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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oi oi, impossible to apply "everyone" and "hates" when I'm around.

Everytwo has strong animosity towards FE6

The majority is a more applicable word, I guess.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Even against Flying types without things like Smack Down or something or other?

In those cases no because immunity but in almost any other instance it’s kinda hard to argue against putting a 100 base power and 100 accuracy physical ground move on your physical attacker. Especially if they get STAB

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6 hours ago, Robert Stewart said:

Yo there was an open world OG Bionicle fangame and nobody told me?


not embedding for some reason? IDGI

Well, I didn't realise that someone else would want to know. Sorry, I check up on it now and again.

More news I hadn't seen is nice.

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Between Greatsword and Bow, which has the greater range?
... The Greatsword.

Dynasty Warriors is weird, yo.

Granted, said Greatsword shoots green energy, buuuut... this just emphasizes how pathetic bows are in this game ("this game" being Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires).
Especially the standard Bow, Huang Zhong's weapon. Because you're completely stationary while using it, you become a giant, immobile target, and enemies can interrupt you with little trouble, meaning you're lucky if you get a single combo off, especially if you're up against more than one officer (which spells out death anyhow, depending on the difficulty you're playing on).
For other bow users, Zhu Ran's Flame Bow is just about the worst moveset I've ever seen in a Musou game, and Xiahou Yuan's "bow" is only one for his Strong Attacks. Otherwise, it's more of a rod (unsurprisingly, I like his moveset the best out of all the bow users). And I am super happy they got rid of Lianshi's Crossbow for Empires. Because that thing sucked in 8XL and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate. Now, her new moveset isn't exactly the greatest, either, buuuut... well, it's an improvement, certainly. Also, they gimped Yueying by giving her a mini-Crossbow instead of the scythe-- excuse me, "Dagger Axe" (and yes, I know, the actual weapon is called that, but it still looks more like a scythe to me) she used in 8XL.
She turned from one of my favorites to play as to a character I stay far, faaaar away from.

In any case, ramblings aside, good morning, everyone!

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5 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Tutturu, Draggy!

So basically, Bows in DW8 are as useless as in most FE, eh?


So they are! Although at least FE bows have the quirk of being effective against fliers, so in a way, DW8 bows are even more useless. xD

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2 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Oh wow

Never thought i would see that sentence xD


Well, it's not like you absolutely can't use them in DW, but... every alternative is just straight up better when it comes to clearing crowds of mooks or killing officers.
In my opinion, at the very least.

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Hmmm, so i have a total of 192 FE wallpapers saved on my PC so far, including official and fan arts...

  • Marth FE: 3 images
  • FE2: 1 image
  • Jugdral: 27 images
  • Elibe: 8 images
  • FE8: 11 images
  • Tellius: 34 images
  • Awakening: 7 images half of them Tiki
  • Fates: 5 images 3 of which are of the Maids, and one of Selena lmao
  • 3H: 83 images
  • Crossover FE art: 13 images

The stuff you do while you are bored

anyway, time to prepare for LP xD

Edited by Father Shrimpas
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9 hours ago, Benice said:

When someone says that Berwick Saga has bad hit rates:


Child's play!


Something Aethin once shared with me. And to add insult to injury, apparently this was Sherlock. Sherlock. Of all people.

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ok... How?

Like even if we have that Devil Bow with 90 hit, add 60 Bow Skill, Commander, Charm from our Ladies and some supports....

It will be ~180 Max xD


Also my hit rates late game were quite good, but not everyone 😛 

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2 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

ok... How?

Like even if we have that Devil Bow with 90 hit, add 60 Bow Skill, Commander, Charm from our Ladies and some supports....

It will be ~180 Max xD


Also my hit rates were quite good 😛 

Don't forget the Pavilion. Some of those foods grant a ton of hit. Also, sniper arrows.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:


Depends on how you set Custom really.


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Ngl, I always thought Jin's death was completely pointless. It was kinda hard for me to feel for it emotionally cause it felt like they killed him off because they could.

Perhaps Jin was supposed to die in the original Xenosaga plan but with Episode III forced to tie up loose ends, Jin's death was also rushed.


I tried to make it pretty hard, and the maxed out charts (Corvin, I'm looking at you) made it way too easy. I suppose that depends on which Blades you use, though. Since you can use all storyline blades early game but


Roc and any blade of a non acquired character, right?


Really? To me it felt pretty deep. I think he died for the same reason Margulis did, kinda like irony? Margulis says that he and Jin are the same, and since he killed everyone who "understood" him, he had to die as well. And it could be Jin trying to atone for the way he feels he acted towards Shion all those years. He is an older brother, after all. Maybe the fact that he killed them (Margulis, Pelligri) was too much weight for him, and seeing that Shion was going to die was the final crack in his nut? 

I dunno, I have alot of theories, haha.


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8 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

3H, since it was absent entirely. And I would agree.

I used to think that way but I have changed my mind. Conquest is where it’s at!


WT doesn’t do much for strategy, really. I kind of prefer FE without it.

Depending on the game. Like in fe7, for example, it rarely matters at all.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

I think it varies by the game. In conquest, you live and die by it as it is balanced around the WT.

No. Weapon Triangle in Conquest doesn’t really matter unless you want it to, or your units have really low weapon ranks compared to others. But like, I had units with red weapons (swords) just barely not ORKOing, with 100 hit, against units with green weapons (axes) in endgame, so...

Besides, who cares about WTA when you can just grab a breaker skill. 😄

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12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Besides, who cares about WTA when you can just grab a breaker skill. 😄

breaker without WTA = Enemies still have 50+ hit on you, which is not good, especially against Ninjas.

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Weapon Triangle in Conquest doesn’t really matter unless you want it to, or your units have really low weapon ranks compared to others

It matters due to enemies having max weapon rank for their class (B unpromoted, A/S promoted), which is +10 to +20 hit/Avo and +1/2 Damage + Weapon Rank Bonuses. Double in case of reaver weapons


This image shows a quite a big difference between WTA and WTD. Calamity Gate even has a higher MT than Thunder iirc.

also 50 images next lp ep lol

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1 minute ago, Father Shrimpas said:

This image shows a quite a big difference between WTA and WTD. Calamity Gate even has a higher MT than Thunder iirc.

Because calamity gate is a weaver weapon!

2 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:

It matters due to enemies having max weapon rank for their class (B unpromoted, A/S promoted), which is +10 to +20 hit/Avo and +1/2 Damage + Weapon Rank Bonuses.


Look at me not actually knowing how the weapon triangle works.

Still though, when I played on hard, it rarely mattered.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Because calamity gate is a weaver weapon

yeah, i know, still that difference is uuuuuuuge xD

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Still though, when I played on hard, it rarely mattered.

Hard doesn't give enemies max weapon ranks iirc until very late game.

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