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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
Believe in the RNG


If her Speed ends up sucking really badly, I can just bench her for Flayn (who works surprisingyl well as an offensive mage, I found) or Lysi.
But, since I really like Annette, I hope that doesn't happen.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

100% worth the money. Every cent.

Eh. I saw a playthrough of Cindered Shadows and have watched some of the supports with the characters. Hapi is amazing and would probably be a new favorite if I had the chance to use her in gameplay, the rest are either very annoying (Constance), already in the game (Balthus is just Raphael without the food) or just inoffensively okay (Yuri).
The rest of the DLC should have been in the base game to begin with, and I really hate Anna, so that doesn't do anything for me, either. My apologies for that.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

If her Speed ends up sucking really badly, I can just bench her for Flayn (who works surprisingyl well as an offensive mage, I found) or Lysi.

Reclassing her into a class with good base speed wouldn't be a bad idea then.

Sages have very low base speed of 14 iirc. So if you have something else you can reclass her into midway through just for speed, wouldn't be a bad idea^^

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Reclassing her into a class with good base speed wouldn't be a bad idea then.

Sages have very low base speed of 14 iirc. So if you have something else you can reclass her into midway through just for speed, wouldn't be a bad idea^^

I have a high sword rank for her from a previous playthrough, now that I think about it (wanted to try Mortal Savant Annie). Maybe I can have her qualify for Swordmaster or Assassin to raise her Speed if it does end up sucking.
Good idea! Thanks for that!

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I have a high sword rank for her from a previous playthrough, now that I think about it (wanted to try Mortal Savant Annie). Maybe I can have her qualify for Swordmaster or Assassin to raise her Speed if it does end up sucking.
Good idea! Thanks for that!

Mortal Savant is.... interesting

on one hand, bad growths and stats

on the other hand

6 Mov Magic user.

I did turn my Annette into Mortal Savant iirc, she was pretty good^^

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Mortal Savant is.... interesting

on one hand, bad growths and stats

on the other hand

6 Mov Magic user.

I did turn my Annette into Mortal Savant iirc, she was pretty good^^

I had Lysithea be one in my first GD playthrough, because she had already mastered Gremory by the time she qualified for it, and she just looks plain awesome as one.
She still nuked everything. XD

I also used Dorothea as an MS multiple times and she was pretty good, too. Same with Marianne, actually.  I'm guessing it's because by the time you can become a Mortal Savant, your stats will already be high enough. And that bonus Strength they get helps offset the hit to their Speed growth, because higher strength means they won't be weighed down as much.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

And that bonus Strength they get helps offset the hit to their Speed growth, because higher strength means they won't be weighed down as much.

still, Con = STR/5 in 3H, unlike Tellius where weapon weight was migitated by STR

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GameFAQs is weird...

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

still, Con = STR/5 in 3H, unlike Tellius where weapon weight was migitated by STR

... Yeah okay. Nevermind. XD
I know MS kinda sucks as a class. I still like using it, because it looks awesome.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of which, I found a screenshot of my MS Marianne from my last GD playthrough

> 22 Speed.
> friggin' hell.

My Marianne wasn't fast either, iirc.

But she one shot everything.

On Maddening.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Don't you remember from the old LPW thread where my Marianne had 20 Mag at lvl 15 or something

or was it 12

let me check and see if my post is still there xD

Right! I had forgotten about that.
I don't remember the level exactly, but her Magic was insanely high.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Right! I had forgotten about that.
I don't remember the level exactly, but her Magic was insanely high.


I am not saying Lys is bad (even if she is kinda Mag screwed, she is atleast fast), i am saying that Marianne has 24 Mag at lvl 15 xD

from the old thread x D

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This reminds me that I haven't gotten her S-support yet.

it's 👌

especially for Marianne, and how she used to be like.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Holy moly... with a Fire Orb no less.


And on Madenning


And on the right side DK suicided into Lys :lul:


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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Personally, I just want them to bring stuff like badges back,

That's been confirmed already



1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The rest of the DLC should have been in the base game to begin with,

Agreed, 3H's DLC was so poorly done. I have like zero motivation to continue Cindered Shadows.

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Oh no.

Oh no.

Ooohhh nooo...

I lent my friend RD recently, and it's his first FE game. I told him that it was quite hard and that he should play normal since it's his intro to the series.

He beat the part 1 prologue on easy then switched to normal because it was easy...

I fear for his survival. He's sorta stuck on chapter 3 right now and hasn't recruited Aran yet.

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Tio x Lysithea




Tio: … Ugh

Lysithea: Tio, thank goodness, you’re awake!

Tio: Lysithea… what did happen?

Lysithea: You collapsed!

Tio: …Ooh… I… remember… I remember… you asked me something.

Lysithea: Don’t overstrain yourself! Just keep

Tio: No Lysithea… I’m fine!

Lysithea: What do you mean?

Tio: I remember the question you had posed before I collapsed. I… just… memories came back.

Lysithea: What memories? Don’t push yourself! If you’re feeling uncomfortable to answer the question, then you don’t need to. This question seems to burden you. I don’t want to see you suffering anymore. It seems that I’m the cause of all of it…

Tio: It’s fine! You can’t know this question hits a sensible area of me. I’ll give you the answer to your question. Though I have to say in advance it might not be easy for you to understand.

Lysithea: I will be prepared for whatever you will tell me.

Tio: Alright, my increased sensing skills aren’t inherited. They’ve been put on me.

Lysithea: Put on?  What do you mean with that?

Tio: When I was five I was separated from my family. A group of a religious cult held me captive.


Tio: They gave us drugs… and sensors were attached to our entire bodies… Their goal was to strengthen our senses. They went even that far to use methods to let us sense supernatural phenomena…

Lysithea: Who could have done such a despicable thing!? Using a young innocent girl as experimental animal!? Wait… you said us. How many other children were used?

Tio: I don’t know… but none of the children around me… could withstand the drug. With my sensory power I could hear their final cry from anywhere.

Lysithea: Is this world really that cruel!? (sniff)

Tio: I was the only one who could overcome this. The brother of my former colleague found me in the chamber and rescued me as only one surviving child.

Lysithea: …I’m so sorry Tio. What has been done to you is unforgivable! I’m so sorry for pushing you so hard that I caused you physical and psychical suffering. I’m just an insensitive moron! I… hate myself! I didn’t you know you have been a testing subject too…

Tio: Pardon?

Lysithea: Hmm?

Tio: You said that you have been a testing object. So I can only assume that foreign people did experiments on you against your will, too?

Lysithea: …You can’t miss a thing, can you? Damn… sorry Tio! I still don’t want to be remembered on this. It still creeps

Tio: Would you mind to tell? Of course everything said will be kept among us.

Lysithea: I’m from House Ordelia. When I was a child the Empire overran us. House Ordelia was replaced by some dark magic group who captured me and other children and conducted chest experiments on us. They implanted a second crest on us. No one could survive… except for me. The price was that my lifespan has been shortened dramatically.

Tio: …Aw... Lysithea!

Lysithea: My hair is the proof! All the hair fragments have been gone. I will have… maybe… ten more years… maybe only seven or six.

Tio: …So horrible. Sorry that I can’t really show my express my compassion, Lysithea, but I pretty much lost all my human emotions in exchange for sensing skills. Still I’m sorry!

(hugging each other)

Lysithea: Heh, it must be karma or fate to meet someone who shared a similar fate as me.

Tio: Our past has been indeed horrific, no disturbing, but we have to look ahead! I’m certain there’s a way you can be helped. People who are familiar with chests like Mr. Hanneman might know a solution. I’d suggest you to ask him.

Lysithea: Thanks, Tio! I will do it. And thanks for telling me your story. I’m honestly feeling a bit better now. Furthermore I learned to be more sensitive towards others.

Tio: If this is your cognition, then it was definitely a constructive meeting for both of us. I also felt emotions through my body streaming when we shared our story what only ever happened when I told my story to the brother of the person who saved me. I’m glad that we had the chance to meet each other.

Lysithea: I learned from you to get better in multiple ways. I’m very thankful to you for all that. and I’m also thankful that you didn’t ditch me for being a brat towards you.

Tio: It’s all fine. I sensed you had a good reason for your behavior! Everything is good!

Lysithea: I have a little present for you.

Tio: A cake?

Lysithea: Mhm, I thought people like you will love it.

Tio: How do you analyze a person’s tastes? It surpasses my skills.

Lysithea: There’s no sorcery behind it. I just thought someone who shares a similar background also shares the same tastes.

Tio: Ah, I understand. Though you’re right. I like cake.

Lysithea: Then it’s for you!

Tio: Thank you! I also would like to give something to you.

Lysithea: Hey, isn’t it… what was his name… Mishy?

Tio: Yes!

Lysithea: But why do you want to give him to me? I thought he means a lot to you.

Tio: Mishy dolls are quite common in Crossbell and even outside nowadays. Yes, they are important for me, but I can buy another one at any time when I returned home. I’d like to give it to you since you seem to like it and you said that dolls like him don’t exist here.

Lysithea: Well, that’s true.

Tio: Then it’s yours now! Accept it was part of our friendship.

Lysithea: Friendship!? …I’m blushed… now… Yes, I will take it as a friendship gift! Thanks Tio!

Tio: I have the feeling that we both just have learned how to deal with emotions.


I will fix any errors tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

it's 👌

especially for Marianne, and how she used to be like.

Maybe I'll recruit her and get it this time.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

And on Madenning


And on the right side DK suicided into Lys :lul:

Death Knight? More like DEAD Knight!
... I'll see myself out.

... After I leave this:

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Agreed, 3H's DLC was so poorly done. I have like zero motivation to continue Cindered Shadows.

*paid DLC character with no supports intensifies*
*free update character with supports intensifies*

IntSys really dropped the ball on that one.

3 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Tio x Lysithea


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Tio: … Ugh

Lysithea: Tio, thank goodness, you’re awake!

Tio: Lysithea… what did happen?

Lysithea: You collapsed!

Tio: …Ooh… I… remember… I remember… you asked me something.

Lysithea: Don’t overstrain yourself! Just keep

Tio: No Lysithea… I’m fine!

Lysithea: What do you mean?

Tio: I remember the question you had posed before I collapsed. I… just… memories came back.

Lysithea: What memories? Don’t push yourself! If you’re feeling uncomfortable to answer the question, then you don’t need to. This question seems to burden you. I don’t want to see you suffering anymore. It seems that I’m the cause of all of it…

Tio: It’s fine! You can’t know this question hits a sensible area of me. I’ll give you the answer to your question. Though I have to say in advance it might not be easy for you to understand.

Lysithea: I will be prepared for whatever you will tell me.

Tio: Alright, my increased sensing skills aren’t inherited. They’ve been put on me.

Lysithea: Put on?  What do you mean with that?

Tio: When I was five I was separated from my family. A group of a religious cult held me captive.


Tio: They gave us drugs… and sensors were attached to our entire bodies… Their goal was to strengthen our senses. They went even that far to use methods to let us sense supernatural phenomena…

Lysithea: Who could have done such a despicable thing!? Using a young innocent girl as experimental animal!? Wait… you said us. How many other children were used?

Tio: I don’t know… but none of the children around me… could withstand the drug. With my sensory power I could hear their final cry from anywhere.

Lysithea: Is this world really that cruel!? (sniff)

Tio: I was the only one who could overcome this. The brother of my former colleague found me in the chamber and rescued me as only one surviving child.

Lysithea: …I’m so sorry Tio. What has been done to you is unforgivable! I’m so sorry for pushing you so hard that I caused you physical and psychical suffering. I’m just an insensitive moron! I… hate myself! I didn’t you know you have been a testing subject too…

Tio: Pardon?

Lysithea: Hmm?

Tio: You said that you have been a testing object. So I can only assume that foreign people did experiments on you against your will, too?

Lysithea: …You can’t miss a thing, can you? Damn… sorry Tio! I still don’t want to be remembered on this. It still creeps

Tio: Would you mind to tell? Of course everything said will be kept among us.

Lysithea: I’m from House Ordelia. When I was a child the Empire overran us. House Ordelia was replaced by some dark magic group who captured me and other children and conducted chest experiments on us. They implanted a second crest on us. No one could survive… except for me. The price was that my lifespan has been shortened dramatically.

Tio: …Aw... Lysithea!

Lysithea: My hair is the proof! All the hair fragments have been gone. I will have… maybe… ten more years… maybe only seven or six.

Tio: …So horrible. Sorry that I can’t really show my express my compassion, Lysithea, but I pretty much lost all my human emotions in exchange for sensing skills. Still I’m sorry!

(hugging each other)

Lysithea: Heh, it must be karma or fate to meet someone who shared a similar fate as me.

Tio: Our past has been indeed horrific, no disturbing, but we have to look ahead! I’m certain there’s a way you can be helped. People who are familiar with chests like Mr. Hanneman might know a solution. I’d suggest you to ask him.

Lysithea: Thanks, Tio! I will do it. And thanks for telling me your story. I’m honestly feeling a bit better now. Furthermore I learned to be more sensitive towards others.

Tio: If this is your cognition, then it was definitely a constructive meeting for both of us. I also felt emotions through my body streaming when we shared our story what only ever happened when I told my story to the brother of the person who saved me. I’m glad that we had the chance to meet each other.

Lysithea: I learned from you to get better in multiple ways. I’m very thankful to you for all that. and I’m also thankful that you didn’t ditch me for being a brat towards you.

Tio: It’s all fine. I sensed you had a good reason for your behavior! Everything is good!

Lysithea: I have a little present for you.

Tio: A cake?

Lysithea: Mhm, I thought people like you will love it.

Tio: How do you analyze a person’s tastes? It surpasses my skills.

Lysithea: There’s no sorcery behind it. I just thought someone who shares a similar background also shares the same tastes.

Tio: Ah, I understand. Though you’re right. I like cake.

Lysithea: Then it’s for you!

Tio: Thank you! I also would like to give something to you.

Lysithea: Hey, isn’t it… what was his name… Mishy?

Tio: Yes!

Lysithea: But why do you want to give him to me? I thought he means a lot to you.

Tio: Mishy dolls are quite common in Crossbell and even outside nowadays. Yes, they are important for me, but I can buy another one at any time when I returned home. I’d like to give it to you since you seem to like it and you said that dolls like him don’t exist here.

Lysithea: Well, that’s true.

Tio: Then it’s yours now! Accept it was part of our friendship.

Lysithea: Friendship!? …I’m blushed… now… Yes, I will take it as a friendship gift! Thanks Tio!

Tio: I have the feeling that we both just have learned how to deal with emotions.


I will fix any errors tomorrow.

This was sad, cute, and heartwarming.
Really sweet! ❤️

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9 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Tio x Lysithea


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Tio: … Ugh

Lysithea: Tio, thank goodness, you’re awake!

Tio: Lysithea… what did happen?

Lysithea: You collapsed!

Tio: …Ooh… I… remember… I remember… you asked me something.

Lysithea: Don’t overstrain yourself! Just keep

Tio: No Lysithea… I’m fine!

Lysithea: What do you mean?

Tio: I remember the question you had posed before I collapsed. I… just… memories came back.

Lysithea: What memories? Don’t push yourself! If you’re feeling uncomfortable to answer the question, then you don’t need to. This question seems to burden you. I don’t want to see you suffering anymore. It seems that I’m the cause of all of it…

Tio: It’s fine! You can’t know this question hits a sensible area of me. I’ll give you the answer to your question. Though I have to say in advance it might not be easy for you to understand.

Lysithea: I will be prepared for whatever you will tell me.

Tio: Alright, my increased sensing skills aren’t inherited. They’ve been put on me.

Lysithea: Put on?  What do you mean with that?

Tio: When I was five I was separated from my family. A group of a religious cult held me captive.


Tio: They gave us drugs… and sensors were attached to our entire bodies… Their goal was to strengthen our senses. They went even that far to use methods to let us sense supernatural phenomena…

Lysithea: Who could have done such a despicable thing!? Using a young innocent girl as experimental animal!? Wait… you said us. How many other children were used?

Tio: I don’t know… but none of the children around me… could withstand the drug. With my sensory power I could hear their final cry from anywhere.

Lysithea: Is this world really that cruel!? (sniff)

Tio: I was the only one who could overcome this. The brother of my former colleague found me in the chamber and rescued me as only one surviving child.

Lysithea: …I’m so sorry Tio. What has been done to you is unforgivable! I’m so sorry for pushing you so hard that I caused you physical and psychical suffering. I’m just an insensitive moron! I… hate myself! I didn’t you know you have been a testing subject too…

Tio: Pardon?

Lysithea: Hmm?

Tio: You said that you have been a testing object. So I can only assume that foreign people did experiments on you against your will, too?

Lysithea: …You can’t miss a thing, can you? Damn… sorry Tio! I still don’t want to be remembered on this. It still creeps

Tio: Would you mind to tell? Of course everything said will be kept among us.

Lysithea: I’m from House Ordelia. When I was a child the Empire overran us. House Ordelia was replaced by some dark magic group who captured me and other children and conducted chest experiments on us. They implanted a second crest on us. No one could survive… except for me. The price was that my lifespan has been shortened dramatically.

Tio: …Aw... Lysithea!

Lysithea: My hair is the proof! All the hair fragments have been gone. I will have… maybe… ten more years… maybe only seven or six.

Tio: …So horrible. Sorry that I can’t really show my express my compassion, Lysithea, but I pretty much lost all my human emotions in exchange for sensing skills. Still I’m sorry!

(hugging each other)

Lysithea: Heh, it must be karma or fate to meet someone who shared a similar fate as me.

Tio: Our past has been indeed horrific, no disturbing, but we have to look ahead! I’m certain there’s a way you can be helped. People who are familiar with chests like Mr. Hanneman might know a solution. I’d suggest you to ask him.

Lysithea: Thanks, Tio! I will do it. And thanks for telling me your story. I’m honestly feeling a bit better now. Furthermore I learned to be more sensitive towards others.

Tio: If this is your cognition, then it was definitely a constructive meeting for both of us. I also felt emotions through my body streaming when we shared our story what only ever happened when I told my story to the brother of the person who saved me. I’m glad that we had the chance to meet each other.

Lysithea: I learned from you to get better in multiple ways. I’m very thankful to you for all that. and I’m also thankful that you didn’t ditch me for being a brat towards you.

Tio: It’s all fine. I sensed you had a good reason for your behavior! Everything is good!

Lysithea: I have a little present for you.

Tio: A cake?

Lysithea: Mhm, I thought people like you will love it.

Tio: How do you analyze a person’s tastes? It surpasses my skills.

Lysithea: There’s no sorcery behind it. I just thought someone who shares a similar background also shares the same tastes.

Tio: Ah, I understand. Though you’re right. I like cake.

Lysithea: Then it’s for you!

Tio: Thank you! I also would like to give something to you.

Lysithea: Hey, isn’t it… what was his name… Mishy?

Tio: Yes!

Lysithea: But why do you want to give him to me? I thought he means a lot to you.

Tio: Mishy dolls are quite common in Crossbell and even outside nowadays. Yes, they are important for me, but I can buy another one at any time when I returned home. I’d like to give it to you since you seem to like it and you said that dolls like him don’t exist here.

Lysithea: Well, that’s true.

Tio: Then it’s yours now! Accept it was part of our friendship.

Lysithea: Friendship!? …I’m blushed… now… Yes, I will take it as a friendship gift! Thanks Tio!

Tio: I have the feeling that we both just have learned how to deal with emotions.


I will fix any errors tomorrow.

Aww...that's both tragic and sweet. Really good convo!

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12 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Tio x Lysithea


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Tio: … Ugh

Lysithea: Tio, thank goodness, you’re awake!

Tio: Lysithea… what did happen?

Lysithea: You collapsed!

Tio: …Ooh… I… remember… I remember… you asked me something.

Lysithea: Don’t overstrain yourself! Just keep

Tio: No Lysithea… I’m fine!

Lysithea: What do you mean?

Tio: I remember the question you had posed before I collapsed. I… just… memories came back.

Lysithea: What memories? Don’t push yourself! If you’re feeling uncomfortable to answer the question, then you don’t need to. This question seems to burden you. I don’t want to see you suffering anymore. It seems that I’m the cause of all of it…

Tio: It’s fine! You can’t know this question hits a sensible area of me. I’ll give you the answer to your question. Though I have to say in advance it might not be easy for you to understand.

Lysithea: I will be prepared for whatever you will tell me.

Tio: Alright, my increased sensing skills aren’t inherited. They’ve been put on me.

Lysithea: Put on?  What do you mean with that?

Tio: When I was five I was separated from my family. A group of a religious cult held me captive.


Tio: They gave us drugs… and sensors were attached to our entire bodies… Their goal was to strengthen our senses. They went even that far to use methods to let us sense supernatural phenomena…

Lysithea: Who could have done such a despicable thing!? Using a young innocent girl as experimental animal!? Wait… you said us. How many other children were used?

Tio: I don’t know… but none of the children around me… could withstand the drug. With my sensory power I could hear their final cry from anywhere.

Lysithea: Is this world really that cruel!? (sniff)

Tio: I was the only one who could overcome this. The brother of my former colleague found me in the chamber and rescued me as only one surviving child.

Lysithea: …I’m so sorry Tio. What has been done to you is unforgivable! I’m so sorry for pushing you so hard that I caused you physical and psychical suffering. I’m just an insensitive moron! I… hate myself! I didn’t you know you have been a testing subject too…

Tio: Pardon?

Lysithea: Hmm?

Tio: You said that you have been a testing object. So I can only assume that foreign people did experiments on you against your will, too?

Lysithea: …You can’t miss a thing, can you? Damn… sorry Tio! I still don’t want to be remembered on this. It still creeps

Tio: Would you mind to tell? Of course everything said will be kept among us.

Lysithea: I’m from House Ordelia. When I was a child the Empire overran us. House Ordelia was replaced by some dark magic group who captured me and other children and conducted chest experiments on us. They implanted a second crest on us. No one could survive… except for me. The price was that my lifespan has been shortened dramatically.

Tio: …Aw... Lysithea!

Lysithea: My hair is the proof! All the hair fragments have been gone. I will have… maybe… ten more years… maybe only seven or six.

Tio: …So horrible. Sorry that I can’t really show my express my compassion, Lysithea, but I pretty much lost all my human emotions in exchange for sensing skills. Still I’m sorry!

(hugging each other)

Lysithea: Heh, it must be karma or fate to meet someone who shared a similar fate as me.

Tio: Our past has been indeed horrific, no disturbing, but we have to look ahead! I’m certain there’s a way you can be helped. People who are familiar with chests like Mr. Hanneman might know a solution. I’d suggest you to ask him.

Lysithea: Thanks, Tio! I will do it. And thanks for telling me your story. I’m honestly feeling a bit better now. Furthermore I learned to be more sensitive towards others.

Tio: If this is your cognition, then it was definitely a constructive meeting for both of us. I also felt emotions through my body streaming when we shared our story what only ever happened when I told my story to the brother of the person who saved me. I’m glad that we had the chance to meet each other.

Lysithea: I learned from you to get better in multiple ways. I’m very thankful to you for all that. and I’m also thankful that you didn’t ditch me for being a brat towards you.

Tio: It’s all fine. I sensed you had a good reason for your behavior! Everything is good!

Lysithea: I have a little present for you.

Tio: A cake?

Lysithea: Mhm, I thought people like you will love it.

Tio: How do you analyze a person’s tastes? It surpasses my skills.

Lysithea: There’s no sorcery behind it. I just thought someone who shares a similar background also shares the same tastes.

Tio: Ah, I understand. Though you’re right. I like cake.

Lysithea: Then it’s for you!

Tio: Thank you! I also would like to give something to you.

Lysithea: Hey, isn’t it… what was his name… Mishy?

Tio: Yes!

Lysithea: But why do you want to give him to me? I thought he means a lot to you.

Tio: Mishy dolls are quite common in Crossbell and even outside nowadays. Yes, they are important for me, but I can buy another one at any time when I returned home. I’d like to give it to you since you seem to like it and you said that dolls like him don’t exist here.

Lysithea: Well, that’s true.

Tio: Then it’s yours now! Accept it was part of our friendship.

Lysithea: Friendship!? …I’m blushed… now… Yes, I will take it as a friendship gift! Thanks Tio!

Tio: I have the feeling that we both just have learned how to deal with emotions.


I will fix any errors tomorrow.


Only thing i am kinda so so on is Tio collapsing.

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