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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I love to see poeple suffer some time

Fair enough.

But he did lose Lilina, so there has been suffering.

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6 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I think you're reading too deeply into things, but I've been reminded of symbolism-that-doesn't-actually-matter that I don't think has been talked about here.

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7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Logos's is from Proverbs 10:12: "Odium suscitat rixas et universa delicta operit caritas." ("Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.")

And that provides more reasoning into the logic behind his name. Granted, it's because of Amalthus that Malos turned out the way he did but Amalthus' hatred for the world stirred up the entire conflict that would affect Alrest for 500 years.



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Ok so. Agniritha Night's remastered version has got me like 


Like, the song before was already good but then they added vocals and it just increases the emotional factor by 11. At least when it comes to night themes, Agniritha got the biggest glow up imo. 

Listen to this, it's so beautiful.


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I will listen to it once I've reached the point of the game.

So far I prefer more night than day versions.

Eryth Sea is the best example for having a fantastic night theme.


Now the big grinding begins.

Though I will focus on quests first which give me some exp.



SMH FE6 you continue disapointing me

Without a weapon balance patch it's unplayable for me.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

wait what?

It's not an FPS at all!

It's a VN/RPG hybrid.

The PS Store description said it was an FPS. Those flippin' liars...

12 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ninja loli is good, too!

Probably my fav. to use alongside Nep.

Oh yeah, Ram is tons of fun, too! So is Noire. And Neptune. And Purple Heart, of course.
Sadly, I couldn't quite get the hang of Nepgear, Blanc, and Vert.
As far as Rom, Green Heart and White Heart are concerned, I tried them out, but stuck with the others I mentioned throughout. And it was here I realized that, even in the mainline games, White Heart and Green Heart (Blanc and Vert in general) tend to be my least used CPUs.

Speaking of CyberNep, I actually finished the main story yesterday and am now tackling the postgame stuff (maxing levels, maxing guild rank, that kind of stuff).
Gotta say, I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did, not after everything you've told me about it.
Storywise, the plot is complete nonsense, but I love how the game just rolls with it, and this creates a really funny experience throughout (like the whole cheater/cheetah ordeal).
I absolutely LOVED the gameplay. The combat system was fast, fun, and it never really got boring for me. I loved slaughtering my way through the dungeons and I loved how the bosses played out, even if it followed pretty much the same pattern for all of them (empty Break Gauge with elemental attacks, go ham once it's empty).
I don't think I even need to talk about the characters, as I have gushed about the CPUs and the Candidates enough, but I have to point out that I very much enjoyed their interactions with each other. I think they really managed to develop them as characters while staying true to what makes them fun in the first place. Adding to this is that they had interactions between characters that didn't interact much in the mainline games (such as Uni and Neptune or Noire and Vert). And I loved the hijinks that resulted from the HDD Forms of the main four being seperate characters. I just wished there were more of those, as the overall screentime of the Goddesses is sadly quite short-lived. 
And of course, I have to mention the cameo appearances of Uzume, Plutia, and Peashy. But all I can say to that is that I enjoyed those, as well. Especially scenes involving Peashy were absolutely heartwarming. In the postgame, the Gold Third also make an appearance, which is great! Though you never actually see them, it's heavily implied it's them (one of them even introduces herself as C-Sha).
Another thing I enjoyed was the aesthetic and design of the dungeons. They didn't reuse any layout, though there were dungeons that shared aesthetics, like the final three. I didn't mind this, however, as they were still different enough.
Music is top notch, as is almost standard at this point. I'd even go so far as to say that this game has overall my favorite soundtrack in the Neptunia series when I consider every track on it. Sure, nearly none of the tracks here come close to the absolute greats like Dancing Girl, Nepgear's Theme, Will be Venus, Encounter of Destiny, or Providence, but I enjoyed every bit of music the game threw at me.

Also, while it took some time getting used to the fact that Noire now sounds like Eleanor from Tales of Berseria, I actually prefer this new English voice actress to her old one. Nothing against her old voice actress, but I find this new voice to be a lot easier on the ears. And she's a bit closer to the Japanese original in how she portrays Noire's character. Especially her Black Heart voice is awesome.
On that note, the English dub for this game in general is top notch.

A little thing I also really enjoyed were those "Teach me, Bert!" scenes, where Vert would talk about the different kinds of tea and how to prepare them. I found that quite interesting and educational. Never thought I'd learn something about tea while playing a Neptunia game, but there you go.

Gripes are few, but first, I need to throw out the disclaimer that I am aware that this game has some... issues, concerning crashes and stuff. I just never once experienced the very, very bad ones.
The only issue I experienced was at one point, when I switched to the Japanese audio for fun (and for Purple Heart) and then switched back, suddenly, all sound effects and voices cut out and I was left with only the BGM. Had to restart the game to fix that one.
And then of course, there's the fact that you can't skip the logos and the long loading screen that happens every time you start the game prior to the opening theme playing. You can skip the opening theme, though, but it is quite annoying to sit through the other stuff when you just want to play the game.
Also, guarding against attacks felt like it only worked when it wanted to at times. Though that could be because I got the timing wrong.

So, yeah... it's a short and sweet experience despite the issues it does reportedly have - and although I never experienced them myself, I do believe people when they say they exist - and I never tried out the multiplayer due to a lack of a PS Plus subscription (and f*** those subscriptions, honestly), so that's an aspect of the game I can't even partake in, but I couldn't care less about that, honestly.

As far as ranking this game goes, I'd put it above Re;Birth 2 and 3 purely due to the superior character interactions and no grating running gags and characters.
This is probably very controversial, but... there you go.

Edited by DragonFlames
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This is the first awesome battle theme


Also one fun fact: Before the "fight" against Fiora there's the section with an elite monster and about four generics around. Nearby is the aether which will kill everyone after a few seconds. Since there was no barrier I tried to send them to the aether to kill themselves. It was fun and productive because you still get the kill exp. for the "cheap" kill. I remember exactly it was not the case in 2. 

Edited by Falcom Knight
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I think I'm not too far away from the end anymore considering the enemy's level. Xeno 2's final boss was level 70 or 75, and I already fight enemies in the mid 50s. I just have played 25 h yet although with calculating all the fails it would be more than 30 h. I still do the majority of the quests, and I will do as many as possible before the end. Still I think 1 will become a lot shorter than 2 I needed almost 60 h for.


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Yeah, it's shorter, but considering the system limitations back then compared to now, it's pretty impressive. Although i'm playing through 2 right now, and already am at the half point. No NG+ and only going with blades that I first summon, so no optimal setups or anything. Can't remember my current time played, but once I can look, I will.

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@DragonFlames it seems you've really enjoyed Cyberdimension. Nice. Despite not playing it myself, it did seem like one of the better Neptunia spin-offs not that it's hard to achive.

Regarding your rankings though, i personally wouldn't rank it with the mainline games since normally, spin-offs and mainline of anything would be counted seperately. But i can understand liking certain spin-offs more than certain mainline games.

7 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

This is the first awesome battle theme

Ah yes, the only actually good ambush theme in the whole series. The Bionis ambush theme is bad and the Xenoblade X ambush theme is awful. 

Xenoblade 2 got rid of them, bless.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

The Bionis ambush theme is bad.

Do you mean the first ambush battle theme?

I like that one too.



What to do here?

I have no jewel which can prevent paralysis.

The boss kills me before I'm able to reach it.

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