that are happening sound interesting.

2 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

Eh... easy 5 star heroes is nice I guess. I'll probably be shooting for dancers as I seem to lack any good ones. What are the best dancers to shoot for?

For seasonal dancers, Performing Arts Azura (Green), New Years Azura (Green), Bridal Ninian (Blue), and Summer Micaiah (Red) are held in high regard. You may want to pull Green for 2017 and Blue/Red for 2018.

Here's a list of all seasonal dancers, if you rather pick a character/aesthetic you like more. Every dancer is good by default.

  • Performing Arts Olivia
  • Performing Arts Inigo
  • Performing Arts Shigure
  • Performing Arts Azura
  • New Years Azura
  • Bridal Ninian
  • Summer Micaiah
  • Summer Elincia
  • Summer Ryoma
  • Summer Xander

I'm sorry if I missed one, but I believe that's all of them.

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43 minutes ago, XRay said:

I can imagine, but they still went with VS!Azura anyways for some reason.

I mean, strictly speaking, a unit like Legendary Azura is the only way for someone like me to stop rating Reinhardt as basically the best unit in the game.* The only way to powercreep the guy that's 2nd place on pretty much every single metric is to release a unit that's 1st place on pretty much every single metric. (Azura basically traded the 'one weakness' with Rein. Rein's 'one weakness' was that he didn't have dance, so his support straight up can't be broken. Azura's 'one weakness' is that a lot of her kit is tied up in her Prf, which means her combat is a lot more garbage than you'd expect from a tome unit---that is, -blade access.)

*Mind, I did rate him less than units like Spring!Camilla, but that's because she used to have a massive support advantage in flying dancers existing. As a unit he's better, but the teams he can be on aren't as good as the teams Spring!Camilla could be on.


The other path was having Reinhardt being the best unit in the game forever, and there's heavy incentive for a gacha game not to let that happen.


I would've preferred them to go the way of releasing a bunch of people like Herons, who are actually better than Azura in specific cases. (Herons don't pay unit-turns to get their full buffs up, and they naturally have the kind of mobility Azura has to jump through hoops for.) If you release enough specialized units that are overpowered in specialty Reinhardt would've slowly dropped from 2nd in all categories to 3rd, 4th, and so on in all categories, which brings him a lot more in line with other units.

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So, it took them a bit. I have to assume IS has been concerned about what they would get in response.

Feh has another cake, no macaroons and it has been a while for news. For the second anniversary, we get: a bunch of stuff that adds up to 22 orbs, the BHB banners get rerun, a banner that allows you one free unit from the special banners with no control over it (PLEASE CHRISSA), find and vote heroes (which will put units together for a special banner (PLEASE CHRISSA) and an unspecified aether raids update.

Dragonflowers: They raise an allies stats (REALLY?), are sorted by movement type (FUCKING REALLY?) but at least it's only one- I was wrong, 5. Unless you're an infantry. They come from Heroic Ordeals, which are one for each unit (OHO that's something I wanted, so that's nice)

For the update, AR is being changed: Aether will be halved, the cap will be 50 and the free battle is lost (I don't know how to feel about this), there are new tiers (Which are not going to be set for those who are going to end up in those tiers, which sounds cruel), the merge allies update has been descried (after it had been).

Jeez Feh, she ate the whole damm plate. So over all, I kind of wish there was one more thing for this update personally but there was a lot covered there. The fact that Surtr can get a +5 is stupid but too late now. 

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I already wasn't merging units, because it's way too much of a resource strain on f2p players, so I'm not excited over the flowers at all. When I saw it announced at first, I was hoping it was a way for Gen 1 units to catch up, but that isn't what it is.

It'll be limited resources that I'll only be able to give to my stronger units, since I'll prioritize them, further cimenting the gap between the strong and the less strong and making my whole squad just much less diverse.

It looks like we will get these flowers very slowly so I'm pretty sure I will get more units more frequently than I will get the flowers to make them +5.

Don't like it.


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Coolio, I wonder who I should vote for in the mini event. I'll assume that Lazura has blue on lockdown, and Duma colorless. Green might be Surtr, although if everyone already has him I could see some people voting for Lewyn for Special Spiral, and that only leaves red. Hríd? Tibarn? H!Myrrh? I'm unsure.

I loved seeing all the celebratory art. It's fun seeing Heroes from different games interacting, and I wish we had more of that in the game proper. Owain and Tibarn chilling out playing Heroes together? I mean that's pretty sweet.

I got Spring Camilla as opposed to Winter Lissa though so clearly my day is ruined.

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I'm going to echo @Sire in basically every way. Very little from this Channel interests me (even less than Sumia's), and much of the stuff focuses on the same features that wound up turning me away and keeping me away. In the end, I'm honestly not sure if there ever was a way to bring me back, but IS is certainly not on the right track to finding it.

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I was hoping that they'd expand the barracks by another 100; I've been hoping that for a while. Not all of us expanded our barracks because we didn't have to, but with the number of unique heroes now over 300, the minimum barrack space given, it'd be nice if they expand that so you can have one copy of every unique hero without needing to spend orbs on it.

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I'm hoping that 3.2 gets us a HM cap increase. Since they didn't talk about new weapons in the Feh Channel, and I think it's highly likely that we'll be getting new weapons, maybe HM cap is something that we'll get to know by the ingame notifications, like we do with the weapons.

I also think 3.2 will hit around 2/7~8, so a notification on monday, maybe?

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While there were a few good things, IS falls into the same bad habits with every potentially good idea by coupling it with a ranking system. Aside from that, very underwhelming, but there's a limit to how much a team can improve in a small amount of time. Then again, devs give off the impression of being students who do their assignments at the last minute when they had plenty of time to do it before. At least better than the shitshow the FEH channel for book III was as it addressed a couple of gripes and improved unit customizability somewhat.

During the last few days I've been lead to believe they're somewhat indifferent towards the player base as of late as there was a survey for the Japanese players only (asking significantly less questions than last year and not even asking opinions on the game modes which leads me to believe that they're done with updating them or AR was the only one constantly receiving feedback from several players as well as a good part of the player base is a bit too passive about their complaints of gameplay) and the Feh channel had a last minute announcement. It was said on the calendar that there'd be a 2nd anniversary celebration, but there was confusion among the player base as to whether or not we'd get a Feh channel

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2 hours ago, redlight said:

During the last few days I've been lead to believe they're somewhat indifferent towards the player base as of late as there was a survey for the Japanese players only (asking significantly less questions than last year and not even asking opinions on the game modes which leads me to believe that they're done with updating them or AR was the only one constantly receiving feedback from several players as well as a good part of the player base is a bit too passive about their complaints of gameplay) and the Feh channel had a last minute announcement. It was said on the calendar that there'd be a 2nd anniversary celebration, but there was confusion among the player base as to whether or not we'd get a Feh channel

If this is the case, is the game already dead/on life support? Shouldn't gatchas, being continual works in progress, games yet to be finished, be more responsive to player feedback than normal games?


And why no announcement of a boon/bane display? Is that not actually going to happen?

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If this is the case, is the game already dead/on life support? Shouldn't gatchas, being continual works in progress, games yet to be finished, be more responsive to player feedback than normal games?


And why no announcement of a boon/bane display? Is that not actually going to happen?

They're still asking for and responding to certain kinds of feedback. It seems that they've just concluded that other kinds of feedback don't give them much to work with and have stopped looking for them. Which is understandable, although they may not have underestimated the frustrations from not translating the survey.

A boon/bane display isn't something that would necessarily be announced before being added, if they consider it a relatively minor change. Also, we haven't gotten a "proper" update notification newspost yet, so it could be that that's where they'll put it (and any weapon updates).

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I'm glad Feh didn't get what she wanted from her summon.

Because if she had gotten Gimmick!Fjorm, I would have been upset that Feh Channel was giving us high expectations that we would get exactly what we wanted. Having her get BetterButNotBestOrWorst!Hector was very mature advertising.

I'm told I need to work on my nicknames for units.

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The new voting minigame doesn't appear particularly interesting in itself... but it looked like the maps were scrollable. I really hope it is a usability test for large, scrollable maps. I think this new voting method is meant to help limit votes (for those with multiple accounts) since it will take more time to find a desired character.

The flower stat boosters will help patch up older unit stats to better compete with the gen 3 stat increase that is likely coming. We won't be able to apply them to all the older units (due to the rarity), but if there are particular ones we like, it will help them stay somewhat relevant.

I'm glad they got rid of the free daily Aether Raids run. That daily requirement was annoying. The lower aether cost means we'll still have a similar amount of battles, but we won't have to play every single day.

I knew gold orbs were coming at some point, but I thought they would be used for something different (like combat manuals, etc.). Also, it appears that you have to summon the free unit in order to use the banner. This means that it wouldn't be possible to use the free pull to get whatever unit you had difficulty summoning. I'm worried that they will apply this to the new brave heroes banner later this year.

I'm a bit disappointed on the orb quantities though. It's 22 login and 22 from maps for 44 total compared to 100 last year. They are giving out two more 5* units, but they are random seasonal units. I'd probably trade both 5* seasonal units for the extra 56 orbs from last year. The removal of the four orbs from Forging Bonds wasn't a big deal to me because it wasn't very many orbs, and they replaced them with 20 orbs worth of tickets. However, I hope this isn't the start of an overall trend of fewer orbs in exchange for "more valuable" time-limited summons on banners. It would give more 5* units overall, but only if you liked the majority of banners.

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27 minutes ago, Tree said:

The flower stat boosters will help patch up older unit stats to better compete with the gen 3 stat increase that is likely coming.

I'm not exactly sure what +1 to all stats would do for helping older units compete with anything, especially since most units only use 1-3 of their stats.

The only real winners are infantry, who get +2 to all stats, which means I'm probably first going to focus on my infantry tanks (Fjorm, Legendary Lyn, Helbindi if he ever gets merges, etc.) and cannons (Ayra, Karla, Raven, etc.) first.

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IS could you please stop doing these last-minute announcement videos? It's hard enough for me to just wake up and go to work, nevermind being suddenly bombarded with info that is going to in the game that very same day. It can't be that hard to just announce this stuff the day before so I have time to digest it at least, jeez.

I'm half disappointed, half excited for all this really. No 50 free orbs is the biggest disappointment, I was sorta counting on at least 20 orbs today but instead of that we just got....4 from log-in and special maps. Ok we do get two free 5* seasonal units but since those are random and you're not even guaranteed the color you want I would've preferred the 50 orbs really.

Free Seasonals - While the idea is cool, the execution is horrible. Could've just made us pick one from each year, don't see why this had to be random too giving you a big chance to get a double or something you don't care for at all. And there's a chance you don't get the color you want too. And they have IVs too, another source for possible disappointment. Gee IS, thanks for this....gift?

Voting + Free Hero Pick - Now this I do like, a lot better than just getting the most popular hero and not giving anyone much of a choice. Though L!Azura is probably going to be one of the choices, so I won't have much choice anyway sadly, too OP to not pick, especially considering F2P guides :( Letting the voting be a mini game is kinda....why, I really have better things to do?

Dragon Flowers - Eh ok cool I guess? Don't have much of an opinion on this, it doesn't seem to affect Arena so that's cool, though AR is suspiciously not mentioned in that same sentence...

Speaking off, I really hate that AR gets all these rare exclusive recourses now. I despise playing AR and I always will and I really dislike IS forcing people to play a mode they might not be interested in at all to get recourses they need to make their characters stronger. And those who prefer Arena, like me, are just stuck with heaps or Arena Medals that are hardly being used for anything. Please divide your attention over both PvP modes instead of just one of them so people can choose what they prefer to play.

Double EXP and SP event: Very welcome since I got like 5 new units to train and now I can just take my time with that instead of doing it all on Friday/Saturday.

Daily BHB banners: Well daily free summons are always fun, so I'll take it. Not much that interests me on these though, which I can only call lucky so I don't have to spend much orbs. Will probably just try for green on most of them to try and get Reyson (which I hope can be gotten on these banners?).

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