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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Billy has a niche, for there really aren't that many gun users in Xenoblade. 

In terms of pure gunslinger, yeah, Billy would fill that niche. Besides him, there's

  • Jr in Xenosaga who has a pretty similar fighting style, though without the different types of ammunition.
  • Sharla who uses a rifle instead of pistols.

The other Xeno gunslingers use other weapons alongside their guns. And then Minoth just straight-up has two gunknives. Billy, Jr and Sharla are pretty much the only exclusive gunslingers to my knowledge.

Also, this hasn't been mentioned yet but mecha combat should be part of a Xeno Warriors. Mechs are a series staple, after all. The main problem is that the XC1 and XC2/Torna playables would not have access to them, Fiora and Mythra aside. And Egil too but he's DLC in your scenario.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But we know thats how it's been.

You're right, i just wish it wasn't so.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then Minoth just straight-up has two gunknives.

Minoth could be paired with Addam, which would help overcome any degree of sameness with Elma and KOS-MOS. And then Addam gets his Mythra alternative, in case you like two big swords working together.

And thanks for informing me about the XS on the gun front. Jr. I guess would take priority over Billy in an ideal but not entirely ideal world then.


22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The main problem is that the XC1 and XC2/Torna playables would not have access to them, Fiora and Mythra aside. And Egil too but he's DLC in your scenario.

Prepare for Poppibuster SWT❤️! Super Weaponized Titanic Heart is 3.5 times the size of the original and has room for Tora.

Don't forget Malos had his Torna Siren. I'd be willing to bend and give his XC2 maingame incarnation that. Warriors characters don't have to follow strict rules every single minute. They're actiony fanservice fun. Midna can generate shadow wolves (to fill in for the absence of an actual Wolf Link)- she never had that power in Twlight Princess, and Agitha's moveset, like the OCs, is 100% invention.

Still it is a shortage of mecha to make it more than a mere "briefly summon as part of the normal on-foot moveset", and there isn't a whole lot of getting around that.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Just gonna say... Tales gameplay never bothered me.


And the two weeks are over. Well, I guess that one writing idea will remain unwritten.

On that subject, I can't believe that Symphony of the Night is at only 59 MXN on the Play Store. Even then I took advantage of a discount coupon I recently got because I'm that cheap since might as well. I'll play that one... let's see... VP then AoM then... likely after AoM.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Minoth could be paired with Addam, which would help overcome any degree of sameness with Elma and KOS-MOS. And then Addam gets his Mythra alternative, in case you like two big swords working together.

Good idea,

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Still it is a shortage of mecha to make it more than a mere "briefly summon as part of the normal on-foot moveset", and there isn't a whole lot of getting around that.

The only thing that comes to mind is having mecha-exclusive levels. All mecha in the series are capable of flight so we could have some areial/spacial battles thrown into the mix and it would be the only time you use the mechs in the game. You'd still be leaving out nearly the entire XC1/2/Torna cast for those levels but oh well.

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Lu Bu is teleported to a FurFest convention. Along the way, he meets a talking, jingoistic cat, an Irish weeb with the ability to have English voice-acting in a game exclusively voiced by Japanese VAs, easily forgettable characters from Japanese-exclusive games and female, scantily clad girls with questionably young ages. He and his newfound friends have to commit mass genocide against furries in order to save the world from complete darkness and destruction.

If you think I'm making this up, you'd be surprised.



So this is the top steam review for Warriors All Stars

Accurate? XD

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I remember years ago I had this desire to try to obtain every Castlevania game I could and play them in chronological order. From Lament of Innocence (1094) to Dawn of Sorrow (2036). Suffice to say, I never could start such a project. Oh well...


Part of me wants to also add nominations for that contest thread... but it's so hard to choose just two...


On a recent reflection maybe I should write that idea down anyway. Then if not that then some other one. For over a year I've been writing pretty much nothing but FE stuff. So maybe I should do something different for a change.

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Just gonna say... Tales gameplay never bothered me.

Same with the exception of Zestiria.

Armatization was so unbalanced that it killed the gameplay for me.


such a beautiful theme

Probably my favorite non battle theme in Trails.

Edited by Julian Teehee
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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Lu Bu is teleported to a FurFest convention. Along the way, he meets a talking, jingoistic cat, an Irish weeb with the ability to have English voice-acting in a game exclusively voiced by Japanese VAs, easily forgettable characters from Japanese-exclusive games and female, scantily clad girls with questionably young ages. He and his newfound friends have to commit mass genocide against furries in order to save the world from complete darkness and destruction.

If you think I'm making this up, you'd be surprised.



So this is the top steam review for Warriors All Stars

Accurate? XD

Except for the "easily forgettable" and the "questionably young, scantily dressed females" thing (really the only ones that could be called mildly egregious in this regard are Kasumi, Plachta, and Laegrinna), I'd say yeah, that seems about right. XD

Although if you don't start with Zhao Yun, you won't see a playable Lu Bu until very late into Tamaki's route, and he's also exclusive to that route.
And if you do start with Zhao Yun, you lock yourself out of at least one playable character.

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

What is a man to do when he can't sleep due to scorching heat and it's 5 am?

he browses Atelier memes, ofc


This makes me sad, because Lulua remains my favorite Atelier protagonist. And my favorite Atelier game.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • Warriors All-Stars, after deducting the Samurai/Dynasty carryovers, is 19 (maybe 16 if Ryu, Ayane, and Kasumi use their Warriors Orochi 3 movesets).

Can confirm: they do not. Which in Kasumi's case is a detriment, because her attack range and AOE is pathetically tiny. Honoka, Naotora and Marie are much better than her in this regard, even though all of them use purely their own bodies to fight (well, Naotora has her spike shoe things from SW4, but... you know...).
Every character besides the DW and SW reps (who use their movesets from DW8 and SW4 respectively) uses a completely unique moveset, which is (most likely in the case of the characters I don't know about) based on what they could do in their home game.
Surprisingly enough, they gave Arnice a unique moveset, as well, even though Nights of Azure already plays like a Musou, meaning they could have just copy and pasted her moveset from that game. But they didn't.
And even then, you have Zhao Yun and Lu Bu, who had stuff added to their attacks, which changes how they play a little (Lu Bu can summon two black and red tornados with his C6, and some of Zhao Yun's strong attacks and special attack generate a blue dragon spirit, which drastically increases his attack range). And then there's Zhou Cang, who was put in there to promote DW9 (I believe), and his moveset is completely unique, as well (unless it was reused in DW9, which I don't know, because I never played that one). And the SW reps have a shortened version of their Hyper Attack strings as a C1.

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7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


there's a Demo, go check it out xD

Nice to see a demo be available. Something that doesn't happen as often as it should. Thanks for the recommendation.

And there's a version for Switch coming later this year. If I like the demo enough, I may check that out.

5 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

such a beautiful theme

Probably my favorite non battle theme in Trails.

So chill to listen to. Beautiful. Falcom really knows their stuff when it comes to making spectacular soundtracks.

Now that I think about it, the main melody reminds me of the Life at Garreg Mach Monastery theme from 3H.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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Weather is so fricking awkward.

Light rain in the morning and now it feels like in a jungle.

No way to step only one foot out of the door.

38 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

So chill to listen to. Beautiful. Falcom really knows their stuff when it comes to making spectacular soundtracks.

Now that I think about it, the main melody reminds me of the Life at Garreg Mach Monastery theme from 3H.

Have you reached the part in SC when this theme is played?

Because this is played for the first time in the beginning of second half of the game.

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Just now, Julian Teehee said:

Have you reached the part in SC when this theme is played?

Because this is played for the first time in the beginning of second half of the game.

No, not yet. The farthest I've gotten is to the later part of the prologue.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

This weather ....

Couldn't sleep a wink

Sorry to hear that.
Hopefully you can get some sleep later!

I say that, meanwhile I slept for, like, a grand total of an hour and a half. At most.


You know what I like in Sky FC? You can save anywhere, even in dungeons.

As for where I am currently, I'm still in Chapter 1, investigating the case of the missing airliner.
I wonder if that General Morgan person has a reason why he hates Bracers to such an almost cartoonish degree beyond "I don't agree with their methods of doing things"... the first time I saw the guy, I was like "did they kill your family or something?".
In any case, my next goal is to head to a village and ask an eyewitness for info. Dunno if that Nial guy is really a reliable source, though, considering he was "drunk off his ass", as Estelle so poetically put it. I seem to have stumbled into a hidden quest at Amberl Tower, though, so that's going to be fun, perhaps!
Also, my favorite character in this game so far is actually Joshua.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I wonder if that General Morgan person has a reason why he hates Bracers to such an almost cartoonish degree beyond "I don't agree with their methods of doing things".

Military and bracers don't get along. You will get more reasons for that later ^^

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I seem to have stumbled into a hidden quest at Amberl Tower, though, so that's going to be fun, perhaps!

Be sure to check the towers in every region!

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

You know what I like in Sky FC? You can save anywhere, even in dungeons.

I hate it when games don't allow that

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Military and bracers don't get along. You will get more reasons for that later ^^

Very nice!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Be sure to check the towers in every region!

Will do! ^^
I'm still suspicious of that Professor Alba guy. He seems fishy...

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I hate it when games don't allow that

I usually don't mind this too much, but it's nice that the option exists.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You tell me where to fit them. Kill Morag? Skin Tora alive and use his fur for a new hoodie for Pyra? Does Dunban Thunder!-fart himself to the moon?

I haven't played XS either, so I'm not familiar with their roster. Either I get a non-Mac computer that can run ePSXe2 (I'm not going to try Wine on my new MacBook), or I wait for XS I&II DS to be fan-translated. Until then, I only know K&T and MOMO.


I wasn't actually being serious, it was completely fine the way it is. I actually liked it as well, for some odd reason, the emojis I added were deleted, so it was hard to tell I wasn't serious. Sorry about that! And on a phone, at least mine, you can't slash things out, either, so oops on that.

Hopefully you can forgive me for that mistake.


8 hours ago, Armagon said:
He included KOS-MOS and T-elos, it's just that the list was mostly focused on Xenoblade. Because realistically, that's what would end up happening.

Oh, I understand, I was just joking since I know what the result would be. It makes perfect sense, I was just having fun, that is all. As stated above, a bit of a mix up happened,

is all.

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41 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Oh, then you have something ahead.

SC is also much longer than FC.

Yeah, I'll probably take my time a lot more with SC than I did with FC. Especially since the side quests no longer expire after certain story events (thanks for letting me know about that Armagon).

33 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

You know what I like in Sky FC? You can save anywhere, even in dungeons.

It's honestly surprising, coming from Zelda as far as dungeon experience goes, to be able to save in any place and return to the exact place you left off. Simple, but amazing.

37 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Dunno if that Nial guy is really a reliable source, though, considering he was "drunk off his ass", as Estelle so poetically put it.

No spoilers of course, but he's definitely one of my favorite side characters. You'll see why. Or you may end up disliking him, who knows?

38 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, my favorite character in this game so far is actually Joshua.

Joshua really is an example of a co-protag done right, imo. His personality is a great contrast to Estelle's, without getting overwhelmed by her stronger presence.

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, I'll probably take my time a lot more with SC than I did with FC. Especially since the side quests no longer expire after certain story events (thanks for letting me know about that Armagon).

SC is where the story and the characters's personality really build up.

51 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

This weather ....

Couldn't sleep a wink.

Unfortunately it will keep till the end of next week.


Since it has become more humid, it can cool down less at nights.

The worst possible weather which is going to happen right now.


Where is Estelle's Birthday confirmed?



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4 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Does this exist for 3rd too?

Because that's the game where it really would become relevant for me.

Yes. Here's the link to the files and guide on how to mod it. Works for both Steam and GOG.


@Julian TeeheeBtw, the first link I posted was not correct, I've updated my comment with the correct link.

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I know I will screw up in doing this and probably even ruin the game, but I will give it a try (never ever modded before). 

The artwork alone kills the point of getting the EVO version since I don't consider the soundtrack better than in the default version, even rather the opposite.

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