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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Alright, finally finished my second run of Azure Moon, first one on Hard. That was a lot of fun!
The game pulled a Ruben on me and gave me exactly one godlike unit.

MVP for the last four maps, this girl solo'd entire sections of maps all on her own. Enemy Mages stood absolutely zero chance against her. Neither did the final boss, btw. She basically took out Edelbomination all on her own. Dimitri and Byleth were just there to break down Edel-Oh-My-God-What-Is-This's barriers, and I had my Dancer dance her to kill the thing in two turns.


> "Wind bad"
> Pfffft

And to absolutely no-one's surprise


I did want to let Hanneman do it, but Flayn getting these stats convinced me to have her take care of business herself.
Also, it's fitting, somewhat.

This Flayn be like: Lysithea who? XD

Edited by DragonFlames
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Woah! What's with the crazy eyes?

Also, I don't think I will ever get used to the way the character shading clashes with the shading of the environments. It looks as if someone just threw a bunch of assets from different sources together.

Edited by BrightBow
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Also, can we talk about how the final boss of Azure Moon is the single creepiest, disturbing thing I have ever seen in a Fire Emblem game? Like... it looks like something straight out of a damned horror movie!



Even Duma's rotting body didn't creep me out as much as this thing does. *shudders*

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Sparr wants the group to set up camp right in front of Bolverk and make it look like a trap for him, and soon everyone agrees to it. Folka particularly. Now I could have Iver ruin the planet keeping watch, join in the camping or stop them from setting up camp. Hmm… well, if the Bolverk experts think it would work… but, that’s kind of a big risk just for camping. Though I could see the game punishing me for being too paranoid and not letting everyone rest, so some dies. I mean, Folka was right before, so fine, I will go along with it.



Because of how I ended Banner Saga 2, I thought Bellower ambushing the group was real and was afraid I would lose someone I wanted to keep, like Alfrun. And this is like fifth time the game has pulled a nightmare stunt.


Edited by Sooks
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Ooh, Iver asked Juno to come with and not the other way around. It doesn’t change much, but that’s an interesting and well done twist.


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Also, can I just say that Duma is a wonderful example of disturbing 8-bit imagery. Just the way his eyelid opens like a goddamn zipper. Everything about him is just wrong.

Sadly his tentacle animation is not shown here. They are also pretty creepy.
Guy looks like a green melting Pegasus. Why does he attack with flesh colored tentacles? Why do they move like that? Ahhh!!!

Edited by BrightBow
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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Edit: Actually, Bersi is pretty good to take off the bench when the waves have worn down others, so he might be delegated to a more of a secondary fighter if I need him, but I guess that still counts as benched.

Ain't that wonderful. Good on Bersi. Now he just needs a character.


He'll get one soon. It's a good time to be Bersi!

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The game pulled a Ruben on me and gave me exactly one godlike unit.

It's always the children.

Next time, give her an axe, see how it turns out.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, can we talk about how the final boss of Azure Moon is the single creepiest, disturbing thing I have ever seen in a Fire Emblem game? Like... it looks like something straight out of a damned horror movie!

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Even Duma's rotting body didn't creep me out as much as this thing does. *shudders*

More a creepypasta than a horror movie, in my honest opinion. Seriously, all it's lacking is the bleeding eyes and there you go, you've got the villain of a generic .exe/lost episode creepypasta from 2008. In these cases I feel less is more. Dunno about anyone else, but when it comes to spookiness in FE, I'd say Orson's got this chick beat. Just... everything Orson.

...I know, I know, Ruben's off hating on Three Houses again... Well, you know what else? The lightning on this model is super bad! It looks like her wings are covered in se--

In milkshake. Her wings look like they're covered in milkshake.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:
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Sparr wants the group to set up camp right in front of Bolverk and make it look like a trap for him, and soon everyone agrees to it. Folka particularly. Now I could have Iver ruin the planet keeping watch, join in the camping or stop them from setting up camp. Hmm… well, if the Bolverk experts think it would work… but, that’s kind of a big risk just for camping. Though I could see the game punishing me for being too paranoid and not letting everyone rest, so some dies. I mean, Folka was right before, so fine, I will go along with it.



Well, well, you make the right choice again! We're about on par when it comes to the Ravens. We're doing doing pretty well at this point.


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

And I have been holding back shitting on Conquest... why again?

If you want to shit on something Brightbow likes, you can shit on Path of Radiance. Give it a try! I'll join in, I hate that game's guts too.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:
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Ooh, Iver asked Juno to come with and not the other way around. It doesn’t change much, but that’s an interesting and well done twist.


The devil is in the detail, as they say.

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Hegemon Edelgard is weird to me because like, she's in the same position as in SS and VW but this one time, she decides to demon.

Honestly doesn't really make any sense to me.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Hegemon Edelgard is weird to me because like, she's in the same position as in SS and VW but this one time, she decides to demon.

Honestly doesn't really make any sense to me.

It's because Three Houses is an inconsistent pile of garbage.

...shocking words coming from me, I know. I'm so unpredictable. You never know what I'll say next.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ain't that wonderful. Good on Bersi. Now he just needs a character.

He did indeed just get it.


Is the cart that fell with Gunnulf the tax cart that fell off a cliff that he cried about or am I reading into that too much?

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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Well, well, you make the right choice again! We're about on par when it comes to the Ravens. We're doing doing pretty well at this point.

That was the right choice? Nice.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's always the children.

Next time, give her an axe, see how it turns out.

Ohoho, you just gave me a most excellent idea!

And also a chance to give Hanneman the spotlight he deserves.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

More a creepypasta than a horror movie, in my honest opinion. Seriously, all it's lacking is the bleeding eyes and there you go, you've got the villain of a generic .exe/lost episode creepypasta from 2008. In these cases I feel less is more. Dunno about anyone else, but when it comes to spookiness in FE, I'd say Orson's got this chick beat. Just... everything Orson.

Orson is more subtle creepy. This thing is outright in your face terrifying.
To me, at the very least.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I know, I know, Ruben's off hating on Three Houses again... Well, you know what else? The lightning on this model is super bad! It looks like her wings are covered in se--

In milkshake. Her wings look like they're covered in milkshake.

Oh god, now I can't unsee it!

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you want to shit on something Brightbow likes, you can shit on Path of Radiance. Give it a try! I'll join in, I hate that game's guts too.

Nah, not THAT spiteful. xD
Also, PoR was my introduction into Fire Emblem, and thus does have a special place in my heart just for that.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Hegemon Edelgard is weird to me because like, she's in the same position as in SS and VW but this one time, she decides to demon.

Honestly doesn't really make any sense to me.

I think in SS, the justification is that she's too wounded from Gronder to do it.
For VW... I dunno. All I could think of is that she takes Dimitri pooping on her ambition more personally, and is thus pissed off enough to go through with it. Something like that.

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Phew, finally. Done with Ch9. Even though I could saw it with my eyes, I still hope I didn't screw up recruiting Ma'aya. At least I got confirmation of getting the Bow of Aragoth.

Will stop there for now. Also, I see Kaga played Age of Empires II because the way Ch10 is starting, it's totally that chapter from the Mongol campaign...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I get something like this is easier to illustrate with sprites then with the limited 3D capabilities of the 3DS but... couldn't they at least have kept the zipper eye?
And what was the point of the energy tentacles? I'm sure some nice fleshy tentacles would have still looked appropriately unpleasant even in that engine. But the energy tentacles just look like a generic spell.

I like Echoes and all... but it's like they made any aspect of the endgame worse on purpose.

Edited by BrightBow
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Ok no, I need to talk more about this.

Godzilla Singular Point's 12th episode might honestly have one of my favorite "cliffhanger before the final battle" moments. They got the atmosphere *perfectly*.

My only concern is that I don't think this can all be resolved in a standard 20 minute episode.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's because Three Houses is an inconsistent pile of garbage.

...shocking words coming from me, I know. I'm so unpredictable. You never know what I'll say next.

Don't worry, I can balance out your 3H rants.

Gwen Nachos from TRS is so bad a villain, he makes Anankos FE Fates look good.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

All I could think of is that she takes Dimitri pooping on her ambition more personally, and is thus pissed off enough to go through with it. Something like that.

But Claude does the same tho.

Honestly, Hegemon Edelgard just feels like an OoC moment.

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One thing I will say, liking Three Houses or no, Duma is still my favorite final boss in the series.
His Echoes incarnation, at any rate, because I've never played OG Gaiden. Something about that map and boss makes me really like both. And it's not just the music!

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I’m going to give Juno the Whisper for two reasons: One, so she can better zip around spamming chaos brand confuse while not getting hit and using less will for it, and two, because “It is claimed that the Whisper has no life left for mere steel to claim” is fitting for Juno because she was brought back to life, and even in battle she doesn’t die but drifts around as a ghost until you have her come back.


6 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I like Echoes and all... but it's like they made any aspect of the endgame worse on purpose.

Except the music.


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Ah… that feeling when you pour all your resources into a character and they leave immediately after. At least, I’m assuming I can’t stop her from leaving, we’ll see.

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30 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, can we talk about how the final boss of Azure Moon is the single creepiest, disturbing thing I have ever seen in a Fire Emblem game? Like... it looks like something straight out of a damned horror movie!

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Even Duma's rotting body didn't creep me out as much as this thing does. *shudders*

Ikr. Was quite the shock. I love it though.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I know, I know, Ruben's off hating on Three Houses again... Well, you know what else? The lightning on this model is super bad! It looks like her wings are covered in se--

In milkshake. Her wings look like they're covered in milkshake.

I hate you. /s


Edited by twilitfalchion
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