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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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29 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Tio's (only) weakness: She's from a game series which doesn't exist for the west.

while true, we have many Trails fans over here

I honestly see Tio advancing to the 3rd round before falling to Xenoblade xD

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Uh, am I doing something wrong? I can't seem to dodge the boss's attacks no matter how I jump or move? Any advice @Shrimperor?

EDIT: Nvm, I wasn't dashing because I didn't realize I could. *facepalm*


It will take you some tries are the bosses are usually tough in Ys

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You guys need a girl in your life that actually cares about you

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I remember that being the case against one set of bosses, and not just for mirror use, it happens if you have Null/Absorb/Reflect to their used element on your active team, but the bosses came really late. Otherwise, I don't remember it being used much.

Wow, that sounds annoying, not looking forward to those.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


Alright, here are the results. @Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo, tagging you guys as well, in case you wanna know what it's like to fight Tyranotitan Kurodil on custom difficulty that is set to max enemy stats and min player stats.

 After a few quick failed attempts, i settled on this team:


  • Brighid
  • Shulk
  • Corvin


  • Dromarch
  • Crossette
  • Wulfric


  • Poppi Alpha
  • Poppi QT
  • Poppi QTpi

Before the battle began, i put Shulk in the first Blade slot so i could have easy access to the Vision QTEs at the start of the fight


However, after the Blade switch timer for Corvin was complete, i switched over to him and the general plan from here on out was that i'd have all the aggro focused on Morag, who would be dodging a lot of attacks on account of Corvin being the God of Evasion. Morag also had a crit-heal accessory, and since the amount of healing i would be receiving is limited, i needed all the heals i could get.


Either shortly before this point or after (i didn't take the screenshot at the exact moment), Kurodil did his Titan's Awakening, which is his Enrage Art. But Corvin's Lv.2 Special dispells Enrage and i had his Lv.2 Special ready to go the moment Kurodil Enraged, meaning i was able to dispell that quickly. 

Even though Kurodil doesn't 100% resist Break, it would've been nice if i inflicted that at least. Oh well.


Posting another screenshot just so you can see the passage of time.

About a minute after that screenshot, Kurodil did his Rampage Train Art, where he repositions himself by ramming into whoever he's targeting. I had Corvin's Lv.4 Special when this happened so i used it so that the entire party could i-frame through it, since Rampage Train is one of Kurodil's deadlier Arts. But it turns out, i was the fool. Because he followed up Rampage Train with Ultra Annihilation Flare, his most powerful Art and i one i could've sworn he could only do if he has Enrage active. Which he didn't, since Corvin removed it. I used New Moon for absolute evasion but Nia and Tora did not have that luxury. I used up my Party Gauge bars to revive them but Kurodil had respositioned himself in a way where Twinbarrel Autocannon could hit all three of us and there was really nothing i could do at that point, especially since Party Gauge increase rates were reduced to their lowest thanks to the difficulty settings. Alas



My guess is that Corvin's Lv.2 Special removes the stat buff from Enrage but any Arts that need it in order to be used can still be used.

Honestly, i'm not that upset. I did far better than i thought i would given the circumstances. I lasted 13 minutes and was close to bringing down his HP to half in a difficulty where i purposelly set it so that everything could go wrong for me and right for the enemy. Not too shabby.

Edited by Armagon
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The madman actually did it

Sad though he didn't win.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I lasted 13 minutes and was close to bringing down his HP to half in a difficulty where i purposelly set it so that everything could go wrong for me and right for the enemy. Not too shabby.

So theoretically you would've needed around 30 Minutes for the fight if you survived

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Now that was a rush.

Wow, Ys is good. It's really good. Ys feels like what I wish 2D Zelda would be, from the combat, to the intense feeling of the gameplay, to the challenge, and the music! The dungeon was exactly what I would want out of it, mostly combat with barely any puzzling. A heavy focus on puzzles is why 2D Zelda has never been something I particularly enjoyed, apart from Link's Awakening. Combat is snappy and fun. You can even jump! Such a little thing, but it makes gameplay so much more engaging.

That boss took me over a dozen tries, but I was ready for more every time. The boss was actually difficult. Very difficult. I played on normal and I struggled pretty hard with the patterns. Of couse, once I realized I could dash, that helped. If the demo is any indicator, Ys is definitely a series I can see myself enjoying. Thanks for the recommendation @Shrimperor.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So theoretically you would've needed around 30 Minutes for the fight if you survived

Probably. That seems bad on paper but it makes sense given the conditions i was in. 

I also wanna point out that i wasn't really playing with a most optimal setup. I'm sure it's doable and i'm also sure there's way better ways of doing what i just tried to do.

I mean, i saw someone beat the Lv.117 Superboss solo at Lv.1. On normal, granted, but it just goes to show how much you can do in this game.

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19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Thanks for the recommendation

np np

Glad you enjoyed it 😄

Welcome to Falcom's best series

Ys Origin was my entry to Falcom 7 years ago, and honestly, every game is a fun ride on it's own.

Ys Origin is generally seen as one of the Top 3 Ys games (Ys 8, Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin are the ones regarded as top 3).

There're 3 ''Types'' of Ys

Bump combat: Ys 1/2. No attack button, you gotta ''bump'' into the enemies (+ Magic in Ys 2)

Solo top down Action: Ark of Napishtim (Ys 6), Oath in Felghana (Ys 3) and Ys Origin

Party Action: Ys 7, Memories of Celceta (Ys 4) and Ys 8

And it's all about the adventure, the intense rush, the music and the amazing Boss fights

19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

and the music

here's a small arrange of the boss theme

Which character did you play with btw? Estelle Lite or Edgy Mage-kun?

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Welcome to Falcom's best series

Ys Origin was my entry to Falcom 7 years ago, and honestly, every game is a fun ride on it's own except for Celceta, it's kinda on the weaker side

Ys Origin is generally seen as one of the Top 3 Ys games (Ys8, Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin are the ones regarded as top 3.)

There're 3 ''Types'' of Ys

Bump combat: Ys 1/2. No attack button, you gotta ''bump'' into the enemies (+ Magic in Ys 2)

Solo top down Action: Ark of Napishtim, Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin

Party Action: Ys 7, Memories of Celceta and Ys 8

And it's all about the adventure, the intense rush, the music and the amazing Boss fights

I see. What type of Ys do you prefer?

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

here's a small arrange of the boss theme

Thanks for sharing. I was trying to find it but couldn't on YouTube.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Which character did you play with btw? Estelle Lite or Edgy Mage-kun?

Haha. Estelle Lite. I prefer physical attacks to magic attacks. Her attacks were very smooth and fun to use and I liked the three weapon styles or choices she had.

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45 minutes ago, Caster said:

Wow, that sounds annoying, not looking forward to those.

Honestly, besides that, they're a little weak. They come so close to the end, and yet still have elemental weaknesses, that I didn't realize that must've been cost me dearly, and running Amaterasu (one of my constant lategame trio, Titania and Wu Kong being the other two) against the last.



Didn't realize Ys Origins was coming to Switch sometime unannounced, maybe I'll pick it up. I confess to playing on the normal difficulty in Ys 8, I'm no Bayonetta May Souls person. My reflexes aren't dead, but I never seem to learn and fall into my stupidity again and again.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Didn't realize Ys Origins was coming to Switch sometime unannounced,

Don't blame ya, the announcement was shadowdropped.

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16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I see. What type of Ys do you prefer?

Hmm, hard question, as i really don't have preference xD

I liked Ys 8 the most as it was a mix of both old and new. It's party combat, however sprinting and jumping returned (they weren't there in 7 and Celceta) and had Solo dungeon sections, which i need to have every once in a while because that's how i started the series xD

Ys 8 (9/10) > Ys Oath (8.5) >= Ys origin (8.5) > Ys 7 (8) > Ys 2 (7.5 - 8 )> Ys 1 (6.5 - 7) > Ys Celceta (6 - 6.5) > Ys Ark (6)  

is how i would rate the games. 

16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Haha. Estelle Lite. I prefer physical attacks to magic attacks. Her attacks were very smooth and fun to use and I liked the three weapon styles or choices she had.

You will love the secret character haha. But yeah not many people like to play with Edgy Mage-kun xD

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

while true, we have many Trails fans over here

I honestly see Tio advancing to the 3rd round before falling to Xenoblade xD

Would be cool, if it's the case.


Also Super Mario Maker really consumed me.

Making and testing my self made stages takes quite a lot of time.

But seriously it's a really fun game.

I'm definitely better at making than playing Super Mario World stages. 😉


Also first rain in August has happened.

A few single heavy raindrops fell.

According to weather forecast we will have tropical conditons until next week.

Not that hot anymore, but it won't cool really down at night (~20 °C).

Bad news!

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Why is Tales of Zestiria's OP instrumental when I know for a fact it has lyrics?

Only for English Version. Same thing happened with Abyss.

Also why are you doing this.

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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Hmm, hard question, as i really don't have preference xD

I liked Ys 8 the most as it was a mix of both old and new. It's party combat, however sprinting and jumping returned (they weren't there in 7 and Celceta) and had Solo dungeon sections, which i need to have every once in a while because that's how i started the series xD

Ys 8 (9/10) > Ys Oath (8.5) >= Ys origin (8.5) > Ys 7 (8) > Ys 2 (7.5 - 8 )> Ys 1 (6.5 - 7) > Ys Celceta (6 - 6.5) > Ys Ark (6)  

is how i would rate the games. 

Should they be played in any particular order, like Trails? Or are they standalone stories? I won't be getting into a full game until I've finished some other games I've started though, like RD and Sky SC. But Origin releasing on Switch later this year sounds pretty tempting, ngl.

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2 minutes ago, Caster said:

Only for English Version. Same thing happened with Abyss.


Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Should they be played in any particular order, like Trails? Or are they standalone stories? I won't be getting into a full game until I've finished some other games I've started though, like RD and Sky SC. But Origin releasing on Switch later this year sounds pretty tempting, ngl.

Ys games have a timeline but it doesn't really matter that much. Think of the series as more of an anthology, chronicling Adol's many adventures.

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And the 3rd day starts!

13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Should they be played in any particular order, like Trails? Or are they standalone stories? I won't be getting into a full game until I've finished some other games I've started though, like RD and Sky SC. But Origin releasing on Switch later this year sounds pretty tempting, ngl.

Aslong as you don't start Ys 2 before Ys 1 (as they are like Sky FC -> SC), it should be fine.

I do recommend playing Ark before Origin and Oath though, because Origin and Oath are much much much better, and playing Ark after them will make you like Ark alooooooot less (like in my case)


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  1. Everyone may like whatever they want. It has nothing to do with hype. I hardly ever use this term anyways. There are still plenty of other discussions than Trails here. I have no clue of Fate and don't complain if people talk about. I just let them talk.
  2. If you have a problem with people or post, there's an ignore button. 

If you're just upset, if your favorite videogame character didn't win in such a online competition, then I have to say, there are WAY more important things than this.


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I am upset because I am sick of everyone talking about this fucking series right now. I give no shits about a fucking online competition. It's just fucking annoying. I said I am going to leave for a while, so don't reply to me and fucking let me.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Alright, here are the results. @Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo, tagging you guys as well, in case you wanna know what it's like to fight Tyranotitan Kurodil on custom difficulty that is set to max enemy stats and min player stats.

 After a few quick failed attempts, i settled on this team:


  • Brighid
  • Shulk
  • Corvin


  • Dromarch
  • Crossette
  • Wulfric


  • Poppi Alpha
  • Poppi QT
  • Poppi QTpi

Before the battle began, i put Shulk in the first Blade slot so i could have easy access to the Vision QTEs at the start of the fight


However, after the Blade switch timer for Corvin was complete, i switched over to him and the general plan from here on out was that i'd have all the aggro focused on Morag, who would be dodging a lot of attacks on account of Corvin being the God of Evasion. Morag also had a crit-heal accessory, and since the amount of healing i would be receiving is limited, i needed all the heals i could get.


Either shortly before this point or after (i didn't take the screenshot at the exact moment), Kurodil did his Titan's Awakening, which is his Enrage Art. But Corvin's Lv.2 Special dispells Enrage and i had his Lv.2 Special ready to go the moment Kurodil Enraged, meaning i was able to dispell that quickly. 

Even though Kurodil doesn't 100% resist Break, it would've been nice if i inflicted that at least. Oh well.


Posting another screenshot just so you can see the passage of time.

About a minute after that screenshot, Kurodil did his Rampage Train Art, where he repositions himself by ramming into whoever he's targeting. I had Corvin's Lv.4 Special when this happened so i used it so that the entire party could i-frame through it, since Rampage Train is one of Kurodil's deadlier Arts. But it turns out, i was the fool. Because he followed up Rampage Train with Ultra Annihilation Flare, his most powerful Art and i one i could've sworn he could only do if he has Enrage active. Which he didn't, since Corvin removed it. I used New Moon for absolute evasion but Nia and Tora did not have that luxury. I used up my Party Gauge bars to revive them but Kurodil had respositioned himself in a way where Twinbarrel Autocannon could hit all three of us and there was really nothing i could do at that point, especially since Party Gauge increase rates were reduced to their lowest thanks to the difficulty settings. Alas



My guess is that Corvin's Lv.2 Special removes the stat buff from Enrage but any Arts that need it in order to be used can still be used.

Honestly, i'm not that upset. I did far better than i thought i would given the circumstances. I lasted 13 minutes and was close to bringing down his HP to half in a difficulty where i purposelly set it so that everything could go wrong for me and right for the enemy. Not too shabby.

Using Corvin is a great strategy but if course, its Corvin. 

Why not use fiora? Considering her damage output + healing, she would be useful there, I think.

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