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Another thing, despite Resolve saying it raises strength, it doesnt, and it doesnt activate at 20% like it says, it still does so at 50%. An odd oversight from the JP version.

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Of course! I thought you would be more than happy to know some FE4 mechanics made their way into the game!

Awesome! Mechanics from one of my favorite FE games! /s

Just now, lightcosmo said:

Another thing, despite Resolve saying it raises strength, it doesnt, and it doesnt activate at 20% like it says, it still does so at 50%. An odd oversight from the JP version.

Huh. That's a pretty big difference. I'll keep it in mind.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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@Caster @DragonFlames since you guys wanted to be pinged regarding my Tales of Berseria thoughts.


Tales of Berseria is finally, finally, the first Tales game i could properly enjoy. I had played a bit of Tales of Zestiria and liked it but it was too little for me to make a proper call on it (since i only played it at a friend's house). Tales of Phantasia just didn't age well and i don't think i would've liked the PS1 release even if i was around when i played it. Tales of the Abyss is regarded as one of the best in the series but despite liking the anime adaptation, i couldn't really get into the game itself because of LMBS. So Berseria, on account of not having LMBS, was way more enjoyable to me and as such, was the first Tales game i actually completed.

Easily the best part about the game is the party members. A rag-tag group of misfits with likable personalities with good character interactions (except Bienfu, he sucks). Velvet is one of the better solo female video game protagonists i have seen. She's edgy but in a way that actually works and her development over the course of the story was pretty good. Eizen a.k.a Not Dimitri actually gave me some Zeke Xenoblade vibes. While nowhere near as chuuni, he had plenty of humorus moments while also being a source of mentorship for the younger members of the crew (mainly Laphicet here). Also both have horrible luck. Laphicet got a suprisiging amount of development and who he is at the start and who he is at the end are like night and day. Eleanor had a good role as the straight man of the group, which made for a lot of decent jokes. As for Rokurou and Magilou, i don't have a whole lot to say about them but they were good.

The combat itself was overall good. Being able to move in three-dimensional space without feeling akward was something the series should've done long ago. I know a lot of people disagree with me when it comes to LMBS and Free Run but i just can't help it. Those games feel akward to me, Berseria doesn't. Though i will say that even though i did like the combat here it did feel like a chore at times and i would just set the difficulty to simple whenever that happened. Also i was kinda overwhelmed by how many combo options you have. Being able to set presets would've gone a long way, especially when exploiting weaknesses.

The music is...........honestly, this is the first JRPG i've played in a long while where i found most of the songs to be unmemorable. Magilou's theme is fine, the OP is good, the final dungeon theme is decent and gave me some light Falcom vibes and that's......really it. I was almost tempted to just mod in songs from other games but i ultimaly decided against it since i wanted to be fair for my first playthrough. But i probably will mod for any subsequent playthroughs. 

I think the worst part of the game though is the villains. The party members were so good but the villains were so lacking in comparison. None of the villains were neither compelling or entertaining and it made the personal conflicts between them and the party members fall flat. Even Velvet's final confrontation with Artorius didn't have the impact i thought it should. It may also have to do with the fact that the villains barely appear in the plot though it's not neccisarily the cause.

Overall, i think Tales of Berseria is a good ARPG. It has it's flaws and i do feel like i've played better ARPGs/action games when it comes to the gameplay but it's solid, with the highlight definitly being the cast of characters. 


6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'll admit, the only Godzilla movie I ever saw was Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla when that one aired on TV quite some time ago (must be 13 years at the very least), so my knowledge of the newer ones (or that whole genre really) is limited to hearsay and what you wrote about them.

Ah, that movie was decent. A low point compared to the rest of the Heisei Godzilla era, the only Heisei movie to be lower than it is Godzilla vs Mothra (not to be confused with the Showa  Godzilla era's Mothra vs Godzilla) but when compared to the rest of the overall franchise, it's a decent watch.

6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I've been wondering what Gust has been up to. Seems like they've been making this.
Thanks for the info! Now I have another game to be excited for!

Any other year, i would've had no doubt in my mind we'd be getting an Atelier game this year but then 2020 and COVID happened. So i was kinda worried that the Fairy Tail RPG would be Gust's only new game this year (i mean, it very much may be) but with this soft confirmation, i'm glad i have something else to look forward to this year. Because really, after XenoblaDE, there wasn't a whole lot of games i was looking forward to this year. Friends of Mineral Town and Origami King, i'm interested in both but i'll be waiting for a sale. Curse of the Moon 2 is good but it was announced like two weeks before release (and it's also indie). I'll be getting the Switch port of Megadimension (assuming it runs well) but it's still just a port in the end. And Breath of the Wild 2 does not even have a release window. But with Atelier Ryza 2, i have something else that i'm really looking forward to.

I'm only mentioning confirmed stuff here, there's a strong rumor that we're getting a 3D Mario collection this year that has every 3D Mario and if it's legit, i'm getting that day 1. $60 for 6 great games is a fantastic deal.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Really...? XD

I find myself needing heals quite a bit against Bosses. I couldn't even defeat bronze face without leading with Sharla and playing a support role for that fight haha. Maybe when i get Riki, whoever that is, i shall see xD

I'll admit, Sharla is good for Chapters 4 and 5 but after that, there's not really a reason to keep using her. 

  • Lack of red Arts means she's unable to contribute to strong Chain Attack links. She literally has one red Art and she doesn't get it until later in the game.
    • In general, her offensive options are very limited and her damage output is lacking.
  • Her Talent Art is the worst thing, use her Arts too many times and you're forced to sit there until her rifle cools down. This can mess up a lot of things. The only way to decrease this normally is through Heat Sink gems, which basically means wasting a gem slot.
  • The only time she remotely becomes decent is with an Art she gets later called Drive Boost but this only works if the player controls her because the AI does not know how to use this Art effectively.


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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Awesome! Mechanics from one of my favorite FE games! /s

Huh. That's a pretty big difference. I'll keep it in mind.

Of course, I know you look forward to any FE4 reference! 

Yeah, it's an odd change, for sure.

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33 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Now on to Radiant Dawn. RD easy mode is basically PoR normal, right?

Comparing FE9 with FE10 isn't easy at all.

FE10 is different than an ordinary FE game because it has no real difficulty curve.

You control three different parties which have a total different perfomance (including lord).

The first party is the "weakest" because first the lord comes with low level and is a mage who isn't only fragile but also rather slow. It's not easy to keep her alive as some other units. As for most of the others, they barely match the enemies's level, so the chapters can be tough. A couple of units join totally underleveled, don't dare to use them in a blind run. On the other hand there are also some prepromoted units you should use in emergency cases. And here's another problem. This game has the most brutal Game Over conditions of all FE games. Not only the lords must not die at any time, but also a lot of (even unimportant party members). You have to read the defeat condtitions for each chapter. In the first four maps no one may die. 

The second and third party features a prepromoted / high level lord you shouldn't worry about. Overall the enemies's level is lower than the party's level.

Easy mode is not only paragon mode, but it also features less enemies than in NM and HM. Also some early bosses have a different A.I. and equipment than in higher difficulties. Technically HM is NM just without

  • displayed enemies's movement / attack range
  • weapon triangle (dumb idea, ngl)
  • quick battle save
  • access to tutorial
  • map affinity boost

Seriously I recommend you to try this game on normal mode because you can learn easily about the game thanks to the quick battle save option. You can save at any time. That's definitely better than some pseudo aka casual mode.

Also the support system is completly different. Everyone can support with everyone. The good thing is that you can make broken supports like earth x earth (>45% evasion), but the bad thing is that all the supports are generic as bland unless it's a support between characters who had an A support in FE9.


If you have further questions, then feel free to PM me.

I just bumped up here because I saw this.

SInce Radiant Dawn is my most played game of all time, I can tell the one or another thing about this game.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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28 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I hope it didn't sound like I was bragging about it or anything. It was seriously just dumb luck that I didn't have to restart.

Nah, you're fine!

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tales of Berseria is finally, finally, the first Tales game i could properly enjoy. I had played a bit of Tales of Zestiria and liked it but it was too little for me to make a proper call on it (since i only played it at a friend's house). Tales of Phantasia just didn't age well and i don't think i would've liked the PS1 release even if i was around when i played it. Tales of the Abyss is regarded as one of the best in the series but despite liking the anime adaptation, i couldn't really get into the game itself because of LMBS. So Berseria, on account of not having LMBS, was way more enjoyable to me and as such, was the first Tales game i actually completed.

Easily the best part about the game is the party members. A rag-tag group of misfits with likable personalities with good character interactions (except Bienfu, he sucks). Velvet is one of the better solo female video game protagonists i have seen. She's edgy but in a way that actually works and her development over the course of the story was pretty good. Eizen a.k.a Not Dimitri actually gave me some Zeke Xenoblade vibes. While nowhere near as chuuni, he had plenty of humorus moments while also being a source of mentorship for the younger members of the crew (mainly Laphicet here). Also both have horrible luck. Laphicet got a suprisiging amount of development and who he is at the start and who he is at the end are like night and day. Eleanor had a good role as the straight man of the group, which made for a lot of decent jokes. As for Rokurou and Magilou, i don't have a whole lot to say about them but they were good.

The combat itself was overall good. Being able to move in three-dimensional space without feeling akward was something the series should've done long ago. I know a lot of people disagree with me when it comes to LMBS and Free Run but i just can't help it. Those games feel akward to me, Berseria doesn't. Though i will say that even though i did like the combat here it did feel like a chore at times and i would just set the difficulty to simple whenever that happened. Also i was kinda overwhelmed by how many combo options you have. Being able to set presets would've gone a long way, especially when exploiting weaknesses.

The music is...........honestly, this is the first JRPG i've played in a long while where i found most of the songs to be unmemorable. Magilou's theme is fine, the OP is good, the final dungeon theme is decent and gave me some light Falcom vibes and that's......really it. I was almost tempted to just mod in songs from other games but i ultimaly decided against it since i wanted to be fair for my first playthrough. But i probably will mod for any subsequent playthroughs. 

I think the worst part of the game though is the villains. The party members were so good but the villains were so lacking in comparison. None of the villains were neither compelling or entertaining and it made the personal conflicts between them and the party members fall flat. Even Velvet's final confrontation with Artorius didn't have the impact i thought it should. It may also have to do with the fact that the villains barely appear in the plot though it's not neccisarily the cause.

Overall, i think Tales of Berseria is a good ARPG. It has it's flaws and i do feel like i've played better ARPGs/action games when it comes to the gameplay but it's solid, with the highlight definitly being the cast of characters. 

Glad you enjoyed yourself! ^^

Only thing I kind of disagree with is the villains, since I liked them personally (in the sense that I think they were well written and that Artorius and Velvet's conflict had the weight it needed - otherwise, they were absolute shitheads). But I can see where you're coming from. Also, how can you mention the tracks you liked but not mention Beat of Rangetsu. Come on!

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Any other year, i would've had no doubt in my mind we'd be getting an Atelier game this year but then 2020 and COVID happened. So i was kinda worried that the Fairy Tail RPG would be Gust's only new game this year (i mean, it very much may be) but with this soft confirmation, i'm glad i have something else to look forward to this year. Because really, after XenoblaDE, there wasn't a whole lot of games i was looking forward to this year. Friends of Mineral Town and Origami King, i'm interested in both but i'll be waiting for a sale. Curse of the Moon 2 is good but it was announced like two weeks before release (and it's also indie). I'll be getting the Switch port of Megadimension (assuming it runs well) but it's still just a port in the end. And Breath of the Wild 2 does not even have a release window. But with Atelier Ryza 2, i have something else that i'm really looking forward to.

If it does come out this year, then it's practically the only game I really look forward to in 2020 (MegaNep port notwithstanding).
But this does give me the chance of playing some older games I've missed and want to try out.

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25 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Comparing FE9 with FE10 isn't easy at all.

FE10 is different than an ordinary FE game because it has no real difficulty curve.

You control three different parties which have a total different perfomance (including lord).

The first party is the "weakest" because first the lord comes with low level and is a mage who isn't only fragile but also rather slow. It's not easy to keep her alive as some other units. As for most of the others, they barely match the enemies's level, so the chapters can be tough. A couple of units join totally underleveled, don't dare to use them in a blind run. On the other hand there are also some prepromoted units you should use in emergency cases. And here's another problem. This game has the most brutal Game Over conditions of all FE games. Not only the lords must not die at any time, but also a lot of (even unimportant party members). You have to read the defeat condtitions for each chapter. In the first four maps no one may die. 

The second and third party features a prepromoted / high level lord you shouldn't worry about. Overall the enemies's level is lower than the party's level.

Easy mode is not only paragon mode, but it also features less enemies than in NM and HM. Also some early bosses have a different A.I. and equipment than in higher difficulties. Technically HM is NM just without

  • displayed enemies's movement / attack range
  • weapon triangle (dumb idea, ngl)
  • quick battle save
  • access to tutorial
  • map affinity boost

Seriously I recommend you to try this game on normal mode because you can learn easily about the game thanks to the quick battle save option. You can save at any time. That's definitely better than some pseudo aka casual mode.

Also the support system is completly different. Everyone can support with everyone. The good thing is that you can make broken supports like earth x earth (>45% evasion), but the bad thing is that all the supports are generic as bland unless it's a support between characters who had an A support in FE9.


If you have further questions, then feel free to PM me.

I just bumped up here because I saw this.

SInce Radiant Dawn is my most played game of all time, I can tell the one or another thing about this game.

Wow, thanks for the response! I'll definitely save all of it for when I start my playthrough. And welcome back!

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Nah, you're fine!

Just wanted to make sure! I probably worry a bit too much about stuff like that.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Just wanted to make sure! I probably worry a bit too much about stuff like that.

It's fine, it's fine!


As for me, I finished the second route of Fate Extella Link a bit earlier.
I liked it a little bit more than route 1, since it goes more in-depth into the villain's motivation, but full thoughts on the story once I finished the entire game.
The ending was touching, though.

And this CG is sweet:

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8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Only thing I kind of disagree with is the villains, since I liked them personally (in the sense that I think they were well written and that Artorius and Velvet's conflict had the weight it needed - otherwise, they were absolute shitheads).

The conflict between Velvet and Artorius itself was good but I feel like Artorius himself could've used more development or at least have a bigger presence. Besides that, I feel like that's one of my main issues with the villains in this game. Any conflict outside of Velvet vs Artorius is very much tell, not show, and as a result, I couldn't really get invested into the villains. Rokurou's conflict with Shigure felt flat because it all amounted to an inheritance grudge that we hardly get any info about. Magilou's conflict with Melchior basically came out of nowhere. And then Teresa and Oscar were just there to pad out the villain roster. And to get into some spoiler territory


Demon Aifread had potential but he's hardly a threat and falls victim to the tell not show syndrome. We only know he's the great pirate king because Eizen said he was.

Innominat also had potential and the connection he has to Velvet and Laphicet is good but he still lacks presence imo. Although I do think Innominat is one of the better villains in the game.

Tl;dr, the hero vs villain conflict feels very one sided to me.

25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, how can you mention the tracks you liked but not mention Beat of Rangetsu. Come on!

I forgot to mention it but yeah, this song was cool.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The conflict between Velvet and Artorius itself was good but I feel like Artorius himself could've used more development or at least have a bigger presence. Besides that, I feel like that's one of my main issues with the villains in this game. Any conflict outside of Velvet vs Artorius is very much tell, not show, and as a result, I couldn't really get invested into the villains. Rokurou's conflict with Shigure felt flat because it all amounted to an inheritance grudge that we hardly get any info about. Magilou's conflict with Melchior basically came out of nowhere. And then Teresa and Oscar were just there to pad out the villain roster. And to get into some spoiler territory

  Reveal hidden contents

Demon Aifread had potential but he's hardly a threat and falls victim to the tell not show syndrome. We only know he's the great pirate king because Eizen said he was.

Innominat also had potential and the connection he has to Velvet and Laphicet is good but he still lacks presence imo. Although I do think Innominat is one of the better villains in the game.

Tl;dr, the hero vs villain conflict feels very one sided to me.

Makes sense. All good points, I think.
As for the spoiler:


I fully agree with you there.

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Forte (from Rune Factory 4), is that you in the top right corner?

That's actually Jeanne d'Arc. Yes, that one.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Man, Why is Astolfo a thing. He ruins so many of the good CGs you post, Draggy.

I think that's the first he's been in. As for Astolfo himself, never been much of a fan of the trap thing, but I don't think the character is bad otherwise.
He's certainly not Shinji. Or Kiritsugu. Or Leo. Or Archimedes.

Edited by DragonFlames
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7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Forte (from Rune Factory 4), is that you in the top right corner?

Ah, someone else who has played Rune Factory 4. A man of culture, I see.

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7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

As far as I know, the main reason Skyward Sword isn't as beloved as the other ones is because of the motion controls.
I only ever heard good things about the characters in particular. Also, from the few gameplay videos I've watched of the game, it looks beautiful.

True enough, but combat is only one part of Zelda- Items, temples, sidequests and other things like that are also big parts of it. Skyward sword has a few really cool items in it, (The beetle is my favorite!) has a lot of sidequests and IMO has really good temple design-every temple is unique and memorable, not to mention stunning. I think that it's possible to enjoy the game without liking the motion controls as aside from in a few scenarios, using your sword can be bypassed (By shield bash or a slingshot) and Skyward sword is rich in things to do outside of combat.

In other words, if you don't like the motion controls, you can abuse the heck out of shield bash because aside from a few bosses and The Imprisoned, it removes all precise slicing you have to do.

In addition to that,  the game really does reward you for searching and exploring-lots of hidden items, with quite a few that are actually really cool!

Speaking of items, make sure you-


Curses, I started ranting about Skyward Sword again! Sorry! I'll stop!

This is the last time anyone posts a Girahim gif in this thread.

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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

As for Astolfo himself, never been much of a fan of the trap thing, but I don't think the character is bad otherwise.

Didn't you watch Apocrypha?

Being a Trap is his whole persona.

eastly worst 5 character in Fate, along with Shitji, Sieg, Jeannu and Gilles

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

@Caster @DragonFlames since you guys wanted to be pinged regarding my Tales of Berseria thoughts.


Tales of Berseria is finally, finally, the first Tales game i could properly enjoy. I had played a bit of Tales of Zestiria and liked it but it was too little for me to make a proper call on it (since i only played it at a friend's house). Tales of Phantasia just didn't age well and i don't think i would've liked the PS1 release even if i was around when i played it. Tales of the Abyss is regarded as one of the best in the series but despite liking the anime adaptation, i couldn't really get into the game itself because of LMBS. So Berseria, on account of not having LMBS, was way more enjoyable to me and as such, was the first Tales game i actually completed.

Easily the best part about the game is the party members. A rag-tag group of misfits with likable personalities with good character interactions (except Bienfu, he sucks). Velvet is one of the better solo female video game protagonists i have seen. She's edgy but in a way that actually works and her development over the course of the story was pretty good. Eizen a.k.a Not Dimitri actually gave me some Zeke Xenoblade vibes. While nowhere near as chuuni, he had plenty of humorus moments while also being a source of mentorship for the younger members of the crew (mainly Laphicet here). Also both have horrible luck. Laphicet got a suprisiging amount of development and who he is at the start and who he is at the end are like night and day. Eleanor had a good role as the straight man of the group, which made for a lot of decent jokes. As for Rokurou and Magilou, i don't have a whole lot to say about them but they were good.

The combat itself was overall good. Being able to move in three-dimensional space without feeling akward was something the series should've done long ago. I know a lot of people disagree with me when it comes to LMBS and Free Run but i just can't help it. Those games feel akward to me, Berseria doesn't. Though i will say that even though i did like the combat here it did feel like a chore at times and i would just set the difficulty to simple whenever that happened. Also i was kinda overwhelmed by how many combo options you have. Being able to set presets would've gone a long way, especially when exploiting weaknesses.

The music is...........honestly, this is the first JRPG i've played in a long while where i found most of the songs to be unmemorable. Magilou's theme is fine, the OP is good, the final dungeon theme is decent and gave me some light Falcom vibes and that's......really it. I was almost tempted to just mod in songs from other games but i ultimaly decided against it since i wanted to be fair for my first playthrough. But i probably will mod for any subsequent playthroughs. 

I think the worst part of the game though is the villains. The party members were so good but the villains were so lacking in comparison. None of the villains were neither compelling or entertaining and it made the personal conflicts between them and the party members fall flat. Even Velvet's final confrontation with Artorius didn't have the impact i thought it should. It may also have to do with the fact that the villains barely appear in the plot though it's not neccisarily the cause.

Overall, i think Tales of Berseria is a good ARPG. It has it's flaws and i do feel like i've played better ARPGs/action games when it comes to the gameplay but it's solid, with the highlight definitly being the cast of characters. 

Fair nuff, I still think Berseria controls a bit awkward, but I like how normal Tales games play. Still a good step in the right direction after Zestiria, though.
Glad you enjoyed the characters, they're all pretty great. Though you said like nothing about Magilou, which agitates me a little.

Fair enough, on villains, I was fine enough with them, but I feel Zestiria's main villain was probably one of the worst, if you ever decide to try it again. Please don't.

13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Man, Why is Astolfo a thing. He ruins so many of the good CGs you post, Draggy.

Shrimpy, stop trying to start a war with me!!

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Didn't you watch Apocrypha?

Being a Trap is his whole persona.

eastly worst 5 character in Fate, along with Shitji, Sieg, Jeannu and Gilles

Oh, nononononononononononononononononononononono.
Don't drag my boy on the same level because he has the unfortunate existence of having too be around Sieg.
I'm gonna fight you.

I love this boy, I will destroy you, this is not his entire personality.

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1 minute ago, Caster said:

Oh, nononononononononononononononononononononono.
Don't drag my boy on the same level because he has the unfortunate existence of having too be around Sieg.
I'm gonna fight you.

I love this boy, I will destroy you, this is not his entire personality.

Yeah! Don't put him together with Gilles! Gilles is way too COOOOOOOOOOOOL to be in that list!

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Curses, I started ranting about Skyward Sword again! Sorry! I'll stop!

No need to stop talking about your favorite things, I think.

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

This is the last time anyone posts a Girahim gif in this thread.

You can't tell me what to do!

Just now, Shrimperor said:

Didn't you watch Apocrypha?

Being a Trap is his whole persona.

From what I saw of Apocrypha until it got really stupid, he was basically the Genki Girl archetype... except as a boy.
As said, I didn't really dislike him. Sure, I liked Mordred, Siegfried, and Jeanne more, but still.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

eastly worst 5 character in Fate, along with Shitji, Sieg, Jeannu and Gilles


My bottom five Fate characters are these freakshows:
Shinji, Archimedes, Leo, Sieg, and Shinji again (Fate/Extra Shinji counts as a different Shinji, right?)

1 minute ago, Caster said:

Oh, nononononononononononononononononononononono.
Don't drag my boy on the same level because he has the unfortunate existence of having too be around Sieg.
I'm gonna fight you.

Calm that Tamamo rage, please!

1 minute ago, Benice said:

Why is Tamamo in this image twice?

She isn't. The other pink-haired, girlie character is Astolfo... who is actually a guy. A.k.a. a trap, like Lucius.

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15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah, someone else who has played Rune Factory 4. A man of culture, I see.

One of my favorite 3DS games, and the Switch version really is worth the price imo. Dolce and Clorica are best girls.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

She isn't. The other pink-haired, girlie character is Astolfo... who is actually a guy. A.k.a. a trap, like Lucius.

Wait. That's a guy? Never would've guessed that.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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