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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

FGO still utter trash 😛 

Well if you're looking for an alternative, that cooking game released within the past few days. Has a 100 average on Metacritic, out of one review.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Asgard confirmed to be in space/heaven.

My proposal- solar energy contains the fundamental magic essence. Therefore, the heavens are up on high and godly in might because they soak up the most magical energy. Hell is down below, because they been banished from almost all of the solar radiation, but nonetheless can use the radiation of the Earth's core and the millennia of solar radiation sunk into the Earth before a heavenly canopy formed, providing them with their own massive if not replaceable mass of magical power. The surface and lower atmosphere, where ordinary mortals live, has the least magical energy available, having neither most direct solar access, nor enormous reserves.

Might make for an okay world idea.


35 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Project X Zone but it's exclusively Monolith Soft characters. Call it Monolith Soft: Legacy.

This came to me as a shower thought.

It'd be real heavy on Xeno ofc, Monolith ain't that big or diverse a company in portfolio. Although that could let the games be handled in greater detail.

I'd want both some sort of Zelda nod due to BotW development, and for them to beg Banpresto for the EF six heroes, or at least Haken, I want my awesome gunslinger.

And for BK, you know I'd be chomping at the bits to see Sagi meet Lora for a momma's child conversation, Rex b/c same general personality and background, and maybe Minoth given BKO and also EWatLO SPOILERS...


Sagi is a lab experiment like Minoth, albeit a successful one.

Kalas being another imperial lab rat means he could also have stuff to say with Minoth. Although maybe maingame Jin would be the better pick for Kalas, considering Jin is also an artificial mess in a way, and Jin kinda sorta a little in a way betrayed what he used to fight for. 

Reiji vs. Dunban sounds like it could be a fun duel too. One-arm heroism vs. double the swords + two guns, an uphill battle, but maybe Dundun stands a chance.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Okay, two of those minibosses down. There's like six total.

I like how we're still bringing the party cat with us, despite where we are. No matter the most perilous transdimensional distortion of space-time we go, the cat's gotta follow.

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So I just started chapter 13 and we found a strange hole in the ground. After closer inspection I chose to ignore it and nothing happened. Then some kids were trying to make a cairin at the godstone after Sparr they was dangerous, because they’re precious little bundles of joy. I chose to knock their cairin over and “run them off” because I didn’t want to risk them dying but apparently we were on a cliff which would have been nice information to have beforehand. Neither of them fell though, which is great. After that a baby grew some feathers which caused everyone to be convinced it was cursed and they wanted to kill it, but I said not to because obviously. Morale was improved.

…oh my god. What is it with these characters and being incredibly stupid?? A scout just told us that the nearby army of dredge have a banner from Einartoft, so Krumr thought the logical thing to do would be to go out there to see, alone, as a big old Varl. Well just letting him go would just be suicide, and he’s a good unit, so I’ll send Bolverk with him because they won’t kill the main character. I mean come on Krumr, this is Ludin levels of stupidity! You are going to risk your life to see a banner that you’ll probably be able to check out in a couple days anyway. Well, let’s see what happens.

Oh we’re taking the whole team with us. Okay then, it’s time for the battle. A lot of big dredge, but we might be able to handle it.

Things got a tiny bit dicey at the end but I won in the end. And Fasolt showed up! I was not expecting that, I thought he might have died since I lost the battle trying to destroy the bridge at Einartoft. Well, it looks like it was worth it to go with Krumr, although his decision in the first place was still dumb. Maybe I’ll use Fasolt, I was using him on Hakon’s side in the first game. After Fasolt joined I spent all my renown on supplies then left the town. But first I’m faced with a decision as the dredge approach, leave the wounded and people who otherwise can’t fight behind or take them with us, and I am choosing the latter for obvious reasons, I mean sure something bad might maybe happen but leaving people to die? No thank you. It looks like that improved morale, which is at least something good.

Now dredge armed dredge are emerging over a hill. I have a variety of options, but Sparr wants to leave and soften them up. Absolutely not Sparr, you’re one of the ones I want to survive the most! So I’m not letting him go or sending some fighters to keep them at bay, because that’s suicide for either party. I can say that Fasolt said they might not care to fight and just keep moving, but that’s a really stupid risk to take, so that’s out. That leaves charging the dredge or keeping the caravan together, fending off attacks where I can. The problem with this is that I haven’t been told just how many dredge are in this particular group, I guess I will go with charge.

A battle followed, which I won, but now Folka is saying there are too many of them, which would have been helpful to know beforehand. I guess you wouldn’t be able to tell over the hill, so eh. The stonesinger is now singing, like what they do when they call reinforcements. Under normal circumstances I would be like NO NO NO NO but these are bad odds already and I’ve already trusted the stonesinger so… fine. Stonesinger I swear, if you get us all killed—

Oh joy, he called more. Well, it’s good there was only one injury in the last battle. Although it was Oli, that’s not good. WAIT NEVERMIND, THESE ARE DREDGE WHO WERE ALREADY HERE, HE’S HELPING US IN BATTLE AND JUST DEBUFFED ALL THE ENEMIES! STONESINGER BEST CHARACTER! It really is awesome. I won the battle, too. Zefr revealed afterward that he (apparently it’s a male stonesinger) was calling for them to leave but they weren’t listening. What a good friend. It took a lot of energy out of him, and now he’s “frail as a child.” Which really sucks, I don’t want him to die. I need to rest anyway though, maybe the game will give that as an option to help him recover too.

Oh and now Egghill is charging alone toward dredge. Is everyone in this game suicidal? Well I can’t let Egghill die because his name is wonderful, so after him we go. I lost ten fighters for doing this, but the other options probably would have gotten Egghill killed, so that’s okay.

That was a very dicey battle, and I accidentally clicked end turn instead of attack at a key moment, but I still won. All praise the tankiness of Folka and Fasolt. Egghill also didn’t die, which is nice.

Aaand right afterward is another battle, because dredge are truly everywhere. It looks like something I can handle, but there are rocks behind us and Bolverk literally said “Clear those rocks! Now!” and I’m not stupid enough to ignore the game like that, so instead of fighting immediately I will clear the rocks behind the team. Bolverk said there is a sea of dredge coming, which means this might be an escape type map, which is really cool.

And that looks like that’s what it was, once I cleared all the rocks I won, despite the fact that I hadn’t touched an enemy. Although they were like right where we were, so it was close.

After that, Krumr was convinced there was an ambush coming because the dredge had slowed and our forces were tired, so I sent fighters with him since I couldn’t come with, and there wasn’t a “hey, don’t go at all!” option. I really hope he doesn’t die, he’s pretty good. But well, there didn’t seem to be a way of dissuading him, so this should work. Hopefully.

After sending Krumr to his hopefully not death, we arrive in Old Ford to meet an old man before Bolverk has another prophetic dream™ and the old man reveals he is Hadr, with the rear guard of some clan that went to challenge the king in Aberrang. He’s asking for our help in preparing the city for battle, meaning I sense choices. Let’s hope I make the right ones.

KRUMR AND ALL OF HIS FIGHTERS LIVED!! I also got a PlayStation achievement for having 20 or more varl in Bolverk’s caravan at Old Ford, for some reason. Wait… Carl are good against dredge. Maybe this will unlock a “send the varl after them” type option, and if having that many is the requirement and it warrants an achievement, that might mean it’s a good option. I will keep my eyes pealed for anything like that (for the record, I have 32 varl). I spent all of my (eight) renown on supplies and then headed to see the volunteers in Old Ford, where Bolverk corrected their shield stances. Thankful clansmen from Bindal suddenly volunteer as well, presumably thankful that I warned them at Bindal and then kept them alive. 100 clansmen turned into 100 fighters, who will probably be needed in the coming battle, so that is very very nice. The ability to visit the houses went away after that, which makes me wonder if I was choosing between that event or visiting the houses. I don’t know what I would have been able to do there, but training the volunteers has a purpose so I’m fine with this. I have a chat with Folka where I tell her to act like a raven and then Bolverk guesses that his prophetic dreams™ are a result of being near Bellower and have something to do with Juno and Eyvind betraying bellower, suggesting that maybe the valka were working with it before. I mean, as long as they help us now that’s fine. Then the dredge arrive.

Oh, it looks like they’ve possessed Nikels! Well, at least he’s maybe alive? I probably won’t be able to save him, but we’ll see. Oh apparently it’s not Nikels, it’s Eyeless. I think that’s the big dredge we fought before. I guess it’s possessing his body, but if it still revives enemies I need to take it out immediately. OH… OH. Going straight for Nikels summoned eyeless. That was a horrible idea.

I managed to take out Eyeless, though things were a little close. AND THAT SUMMONED MORE NO NO NO! But a text box showed up, please tell me there’s some story choice that lets me send them away… I’m not sure I can win otherwise.

Oh, I get a choice on whether to finish eyeless or not, though we would have to charge the dredge. Uhh… sure? I don’t know if that will resume the current battle. I hope not. It sounds like I might be able to switch around my team beforehand by the dialogue? Maybe? …nope, I just continued the battle. We’re screwed. Or not. Apparently Eyeless’ body stayed on the battlefield and I just had to take out all of its health, which was easy, thanks to Folka. God she’s so good, tanky and mobile. If I would have had to defeat every enemy, I probably would have lost. I got a PlayStation achievement and lots of renown for that, yes! Victory! I feel good about my choices in this chapter particularly, it seems to be going well.

The dredge retreated away in fear, yes! Village saved and sundr killed. Am I good at this game now? Folka told Bolverk to take the cart himself and she would hold off any remaining dredge, commanded the ravens into position and had Gudmundr get ready to escort the clan that needed help to Aberrang, presumably with his men from Bendal (I guess that just happened with a generic for you, Ruben? Unless you didn’t kill eyeless and something different happened). Then Bolverk’s beserkness came out and told him to head to Manaharr where he could get revenge on the Valka, because it was their stupid meddling that caused this. And the chapter ended there.

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@Saint Rubenio hope you’re in the mood for some reading (I couldn’t mention you in the post because the space below the spoiler tag disappeared for some reason, but it should be right above this one). Please tell me what you did for stuff that won’t spoil anything, as always.

I also have a question, is there a correlation between how many big enemies the game has with how many varl you deploy? It seemed like there were more of them when I was using three varl instead of two. I don’t know if that was a coincidence.

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I see. Tekken's a wild game huh (well it is a game where a literal panda is playable).

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It'd be real heavy on Xeno ofc, Monolith ain't that big or diverse a company in portfolio. Although that could let the games be handled in greater detail.

That is true. If i were to come up with a realistic roster, following the PxZ unit categorization of duo units+a solo support unit:

  • Xenosaga: KOS-MOS/Shion, Jr/MOMO, and then Jin and Ziggy as solo units
  • Baten Kaitos: Kalas/Xelha, Sagi/Guillo, and then Milly as a solo unit (i considered Sagi/Milly instead *but* Sagi and Guillo were the original partners)
  • Soma Bringer: Welt/Idea and uhhhhhh can't think of a solo unit.
  • Disaster: Day of Crisis protag as a solo unit
  • Endless Frontier: Haken/Kaguya
  • NxC: Reiji/Xiaomu of course
  • PxZ: Kogaro/Mii of course
  • Xenoblade: Shulk/Fiora, Elma/Lin, Rex/Pyra and Mythra and uh, can't really think of a solo unit for now.

There could be more characters since in this hypothetical game, there'd be room for more but lean too much on Xeno and you'd drown out everything else.

Of course, you don't necessarily have to be playable to show up as an ally.

For villains:

  • Xenosaga: Albedo, Margulis and of course, T-elos.
  • Baten Kaitos: The Chaotic Trio. Would be interesting to see interactions between an older Giacomo and Sagi.
  • Soma Bringer: uhhhhhhhhh
  • Disaster: uhhhhhhhh
  • NxC: Saya of course
  • Endless Frontier: uhhhhhhhh
  • PxZ: Due Flabellum
  • Xenoblade: Metal Face, Egil maybe, Jin, Malos.

Anyways, i know i didn't mention them here but i know for a fact that Zeke, Pandoria and Xiaomou would get along completely perfectly.

Edit: actually, I should point out that the duo units don't have to be bound to the same series, as NxC and PxZ has shown several times. But I kept them to the same series for simplicity's sake.

Edited by Armagon
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hours ago, Sooks said:



Far be it from me to judge.

hours ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio since you might be asleep right now, I also completed the last training battle on Bolverk’s and it sucked. I don’t know if you ever messed with the training at all, but you’re given various goals depending on the units you’re training with, and the last one makes you kill three units in a row with Bolverk’s cull the weak (which gives him an extra turn immediately after if he kills the unit he uses it on), but the map is filled with varl… it’s about as fun as you’d imagine (one of the other goals is to kill every enemy). Thanks to Folka’s tankiness, however, when it was just one varl and her left, she survived. I don’t know if I’ll play more tonight, that felt like it took 2 hours.

I mean this is only the first battle I would really call bad, and considering this is the second game that’s still an achievement. But yeah… that was not fun at all. On the bright side, I get my 35 renown.

Considering it's a training session you don't even have to do, it's pretty nice that the one bad battle is hidden away there.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio hope you’re in the mood for some reading (I couldn’t mention you in the post because the space below the spoiler tag disappeared for some reason, but it should be right above this one). Please tell me what you did for stuff that won’t spoil anything, as always.

Oh, dear. I'll go over the main highlights.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

I also have a question, is there a correlation between how many big enemies the game has with how many varl you deploy? It seemed like there were more of them when I was using three varl instead of two. I don’t know if that was a coincidence.

Not to my knowledge.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:
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So I just started chapter 13 and we found a strange hole in the ground. After closer inspection I chose to ignore it and nothing happened. Then some kids were trying to make a cairin at the godstone after Sparr they was dangerous, because they’re precious little bundles of joy. I chose to knock their cairin over and “run them off” because I didn’t want to risk them dying but apparently we were on a cliff which would have been nice information to have beforehand. Neither of them fell though, which is great.

Hahahahaha... Poor kids. I think I always just joined in their fun, because why the hell not.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

…oh my god. What is it with these characters and being incredibly stupid?? A scout just told us that the nearby army of dredge have a banner from Einartoft, so Krumr thought the logical thing to do would be to go out there to see, alone, as a big old Varl. Well just letting him go would just be suicide, and he’s a good unit, so I’ll send Bolverk with him because they won’t kill the main character. I mean come on Krumr, this is Ludin levels of stupidity! You are going to risk your life to see a banner that you’ll probably be able to check out in a couple days anyway. Well, let’s see what happens.

Are you kidding me? It's Krumr. Krumr could go against the gods themselves and he'd still survive.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now dredge armed dredge are emerging over a hill. I have a variety of options, but Sparr wants to leave and soften them up. Absolutely not Sparr, you’re one of the ones I want to survive the most! So I’m not letting him go or sending some fighters to keep them at bay, because that’s suicide for either party. I can say that Fasolt said they might not care to fight and just keep moving, but that’s a really stupid risk to take, so that’s out. That leaves charging the dredge or keeping the caravan together, fending off attacks where I can. The problem with this is that I haven’t been told just how many dredge are in this particular group, I guess I will go with charge.



Fasolt was right. You can straight up avoid that fight if you just ignore the dredge.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh joy, he called more.



He weakened their armor. He was helping you, Sooks you absolute buffoon and you go and insult him for it.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:



At least you realized eventually...

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh and now Egghill is charging alone toward dredge. Is everyone in this game suicidal? Well I can’t let Egghill die because his name is wonderful, so after him we go. I lost ten fighters for doing this, but the other options probably would have gotten Egghill killed, so that’s okay.

That was a very dicey battle, and I accidentally clicked end turn instead of attack at a key moment, but I still won. All praise the tankiness of Folka and Fasolt. Egghill also didn’t die, which is nice.


As awesome as he is, Egghill is not Krumr, so he would've perished if you had let him go. Good call following him.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:




Did you forget the time this exact same thing happened in tbs1? As far as I recall it's not avoidable...

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Going straight for Nikels summoned eyeless. That was a horrible idea.



That was a great idea, actually. Nikels cannot be saved. He's just a corpse that's being used to spook the ravens. Killing him as soon as possible to make Eyeless vulnerable is the right call.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

had Gudmundr get ready to escort the clan that needed help to Aberrang, presumably with his men from Bendal (I guess that just happened with a generic for you, Ruben? Unless you didn’t kill eyeless and something different happened).



This is the other downside to Gudmundr's death that I had mentioned. If Gudmundr is dead, nobody takes the Ravens caravan clansmen and fighters to Arberrang. Which means you lose all of them. And that is rather catastrophic for reasons you'll discover much later. But as I said before, a bit of catastrophe actually improves the experience later on, in my opinion.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Then Bolverk’s beserkness came out and told him to head to Manaharr where he could get revenge on the Valka, because it was their stupid meddling that caused this. And the chapter ended there.



Go Bolverk?

That was really long, but it's okay, I like that.

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9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Having played some of Ruben's Curse Three Houses yesterday, all I have to say is...
Accurate. XD

Though for even more accuracy, Claude's thing should be "Give them houses, then screw off to Almyra", and Dimitri's thing should be "Kill Edelgard, THEN give them houses." xD

Also, good morning, everyone!

Edited by DragonFlames
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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ruben's Curse

Did someone say Three Houses? How dare you say that in my presence, I'll kill you!

Just now, DragonFlames said:

"Give them houses, then screw off to Almyra"

This is so accurate. Imagine my face when I saved that bastard's sorry behind and then he just went "oki dokie, all according to my brilliant plan, now you can handle everything, here's my fancy bow, byeeeeee." Almost as epic as when I found out I had killed Thales and the game just didn't tell me. Or the time Sothis went to kiss Byleth and I choked in cringe.

...God I hate this game-- WHY'D YOU SET ME OFF, DRAGGY!? It should be illegal to mention the TH-words in my presence. Illegal!

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is so accurate. Imagine my face when I saved that bastard's sorry behind and then he just went "oki dokie, all according to my brilliant plan, now you can handle everything, here's my fancy bow, byeeeeee." Almost as epic as when I found out I had killed Thales and the game just didn't tell me.

The funny part is, that is exactly where I'm at right now. xD
And I do kinda find it hilarious how, on Azure Moon, you eliminate every major player of The Cult (TM) without ever knowing anything about them. Just goes to show that their only strength is that nobody knows anything about them. They aren't actually a threat when you get right down t---.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...God I hate this game-- WHY'D YOU SET ME OFF, DRAGGY!?

Sorry! >.<


In any case, as far as Azure Moons go... I do prefer this one:

Obligatory Gust did it first comment. XD

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

In any case, as far as Azure Moons go... I do prefer this one:

Obligatory Gust did it first comment. XD

Man, Koei Tecmo should be careful. Koei Tecmo is going to sue them for stealing every one of their ideas for their shitty Fire Emblem.

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9 hours ago, Benice said:

Well, to quote the relevant part of my post: (I'll bold the important parts because this is quite the wall of text.)

Er, also, Kiwami signifies that it's a remake. Kiwami 1 is a remake of Yakuza 1 and Kiwami 2 is...Well, a remake of 2.

To further elaborate, assuming you made it exactly 20 hours into Y0 and got to chapter 7, you'd probably get it done in about...Maybe 42 hours? That's how long this website


Says Main Story + Extras (rushed) would be, and that's probably what I'd consider your playstyle in Y0 to be, since you did substories and stuff, but skipped out on the meatier minigames. It's hard to exactly say, since some chapters (Chapter 8 took me under ten minutes) are really short, while others are really long.

So, again, for reference Y0'd have probably taken you 42 hours. Comparing this to Kiwami...


A main story of 18 hours as opposed to 31, and Main Story + Extras (Rushed) clocks in at 22 hours.

If you truly did really like your time in 0 but found the game to last too long...Well, you might really like Kiwami. I would personally finish watching a playthrough of Y0's story, not only because it's fantastic IMO, but also because Kiwami will feel a lot more limp without 0 providing a bit of context for some key characters. I am quite hard on Kiwami, but it is still a good game and changed some things for the better from 0. ...And a few things for the worse, arguably, but still. As stated above, it's apparently significantly more difficult than 0. Story-wise, I know you don't particularly care, but overall it's...Well produced, but it's based off of the original Yakuza 1*, which was astoundingly generic and hilariously edgy. In my opinion, Kiwami turned it into a hard-hitting narrative that is fairly generic but still enjoyable for the most part. If the 20 hours you put into 0 were good ones and you want just a shorter, more difficult experience as opposed to the marathon of Y0, you might really enjoy this.

And if you wanted to try the newer engine out instead...


Kiwami 2 is about an hour longer than Kiwami 1, so also short enough to keep you satisfied, I hope. I'll not talk too much about this one to not overload you with info yet, but if this one piques your interest, let me know and I can explain more! Or I can elaborate more on either game beyond just length. Or I can talk about Yakuza 4, since that'd be another unique experience compared to 0. It'd just leave you with lots of story to watch, if you cared about keeping up with things until then. (Which you wouldn't have to do, but it would sorta retroactively spoil a few things.)


*The original Yakuza 1 is about 14 hours. Don't bother with it unless you've seen everything else in the series and want to have a laugh at the terrible voice acting, characterization and grimace at the gameplay. Worse than the remake in nearly every way.

Oh, I almost forgot to respond to this.

Duly noted. The shorter length does seem like I wouldn't burn off so easily. Yakuza 0's main problem for me was that it didn't really evolve as time went on. By far the hardest part was the rush up the Dojima building and the first fight with Kuze (which was awesome, by the way), but 20 hours later I was still fighting the same weak mooks and wiping the floor with bosses due to my broken abilities. When you have a game that lasts like 50 hours, that's kinda not good. Sometimes less is more.

Still, Kiwami does sound better. Plus...


I did look into some things, out of curiousity, and... Damnit, my boy Nikishi... I was not expecting that.

So yeah. Kind of in the middle of something else at the time, but whenever I have nothing to play, I'll consider it.

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The boss that took me a total of 45 tries before I finally bested her on the game's highest difficulty setting (40 the first time, 5 the second time you fight her).
Also my favorite protagonist ever.
Also my favorite character ever.

That boss battle still gives me PTSD, though... XD

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Duly noted. The shorter length does seem like I wouldn't burn off so easily. Yakuza 0's main problem for me was that it didn't really evolve as time went on. By far the hardest part was the rush up the Dojima building and the first fight with Kuze (which was awesome, by the way), but 20 hours later I was still fighting the same weak mooks and wiping the floor with bosses due to my broken abilities. When you have a game that lasts like 50 hours, that's kinda not good. Sometimes less is more.

Yeah. Some games in the series definitely try to make you work a lot more, (And a few lategame bosses/climax battles in 0 do that as well) but 0 tends to opt more for the "Warriors"-ish gameplay, favoring making the player feel OP over making the game more difficult. According to the internet, 0 is by far the easiest, since things like enemies with guns or multiple powerful enemies at one time are extremely rare.

Flashbacks to Yakuza 4's final boss, in which you fight four bosses at once, as well as several mooks.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, Kiwami does sound better. Plus...

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I did look into some things, out of curiousity, and... Damnit, my boy Nikishi... I was not expecting that.

RIP Kiwami's one plot-twist/subversion.

Yeah. 0 doesn't succeed everywhere in terms of being a prequel, but it at least did that pretty well.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So yeah. Kind of in the middle of something else at the time, but whenever I have nothing to play, I'll consider it.

Of course! I didn't mean to force you to play it or anything, you just seemed to like aspects of 0 that are Yakuza staples, while disliking the length. I can't guarantee that you'll love Kiwami, finish it, or will even enjoy it more than 0, but it may be worth a shot.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The boss that took me a total of 45 tries before I finally bested her on the game's highest difficulty setting (40 the first time, 5 the second time you fight her).


Looks like I'll be playing on the hardest difficulty when I get to NoA.

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10 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yeah. Some games in the series definitely try to make you work a lot more, (And a few lategame bosses/climax battles in 0 do that as well) but 0 tends to opt more for the "Warriors"-ish gameplay, favoring making the player feel OP over making the game more difficult. According to the internet, 0 is by far the easiest, since things like enemies with guns or multiple powerful enemies at one time are extremely rare.

I see... When it comes to brawlers I tend not to mind if they're on the easier side, because beating people to shit is great fun, but the problem with Yakuza 0 is that every fight felt the same. Same set-up, same enemies, same everything. Eventually it got a bit old, unfortunately.

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

Of course! I didn't mean to force you to play it or anything, you just seemed to like aspects of 0 that are Yakuza staples, while disliking the length. I can't guarantee that you'll love Kiwami, finish it, or will even enjoy it more than 0, but it may be worth a shot.

I definitely enjoyed the core gameplay. The complete lack of difficulty and repetitive nature of the fights was the main issue. If the other games are less like that and more like the mad rush up to Kuze, I think I'll quite enjoy them. Seriously, that was my favorite part of the game by far. Such a great section, beating the crap out of Ratface six times over, fine difficulty... Topped off with a super fun boss that was actually challenging. Loved it.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If the other games are less like that and more like the mad rush up to Kuze, I think I'll quite enjoy them. Seriously, that was my favorite part of the game by far

Well...Sure hope that there are more sequences like that! I don't remember that much from Kiwami, but I think it's got a few things similar going on. I hope. At the very least, hopefully the reduced length makes it an enjoyable experience regardless once you get there.


This video from Yakuza 1 is completely irrelevant to basically everything in this conversation, but I find it funny because my sense of humor is bad.


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17 minutes ago, Benice said:

This video from Yakuza 1 is completely irrelevant to basically everything in this conversation, but I find it funny because my sense of humor is bad.


It's okay, I love bad voice acting too.


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or the time Sothis went to kiss Byleth and I choked in cringe.

Good old Byleth.

Although in Byleth's case, it's probably more middle school girls.

Edited by BrightBow
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