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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

As for me, I started playing the DS version of Dragon Quest V. One thing that immediately stands out is the music that is pretty great (though the battle theme is on the "meh" side of things, to be honest), and the environments, which look pretty. I'm not that far into it yet, but it seems like a fun little game.

Oh, fascinating. Will be interesting to read how you're playing. See how it goes different from my current one.

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If I wanted confirmation if people pay or not attention to my playthrough posts...

Nah, just kidding. I wouldn't keep posting if I cared that much... maybe.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, fascinating. Will be interesting to read how you're playing. See how it goes different from my current one.

It's the power of your friend harassing you to play something
Joking, that didn't happen

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Me in DQV right now:

Also, @Acacia Sgt, I want to apologize again. I did read your posts as well as everyone else's, but I can't memorize all of them, so I didn't know which game exactly you were talking about. Don't feel ignored, please!

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, @Acacia Sgt, I want to apologize again. I did read your posts as well as everyone else's, but I can't memorize all of them, so I didn't know which game exactly you were talking about. Don't feel ignored, please!

No no no, like I said, it was written in jest, and partly I do not mind anyway. No need to feel bad about it.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

No no no, like I said, it was written in jest, and partly I do not mind anyway. No need to feel bad about it.

Okay! Know I had no ill intent!

But, since you're playing the game, too (or maybe @Caster can answer it, too), do you know if those stat boost seeds give permanent stat boosts or if those are only temporary?

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Okay! Know I had no ill intent!

But, since you're playing the game, too (or maybe @Caster can answer it, too), do you know if those stat boost seeds give permanent stat boosts or if those are only temporary?

They're permanent.

One thing to keep in mind is that the bonus is random. Most seeds grant a 1 to 3 increase, except Agility which is 1-2, HP which is 4-6 and MP which is 3-5. Sometimes it's best to save the game before using them if you mind that.

Playing the mobile version, I don't mind exploiting this to get the highest boost, since leaving a town or fighting a battle autosaves, so I can use a seed, then reset the app and load the autosave to try again. It goes by quick enough to not be a bother.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

They're permanent.

One thing to keep in mind is that the bonus is random. Most seeds grant a 1 to 3 increase, except Agility which is 1-2, HP which is 4-6 and MP which is 3-5. Sometimes it's best to save the game before using them if you mind that.

Playing the mobile version, I don't mind exploiting this to get the highest boost, since leaving a town or fighting a battle autosaves, so I can use a seed, then reset the app and load the autosave to try again. It goes by quick enough to not be a bother.

I see, I see! Thanks!
I didn't know about the randomness of it, so I just went with the boosts given to me. But now that I know this, I just might make use of the save state function the DS emulator has...

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>+2 Luck/+2 Res

And Str get, too. Nice 😄

And yes, that's 2 hit against her. Thanks lvl4 Morale and +40 Avoid ayy.

Boat map is actually more fun then expected. Maybe it's because there are no endless swarms of units, maybe because i could stop enemy reinforcements by reaching the reinforcements points and shutting them down.

And while the gimmicks appeared annyoing at first (Magic seal map wide, Arrow Seal map wide and Flier stoppage map wide), those things affect the enemies as well (even the bosses!) so i had a chance to fight even though half my units were sitting ducks. And killing 2 of the bosses removes the seal effects anyway, after my sword users cleaned enemy magic and arrow users :sip:

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And while the gimmicks appeared annyoing at first (Magic seal map wide, Arrow Seal map wide and Flier stoppage map wide), those things affect the enemies as well (even the bosses!) so i had a chance to fight even though half my units were sitting ducks.

Heh, reminds me of Aion.

Aion: With my magic, I'm invincible!
Kishuna: I'm about to end this man's whole career.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Boat map is actually more fun then expected. Maybe it's because there are no endless swarms of units, maybe because i could stop enemy reinforcements by reaching the reinforcements points and shutting them down.

And while the gimmicks appeared annyoing at first (Magic seal map wide, Arrow Seal map wide and Flier stoppage map wide), those things affect the enemies as well (even the bosses!) so i had a chance to fight even though half my units were sitting ducks. And killing 2 of the bosses removes the seal effects anyway, after my sword users cleaned enemy magic and arrow users :sip:


This is how to do map gimmicks well.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Kishuna: I'm going to end this man's whole career.

It's kinda funny i am enjoying that map because i hated every Kishuna map. Every single last one of them.

Then again those maps were revelations tier gimmicky and not fun at all imo

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This is how to do map gimmicks well.


At first i was like

Oh shit boat map.

Then oh shit Kishuna 2.0

Oh shit reinfrocements spawning.

Oh Shit my strongest unit (Flier) is now stuck in it's place.

But it was actually pretty fun figuring out how to deal with the situation. Thank god i gave my some of my units Lvl2 Potions which they heavily needed.

And Lord-kun got +2 Def ayy

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Are level ups random like in FE or are they fixed, Stella Glow style?

I am pretty sure they are random, since there are growth altering items. I gave Lord-kun a +Def growth item and Lord-chan a Res/Lck growth item, hence why they got +2 in these stats i guess. That should mean they have now 100%+ growth in these stats hmm.

I just got a Spd growth item in that map, i wonder who i shall gave it to....

And for some reason my Light Mage has more Str than Mag lol

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I am pretty sure they are random, since there are growth altering items. I gave Lord-kun a +Def growth item and Lord-chan a Res/Lck growth item, hence why they got +2 in these stats i guess. That should mean they have now 100%+ growth in these stats hmm.

I see, I see!
Plot twist: all the characters can be Shadow Dragon Wolf and Sedgar with those items.

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more cool gimmicks


This Archer over here has basically Attack Stance as personal ability, aslong as Morale lvl is 2 or higher. Couple that with 2-5 Range Long bows (or 2-3 Range normal bows) and it's very useful

especially against a boss who had a block 7 attacks during battle ability, so i had to Archer-san with the triple brave lance i have

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

in terms of perviness as well, if you remember that one scene in Nep2

I remember that scene. There was a similar one in the anime. Poor, poor Nepgear...

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2 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Then I don't really understand the point of the remake if it's just a little fragment of the original game.

The truth is it isn't remake, it's a radical reimagining of the same story, and it probably will only deviate more from the original with every subsequent part.

And for that reason, I don't like it one bit. Although I didn't really care about VIIRemake, I would've gone more conservative, adding modern quality of life features, embellishments to enrich the world and characters, new twists to enliven the combat, and replacing the hideously aged graphics. What they've done is Nomura's love for half-baked narrative nonsense.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

As for me, I started playing the DS version of Dragon Quest V. One thing that immediately stands out is the music that is pretty great (though the battle theme is on the "meh" side of things, to be honest), and the environments, which look pretty. I'm not that far into it yet, but it seems like a fun little game.

It's gonna feel dated and maybe tough at times- it was originally a SNES game- but it is held in rather high regard within the franchise, and is the favorite of the one of its founders. Theres a reason it over the other DQs got turned into a (bad) movie last year.

Frequent use of Party Chat whenever you have human characters around is how you'll be able to see more of their charm, because you won't see a lot of mandatory lines from them. Use it in towns and dungeons, use it specific places in towns and dungeons, use it after talking to specific NPCs or seeing specific events.

For combat tips: 

  • A Slime Knight is a very good early monster ally- almost a second MC. 
  • A Golem once they appear later are great through the very end for damage.
  • Although it's more luck-based, getting a Heal/Cure/King Cureslime is awesome for a healer.
  • Buying a boomerang for the main character is a good idea for mowing down enemy mobs. Swap to a stronger sword if you have one when fighting lone foes.
  • When it comes to recruiting monsters, not all can join and it is random based on a fixed % chance for each species, but it can only be the last enemy you killed in a given battle.
  • Enemies pounding on the physical damage? Apply Buff/Kabuff, which can stack several times, Insulate doesn't stack but is essential against enemy Breath attacks. Consider casting Sap or better Oomph if you need to deal more physical damage.



Finally got a new computer, and someone is unhappy I'm dragging my feet with using it. The one I am guiltily using right this second is eight-years-old and I have to double-click in via an edit box the letters right of "F" in its row on the QWERTY keyboard because crumbs got under and destroyed their functioning. And yet, I don't seriously mind that typing issue because school is over for me and I haven't had to do any serious and heavy writing since. But it infuriates them to see me put up with the typing issue.

But, I'm more invested in this heavier hunk of still-functional computing because I'm lazy and think that transferring everything I want/have to will be a hassle, more than the typing issue. The occasional overheating is my bigger issue with old faithful, but it isn't bothering me right now either.

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